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Sony Announces a Super Playstation 2, the "PSX" 425

Doctor_No writes "Sony has announced a souped-up Playstation 2 in Japan. The machine, named the "PSX", comes with 120GB hard drive and a DVD+/-RW for recording videos and DVR features much like Sony's Cocoon. The machine will be released sometime in 2003, and come with a service that offers multimedia content such as video and music through internet connectivity. If you live in Japan, it will also come with a BS tuner; which is a Japanese Satellite Broadcast tuner. The new machine also boasts a real-time OS, USB 2.0, Memorystick slot, and a connection with Sony's Portable handheld, the "PSP". UBS Warburg has an article here, but these two Japanese sites offer better information (albeit in Japanese); Watch Impress, ZDnet Japan. Here is a rather large PDF presentation."
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Sony Announces a Super Playstation 2, the "PSX"

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  • RIAA/MPAA Nightmare (Score:5, Interesting)

    by sweeney37 ( 325921 ) * <mikesweeney@g[ ]l.com ['mai' in gap]> on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:09AM (#6056005) Homepage Journal
    Anyone foresee this problem?

    120GB HDD + DVD-R/RW + Mod Chip = a PS2 that will make copies of it's games for you.

    If you add into the equation the multimedia via internet connectivity, it sounds like you've got a multi-purpose piracy machine.

  • BS tuner (Score:5, Funny)

    by bobba22 ( 566693 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:11AM (#6056022) Journal
    In my line of work, I wish I had one of those.
  • by Dot.Com.CEO ( 624226 ) * on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:12AM (#6056026)
    Here [ign.com].


  • Imagine (Score:2, Funny)

    by cscx ( 541332 )
  • by cruppel ( 603595 ) * on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:12AM (#6056030) Homepage

    English versions of the japanese sites

  • by xYoni69x ( 652510 ) <yoni.vl@gmail.com> on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:13AM (#6056039) Journal
    1. PSX, the Playstation 2 with 120GB HD, DVD+/-RW, USB 2.0 and more, is released.
    2. A modchip is released.
    3. Linux is installed on it.
    4. Everyone slowly realizes it's really a computer. YOU GUYS!!!
  • by tnak ( 163802 ) <mlibby.4geekscomputing@com> on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:14AM (#6056050) Homepage
    This just became my number one desire in the world. Even above a job. Even above sex with another person. Even above a job having sex with another person

    • Ironically, I bought a Sony DVD-r/rw +r/rw drive for my computer on Friday. If I had known about this, I would have waited.

      Oh well. It's installed and works. I guess I can't kick.

      Btw, I really got a kick out of your sig, so I'm stealing it for my email use for a while. ;)
  • i.Link/Firewire (Score:5, Interesting)

    by FosterKanig ( 645454 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:15AM (#6056053)
    I couldn't find anywhere that it included i.Link?Firewire. I find it hard to believe that Sony would make a multimedia product that didn't have a port or two
    Maybe I just need to brush up on my Japanese.
    • Re:i.Link/Firewire (Score:3, Informative)

      by sweeney37 ( 325921 ) *
      Sony in updated versions of the PS2 has already removed the iLink/Firewire port. It was in an earlier Slashdot article [slashdot.org].

      • Not only do I need to brush up on my Japanese, it seems I should read Slashdot more often too.
        Even though they did remove it, I would think that with a large HD and DVD-R capabilites that it (i.Link) would be ideal for home video editing/transfer.
      • Sony in updated versions of the PS2 has already removed the iLink/Firewire port. It was in an earlier Slashdot article.

        And so, unfortunately, Intel becomes the only real winner in this scenario, ursurping Firewire's place.

        On the other hand, there are already a hell of a lot of PS2s out there with Firewire already installed.

        -- james
  • gulp (Score:5, Funny)

    by boogy nightmare ( 207669 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:15AM (#6056055) Homepage
    Time for a cold shower...

    i have never seen anything inhuman that sexy (in fact sexier then some females.. trust me)

    • Re:gulp (Score:5, Funny)

      by NerdSlayer ( 300907 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:47AM (#6056311) Homepage
      i have never seen anything inhuman that sexy (in fact sexier then some females.. trust me)

      Okay, because I've never seen a "female" in real life before, I'll take your word for it. I hope one day to meet one of these "females" that I've heard so much about.
  • by worst_name_ever ( 633374 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:15AM (#6056058)
    First Playstation: PSX
    Second Playstation: PS2
    Third Playstation: PSX

    I can't wait to try out the new "PS2" when it's released in 2005!

  • 120Gigs??Sweet! (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Crockerboy ( 611431 )
    The 120gig Harddrive is nice. Anyone know if this is the size for the HD they announced this year at E3 for existing PS2s?
  • Confusing? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Pike65 ( 454932 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:17AM (#6056070) Homepage
    What with PSX being the code for the original PlayStation format, isn't this going to get a little confusing?

    Or is that only a British thing?
  • a BS tuner? (Score:4, Funny)

    by mr_luc ( 413048 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:17AM (#6056075)
    If you live in Japan, it will also come with a BS tuner;

    It gets Fox News?
    • Fox News (Score:2, Funny)

      by Tighe_L ( 642122 )
      Fox news tells it like it is, you just don't want to hear it.
  • I'm getting tired (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    of all these products that have an X in their name. Just count me out; I won't be buying one.

    One Xhausted and Xasperated consumer.

    Irritating, isn't it?
    • Xactly.

      I'm waiting for when X becomes too cliche'd. What will they use then? Z has already worn out (want more product names containing "EZ"?). And all the other English letters are not marketable enough...

      How about Greek? Omega seems quite cool.
  • Sony beat MS (Score:5, Insightful)

    by randomErr ( 172078 ) <ervin DOT kosch AT gmail DOT com> on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:21AM (#6056100) Journal
    Sony has beat MS to the punch again. We know that Xbox 2 was meant a home media center. Now Sony has one that does more then Xbox 2 was planned to have(mainly the DVD burner). Plus its practacly a home computer.

    I can't wait unti the PSX has an office suite and CUPS print drivers.
    • Re:Sony beat MS (Score:5, Insightful)

      by tshak ( 173364 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @11:31AM (#6057431) Homepage
      Sony has beat MS to the punch again.

      Okay, so if this story had been "MS comes out with XBox Home+ with a 120GB HD, DVDRW, etc.", all the +5 posts would have been to the tune of "See, it's just MS trying to take over the living room", and "XBox is just a closed, proprietary computer". Instead, since it's Sony it's "cool, look at these new features - MS is way behind".
      • Re:Sony beat MS (Score:3, Insightful)

        by drinkypoo ( 153816 )
        Let's face it, Microsoft has done more to us than Sony has. If Sony had done more to hurt us than Microsoft, then it would be the other way around. As it is, Microsoft is at least partially responsible for the demise of Sega (Since they collaborated on the Dreamcast) and let's face it, they've been screwing people over ever since the very first product, basic on paper tape - if your paper tape was bad, they wouldn't give you a new one. What more need be said?
      • Re:Sony beat MS (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Rakarra ( 112805 ) *
        Okay, so if this story had been "MS comes out with XBox Home+ with a 120GB HD, DVDRW, etc.", all the +5 posts would have been to the tune of "See, it's just MS trying to take over the living room", and "XBox is just a closed, proprietary computer". Instead, since it's Sony it's "cool, look at these new features - MS is way behind".

        Someone else has mentioned how damaging MS has been. I'll simply mention a different argument: I don't want MS to "win," nor do I want Sony to win. I wouldn't want either one o

      • Re:Sony beat MS (Score:3, Insightful)

        by DrCode ( 95839 )
        Maybe it's because Sony has a long-standing reputation for making quality products that are sold in a highly-competitive market, while Microsoft's reputation is that of a monopolist selling shoddy products.
  • Not a bad idea (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Openadvocate ( 573093 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:22AM (#6056110)
    I think it is a good idea, I would like a combined console, sat. reciever, tv recorder in one package. One could fear that such a box would be too expensive, but couldn't that be solved by making it so you could upgrade it with the diffent features.
    Another problem would be the TV recording feature, I fear that it would not be available in my country to get tv listings for it. It could be solved by having a subscription service that was independent of the manufacturer of the box. But I guess they wouldn't do that unless the company that makes the box got a percentage of the subscription fee. Well, the possibilities are endless..
  • Anyone notice this? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Dot.Com.CEO ( 624226 ) * on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:22AM (#6056115)
    There is a port in the back that seems to be a normal monitor port. If it really is, and if you really can connect a normal monitor there, then the PSX will be a truly great home PC. With a respectable and professionaly supported Sony Linux distribution (that already exists), killer looks and EXCELLENT capabilities for being a one-stop do-it-all machine, this will be the Amiga of this decade. As long as it costs less than 1000 euros, it has a place in my living room.

    Microsoft have been outdone by far. Well done Sony.

    • by zwoelfk ( 586211 )
      Yes, the PS2 supports VGA. It always has. PS2/Linux users can use monitors (well, most monitors) no problem. However, there is no way for a developer to tell if VGA is connected. So no one bothers supporting it (Plus there's the whole it takes up more vram issue, of which the PS2 is lacking enough already). Currently, It'd have to implemented it in a menu option - meaning, you'd have to plug in a TV, select VGA, then go. I'd expect Sony to pull it at some point (for cost). I'm pretty sure they're pulling
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I own a Sony Linux Kit and I must say it's hardly "respectable." The distribution is based on a Japanese version of Red Hat 5.2 and has not been updated since. It runs the 2.2 kernel and there are NO efforts to upgrade. In fact the 2.2.23 upgrade was done by an independent group that was trying to make the PS2 an mp3 player for commercial purposes.

      I'll also remind anyone else that just because it has a VGA connection does not mean it will output games to VGA. Games are made specifically for NTSC and are un
  • Memory Stick (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Strepsil ( 75641 ) <mike@bremensaki.com> on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:23AM (#6056125) Homepage
    It's about time they put a Memory Stick slot on those things. Sony put them on everything else they make.

    I hope they move to using Memory Sticks for saved game storage, instead of having to buy another special card for the next console. It never made sense to me that on one hand, they're pushing these things as your personal magic solution to portable storage, then not use them on one of their biggest products.
    • Re:Memory Stick (Score:3, Interesting)

      by henele ( 574362 )

      I too was confused at the lack of Memory Stick compatibility, especially when the Gamecube was hyping a way of using Secure Digital, however the two reasons I came up for them not using it are...

      1) Price. I don't want to start another 'They loose money on the console debate', but they certainly cream money off with official accessories. In the UK official PS2 8MB cards are between £20 and £30. For about the same money you can get a 64MB 3rd party Memory Stick [expansys.com].

      2) Compatibility. They needed sl

  • by gpinzone ( 531794 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:23AM (#6056126) Homepage Journal
    The only way an OS is going to work properly on this box is if it's got as heck of a lot more RAM.
  • by roberto0 ( 242247 ) <roberto0@[ ]il.com ['gma' in gap]> on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:23AM (#6056127) Journal
    Is the fusion of gaming and general electrnoics the wave of the future? What's the point of this device, exactly? I can already do all of this stuff with my PC. Indeed, if the intention of this product is to be a PC alternative, then what about a keyboard and mouse?
    • i truely believe that the convergance is the way forward. for example, i bought an xbox and slapped a mod chip in it. my entire music collection and a good chunk of my dvd collection (plus a little bit of edonkey...) sits on my linux server shared with samba. using the xboxmediaplayer [xboxmediaplayer.com] i now use my xbox as an uber-media-jukebox.

      now i know you can do this with your PC, but *cliche* my mother is not about to do all of this stuff and put her pc in the lounge; hell no. actually i don't want a pc in my lounge
  • by Debian Troll ( 676582 ) <debian_troll@yahoo.com> on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:29AM (#6056160) Homepage Journal
    Huzzah for Sony! If you scroll right down to the bottom of their press release page, there is a small paragraph about the inclusion of apt-get for PSX being included in this new PlayStation machine. Basically this will allow you to easily install the latest GNU-games on your PSX. I have it on good authority that at least 3 titles are being prepared for distribution in the apt-get PSX format.

    Bruce Peren's Splinter Cell
    Cast out by his former employers, long-time Debian zealot Bruce Perens must adopt covert tactics and GNU/skill to get back into HP headquarters and retrieve his beloved Debian coffee mug. Untold dangers await the player as they stealthily guide rogue agent Perens back through the corridors of his seedy past. Special end of level Carly Fiorina shoot-out scenes!

    Resident Evil 3: Will the Last Debian User Turn Out the Lights?
    A suspense zombie thriller. The player creeps around a deserted town, awaiting the foretold coming of the next stable release of Debian. Years of empty lonely gameplay awaits!!

    Medal of Honor: Installation Assault
    World War II themed shooter, based around the hard-fought text installation of Woody and 'automated' hardware detection routines. Play as either the Allies or Nazis, as you try and install Debian on a Panzer IV tank, a Mustang fighter, or the gas chamber control panel at Auschwitz!

  • by mjtiernan ( 601065 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:30AM (#6056164)
    does it play games?
  • PSX, eh? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by QueenNina ( 544235 )
    This is bizarre, because all of the listed Playstation One games at work (electronics retailer) are under the three-letter abbreviation PSX, so I always think of PSX as the first one. So this seems old, not new!! Does anyone else find it weird that Sony is super protective of all its copyrighted stuff, and yet keeps coming out with mp3 players, DVD burners, and more and more ways to share multimedia files?
  • Odd decision (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rkischuk ( 463111 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:37AM (#6056229)
    The articles state that the PSX would probably come out in the US in 2004. Given that the next generation of consoles is slated to arrive in 2004-2005, it seems strange that they would spend extra money on a redesign of the PS2 instead of putting their resources into the PS3.

    The possibilities seem to be 1) This machine is a test bed for many of the technologies they plan to put in the PS3, and they want to use the PSX as a dry run, 2) They plan to come to market late with the PS3, and this is a stopgap measure, or 3) They're morons, and are spending all of this money to release a dated gaming system (with nifty bells and whistles) just as consumers have started salivating over the next generation.
    • Given that the next generation of consoles is slated to arrive in 2004-2005

      Actually no one is expected to release a new console until at least 2005. Sony is expected to release the PS3 in 2006.
    • Unless, this is actually the PS3's incarnation with older Sony guts (Sambra Price is right anyone?) for Japan.

      Perhaps what we're looking at is the PS3, they're just not saying that outright?
    • Re:Odd decision (Score:5, Insightful)

      by pmz ( 462998 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @10:16AM (#6056579) Homepage
      The articles state that the PSX would probably come out in the US in 2004. Given that the next generation of consoles is slated to arrive in 2004-2005, it seems strange that they would spend extra money on a redesign of the PS2 instead of putting their resources into the PS3.

      Doesn't the Japan market tend to lead the U.S. market--but not always in predictable ways? Don't forget the Japan is a large country, where Sony can sell the PSX to them only. The U.S. doesn't have to get every toy. The article is really just speculation.

      The PSX could be a test in the Japanese market to see how a more capable game console would sell. Don't be suprised if the U.S. doesn't see anything until the PS3, complete with the "Cell" stuff, 320GB hard drive, DVD-RW, monitor output, etc. etc.

      Imagine a PS3 with a Linux distribution, OpenOffice.org, and Mozilla. Given that games are no longer an issue (it's a PlayStation, duh), Sony would have a compelling no-Microsoft utility PC in its product line-up. PlayStations could even become inexpensive "thin clients" along the lines of X Terminals or Sun Rays. As long as the Linux isn't tainted (god help us, GPL), the PS3 would literally be disposable at only a few hundred dollars. It would even have point-of-sale applications. Not necessarily a bad day at Sony's marketing department. Not bad at all.
      • Here is what I think the US machine will be like:

        1. The main unit will be somewhat bigger than today's PlayStaton 2. It will use the successor to the Emotion Engine chips found on the PS2 and will have up to 512 MB of internal RAM, with 128 MB dedicated to video memory.

        2. In the main unit, there will be for base units with a 120 GB hard drive, with options for up to 320 GB hard drive. They will connect to the mainboard using Serial ATA connections.

        3. Also in the main unit, there will be a standard DVD re
    • Re:Odd decision (Score:3, Informative)

      by cbuskirk ( 99904 )
      The Chritsmas before last, the PSONE outsold both the XBOX and the GameCube. Sony will be selling PS2 derivitives for years after the PS3 comes out.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I can already see people selling PSXes on eBay, taking advantage of the name confusion.
  • So, is this the impressive calculator Sony once told about before releasing the PS2 ?
    Does it only come with games or will there be "productivity apps" ?
    How many MIPS does it have ?
    Will it fairly contribute to either SETI@home or any other distributed.net project ?
  • If Sony were the monolith its detractors claim, the PS developers would be pretty much mandated to run ITRON/uITRON/JTRON in this kind of device. I think Sony licences an emotion engline uITRON build to games developers who want one - does anyone know for sure what RTOSes do work on EE?
  • Interesting timing (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dark Paladin ( 116525 ) * <jhummel&johnhummel,net> on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:43AM (#6056279) Homepage
    Here's what I'm curious about:

    Most of the buzz on the PS3 indicates that it will be arriving in 2005. So why come out with a "Super PS2" in 2004 that will do all sorts of cool things (though, I'm certainly hoping "transferring memory data from standard PS2 memory card to memory stick/hard drive is one of them - I hate buying those things)?

    I'm just weird enough that I'd want to wait the extra year and see if there's a PS3 and a "Super PS3" for 2005 - if you want to play games for $300, get a PS3, if you want to play games, record DVD's, have Tivo like abilities, etc, etc, etc, get the Super PS3.
  • real-time OS? (Score:2, Informative)

    by cgenman ( 325138 )
    Can anyone explain to me what a "real-time OS" is? Is the current playstation OS pre-generated? Are there programmers creating routines in the box as you play?

    • Re:real-time OS? (Score:5, Informative)

      by NerdSlayer ( 300907 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:53AM (#6056365) Homepage
      Can anyone explain to me what a "real-time OS" is?

      real-time OS [everything2.com]

      I'll be teaching remedial googling later.
    • Real-Time OS's are typically used in industrial control. RTOS's can guarantee that a given instruction will be executed in a given time frame (no/low latency). This is different from a typical OS, which cannot make those kinds of guarantees. This is very important for things like industrial robots, where inaccuracies in movement timing are catastrophic. Why it matters in the PS2+ is a mystery to me.
    • Re:real-time OS? (Score:2, Informative)

      by BJH ( 11355 )
      A realtime OS is one that guarantees a certain level of response time or latency - e.g., any system calls you make are guaranteed to return within a certain span, and no longer.
      That's hard realtime. Soft realtime is where the OS kind of provides a certain level of response time, but once in a while might go over that limit.
      The main reason that soft realtime exists is that it's a lot easier to build on anything more than rather limited or very specialized hardware.
  • by BJH ( 11355 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @09:45AM (#6056293)
    Sony held a press conference on the 28th to present their 2003 corporate direction. President Kutaragi announced their new platform, the PSX. It is planned to be released domestically within the year, with a North American and European release following in 2004.
    The PSX uses the same chips and OS as the PS2. It will be a new platform providing not only gaming capabilities, but also containing a TV/BS analog tuner and delivering DVD recording functionality and acting as a 120GB HDD recorder.
    In addition to a slot-in type DVD+-RW/-R, it also has a Memory Stivk slot, an Ethernet port and a USB2.0 port.
    The company declared that they "aim to take advantage of the combination of electronics and gaming, and through the use of the most advanced semiconductor technology for game machines and a real-time OS, we plan to deliver this high quality, high speed response DVD/HDD recorder within the year."
    Kutaragi said the X is intended to indicate the machine's "crossover" role between digital home electronics and gaming, as well as show their enthusiasm for the "eXtreme" nature of this ultimate expression of the PS2 platform. He also provided a demonstration of the machine.
    In the demo, he displayed the machine's newly-developed interfaces, and showed it conducting video playback. He demonstrated the highly responsive menu system in an attempt to refute the reputation digital home electronics have for slowness. He explained, "we have been thinking about how far we can take the PS2 engine as a home electronics device, and we wished to demonstrate how much we can change digital home electronics by using this engine."
    In addition, he demonstrated the machine's interface as a photo server and discussed the machine's attractiveness as a digital media server.
    No details were given of the machine's implementation of I/O ports and recording methods, but regarding DRM, he said, "it is a very serious problem. Protecting the rights of copyright holders is important, but at the same time users desire to be able to enjoy (it) easily and conveniently." In order to fulfill these requirements, he explained that the latest DRM technology would be used. "We are thinking of including a signal in the analog output to prevent copying", he said, and regarding digital broadcasts, explained that "the industry has not yet come to a consensus, so we are intending to include a preliminary implementation."
    The PSX is not a product of SCEI, but rather the BroadBand Network Company, part of the main Sony company and headed by Kutaragi. There was no comment on the price.
  • by rkischuk ( 463111 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @10:01AM (#6056441)
    One has to wonder how they intend to use the enhanced features. It seems to me that this configuration is a toy for technophiles, and little more. With the mix of technologies, it looks like they're trying to merge a PS2 with a PVR.

    If they're smart enough to do this in the PS3, and maintain backward compatibility with PS2 and PS1, they have a strong entry into the next generation. The PS2 grabbed a lot of sales because it combined a gaming console with something many people didn't have yet, but wanted - a DVD player. This next time around, they could do that same thing with a PVR, but only if Microsoft and Nintendo don't do the same thing first. Sony stole that DVD player/game console market because they were the first to market. Microsoft offered the same functionality (albeit hamstrung out of the box), but most of the people who could be coerced to buy a game console because it would also net them a DVD player had already bought a PS2.

    The more I think about it, the more this looks like a proof of concept to beta test the convergence of these technologies. This PSX is a niche product at best, but it will give them a change to iron out technical issues with the PVR/console combination so the can comfortably launch the PS3 with all of this plus a new core for the console part.

    The DVD burning functionality is also an interesting cross-over play when combined with the memory stick slot - it adds a new audience. It Sony can bundle the right tools in there, users will be able to pull the memory stick out of their digital cameras (and digital videocams in the mid-term), and burn those images to a DVD. The possibilities are broad, but signs point to this being an R&D product that will be sold to niches to cover some of the R&D costs.
  • by digidave ( 259925 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @10:05AM (#6056465)
    but what they don't tell you is that it doesn't play games anymore.
  • by PSaltyDS ( 467134 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @10:09AM (#6056501) Journal
    You mean this thing brings in slashdot?


    My employer made me use this OS, what's your excuse?

  • Amazing (Score:5, Insightful)

    by goldcd ( 587052 ) * on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @10:11AM (#6056519) Homepage
    It's a Tivo, It's a Media Hub, It's a PSP sync station, it's a DVD burner, it's going to suck your Amex dry - the only problem being when you try to use it to play a game you realise it's just a PS2 which I can pick up for f'all currently. Surely once you've sunk all your cash into such a lovely beast and it's nestling beneath your TV set it's going to make you slightly reluctant to upgrade to a PS3 and lose all that lovely functionality.
    I never understood why people bought All-In-Wonder Cards if they were serious game players always wanting the latest technology and I've no idea why anybody would buy this.
    Games consoles are supposed to be disposable items - bought the day they came out for a reasonably large sum and forgotten in the back of your cupboard 4 years later. I don't want to have to invest in my consoles, take out finance on them etc.
    Actually a thought hit me as I was typing all this, I think what Sony have just done is take a Tivo Box with a DVD burner they already had knocking about in research and plugged in the "PS2 on a chip" thingie they were banging on about recently. I suppose if the PS2 function is a freebie then it's a good enough way of getting a few potential new PS2 game customers who would never normally dream of straying into their local game shop. Sony also have a spoiler attitude, killing DC with PS2 rumours, trying to knobble GBA SP with PSP and now XBox Media thingie with this.
  • by henele ( 574362 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @10:20AM (#6056628) Homepage
    "...What good is a phone call, if you're unable to speak?"

    What I find really interesting is whilst there is potential broadband access, and I'm sure a raft of available, DRM, Sony content, I haven't read any confermed talk of 'real' net access, or say, any unlicensed program development.

    Not only are Sony beating MS to the punch with home entertainment, they are beating them to a completely closed platform - what use are bit torrent links if you have no client?
  • by mccalli ( 323026 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @10:27AM (#6056700) Homepage
    I have a Tivo and a couple of consoles. One of many things I like about the Tivo is that I can play my games and not care about what I may be missing on TV.

    Anyone heard anything about whether this can record and play games at the same time?


  • 65nm process? (Score:4, Informative)

    by Katalyzt ( 546182 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @11:09AM (#6057157) Journal
    the blurb [sony.co.jp] from Sony talks about a 65nm fabrication process .. isn't that 0.065 um? i've lost of track of silicon nowadays but isn't that bloody tiny?
  • by doctor_no ( 214917 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @01:13PM (#6058506)

    Here are some pictures of the PSX's main menu screen taken from a news
    segment that Fuji television in Japan aired (Quiter [biglobe.ne.jp]
    and ZDnet [zdnet.co.jp]).

    The images show how you will be able to navigate content stored on your
    HDD, DVD, as well as content offered from online places like Sony Music.
    The menu offers 3D "Jog-style" navigation. The article also has a quote from
    Sony executives saying that the PSX will be the "Home Server" for it's consumers
    and be a global product (with releases scheduled in the US and Europe).

  • A pessimists view (Score:4, Informative)

    by kamapuaa ( 555446 ) on Wednesday May 28, 2003 @03:15PM (#6059799) Homepage
    To be a little pessimistic about it: Sony is posting huge losses. Their hardware business has been a big money loser, and the PS2 hasn't been as profitable as the PSX. Their profits are coming from American media companies they bought at the height of the bubble - and even their music company hasn't been doing great lately.

    They're in a weird situation where they can't release the cool new devices for listening to music and video that other companies are, because they're percieved as encouraging piracy, and movies & videos is where Sony makes the money. Sony MP3 players suck because of the hostile DRM check-in/check-out system. Even minidisc.org peoples (a cult audience for sure) are ready to ditch MDs, frustrated by having to workaround the check-in system, and that you can't upload (when many MD users like bootlegging)

    This (and more especially, the PSP) seem like an attempt to use the insanely positive perception of their Playstation to piggyback onto other formats - for instance, the PSP will be released at the same time as a media player, which plays music/video off the little discs.

    By itself, the PSP shouldn't be a good format - you can't record to it, it doesn't have the information of a DVD-Audio or SACD, and by the time it comes out, smart media cards will be both smaller and hold more information. Sony's hoping people buy the PSP and its audio discs because they like that it's Sony, rather than quality of the product, and the dominant format will be a DRM one.

    This new product seems like it will be one of many by the time it reaches America - except, it'll have tighter DRM, and Sony controls it. A hard drive and a DVD writer. A start-up company could release one of these next month.

    Personally I don't think either scheme will work - it's more a desperate move by a company that's doing bad business, has promised in two years to do amazing business (a promise recieved skeptically by analysts), and has its hands tied by conflicting interests in its unprofitable hardware business, and its profitable software business.

    I'm not a Sony expert or whatever, but I have friends who work for Sony Japan, I read minidisc.org, and one can't help but hear about them. The general positivity of this discussion is annoying. Sony is no better than the often-targetted MS, they just have better marketing.

This system will self-destruct in five minutes.
