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RTCW: Enemy Territory Full Version Released 350

bani writes "Following just a month after the test release, Enemy Territory has finally made a full version release! You can download the Linux and Windows versions for free, it does not require the retail Return to Castle Wolfenstein product in order to play. Hats off to Id+Activision+SplashDamage for giving the community such an excellent 3d FPS, for FREE!" Update by J : Id has set up a BitTorrent for the downloads. And if anyone needs a Mac beta-tester, I'm available :)
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RTCW: Enemy Territory Full Version Released

Comments Filter:
  • Hmm... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Soukyan ( 613538 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:17AM (#6066465)
    Quality, free 3D FPS games. What is the world coming... I smell armageddon.
    • solution (Score:5, Funny)

      by Frothy Walrus ( 534163 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:21AM (#6066489)
      I smell armageddon.

      put your shoes back on.
    • however (Score:4, Interesting)

      by qortra ( 591818 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:31AM (#6066562)
      Its fantastic that they are releasing it for free, and I'm very grateful that development took place for GNU/Linux and win32 concurrently. However, I'd still like to see a quality open source FPS sometime. It is important to note that this is still "free as in beer", not "as in speech".
      • Re:however (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Eccles ( 932 )
        However, I'd still like to see a quality open source FPS sometime.

        Hopefully, keeping it closed may slow down the cheats a bit.
        • No...

          The game code is opensource and moddable. This is how most people develope cheats. It's just the engine code that we don't have the source to...

          The only way to prevent cheats is to encrypt all data packets between the client and server so they cannot be altered by a proxy sitting in between the 2. Proxy cheats (intercept the client's data packet and alter each packet where the fire button is pressed to give a headshot) are dirt simple to implement, and are not detectable through server side or client
          • Re:however (Score:3, Insightful)

            by aardvarkjoe ( 156801 )
            The only way to prevent cheats is to encrypt all data packets between the client and server...

            And that still doesn't solve the problem, because you still have to trust the client program. If the cheaters have access to the program, they can have it generate any encrypted packets they want anyway.

            Better would be to not let the client know anything that it shouldn't know: transmit all keystrokes/mouse movements to the server, and then have the server send the screen to display back. Of course, that's qui
            • Re:however (Score:3, Informative)

              "Better would be to not let the client know anything that it shouldn't know: transmit all keystrokes/mouse movements to the server, and then have the server send the screen to display back"

              This is essentially how current games work. But instead of sending 30 bitmaps per second back in a video stream, they send 30 descriptions of the state of the game back per second, and allow the video card to render it.

              The problem isn't with trusted clients. They already weed out any modded clients using the pure server
      • Re:however (Score:5, Insightful)

        by bigjocker ( 113512 ) * on Thursday May 29, 2003 @11:14AM (#6067776) Homepage
        Its fantastic that they are releasing it for free, and I'm very grateful that development took place for GNU/Linux and win32 concurrently. However, I'd still like to see a quality open source FPS sometime. It is important to note that this is still "free as in beer", not "as in speech".

        Well, you are very welcome to write one and donate it to the comunity.
        • Re:however (Score:3, Informative)

          Well, you are very welcome to write one [Free Software FPS game]and donate it to the comunity.

          You may find some of these projects useful:

          OpenSceneGraph [] -- the standard rendering platform for game graphics. Runs faster than commercial systems.
          The virtual terrain project [] -- terrain modelling resources
          HFTools [] -- landscape generation tools (admittedly level-design in blender is more likely for FPS)
          Audio library [] -- most important bit of a game is the music!
      • Re:however (Score:5, Interesting)

        by IamTheRealMike ( 537420 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @01:03PM (#6068639)
        Though a free software FPS would be great, I don't think it'd be especially vital to have one (in the same sense that having a free OS is important), nor do I think the open source volunteer/services model works well for them.

        The main thing with games is that they tend to be one offs. You take an engine, add artwork, music, gameplay, AIs, multiplayer servers etc - and then that's it. The upgrades are small. The improvements that can be made without disrupting the other playeres are minimal.

        I wish I wasn't feeling so lazy, maybe I could articulate it better. But I don't think the incremental patch model would apply well to games. I'm not going to have any hangups about paying for them, nor playing them, regardless of how open the source is.

      • Re:however (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Matt Ownby ( 158633 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @02:21PM (#6069293) Homepage Journal
        Id has released many quality open source FPS games for Free. Perhaps you meant modern quality open source FPS games, but surely you must realize how unlikely this is considering the large development costs of these titles.

        Quake 2 remains one of my most played games ever, and I am absolutely thrilled that id released the full source to that game. To me, quake2 is about as quality as it gets. Sure it's a little outdated now, but the basic physics and gameplay still appeals to me.
    • isn't even being paid for by your tax dollars as a recruiting tool to make anxious teenagers chomp at the bit of romanticised killing made reality either... but then planet x is supposed to be here by uhm.. sunday.. according to the aliens from zeta reticula ( heh) so maybe you're right...

    • "I smell armageddon."

      Whoever smelt it delt it
  • by cOdEgUru ( 181536 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:19AM (#6066479) Homepage Journal

    Its official!. Michael is colorblind!!!

    Green, Purple, RED!! GAAA!!!
  • Or will scarywater [] be along soon to save the day?
  • I'm just glad I downloaded it last night when Maarten [] announced it. I really like it!
  • by curtisk ( 191737 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:22AM (#6066506) Homepage Journal
    I despise having to have an account for places like this, and when you do get through its usually slow as hell.

    Any Mirrors???!?!?

  • Urge (Score:4, Funny)

    by kaamos ( 647337 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:22AM (#6066510)
    .... to....... take..... red.......pill..... growing

  • No way (Score:4, Funny)

    by mental_telepathy ( 564156 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:23AM (#6066514)
    Am I sending an email to "Daddypants"
    "Really officer, it's not about kiddy porn"
  • If we had a bittorrent we could help each other out...
  • Yes, but... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Devil Ducky ( 48672 ) <> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:24AM (#6066521) Homepage
    I'm very excited by this news. Not only is it free but it is available for Windows AND Linux, already.

    Now, why is the story red? It really looks wierd on the front page, and probably on too since that color scheme is purple.
    • Re:Yes, but... (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Chilliwilli ( 114962 )
      Red stories usually indicate that it's a story that has only been release to subscribers, hence the majority of us shouldn't be seeing this yet. Bug in slashdot me thinks.
      • by ( 450073 ) <xanadu@ino r b> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:57AM (#6066687) Homepage Journal
        Bug in slashdot me thinks.

        What? It's open source and runs on Linux! It's not possible for it to have bugs!

      • That also would explain the note on the bottom about "See a problem with this? e-mail ..." That editor probably got a flood of emails today.
  • BitTorrent link (Score:4, Informative)

    by fondue ( 244902 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:28AM (#6066544)

    I haven't tried it yet, so download at your own risk.
  • BitTorrent Links (Score:5, Informative)

    by CrezzyMan ( 4386 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:28AM (#6066548) Homepage
    are here: []
    • It keeps complaining about operation being timed out when connecting to tracker... Tracker overloaded?

      • Re:BitTorrent Links (Score:2, Informative)

        by TTimo ( 253584 )
        The seeding is getting a lot better. Initial seed was configured to max at 70kb/s, and early /. posting of the torrent sent the number of downloaders to 150/200 in no time.

        Now we have a good base of complete downloads seeding back with good bandwidth.
  • by stinky wizzleteats ( 552063 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:32AM (#6066569) Homepage Journal

    If I ever get it, I'll slap it up on my mutella node for everyone else. I think I'll ln -s it to ""

    • When the last two stories were posted, they included a mailto link to "" labelled "problems with this article". Now that they've pulled it, my post looks stupid. FYI.

  • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:33AM (#6066571)
    RTCW is a superb game multiplayer, but it stinks singleplayer. I wonder if the ET developers had the rug pulled from under them when attempting to develop the sequel because of the single player aspect being too weak. Throw in an aging game engine and perhaps they saw no viability in selling it and decided to toss the already designed maps and MP bits out as a freebie.

    Still I thought the ET test game was excellent and I'm looking forward to this. IMHO, Wolfenstein just kicks the shit out of the likes of UT2003 with their flashier visuals simply because it is not one tedious fragfest with everyone bouncing around like kangaroos.

    • by clarkc3 ( 574410 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @09:44AM (#6066997)
      now if only they could release a patch to allow the germans to speak german like wolf3d I'd call it my favorite game of all time. I miss shooting guys that scream 'Mein leben', 'Spion!', and 'Eine leine Amerikaner!'

      The I Speak English all the time germans in the game were the one quirk that always annoyed me

    • RTCW single player stinks? What are you talking about man, it's been one of the best single player games I've played in ages!

      Then again I don't play that many. ;)

    • Like many others have said RTCW singleplayer stinks? In what universe? If you couldn't have fun playing that game you should stick to RTS.

      • I said it stinks because I thought it did obviously. Compared to the likes of Medal of Honour, the gameplay seems unimaginative consisting of alternating levels of monsters and Nazis, all coming at you in dribs and drabs, triggered as you move from one room to another, and cheesy cut scenes. Nor are you even given the feeling that you're in a squad with computer team members which would assist in firefights. I didn't think it was even very atmospheric and it was disappointing to see many of the levels were
        • Nor are you even given the feeling that you're in a squad with computer team members which would assist in firefights.

          Huh?!? Are you sure you are thinking of RTCW? You don't feel like you're in a squad in RTCW because you aren't. Jack is sent in everywhere by himself. Apparently he is the only field operative left alive or something.

          As for the spiral staircase problem, what are you talking about? There are maybe 3 or 4 spiral staircases in the entire game. You also rarely have to do any backtrack

    • The ending was very lame. It had its moments in single-player though. The first time those zombies sneak up on you from behind sure scared the bejeezus out of me, just like the sudden shout from a guard in the original :)

      And you HAVE to love the cutscene with the german elite chick telling the soldiers about what happens if you look at the ceremony, while playing with her hair and swivelling her hips, and then walking away, shaking her ass all the while.

    • RTCW is a superb game multiplayer, but it stinks singleplayer.

      Bullshit. RTCW is one of best single player FPS ever. Just look how lame Quake trilogy was. When I play RTCW on my Linux I feel like in old DOS times with Doom2.
  • Red Title Bar (Score:5, Informative)

    by Zach` ( 71927 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:34AM (#6066578)
    A red title bar signifies a "subscriber-only" story. Notice that the timestamp is for 8:15am -- a time in the future. That is when the story will (or should) debut for non-subscribing Slashdot members.

    There seems to be a glitch in the Mat^H^H^HSlashdot system, or perhaps they are attempting to lure more subscribers by showing off the features of the system.

  • by cedmond ( 515813 ) <> on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:40AM (#6066602)
    I noticed, along with this game, that Unreal Tournament 2003 also was released for Win and Linux simultaneously with the Mac version (of UT 2003 anyway) coming out much later. I know that Mac games are always later to market but does anyone have a theory (or even an actual reason) that Linux versions come out along with the Win version? Is development for the Mac platform really that much different now with OS X? Just curious.
    • Its just developers saying that they refuse to remap the game keys just to accomodate a one button pointing device (I refuse to call it a mouse) in the year 2003.

      FYIW, I LIKE the mac, and have gamed on one before, and would LOVE to own one (I play mostly Blizzard games, which are now released concurrent). :)
      • by ZorinLynx ( 31751 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:59AM (#6066696) Homepage
        Anyone who is a gamer on a Mac has long since unplugged the one button mouse and connected a mouse with three or more buttons and a scroll wheel.

        This is a rather silly reason not to port a game to MacOS X...

    • The reason here is that lots of ID Software developers use Linux themselves.

      Development for Linux and MacOS X is still very much different. They may both be POSIX-compatible at the core, but there are still plenty of APIs on top of them that differ..

      ID Software could possibly release versions for MacOS that uses the Apple X-server.
  • Thanks ! (Score:5, Funny)

    by ATAMAH ( 578546 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:43AM (#6066611)
    >Hats off to Id+Activision+SplashDamage for giving >the community such an excellent 3d FPS, for FREE!"
    Special thanks to for hosting the linux version.
    And as a token of our appreciation we will slashdot the hell out of Thanks once again guys.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:50AM (#6066656)
  • Macintosh? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by mbbac ( 568880 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @08:54AM (#6066670)
    I haven't been keeping up with news about this game. Is there a Macintosh version coming out? Return to Castle Wolfenstein is available for Mac OS X, so I would think it would be easy to get this out for it as well.
  • **Jaw Drops** (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MoeMoe ( 659154 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @09:00AM (#6066703)
    Either these companies are very smart or very stupid, I personally would have bought this game in store for a max of $50 which I'm sure other people would have as well and therefore increase revenue for the companies, but the fact that they are giving it away will really get the word out on them as well and give them the image of a "gamers gaming company" so when they will charge players for thier next big hit, people will remember the name and buy in (I know I would). Either way, Kudos to them for having the guts to give it away and make many MANY gamers very happy :)

    Thanks guys!!!
  • Mac Torrenting... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by BMonger ( 68213 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @09:02AM (#6066718)
    Since I can't really use either version of the game on my Mac (which is fine, it'll let me get work done :) ) is it beneficial for others for me to download via the torrent link or not? Even though I can't use the file, once I've downloaded it fully I'd only be helping the upload bandwidth I presume...
    • If you use the OS X bit torrent client below you will help and share the game for all us leechers ehm slashdotters. torrent/BitTorrent_OSX_3.1.dmg
  • If you like the work SplashDamage has done for this game you should go check out Q3F []. Just about everyone at SplashDamage started out in the industry by creating Quake 3 Fortress. It is a great mod and they are still involved with it. They will be releasing Q3F 2.3 soon.
  • Need it (Score:3, Funny)

    by muffen ( 321442 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @09:12AM (#6066775)
    /me is looking for Enemy Territory.
    I have Doom I&II for trade. I will give leech access to this [localhost] ftp site as well.

    Sorry, just had an IRC-warez flashback :)

    Seriously, it looks like a good game, and I'm impressed by the fact that it's free.
    This is set to be a big hit, as you can play online with it, which today is the only thing that counts.
  • by Chuck Bucket ( 142633 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @09:24AM (#6066823) Homepage Journal
    I'm seeing 106.96K/s from AU - not bad...

    • wget


    • by billatq ( 544019 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @10:36AM (#6067471)

      I'm seeing 106.96K/s from AU - not bad... wget

      Yeah, but I'm getting 234 kB/s off of bittorrent :). My, I love how it's the only thing that actually gets faster as more people hit it. Reminds me of the scene in the Matrix Reloaded where Neo is fighting the fifty agent smiths, only without Neo or the agents or the cool computer generated background.

  • Gentoo Soon (Score:2, Insightful)

    by anourkey ( 676478 )
    It probably won't be long before Gentoo (aka Gentoo Games) releases a LiveCD version for those of us who want insane frame rates! *Drools*
  • so the poor bastards waiting at Fileplanet can see: If you used Bittorrent, you'd be home by now!

    I'm averaging 3800 kB/sec (while also nabbing a torrent of Knoppix at 300 Kb/sec!) on a 760/128 DSL line, using the experimental client set to 'unlimited'.
    I'm connected to 62 peers, and 14 seeds with 6 copies completed.

    Bittorrent so rocks.

  • I wonder if the Norwegian University of Science and Technology can handle this link posted on slashdot []...

    Let's find out. =)
  • by Bowie J. Poag ( 16898 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @10:54AM (#6067612) Homepage

    As a long-time RTCW addict, I can tell you this much -- The original RTCW in multiplayer mode is enough to keep you hooked for months. I mean, come on... Any game that allows you to shoot someone in the face point blank with a high powered rifle, drag their body off into a dark corner, set them on fire, and jump up and down on their chest while stabbing them in the face... What more could you ask for?

  • by IamTheRealMike ( 537420 ) on Thursday May 29, 2003 @03:42PM (#6070060)

    NPTL breakage (thanks glibc!) means you have to run X using LD_ASSUME_KERNEL if you are using the nVidia drivers. If you don't, you'll have wierd problems, like errors about the static TLS memory size being too small. Here's how to make it work.

    1) Install the game.
    2) DO NOT hit start, there is a bug in the installer, which will run the game as root if you run it from the installer. D'oh.
    3) Once installed, hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a console. You can get back to the desktop at any point by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F7.
    4) Log in as root, at the text terminal
    5) Now enter the following commands exactly as shown:

    export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
    X -ac :1

    6) You will be looking at any empty screen. Press ctrl-alt-f7 to go back to your desktop. Now enter these commands:

    export DISPLAY=:1
    xterm & metacity &

    Now press ctrl-alt-f8 to go back to your dedicated gaming display :) Running, run "et" in the xterm that has appeared. The game should now start reasonably quickly, and let you set up a profile.

    You can use ctrl-alt-f7/f8 to switch between game and desktop at any point.

    Good luck, and have fun!

The Force is what holds everything together. It has its dark side, and it has its light side. It's sort of like cosmic duct tape.
