MSWL Olmec PBEM Soccer Game GPL'ed 181
zeb writes "MSWL is one of the most popular PBEM football (soccer for North Americans) game, which is itself a variation of a game of postal soccer invented by Alan Parr in England around 1970. In this game, each manager has to organise his team, manage fatigue, train his players and trade them.
Olmec is a game engine written by Alla Sellers. It helps the commissioner (game master) to simulate the games and publish the results. Allan has decided to release the source code of Olmec under the GPL, so that everyone can enhance the program.
The actual version of Olmec is written in Visual Basic and uses MS Access as a database. The author suggests Olmec could be rewritten in a multiplatform language, for example Java, using MySQL as the database. This task is made easy because of the rich documentation about the game engine (PDF format)."
Reading the headline (Score:2, Informative)
unreadable means you look smart ! (Score:1)
Re:TROLLKORE (Score:4, Interesting)
Holy cow, I guess I've been pronouncing GPL wrong! Let alone PCMCIA! =)
Re:TROLLKORE (Score:2)
Great (Score:2, Funny)
Anyone got an appropriate Simpson's quote?
Re:Great (Score:1, Funny)
Homer: Here in America, it's called, "soccer," and we pay about as much attention to it as we do to UPN.
Re:Great (Score:3, Informative)
Maggie: [holds up an `Aztec' flashcard]
Lisa: No, Maggie. Not Aztec, Olmec. [slowly] Ol-mec.
Maggie: [falls down]
(episode 7F22, "Blood Feud", quote courtesy of snpp.com)
Re:Great (Score:1)
Ariaga! Ariaga II! (Score:2)
You'll see all your favorite soccer stars. Like Ariaga! Ariaga II! Bariaga! Aruglia! And Pizzoza!
This match will determine once and for all which nation is the greatest on earth: Mexico or Portugal!
Re:Ariaga! Ariaga II! (Score:1)
Re:Great (Score:3, Informative)
Yeah, who would have thought this concept would become the #1 best selling game in the UK ever?
see Championship Manager [sigames.com].
LLM, I'm doing Fiorentia Viola
And there was a time... (Score:5, Funny)
And these days people write games in visual basic? What has this world come to?!
Re:And there was a time... (Score:5, Interesting)
It was the first release quality, full speed NES emulator to be written entirely in Visual Basic.
I contributed most of the graphics and sound code, but stopped working on it during v1.3, and the author has since rewritten large portions of it, fixing some major bugs but introducing many new ones in the process.
Re:And there was a time... (Score:2)
No offense, but...
NES processor (it's 6502, IIRC) is about 1.79 MHz and computer nowadays are thousand times faster than that. I would appreciate it if you can run your VB emulator on 386 computers and still have a decent speed.... I know that some of the older NES emulators like Nesticle still manage to run smoothly in old computers like that. Back then, Nesticle was a combination of C and assembly, IIRC.
Re:And there was a time... (Score:2)
Re:And there was a time... (Score:1, Interesting)
Todays PC's are simply too fast for most uses, so a game written in basic, even a bloated implementation like Visual Basic, is possible.
What kind of load that choice will impose on the target system is a completely different issue though.
Re:North Americans? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:North Americans? (Score:3, Funny)
MSWL Olmec PBEM Soccer Game GPL'ed (Score:5, Funny)
Did anyone else just stare blankly at the subject for a few second and wonder who took what kind of drugs?
What kind of drugs? (Score:2)
Re:What kind of drugs? (Score:1)
Re:MSWL Olmec PBEM Soccer Game GPL'ed (Score:3, Funny)
Yes, but then I clicked on the link and am even further confused. Where are the screenshots? Does it use OpenGL or some proprietary graphics interface? Basically I'm wondering what this thing looks like and how good the graphics are. The web site is unimpressive to say the least.
mswl olmec pbem soccer game gpl'ed? (Score:3, Funny)
Popularity of play by email football.. (Score:4, Funny)
A recent Gartner Group study has revealed the surprising news that play by email ("PBEM") football ("soccer") is actually slightly more popular than repeating punching yourself in the balls. However, compulsive genital self-pugilists insist that their sport is growing rapidly in popularity and will soon outpace PBEM football, even given the influx of free software nerds that this GPL announcement is likely to attract. "Punching yourself in the nads is simply more fun than PBEM football," said a spokesman today. "Also, it's less gay."
MOD PARENT UP (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Popularity of play by email football.. (Score:1)
That's why I do it.
Re:Popularity of play by email football.. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:soccer game with Visual basic. 5 meg download ? (Score:1, Funny)
Zymano rules!
Java Flamebait (Score:3, Insightful)
If your game cannot be installed by a complete moron, chances are, it won't get popular enough to acheive any kind of critical mass. Yeah, VB and Access are a piss-poor choice of design language here, but Java is just asking for nobody to ever run the game. Even if they already have a VM installed, you have to make sure it's the RIGHT VM (Yeah, MS's fault) and that you don't have a funky enivronment variable munging up your classpaths.
My suggestions?
For sheer compatibility's sake, the game should be written in ANSI C and use a non-platform specific database format (Dare I say it? XML delimited data?) to keep its data in.
Re:Java and flaming Microsoft (Score:2)
They claim that GUI rendering performance has improved greatly in recent releases, but I've only noticed that my programs run slower now than they used to when I wrote them, when I had a 200mhz p
you're right about the flamebait part. (Score:5, Insightful)
I installed Netscape 7.1, never had to know or do anything about the JVM. Why? Because it has a decent installer. You can't blame Java for problems caused by bad installers.
A developer could wite a Java application, build the '.jar' file, then tell the user "you're on your own". Or that developer can build a platform specific installer that checks for the proper JVM and install it if needed.
There are programs out there that take either approach.
Even if they already have a VM installed, you have to make sure it's the RIGHT VM...
No the application's installer needs to make sure you have the right JVM
(Yeah, MS's fault) and that you don't have a funky enivronment variable munging up your classpaths.
I work with Java frequently, I can't remember the last time I had to set, or find out anything about the CLASSPATH environment variable.
CLASSPATH was an issue maybe *years* ago around Java 1.1, but has has been fixed for a long while. Part of the reason is that nowadays a Java developer can put just about all the resources he/she needs in a '.jar' file, which is a zip file with a meta information. The jar file acts likea mini file hierarchy within a single file, making software distrubution and resolving runtime dependencies easy.
Re:Java Flamebait (Score:2)
Re:Java Flamebait (Score:1)
Re:Java Flamebait (Score:2)
Besides on some OSes Java is installed by default and some major PC venders install java on all the boxes they ship.
It seams that its bin quite some time since you last used Java. Nowdays there is no need to put a java application on the CLASSPATH. Provided the application is pack
Re:Java Flamebait (Score:2)
And that's where I come in. I write installers. For client side applications, I make sure a complete moron can install it (server specific packages are a different matter, entirely).
Unfortunately, I see too many installers written by the moron, not for the moron. What's with you people? You spend two years and huge sums of money developing the "killer app", but you w
Re:Please NO (Score:1)
Re:Please NO Get a Life (Score:3, Informative)
We have a 10,000 active customer base that users our productsts. And they all love them. As a matter of fact, one product has 5-10 million users acessing it as we speak. And it is written in Java.
There is a shitload of bad code in Java, and there is some really tight code as well.
I have two machines at work. A 2 gig celeron and a 366 p3 with 245 megs of ram, our java app runs eqaully on them both, as I used the 366 the past
"MSWL Olmec PBEM Soccer Game GPL'ed!!" (Score:5, Funny)
Re:"MSWL Olmec PBEM Soccer Game GPL'ed!!" (Score:1)
Re:"MSWL Olmec PBEM Soccer Game GPL'ed!!" (Score:5, Funny)
What if, hypothetically speaking, I have no idea what all that means and i still have no girlfriend?
Hypothetically speaking of course!
Re:"MSWL Olmec PBEM Soccer Game GPL'ed!!" (Score:2)
Mirror (Score:2, Informative)
Play by email football/soccer? (Score:5, Funny)
So if I get a mail through your mailserver, I score. Meanwhile, you tweak procmail/qmail to bounce it. Likewise, I'm doing the same while you try to get a mail through my server. Standard rules.
Otherwise...play an actual (fantasy) sport via email? Gah. I'd be less bored by remote-control hamster ball races.
Puts some comments in open source code! (Score:4, Insightful)
that someone is going to rewrite this in Java are pretty damn low. Think whatever
you want to think about Visual Basic but this code is almost entirely uncommented,
and whatever language you are writing in that's a crime.
In fact a lot of the comments are... commented out code.
Here's a quick sample which actually has comments in it, one of which is a totally
useless explanation of what the "Randomize" function does in Visual Basic, the second
is just about is pointless.
(If you are not initiated into the VB way of doing things: a ' starts a comment)
'Randomize Random Number Function
'Set Vis Team Home Bonus
VisTeam.HomeBonus = 0
If GstrMatchType = "Neutral" Or _
GstrMatchType = "SONeutral" Or _
GstrMatchType = "C1Neutral" Or _
GstrMatchType = "C1SONeutral" Or _
GstrMatchType = "C2Neutral" Or _
GstrMatchType = "C2SONeutral" Then
HomeTeam.HomeBonus = 0
If GstrHB = "S" Then
If HomeTeam.HomeBonus <= 8 Then
HomeTeam.HomeBonus = 8
ElseIf HomeTeam.HomeBonus > 8 Then
If HomeTeam.HomeBonus > 13 Then
HomeTeam.HomeBonus = 13
End If
Call CheckHomeBonus(HomeTeam)
End If
ElseIf GstrHB = "A" Then
If HomeTeam.HomeBonus <= 3 Then
HomeTeam.HomeBonus = 3
ElseIf HomeTeam.HomeBonus > 3 Then
If HomeTeam.HomeBonus > 8 Then
HomeTeam.HomeBonus = 8
End If
Call CheckHomeBonus(HomeTeam)
End If
End If
End If
Call MatchRevenue(VisTeam, HomeTeam)
This sort of code is a pet peeve of mine. Just because it's been released under
the GPL means nothing if others can't actually work on the code and make sense of it.
The story says that the extensive manual will help (which it will a little), but some
explanation of the actual code is vital for any open source project to survive beyond
a few programmers initiated into the dark secrets of the code.
If we want open source to thrive we need to start having some standards of coding
so that others can use the code. Companies do this internally for a reason: they know
that they are going to hire new people who are going to need to look at the existing code.
Why do so few project bother with comments? It's almost as if the Open Source Initiative
should have a quality stamp that gets given to projects that actually care about their
Re:Puts some comments in open source code! (Score:5, Insightful)
Having uncommented code is a hell of a lot better than having no code at all. As someone who has reverse engineered (well, re-implemented) closed source binaries starting from nothing more than a bunch of strace logs, I can tell you I'd take the source any day, and in any condition.
It's not as if the guy removed comments that used to be there for the purpose of obfuscation. You are looking at a "Golden Rule" situation -- you get what he got.
You don't like at the absence of comments ? Add them as you assimilate the code.
That's what I do with the commentless code I get from my co-workers. Do I bitch at them to add comments ? No, because I'd rather the guys write more code ! Code is what runs ! Code makes me money ! I don't want these guys oppressed by my bitching of some bureaucratic requirements doc or checkin procedure.
If I have to decipher something, I always make notes to myself in the form of comments. If his code works perfectly, it probably never gets commented.
So quit winning and turn out the annotated version of this stuff. If your comments aren't just so much repetition of the code, maybe we'll work from your version.
Re:Puts some comments in open source code! (Score:2, Interesting)
And the open source model means that someone can come along and fix that problem and many others. And yes I sympathize with doing reverse engineering. In my first job I reverse engineered Novell's DOS TCP/IP API and it's ugly work. Of course, having the code would have made my life easier.
But... that's not a good reason to object to the idea that open source software can do better. It can set a high standard.
Re:Puts some comments in open source code! (Score:2)
If he isn't, I would like him to send me his resume so I can be sure never to hire him.
look at this:
" I don't want these guys oppressed by my bitching of some bureaucratic requirements doc or checkin procedure."
what does he mean "these guys oppressed"?
Re:Puts some comments in open source code! (Score:2)
Re:Puts some comments in open source code! (Score:2)
This particular code needs to be commented. Just a little bit. Not to tell me how an If statement works, or what HomeTeam.HomeBonus means. Just for one thing actually: why are the tests for HomeTeam.HomeBonus written this way?:
I want to know why he didn't use an Else statement. Is there a problem in the VB implementation, is this to work around a bug? Inquiring mind wants to know.
All the other lines I understand without
Re:Can I see YOUR code ??!! (Score:2)
And I don't agree that I should "shut up" just because I'm not willing to comment this particular piece of code. I was making a point about open source code in general.
You can view some of my code in the following projects on SourceForge:
POPFile: CVS [sourceforge.net]
PrivateSearchBar: CVS [sourceforge.net]
Both those links take you to web interfaces to the CVS repositories for the
postal? (Score:3, Funny)
So how does that work, you run around in funny jerseys, kicking round balls and, uh, shooting people?
The Most Popular Soccer Computer Game (Score:3, Interesting)
(Ref sites:
Has MSWL been able to implement 10% of the features of CM?
Hattrick.org (Score:2)
Actually I think it's the largest online game of that kind right now. I enjoy it. Give it a try.
Find it here: Hattrick.org [hattrick.org]
The best thing about it is that it runs in real time, a week in the game is a week real-time. Two matches a week (cup/training and series) and a 14 week long season. Finally a game that I can play that doesn't require me to be logged in 3-4 times/day.
Like looking into the face of God (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Like looking into the face of God (Score:2, Troll)
I think it actually speeds up the action.
PBEM?! Argh. (Score:4, Funny)
YEs! (Score:2, Funny)
Time passes
Oh no! We have to write the entire shader and physics engines BY OURSELVES!!
Re:YEs! (Score:2)
Bring it on, Bitch!
Re:I'm sure I speak for the rest of us when I say. (Score:1)
Languages, VB ?? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:2)
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:1)
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:2)
Which ones? I'm curious.
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:2)
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:1)
Stupid habits ? or maybe C is not just C.. Currently having fun ( not! ) to move ( re-write ) a kind of large system to Win2000 / Visual C++. Orginally we developed it in AIX, later moved it to Solaris, SUN/OS and HP/UX. Learned a lot more of different C compilers. After having years fun with original SUN C, Lattice C, Turbo C, Tandem C, GCC - each with own niceties. And of course I got Windows conversion and my friend got the conversion to Linux.
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:5, Insightful)
The fact of the matter is, there are a number of languages in which I can simply work quite a bit faster (Delphi, ruby, lua, PHP.) There are a number of languages in which I can express really evil concepts (lisp, C++, ml/ocaml.) There are a number of langauges in which I can write really tight, efficient code (C++, forth, assembly.)
And then there are some languages which just gargle scrotum. I can't deal with VB. You have to bend over backwards just to get certain things done, the syntax is hard on the eyes, and so forth. Some people insist there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the language, that it does everything other languages do; that's (sort of) true, and if you like the language, fine, use it.
Still, it slows me down
Normally, I'd think it was just an opinion, but nearly every proficient programmer I know also believes so. I had tried it before I heard anyone tell me about it, so I acquired my disgust fairly, and without influence.
But, look, you quoted three languages that are famous for being awful - APL, COBOL and PL/I - and claim it doesn't matter. ou also named one of my pet peeves, Tcl. Also, you named almost no famous-for-being-good languages (*some* people would argue the point on algol. I would argue the point on REXX, but I'd probably be alone.) So, maybe you've developed in all of those languages. Maybe not. That kinda looks like it came from the "hello, world" list to me.
But it's well known that languages provide facilities with levels of support; assembly, for example, is dead as an application language for a very good reason. Would you try to write an operating system in ASM these days? What about a word processor? Alternately, would you write a low-level interrupt handler in VB?
Your answer: hell no. There are languages that are appropriate for certain complexities; you don't use a 4gl to boot a machine and you don't write a web server in a hex editor. There are languages that are bad at expressing things (pascal for generic programming, C for self-modifying code, or anything in your list for functional/applicative programming (haskell, ml/ocaml, scheme) or logical programming (prolog, mercury.) BTW, tell us that language doesn't matter when you learn your first non-imperative language.
You do, however, use perl for text manipulation and glue; php for scripting, glue, and increasingly for lightweight apps; c for systems programming, OSes, drivers, and baremetal stuff; prolog for symbol manipulation stuff, like language translation; lisp for lots of stuff but especially math; lua for situations where lightweight scripting languages are desired, such as user extensions for video games (qv angband); specialty languages for their specialties (AGT for example); Delphi for lots of stuff but especially RAD fast development tools and for database work; TCL for (unsurprisingly) low level machine control; the list goes on.
When you want to find out how much language matters, try writing a zip decompressor in TCL.
Can we stop arguing about languages? Of course not. Arguing about them exposes their flaws, allowing us to address them or route around them. Also, we hate VB. And maybe its supporters. Watch your back.
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:1)
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:2)
If they're a manager, give them an estimated time to completion in their idiot language and in the appropriate language(s). If they're a customer, give an estimated cost instead.
They'll see the light purty quick.
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:1)
if the problem seems to lie in others not understanding you, you have two options: educate them, ignore them. actually, there is a third option which combines these two, but that's never discussed in public.
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:2)
"No language in this office is more prone to bugs, "
hire somebody who knows VB. Not someone who does it becasue, well its VB how had can it be. That attitidue is the sinleg biggest problem with VB. You can not imagine the mess I have to fix that was written by a C++ 'GURU'. Clearly he did ot know the language.
"No language in this office, except when we had Jim writing C, is harder to debug."
I absolutly can not believe that. I ha
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:2)
Yes, I have an axe to grind with the langauge: I hate it.
"No language in this office, except when we had Jim writing C, is harder to debug."
I absolutly can not believe that. I have worked with many languages, and I have never found one esier. Most of the time it stops on the line that is broken!
(sighs) Well, I don'
Re:Languages, VB ?? (Score:1)
That was quick (Score:2, Insightful)
Java and MySQL? Overkill? (Score:2)
Re:Java and MySQL? Overkill? (Score:1)
If you're going to use Java (Score:5, Interesting)
VGA Planets (Score:1)
Rewrite? Please god No! (Score:1)
It would make far more sense to work on the Visual Basic code and get it to work off of the Star Basic Engine from StarOffice.
In fact now that Real Basic is available for Linux, as well as Windows and Macintosh, RealBasic looks like a really good choice if you want to make this game more portable.
As for the database the best idea would probably be to try and upgrade it to work with any database that understands ODBC.
Confused (Score:2)
I love this line: (Score:2)
"!PlayerName = !PlayerName"
well, d'uh.
Maybe, just maybe there is a good reason for this, but without a comment explaing why, the author looks less then capable.
Re:Amazing! (Score:1, Insightful)
Personally I think it's worthy of
Re:Amazing! (Score:1)
Really, does every single closed-source project that becomes open-source deserve a story about it? I don't think so. There isn't enough room for that many stories.
Most /. suckage due to whinging fucktards (Score:2)
Re:Amazing! (Score:1)
How your post managed to get moderated -1, Insightful (a negative score with a positive descriptor!) is beyond me.
I'm seeing several odd moderations in this story. It seems that this story is so out of the blue that nobody quite knows what to make of it. In order to see the whole view behind this thing, I actually clicked to see the replies beyond my threshold (which I've never done before except when I wanted to see exactly what it did). My conclusion is that some of the posts were rightfully modded do