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Capcom Tabletop RPGs Announced 21

Thanks to Ogre Cave for the news that tabletop RPGs are planned for some classic Capcom fighting game franchises, including Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Final Fight, and Rival Schools. Living Room Games has licensed the titles, with "...the first two releases planned for the new line... scheduled to coincide with Street Fighter's 15th anniversary in North America", and the Ogre Cave article adds: "If Living Room Games' energetic support of Earthdawn is any indication, CAPCOM's properties are in good hands, and are sure to fare better than the White Wolf Street Fighter attempt of the early '90s."
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Capcom Tabletop RPGs Announced

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  • Hmm... (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    from the kylie-minogue-roleplaying-encouraged dept.

    Hmm, not sure I get this. I would rather not roleplay as Kylie Minogue so much as roleplay *with* Kylie Minogue.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 01, 2003 @02:23AM (#6843112)
    We at my gaming group were laughing our butts off. We even had a short little story about the 'crossover' between the World of Darkness, and Streetfighter.

    "The streets were damp from the almsot constant rain, and dark, as the city did not bother replacing many street lights. A shadowy figure walks down the alley, and spys a dark form leaning over a woman. His eyes narrow, and knuckles pop. The creature looks up, and snarls, blood dripping from its fangs. The two stare at each other for a long moment, then piercing the sound of the darkness comes the cry "Ryuken!"
  • Will any level 9 nerds out there explain what a tabletop RPG is?
    • by bain ( 1910 ) on Monday September 01, 2003 @04:38AM (#6843433) Homepage Journal
      It's like tabletop warfare, but you have RPG elements. Think something along the lines of Fantasy Warhammer, it had RPG but the characters were represented in the world and battles on a tabletop, I'm hoping they might be adding games workshop like fighting systems intot the tabletop aspect.
    • You can imagine tabletop RPGs like this: a bunch of friends getting together to tell stories. Every player creates one character, a protagonist in the story being told. One of the players will be the GM (game master or game moderator), who has a job not unlike a director of a movie - he guides the player characters through their adventures, tells them what happens around them, describes the scenery, comes up with exciting situations, non-player characters and creatures and plays all other persons that the p
  • by Anonymous Coward
    problem: you need friends to play it with.
    solution: online computer version of the tabletop game.

    That would be a videogame of a board game of a videogame...

    It would be fairly easy to implement this as a turn-based game in the style of Pokemon...
  • Why?! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by shadowcabbit ( 466253 ) * <[cx] [at] []> on Monday September 01, 2003 @04:52AM (#6843449) Journal
    I'm all for new pen & paper RPGs, but why Street Fighter? I mean, yeah, it's one of the most popular video games out there, but when I think of the words "Capcom" and "RPG" I immediately think of "Breath of Fire". I just want to know why Street Fighter et al were picked above an existing and semi-popular RPG series to be made into an... RPG.
    • Street Fighter is much more than just a game. There's a whole heap of movie merchandise and marketing [] to build on.

      (Personally I find table top RPG too slow, except for Toons. [] I much prefer LRP.)

    • Yeah, I don't get it either. I mean, surely for a good RPG you need, in terms of source meterial, some decent characters/plot, neither of which are generally seen as being SF2's strong points. I mean, the game designers aren't being given much to work with?

      Now, a tabletop figurine-based version of Starcraft, that I could see the point of. Or a pencil-and-paper version of Zelda, or Final Fantasy, or Half-Life, even. But SF2? I have literally no idea wtf kind of a thing that would end up being. Any ideas?
    • I guess they are trying to cash in, as any normal company would do, from a existing franchise. SF is a popular and well known brand. As for the idoneity of such a game to be made into an rpg, least we could expect a complex battle system.
      It is strange, however, that such a game should be released in america; if they said it was a japanese rpg (which are much more story-driven, and less open-ended than western rps's), that would be normal, but in this market, I don't know

      Anyway, looking at my user
  • If I recall from my days of super dorkdom there already was a PnP based RPG for Street Fighter.. complete with pewter figurines and all..

  • I'm excited (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 01, 2003 @10:19AM (#6844581)
    This is the most exciting news I've heard all week. I can just imagine it now:

    DM: You see Blanka coming out of the cave.
    Ryu: I attack with a fireball.
    DM: You hit. Roll D20 for damage.
    Ryu: A seven.
    DM: Blanka says "Arrgh.", then he attacks with a 3 hit combo.
    Ryu: Can I make a Saving Throw vs. combos?
    DM: Oh, the hell with it! Let's just play the @#$&ing video game!
    • by QEDog ( 610238 )
      Players Handbook:
      To perform Guile's flash kick you have to hold a d20 in your hand, throw it and as it hits the floor throwh a d6 for damage.

      DM Manual:
      At the end of each battle say with a cheesy voice "You Win".

      Monster Manueal
      10 pages long.

      And no matter what, NO Soviet Russia jokes about Sangief!

  • by bluemeep ( 669505 ) <bluemeep@gma i l . com> on Monday September 01, 2003 @12:39PM (#6845245) Homepage
    I think it'll work well. Instead of magic swords, you beat people with pipes. And instead of treasure chests, just bash open the nearest barrel. People are always stuffing jewels and hot food in those things.
  • Will this be like yu hi oh where the harder u slap down your ryu, the more likely ull get a fiery orang haduken which we assume is more powerful?
  • So to stay true the Street Fighter you'd have a line, on which you can move 2 miniatures back and forth. One player to a miniature, and you can select from a small number of special moves, punches and kicks. Combos are formed by hitting someone with the right sequence of attacks.

    Sounds like a card game to me. There's an idea...
  • Let's take a look:

    Street Fighter: This would really have to be about one on one fighting, PvP style. Probably complicated mechanics about stances, crouching, counters, etc. Not sure it'd be fun unless you really get off on intensely complicated yet fifth grade math level dice rolling antics. Very little 'roleplaying' potential given the horrific mess the Street Fighter 'story' is in, across various games and animes.

    Darkstalkers: See Street Fighter, but at least it has a bit more of a story to it, and yo

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