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Beating Diablo II, Irene The Infirm's Way? 49

Rimbo writes "I've found a new hero, over at The Lurker Lounge's Diablo II forums, where intrepid adventurer MongoJerry set up an in-game Sorceress according to the following rules: 'No skill or stat points may ever be assigned... She plays fully naked, including no charms or jewelry... She must get all waypoints and fulfill all quests in game order... If she actually gets that far, any mercenary she gets must play naked as well... She plays hardcore.' So, no weapons, no armor, no magic items, no throwing potions. How long will she last playing Diablo II? Astonishingly long! Read on for the surprising Irene the Infirm: Tales of a Sickly Punching Sorceress."
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Beating Diablo II, Irene The Infirm's Way?

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  • by Dancin_Santa ( 265275 ) <> on Saturday November 08, 2003 @01:22AM (#7422823) Journal
    I think the following sums up the reasoning behind this latest challenge:

    She plays fully naked
  • No way (Score:2, Interesting)

    Surely she can't beat the Blood Raven. She's extra fast and does a bit of damage, and that sorceress couldn't even beat Bishibosh.

    I think this is going to be a short-lived char =)
  • LOL (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Compuser ( 14899 ) on Saturday November 08, 2003 @01:34AM (#7422860)
    Reminds me of how I went thru the entire Quake II
    with only a blaster. No quads either. It's
    always nice to hear about someone going it the
    hard way.
    • I used to deathmatch in Quake2 using only a blaster.

      Not because I wanted to go at it the hard way so much as because it really pissed my friends off when I actually killed them with the pea-shooter. (Even moreso once I got good enough to get a few kills every session)
      • Nah, my interest in playing FPS is never to kill.
        I joke with my friends that I would be a good
        beta tester because my only interest in playing
        these games is finding where the level designer
        made baddies trappable. There was a spider in
        Quake II which was hard to kill with a blaster
        but if you found just the right spot behind one
        of the columns it would get stuck not knowing
        whether to move left or right. Also the big moster
        thingy (tank commander iirc) was fun: you lure it
        to the elevator, go down and walk in just
    • Do a search on tyson and doom or doom2. ty son/

      Whereas Quake II with blaster doesn't sound as difficult - it is a ranged attack after all.

      In comparison try punching a cyberdemon to death. You need about 40+ rockets to kill a cyberdemon. If I gather correctly, you need on average 360 punches to kill a cyberdemon.

      And there are often lots more monsters around in a doom2 level.

  • feh (Score:5, Informative)

    by Cuthalion ( 65550 ) on Saturday November 08, 2003 @02:05AM (#7422931) Homepage
    If you want REAL tales of masochism, check out the nethack newsgroups, and read the posts of people who ascended nudist atheist vegetarian illiterate tourists.
    • This is not off-topic. At least in Nethack it's possible to win the game doing this whereas in the posted story the writer isn't even entertaining the possibilty of completing the later 4/5 of the game...
      • Agreed. Diablo is just Nethack with better art, basically. Whoever modded this Offtopic needs to get meta-modded.
      • This has been done before, on the realms, with a character known (famously!) as NakedSorceress. The rules were a little bit different, but NakedSorceress managed to beat Diablo. Not sure how far she got on the higher difficulties.
        • Re:feh (Score:3, Interesting)

          by Rimbo ( 139781 )
          I believe the difference here is that this is not merely a "naked" sorceress, but a sorceress with no weapons, no items, no skills -- all she can do is run up to monsters and punch 'em out. She can't throw potions. She can't cast spells. She can't get resistances through an amulet. She doesn't get any stronger, healthier, or faster when she levels up. She's a sickly weakling punching her way through the game the entire way.

    • Add the beer-filled icebox and the pacifist challenges and you're in for some real fun.

      But really, has noone tried to beat Diablo II that way yet. I'm really surprised that noone has tried it, the game is soo old and the possibility of challenges rises every year. Just take look at console games.
    • True, though it's a different challenge. Diablo is real-time, so there's more twitch involved. Nethack is a straight strategy game, and the question is how much you want to gamble.

      Damned if this story doesn't make me feel like some Angband-style goodness, though (never was a NetHack fan). I believe I'll fire up Tales of Middle Earth (the most complex and my favorite Angband variant) and have some fun.
  • by rbanzai ( 596355 ) on Saturday November 08, 2003 @02:34AM (#7422995)
    Although I don't have the skill or patience for the same task I understand the goal. I've spent many a round of Day of Defeat with nothing but my shovel at hand to dispatch the enemy, or just the pistol. There's something special about foregoing all the typical "power up" type weapons and items and just breaking it down with the bare essentials.
    • Ah, so you one of those annoying guys on my team that instead of covering me with a machine gun are running around like fools trying to stab people!

      (woah, had to get that out of my system. Anyway, I guess I'm no better, what with trying to beat the final fantasys at the lowest levels possible.)
      • I can't agree with you more. Nothing is worse than being shot at when you're low on hp, only to have your teammate get the knife kill right after you die. This is why I /hate/ any form of player ranking. If you're good, people on your server will know that. Once you start ranking them (especially for stupid things) you get StatWhores(tm) who only play for better stats. I'm even tempted to remove player scores all together on our server (opting to do it the TeamFortress way where everyones playerscore is
  • This is perhaps the sign that we should begin a new form of Gaming Prize: the Impossible Prize.

    I wonder if a Necromancer would be weaker......
  • by EpokhusMinimalist ( 691947 ) on Saturday November 08, 2003 @03:13AM (#7423068)
    You could do this in Slashdot, try defending SCO
  • Diablo II just won't go away. Especially with the v1.10 patch, time to dust off the CD after exams :). Got to love that game. Ohh I hate it and love it so much.
    • What really makes me happy is seeing all the skill synergy bonuses. (Druid shapeshifting skills, Assassin traps, and of course the tons of Sorceress skills! Among others, of course.) Each skill adds percentages to damage, and a few others. They also added a bunch of new weapons, upgraded others, new Cube recipes... On the other hand -- Nightmare and Hell difficulties got damn hard. And the minion isn't quite as powerful, either; I haven't checked the higher levels yet.
  • Remids me of SOF (Score:2, Interesting)

    by freakmn ( 712872 )
    I remember trying to play Soldier of Fortune (the original) on the hardest difficulty, only using knives. I passed a bit of the games, then I found it almost impossible to win. It would have been a lot easier if you didn't randomly lose knives when you threw them at people. I got bored after a while, but I didn't have a bunch of people waiting for updates, either. I wonder what will happen in a few weeks when/if this person gets bored.
  • Time/Date Stamp (Score:4, Informative)

    by MMaestro ( 585010 ) on Saturday November 08, 2003 @04:03AM (#7423147)
    'Posted: Oct 13 2003, 09:46 PM'

    While reading the thread (its up to 5 pages, most likely going to hit 6 soon thank to this report) keep in mind that this has been going on for nearly a month now. I don't think its even mathamatically possible to get this far after 48 hours of true NON-STOP playing.

    For those who don't/never play/ed Diablo 2, when you're unarmed and using your fists your damage is 1-2 ASSUMING you even connect. This goes for any class, no matter how much strength you have as well. All monsters auto-heal as well, except for certain bosses, so I'm guessing it takes about 3-5+ minutes to kill one regular monster and at least 2 potions.

  • In the summer time? When the weather is hot?
  • by Tickenest ( 544722 ) on Saturday November 08, 2003 @11:10AM (#7423864) Homepage Journal

    the concept of the "Bare Naked Mage" from the original Diablo. The idea was that players would use the mage character and try to equip themselves with items that had the worst curses possible, and the worse the penalty you were imposing upon yourself, the more "blessed" you were by the gods. Granted, this type of game allowed players to use the mage's skills, but the idea isn't that far off from this.

  • Painful (Score:4, Funny)

    by Kris_J ( 10111 ) on Saturday November 08, 2003 @05:52PM (#7425400) Homepage Journal
    Wanting to do this is god's way of telling you to move on to a new game.
  • Thanks for the link. This story is awesome. The hardest Diablo 2 character I've ever played was the Firebolt-only Sorceress (inspired by Sirian). I'll try this challenge sometime soon.
  • This deserves to be immortalized as one of the great gaming epics.

    Better start saving those posts soon... wouldn't want the story to vanish forever...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hello, Slashdot folks! This is MongoJerry, author of Irene's tale. First, I would like to say that I'm glad you enjoyed Irene's tale and am flattered to have had her adventures linked to. I've actually written up three other characters that you might want to check out:

    Grizabella, the Realistic Melee Mage: t ml ml ml

    Gunter, the Barbarian Mage:


There are never any bugs you haven't found yet.
