Machinima - Spielbergs with a Joystick 176
securitas writes "The Toronto Star's Murray Whyte writes about the growing popularity of machinima as the birth of a new type of filmmaking and artform. The article largely focuses on Red vs. Blue but also discusses Jim Munroe's My Trip To Liberty City, in which 'Munroe adopts the genteel perspective of a Canadian tourist while meandering the seamy, violent streets of the game Grand Theft Auto.' The most interesting comment comes from the Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences' Paul Marino who compares machinima to garage bands."
Record Function? (Score:5, Interesting)
Is my Xbox missing something, or is this a lovely little piece of misinformation?
Re:Record Function? (Score:1)
It's just records right onto your 8 gig harddrive :)
And interestingly enough xbox is also able to double as a cappacino machine.
Re:Record Function? (Score:2, Interesting)
Most games, though, like half-life, have the ability built in (called demo recording, mostly used to catch hackers), and everything can be done software-wise. That's the great advantage, anyone who has a modern computer and a few cooperating friends has the ability to get into this hobby
Re:Record Function? (Score:2, Interesting)
Plus, the great thing about doing animation is your cast can have "faces made for radio". That's the downside of live-action filmmaking as a matter how indie you are, people still like to look at pretty faces. Or even if they don't...your actors are going to want to make sure they look good on the screen. Especially if you are NOT paying them.
Re:Record Function? (Score:4, Funny)
Well I'm not an X-BOX owner, but I'm pretty sure they have a video out.
Re:Record Function? (Score:3, Insightful)
I suppose it's possible if it's a modded Xbox, but, otherwise, I have no idea how they even got that idea. For an article on Machinima, you'd think they'd at least try to be accurate as to how the recording was done.
Re:Record Function? (Score:4, Informative)
*sigh* I tried to be subtle...
Why is this so difficult to understand? They just hooked up the XBOX to a VCR. Voila! That's all they needed to do! The 'record function' was, in all likelihood, a misunderstanding by the author of the story. I wouldn't normally be so harsh but seeing as how they have to get the video into a computer at some point to edit anyway, I don't see why everybody's got a question mark over their head about the idea of XBOX having a 'record option'. For all we know, it was an inaccurate reference to a game mode you have to put HALO in in order to just sit around and watch the other players.
If you know how to hook up an XBOX to a TV, then you have all the prerequisite knowledge you need to know in order to make your own machima movie using any tv-based game console ever created, including the Atari 2600.
Re:Record Function? (Score:2)
Yes, I know it's blatantly obvious that you can record anything that has video out through a VCR or through a video capture card.
My whole point was that the author of the article should find that blatantly obvious, too, and that the idea of a "record function" is not based on fact, which is what a professional journalist is supposed to be reporting.
Re:Record Function? (Score:2, Informative)
F.A.Q. []
Q: How do you make the videos?
A: This is by far the number one question asked in e-mail. We use a video capture suite by a fantastic company, Canopus. The card we use is a Canopus DV Rex M1. We also use a variety of software, including Adobe Premiere and a great (and cheap!)sound editing tool called Cool Edit 2000 (now know as Adobe Audition)...
So now you know - and knowing is half the battle..
Re:Record Function? (Score:2)
Speaking of misinformation... the article states that "Episode 33 debuted this week.". Is there a different redvsblue site that they're looking at, because on the redvsblue [] site that I'm seeing, it looks like there's only 30 episodes available...
Garage bands? I hope not (Score:2, Funny)
How do you mean Paul? I didn't realize Machinima animation artists wore trashy clothes, made a lot of teeth-splintering noise, got famous for 6 months to a year, and eventually died of overdose.
Socialization of the media (Score:5, Insightful)
I'ts like making remixes with your old tape deck machine and only one turnable in the early 80's.
Quake Movies... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Quake Movies... (Score:1)
Re: (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I loved the old quake movies (Score:2)
Re:Quake Movies... (Score:1)
Red Vs. Blue was good...but... (Score:5, Insightful)
Red Vs. Blue was great. For about the first 'season'. There were a lot of cute inside jokes about Halo, like the limitless amount of ammo, and some amusing stuff about capture the flag in general("You asked for it? Why didn't we try that?")
However, they then promptly ran out of material. It has now degenerated into a lot of homosexual potty humor(you know, the kind that homophobes make? An entire episode consists of them playing with the android's, um..."switch") and so on. Much of the episodes are just so far out to lunch plot-wise it's like watching a bunch of frat boys trying to do their own version of Whose Line Is It Anyway (which is no great surprise, reading the blog and looking at the author photos. They all seem perpetually stoned). Any clever new ideas have been so severely beaten to death they've long since ceased to be funny.
Basically- it was great because the early episodes were well written and had purpose. Now, however, the plot sucks. Machinima is a nice way to do animation, but it's not even remotely impressive on its own; not even slightly. Watching some poorly written script that consists mostly of a bunch of identical halo characters talking to each other(and these conversations go on for a half episode sometimes!) is downright boring, and I've gone from a huge fan to "oh, they released a new ep? Hmm, well, I guess I'll download it".
Instead of just leaving it to their 15 minutes of fame and wandering off to do something else with their lives, or moving on to a new game (there are plenty, after all- imagine what they could do with GTA:VC!), they're just churning out the same stuff, ep after ep.
Re:Red Vs. Blue was good...but... (Score:3, Informative)
With no "In jokes" left to get, you have a hard time relating to the episodes.
BTW, if anyone from Red vs Blue is reading this, I think your stuff is great. "A Message to the Scientific Community" is a personal favorite.
Re: Gaming Comics (Score:2)
Methinks the gamers are just pissed off because they think that the internet should cater to their minority needs, and they don't like it to be pointed out that the world doesn't revolve around them and their (in the eyes of the public) nerdy little hobbies.
Re:Red Vs. Blue was good...but... (Score:5, Interesting)
It's great that things like DV and Machima have made it easier for movies to be made without millions of dollars in budget...but as we should all already know - having a lot of gear and money to throw at a bad story doesn't make for a good movie. And you can have the crappiest production values in the world (Clerks), but if the story is compelling, that doesn't matter. If you've got a good story and know how to tell it, you can shoot your film on one of those old Fisher Price camcorders that recorded on audio cassettes.
That being said, I have always found the work of ill clan [] to be pretty entertaining and well done. Perhaps it's because the creators are all skilled improvisors and know how to tell stories. Or maybe just because I think lumberjacks are inherently funny.
Super easy movie making? (Score:5, Interesting)
With Machinima, you do still need some technical skills, but you don't need cameras or locations, or a whole lot of photogenic actors. You can create the effects yourself (within the limits of the game engine). I don't think I have any sort of directorial talent, but I still dream of the day when I can just mess around with it, just for fun.
I imagine that if it ever does become super simple for people to create things like music and games and movies, we'll just get lots of crap. But maybe we'll get some gems. Maybe people will be less frustrated if they can express themselves artistically in some way. (Of course, some will be frustrated when they realize they have no talent and no audience.)
For an example of one man's vision, you can check out the anime Voices of a Distant Star, which was written, drawn, animated and I think scored by a single crazy guy.
A time honored tradition (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:3, Insightful)
Ie, the cream will rise to the top.
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Ie, the cream will rise to the top.
And so will the scum!
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:1)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:5, Insightful)
So... You ask what happens? What happens is you discover, even with the tools only a handful of people ever made *good* music. For every good one, there's thousands of crap mod files, crap flash animations, and now crap "machinima". Having cheap and easy tools can't make everyone a great animator anymore than the availability of cheap pencils and paper made everyone a great writer.
It still takes talent, but what it does do is allow people with that talent but without a ton of money to express their skill. What it may possibly hurt is the control large studios currently have over most entertainment.
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:3, Informative)
Some good ones are: this [] this [] very good [] this [] cookie monster []
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:1)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
What do you think about the second one?
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:3, Interesting)
But but but...
Well, bringing down the barrier is in itself a good thing I think; and...
Different tools allow for different kinds of talents to surface and to get unexpected results, also a good thing; and...
There's the fun factor for those involved, not everybody needs to be a Spielberg.
The downside is of course the amount of crap - but wait... is TV today such a quality medium????
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Exactly. I figure that even if we're no good at it, doesn't everyone have some artform that they wish they could try to play with without all the big restrictions? Yes, everyone can now use a computer or pen and paper to write something (book or script or music etc.) or draw something, but not everyone wants to do those things. If EVERY artform was easily doable, would we all as a whole be happier or more content (because we
Let me rephrase that (Score:2)
I'd agree that it doesn't raise people's talent, but it does make it possible for everyone, talented or not, to practice the craft. And that will improve their skills.
The main gain is probably all those really talented people who never would have gotten close to making any movies that now get the chance to develop.
Re:Let me rephrase that (Score:2)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:3, Interesting)
Sure, there's lots of drek, but there's also an increase in the amount of good quality stuff.
You brought the example of
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Well no, of course you wouldn't have learnt the three Rs yet. That's not until high school.
Cerebral. Obviously I failed one of the Rs.
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
I didn't even notice. Does that mean that I failed one of the other ones?
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:3, Insightful)
Probably about the same for book-writing, I would think. Anyone can slap together some sentences and pump it out as a book (or as a post on Slashdot... oh, wait) but how many of those grab your attention?
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:3, Interesting)
People will log on to p2p movie nets to contribute their best characters and best lines in realtime, some will specialise in effects like weather, mist, etc. Clans will form, you've got a guy who's wicked with facial gestures, another who bangs out the perfect tunes at just the right time.
Movies will become dynamic, there's no reason the same story should unfold the same way more than once. Themes and plots will evolve with every viewing.
I hope movies become interactive events, an expe
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
I think it could make an interesting production. I'd hate to see it replace movies, though. I don't think an interactive production could ever hold the depth of a well-crafted film or book.
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:1)
The RIAA and MPAA will demand royalties from everyone from what they will call their 'creative expression patent'
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:5, Insightful)
Has anyone else wondered what will happen when it becomes truly simple for EVERYONE to do professional-quality desktop publishing? I mean, what will it be like when absolutely everyone can express on paper what they want as they want it, even without technical skills? Using whatever font they want, different point sizes, 300 DPI, right-justification, kerning, possibly even with pictures included with the text?
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Sure, frequently. What would happen is that movies, games, and music would become fundamental units of expression, on par with sentences made of words. Written words make up novels, which are analogous to movies or albums, but think of what would be analogous to email and handwritten notes and memos or whatever.
But that probably would be a long ways off, because the fundamental buildin
beach vollyball for ps2 .. :)~~ (Score:2)
I cant' wait until that engine becomes available and you can make movies with it...
separating the wheat from the chaff (Score:1)
what will happen indeed (Score:1)
yeah probably a good portion of it will be subpar
but i also think its likely it will be created for a much smaller and more personal audience
i imagine that this is how things like homestarrunner and red vs blue started and only gained a wider audience through word of mouth
after being created and shown to a close network of friends those friends showed it to
Re:Super easy movie making? (Score:2)
Mostly, it will suck.
For two decades, places like Artist's Television Access [] have made that possible. Yet almost all the output is crap. I've sat through a few film festivals of that stuff. It's like listening to garage bands audition for clubs.
One group in SF used to have a gong show for aspiring filmmakers. Bring anything you want to show, and after 2 minutes, they sound a bell
What machinima misses (Score:5, Insightful)
It may have good writing and good acting... (Score:1)
For what it is (a good chuckle), it's pretty good. For anything more... well, go read a book, watch some shorts... even watch an x86 demo! The writing may be entertaining for awhile, but it's the same thing over and over, and it never evolved.
Re:What machinima misses (Score:2, Interesting)
It does get suspicious when I just have a dumb grin on my face when I am just staring at a C program.
Machinima dialogue (Score:5, Funny)
RED TWO: No, what's that?
RED ONE: Our life expectancy is about 60 seconds.
RED TWO: Yes, it kind of makes the dental plan seem irrelevant.
RED ONE: (gets fragged)
RED THREE: Hi, I'm here to replace Red Two. I'm Steve, what's your name?
RED TWO: Does it really matter?
RED THREE: Guess not. Incoming!
RED TWO: (Dies)
Remake LOTR... (Score:5, Interesting)
Now what would be great is applying the open source model to work on larger productions. I'd love to see a faithful movie version of LOTR. Done by fans, so no one has to watch Legolas shield-surfing or pointless changes to fit it into a 9 hour trilogy.
Actually, I suppose you could start now as long as you picked open formats for storing the movie elements(dialog, movement, models, etc). Then you can change the renderer over time as things get better.
Imagine a machinima Gutenberg project - producing free versions of all the classic stories Disney ripped off.
Re:Remake LOTR... (Score:3, Interesting)
Blender for the modelling, and it now supports two renderers (internal, and yafray) to output with.
There's no reason the open source tools available now can't output production quality movies.
Re:Remake LOTR... (Score:1)
gutenberg (Re:Remake LOTR...) (Score:2)
At deep-discount stores you can get almost-free ripoffs of the classic Disney ripoffs of the classic public-domain stories (e.g., Aladdin). Uhh ... does that count? ;-)
It isn't that new (Score:4, Informative)
(oh, and here's the link [] to the page with the date of his latest lecture at CalArts, just search for his name...)
Next project: /. Days (Score:2)
Red Vs. Blue appears to suck big time (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Red Vs. Blue appears to suck big time (Score:2)
Hear, hear. If I wanted to watch someone running around a Halo game being stupid, I would just go play Halo.
Re:Red Vs. Blue appears to suck big time (Score:2)
blahbalicious (Score:1)
(no, I didn't make it)
A little plug for a machinima movie i liked (Score:2, Informative)
You can find more info, and a download link, right here : le=411
Re:A little plug for a machinima movie i liked (Score:1)
Re:A little plug for a machinima movie i liked (Score:1)
Which produces: link text here []
Who remember Stunt Island? (Score:5, Interesting)
My question is, why hasn't anybody created something like this more recently? Although FPS game engines work for this, they certainly aren't designed for it, and there's quite a bit of roughness involved when one actually tries to create a movie. 3D animation modelers can also be used, but generally someone creating a movie has to focus on too many low-level details.
I'm actually considering starting up an open-source project this summer to try to create such a movie-creating tool, making heavy use of pre-existing graphics libraries like OGRE []. Would anyone else be interested in helping out with such an endeavour?
Re:Who remember Stunt Island? (Score:2)
By the way, I also found a cool gamespot article about "Groundbreaking games from computer history []," one of which is Stunt Island.
Sensational game (Score:2)
Re:Who remember Stunt Island? (Score:2)
RvB (Score:1)
(the quote's milhouse watching the itchy and scratchy and poochy show in the simpsons), also Halo really is stupid.
More like George Lucas with a Joy Stick (Score:3, Funny)
Not a new Medium (Score:3, Interesting)
However there has been a lot of really well done low budget fan films over the past few years. In fact I know someone that made videos from Battlefield 1942 from in game where the graphics are boardering on good high quality CGI work.
And I think that trend will continue. We used an Application called FRAPS in windows to pull video from games and save to a file on the Harddrive as we were making a music video using Rogue Spear: Black Thorn for a broadcast class once and then switched to Macs and added sound and such in iMovie.
I think the major thing here, is that the technology has increased to the point where its become easier and cheaper for creative people to share their ideas. But still, it takes quality writing and acting skills to pull these things off, otherwise it is no different than anyother form of eye candy that Hollywood puts out.
Quake Done Quick (Score:2)
Here lies a killer app. (Score:2)
So, if anyone has the guts, here is a killer app for you: a 3d 'film' making application, where the user inputs
Good OSS opportunity (Score:3, Interesting)
Currently, our 3d modelling and animation programs have interfaces that are designed around extreme control, but take *forever* to actually model something. If someone can produce an effective visual side to an animation with nothing more than some people walking around (but can't draw worth a damn or act well), having tools to suit them would be quite useful.
This could actually make an interesting open source project, maybe using something like Crystal Space. Tradtionally , games have not done well in the open source world because of the way games work. Until a game is about 90% complete, it's generally not much fun to play. Open source generally needs interested people using a piece of software and identifying features that they'd like to have -- and implementing those features. In a game, this unbalances things. In a game engine used for machinima, it's possible to later on add in a "flying" feature and still benefit from the existing software that doesn't have such a feature. In a game, adding "flying" would severely unbalance the game.
Crystal Space [] might be a good base for this.
Re:Does anyone else have the balls (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Does anyone else have the balls (Score:4, Interesting)
Yes. I also have the balls to stand up and say "Linux blows goats!" Unfortunately, few would honor either of our sets of balls for it since niether of us were smart enough to provide a thoughtful rationale for why we have that opinion. I guess balls alone really aren't enough for this world.
Re:Its new, its shiny, it smells like a truck stop (Score:5, Funny)
See? They ARE like garage bands.
Re:Its new, its shiny, it smells like a truck stop (Score:5, Insightful)
While your opinion may be that it sucks, a very LARGE number of people think there is some very decent machinima out there, Red Vs Blue being the best example. I think it is one of the funniest cartoons I've seen on the net and the way they produce it shows that they put a lot of effort into planning it out.
You also seem to not understand that they aren't necessarily doing it because they're huge fans of the game, it just happens to be their medium. What an extremely ignorant post.
If you think you can do any better, then please, by all means do so, until then I suggest you not comment on how poor you think the quality of their work is.
Re: (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:Its new, its shiny, it smells like a truck stop (Score:1)
As for the "you can't comment until you've done better" argument, I'll just say that I've never found that one convincing. People will whine about anything no matter their level of experience.
Re:Its new, its shiny, it smells like a truck stop (Score:3, Insightful)
I usually don't go there either - most people who review stuff don't claim they could literally make a better piece, but when the "review" consists of a long list of things that the artists suck at, well, it is tempting.
Re:Its new, its shiny, it smells like a truck stop (Score:5, Insightful)
You quite definitely don't need to know how to cook to know that something tastes terrible. And you don't need to know how to do machinima to watch one and say it sucks. (Or that it's good!)
You also missed the flipside of your argument -- if you can't comment on it until you've done one, then you shouldn't say it's good, either, because what do you know?
Re:Its new, its shiny, it smells like a truck stop (Score:2)
There are other issues with it that are tied to the idea that gamers are just cretins who sit i
Re:Welcome to the new /. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Welcome to the new /. (Score:3, Interesting)
Gotta say I agree. Frankly, people with a creative spark can make something entertaining with just about anything. Remember the Star Wars kid trailers that hit the net last year? I don't remember a fancy term like machima being used for that. It was a creative outlet, and it was exhausted. We all had a few good laughs, though because some peeps stepped up to the plate and demonst
Re:Welcome to the new /. (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Welcome to the new /. (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Welcome to the new /. (Score:3, Insightful)
This little thread seems to be an excellent example of people modding according to their likes/dislikes and not according to the quality of thought. The original post basically said 'machanima is not a genuine artform or at least has not yet produced anything significant' and for holding this view has been modded back to the stone age. The respondent,
so what? (Score:4, Insightful)
Before, there was bacially no possibility to create any animation in the same way you would create improvised theatre. ( which is an art form, by the way... )
Of course, most of what we see today is still quite rudimentary, if not to say downright crap. But the potential is there.
Validity of the medium/creation (Score:3, Insightful)
The only act of creation involved is manipulating the art someone else has already created. If I, for example, made a glossy book full of pictures of fine paintings with witty or deep and meaningful captions, is that art? Whatever it is, that is basically all mac
Sometimes, it's hard to NOT feed the trolls... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Its new, its shiny, it smells like a truck stop (Score:5, Funny)
Sound familiar?