Frustration With Oblivion Mod Costs on Xbox Live 360
Vizionary wrote to mention the player backlash swelling out of a recent addition to Xbox Live. Major Nelson's blog made the announcement that they'd finally added the (previously announced) barding for the player mount in Oblivion. The catch is that the simple modification costs 200 points, removing a lot of the appeal of the small mods the Elder Scrolls series has thrived on. From commenter 'SW 1540' on that site: "Unquestionably, some downloadable content should cost money/points. Having said that, the cost of that content should be directly proportional to the enhancement it provides to the original game. For example, I would expect to pay $20.00 for the soon to come Perfect Dark Zero maps or new cars for Project Gotham. On the other hand, I would expect any additional costumes for PDZ to be free. I imagine there is good arguments on both sides, but one can see that the potential is there to exploit an eager fan. "
Online PC Games (Score:5, Insightful)
And do you remember (Score:5, Interesting)
PCs and consoles aren't the same thing and aren't the same market. One simple, obvious difference would be price. The 360s are priced as cheap as their corrisponding graphics card for a PC. To get 360 level graphics, you need something on the order of a Radeon 1900XT. That's like $450 just for a graphics card, never mind the system needed to support it.
What it basically comes down to is the PC is a totally open environment. You set your hardware up as you like, you run the software you like, you mod it as you like, etc. That's how I like it and why I'll spend the money to play games on a PC (well that and I'd have a pwoerful PC regardless of games). However let's not pretend like it's always easy. Just last night I was fighting with an older game (KOTOR) to make it work well on my modern hardware which is way more than it needs.
Consoles are a more managed environment. The console maker supplies you with one, fixed system that you use and you don't tinker with it. All games work because they are certified and they know the platform they are writing for. There's no unexpected compatiblity problems with new hardware or software. They have a simple interface and do only one thing.
Well the whole pay-for X-box live service is really an extension of that model. Everything is centrally managed and controlled. It means you can't just go and run your own service but also means you don't have to rely on people who do. I can say form the Quake days there was a wide varity of servers out there. Some were top notch speed and stability wise (and usually hard to get a spot on) some played like they were being run on a 486 in some guy's bedroom... PRobably because they were being run on a 486 in some guy's bedroom.
I don't particularly think either PC or console gaming is superior, just different. I own a powerful PC anyhow, like PC games better, and value the ablity to hack around on my games so I do PC gaming. However I can see the appeal of the console system. Buy one, cheaper unit that will not be outdated for a number of years, then pay a service fee for someone to run the whole online aspect. It's simpler, and even after years of playing would add up to what the core of my current computer cost me.
Re:And do you remember (Score:3, Interesting)
While I totally agree with the rest of your comment, this is very incorrect. To get XBox-level graphics you don't need an X1900XT, not even close. As example, a 7800GT for itself is a *lot* faster, which has now been superseded by the new 7900GT, which you can easily find for $300-$320. So in reality, a regular $200 to $250 graphics card will do fine. Take that $250 value, add $100 fo
Re:And do you remember (Score:4, Informative)
Also your upgrade analogy is extremely flawed. You are totally neglecting the value of the rest of the system. Money had to go to buy that, espically if it's new enough to support a 7800 GT. I was in just such a situation a month ago or so when I did get my 7800. I had an AGP system, but all the AGP offerings were unattractive. Too slow for the money. I wanted a PCIe card, specificly a 7800 GT. Ok so now to the graphics card, add a motherboard, that's about $150 for one with features I liked. Ahh but now there's a new problem, RAM. My old RAM was DDR, new system needs DDR2. RAM's cheap, but still another $150 or so for 2GB. Then there's a biggie: The CPU. Had to go with a new socket factor to get PCIe. So that's $300 for a nice dual core one. Not done yet though, turns out these new graphics cards and mobos need power my PSU doesn't handle, I need a new one of those. Decided I'd like it to be quiet and efficient so $100 there.
All tolled it was about $1100 for the core upgrade and that doesn't count sound, harddrives, case, display, input or any of that, I kept all those things.
Money well spent in my book, but it doesn't get the graphics up to 360 levels. It gets them around it, but does not match it.
Re:And do you remember (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Ah, upgrade (Score:3, Informative)
Not using credit cards is hardly a European thing,
Re:Online PC Games (Score:2)
They still are the least for people who have enough sense not to buy an Xbox.
Re:Online PC Games (Score:3, Insightful)
Probably 90% of my enjoyment as a PC gamer comes from building stuff myself. I don't buy that many games (I don't play very many; I'm not pirating anything) but can get many hundreds of hours of fun out of constructing my own maps, textures and worlds.
I kind of
Re:Online PC Games (Score:4, Insightful)
I used to be a hardcore PC gamer, but now I will never buy a PC game again (unless Infocom starts releasing text adventures again
Re:Online PC Games (Score:2)
Re:Online PC Games (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Online PC Games (Score:2)
I seem to remember all of the morrowind official mods being free.
I wouldn't spend money on this stuff. These official mods will probably be included in the first expansion pack anyway.
Re:Online PC Games (Score:2)
Fleecing the users is a bad idea. Maybe make it trivial like 50c or whatever (the ringtone philosophy, make it up on cheap bulk sales).
Re:Online PC Games (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Online PC Games (Score:4)
Anyway, I was trying to say: Sell a ton of cheap stuff that has nominal cost, rather than a smaller number of the same item with the same cost, but at a higher price, running the risk of ailenating your customer.
"barding for the player mount" (Score:5, Funny)
Re:"barding for the player mount" (Score:2, Funny)
Re:"barding for the player mount" (Score:2)
n. A piece of armor used to protect or ornament a horse.
tr.v. barded, barding, bards
1. To equip (a horse) with bards.
2. To cover (meat) in thin pieces of bacon or fat to preserve moisture during cooking.
Re:"barding for the player mount" (Score:3, Funny)
Now that "suggests lubing up the genitals" in ways that I really didn't need to hear about.
Re:"barding for the player mount" (Score:2)
Now that "suggests lubing up the genitals" in ways that I really didn't need to hear about.
MMmmmmm.... Bacon....
Re:"barding for the player mount" (Score:5, Funny)
Conversions please? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Conversions please? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Conversions please? (Score:2)
64 points = US $1 + tax
200 points = US $3.13 + tax
and whats even more fun is that the point cards are region locked so you can't buy a japanese/european point card and use it on your US XBox and they can charge different regions different prices.
Re:Conversions please? (Score:2)
Re:Conversions please? (Score:2)
Dumb (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Dumb (Score:2, Insightful)
They also have to sell them globally, across different currencies, which might reflect in the regional pricing [].
Damn this lameness filter...
Re:Dumb (Score:2)
A) Have the use of your money for free as long as you have unspent points, or;
B) Sell you something completely useless at an insane profit margin, so that you've spent all your points.
Both benefit Microsoft enormously. I'm sure I will buy very, very few things off XBL.
Not dumb, smart. (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, as soneone else mentioned, by making the exchange less than 100, they can post amounts that look like less than they really are.
Re:Dumb (Score:3, Insightful)
Lots of online game systems do this, for instance Magic:The Gathering Online with "ticks".
Re:Conversions please? (Score:2)
Re:Conversions please? (Score:2)
Armored horse, only $2.50! (Score:3, Insightful)
I guess this is an experiment with the micro content that Microsoft was looking to build an "ecosystem" of. Bah, I hate that marketoid term. Apparently the ecosystem complains loudly; wonder what that bodes for sustaining such prices for such small add-ons.
Re:Armored horse, only $2.50! (Score:2)
Re:Armored horse, only $2.50! (Score:3, Funny)
Don't you meant eecosystem?
Re:Armored horse, only $2.50! (Score:2)
Re:Armored horse, only $2.50! (Score:2)
I saw it mentioned in a number of previews. Part of the reason I bought the PC version instead of 360 was so I could get player-made mods instead of wasting my money on things like horse armour.
Buyer's Remorse (Score:5, Interesting)
A - It wasn't worth $2.50.
B - They really shouldn't be rewarded for charging for something that used to be free and probably should've been free considering the 360 owners already paid more than the PC people.
You may now "crucificate" me.
Re:Buyer's Remorse (Score:2)
360 Owners paid more than PC people? Do you know how much a PC that can play Oblivion costs? Certainly more than the $460 360 owners doled out for their hardware and software. To play at the same rez as a 360 you'd have to spend almost that much on a video card alone. Plus, there was no subsidy from MS like there is on the cons
Re:Buyer's Remorse (Score:3, Insightful)
Firstly, I'm sure that when comapring the cost of the game the poster was trying to point out that the PC version is typically $49 while the XBox360 version is $59. (Check out EBWorld and Amazon to compare)
Secondly, comparing the cost of my PC to the cost of an XBOX360 is ludicrous. I use my PC for all kinds of things, gaming being one of them. As such the 'cost' of the gaming component of my PC is weighted in with the other uses. Its not like the only thing I do with my PC is Obl
Re:Buyer's Remorse (Score:2)
Re:Buyer's Remorse (Score:2)
"Ha Ha!" (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously, $2.50 for horse armor? At that rate, I can only imagine what actual content would cost.
Re:"Ha Ha!" (Score:2)
Frustration with dirty disk errors more like.. (Score:2)
Re:Frustration with dirty disk errors more like.. (Score:2)
just the beginning (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:just the beginning (Score:3, Informative)
Re:just the beginning (Score:2)
The issue is that these are not "micro" payments (Score:2)
Re:just the beginning (Score:5, Insightful)
You think this is just for XBox Live? I got news for you...this kind of bullshit has already been pulled, quite successfully, by EA with BF2.
First, they started with their regular expansions. You know the drill...some cool new gameplay elements (like rocketpack, etc), a slew of items, and MANY new maps. Then we had the bullshit that was Special Forces. Now, by itself, it was pretty cool. However, what was utterly unexceptable was that EA allowed people who purchased that expansion to use their new uber-weapons in the regular BF2 game. And the only way players who didn't have the expansion could obtain those weapons was to pick them up off the corpses of people carrying them. In essence, EA enabled players to pay to upgrade their weapons in the game.
Then it progressed to crap like the Euro forces expansion, which is basically $10 for 3 maps, 4 vehicles and 7 weapons. Now, many have said it was a good value...I personally feel it was an over-priced money grab. And they are continually trying to crank out mini-expansion packs at an inflated cost.
The other great example is Valve with their "episodic gaming" vision. While normally you'd pay roughly half of the price of the retail game for approx. 1/2 the value of the content of the full game for an expansion, they've now shifted that by charging you $20, or roughly 1/3 the price for what amounts to 1/5 the content.
The overall trend here is that all of these game companies are drooling over the success of the monthly revenue stream provided by subscriptions from MMO's and such while at the same time salivating over the potential to sell things on a per-item basis with next to zero distribution costs in the way that cell-phone companies sell ringtones etc.
Everybody ignores this slippery slope, but I'm glad players are standing up for this for once, even though its just because of the issue of Xbox players got charged while PC gamers didn't. The reality is that NEITHER should have been charged for something that insignificant.
Whatever happened to free patches that gave great new content? Nowadays the only free patches are those that fix horrendous bugs which the game shouldn't have even been released with in the first place.
End result: You pay $60 for the original game + what amounts to a monthly fee for as many "episodic expansions" as they can cram down your throat + whatever nickle & dime upgrades they can make you buy in order to even remain competitive with your fellow gamers.
It is utterly disgusting and unfortunately I see no hope of this situation improving at all.
MMO-RPG vs Single Player RPG (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:MMO-RPG vs Single Player RPG (Score:3, Informative)
Re:MMO-RPG vs Single Player RPG (Score:2)
Except that's a load of crap in MMORPGs...
If I go out and farm a ton of high quality weaponry in Guild Wars, then sell it on e-bay for real money, I'm actively skirting the in-game economy. Now, the in-game currency is de-valued as there's more of it doing less, and anybody who is unable or unwilling to purchase fake items for real money is experiencing degraded gameplay because people aren't
Re:MMO-RPG vs Single Player RPG (Score:3, Insightful)
To play devil's advocate, my game is reality, and I play to make money. In my reality, I can sell items from a game online for real money. Just because you introduce a game and want to play it a certain way, don't think that you get to rewrite my rules just for your benefit.
Re:MMO-RPG vs Single Player RPG (Score:2)
Re:MMO-RPG vs Single Player RPG (Score:2)
Re:MMO-RPG vs Single Player RPG (Score:2)
Not Anymore ... (Score:3, Insightful)
SOE changed that. There are authorized servers where this is allowed through official means. This allows the game creators to monitor the traffic and make sure no one gets ripped off. (they do take a cut, I believe.) EQ and EQ2.
In single player RPGs, its policy to sell in-game items to players. Now I'm confused.
These are external mods. Downloading one for your game doesn't affect the gameplay of others.
Who even uses a horse? (Score:2)
Exploitation? Yeah right... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Exploitation? Yeah right... (Score:2)
None of these players care about $2.50, it's just a matter of not wanting others to have it without putting in the "work".
Re:Exploitation? Yeah right... (Score:2)
Re:Exploitation? Yeah right... (Score:3, Interesting)
It's the "don't be an asshole" principle, not the "be an asshole and we'll lock you away" principle. In the former, all adherants insure that there will be a reasonable disbersement to help alle
Give me a Break (Score:4, Insightful)
Why didn't they follow the same pricing model when selling their game? Surely if 2 skins are worth $2.50, then an entire CD filled with thousands of skins, logic, sprawling maps, etc would be worth several thousands of dollars per disc.
Bethesda should be ashamed.
Re:Give me a Break (Score:2)
Than tell them to fuck off (Score:3, Informative)
Bethesda Softworks LLC
a ZeniMax Media company
1370 Piccard Drive, Suite 120
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 926-8300
Fax: (301) 926-8010
Charging for the PC Addons too (Score:5, Informative)
Before everyone freaks out here, too... (Score:5, Informative)
I honestly don't see why everyone is freaking out about this; message boards seem to have exploded in rage all over the internet since yesterday, and it's really not that big a deal. I don't feel like $2.50 is worth a mod that doesn't actually do anything (the "armor" doesn't actually increase the horse's armor class, it just makes it look nice), and I feel like a lot of people are thinking the same thing. When Bethesda finds out that people aren't willing to pay that amount for so little, I'm guessing that future content will be priced more in line with the value it gives players. All in all, this really has nothing to do with Microsoft or how horrible the 360 is, but with why Bethesda chose that price for this particular content.
Re:Before everyone freaks out here, too... (Score:2, Informative)
In my earlier post, I pointed out that, on the Xbox 360, there are no player mods available. However, for contrast, I should have linked to one of the mod lists for the PC version. Note: these are unofficial, but are also free.
Oblivion Mods []
Re:Before everyone freaks out here, too... (Score:2)
Re:Before everyone freaks out here, too... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Before everyone freaks out here, too... (Score:3, Insightful)
I can just imagine the outrage if they tried messing with other companies like that...
Re:Before everyone freaks out here, too... (Score:2)
It just send the wrong message to gamers, namely: we're going to be as deceptive as possible in order to maximize our revenue. That includes charging you for content that might be in the box, and then charging you again if you really want the content that actually wasn't in the box in the firstplace.
It sets a terrible pr
Original Story Submission (Score:4, Interesting)
Micro$oft's marketing droids have fired the first salvo in the latest round of Digital Restrictions Management Warfare. Oblivion, by Bethesda, widely believed to be the strongest candidate for 2006 Game Of The Year, has begun providing downloadable content via XBOX Live. This could be great news, but at roughly $2.50 for downloadable Horse Armor a mere two weeks after the game shipped, we all know this was carved from the game to be sold separately. Bethesda is also to blame here, with other similarly priced content on the way. How long until "essential" game content is withheld from a game release, only to be downloaded in Pay-Per-Play chunks?
Please note that I'm definitely not against pay-per-play as a viable model, however, for these guys to charge $2.50 for what basically amounts to a few texture maps and a mesh is a big step over the edge onto a slippery slope that could (will?) lead to more egregious violations of player trust. And, before everyone says "if you don't like it, don't buy it"...believe me, I won't. However, it's important to understand that without public backlash over this, the folks behind these machinations will continue forward, "innovating" online gaming to the point where you won't be able to complete a $60 game you purchased until you've spent another $40 on pseudo-essential add-ons. (Not picking on you, Bethesda, we love you guys!!!)
Why did I mention Digital Restrictions Management? Glad you asked. If player contributed content were available via XBOX Live, the "power" of this type of marketing ploy would be diffused against other, more affordable (even free in some cases) mods. Why no player contributed content? Well, first you need Micro$oft's permission to provide anything via Live. And, well, we'll just leave the DRM issue right's just beating a dead horse with armor.
But, I digress...
Thank You, Bethesda, for Oblivion! You've restored my faith in immersive, interactive storytelling! Please use your amazing success with this game to help protect the future of downloadable content. I suppose that one way to do that would be to ensure that the price of content is in-line with the value of the content. And, it would be really nice if it were also tied to the actual "cost" of the content...but, hey, we can always dream.
Re:Original Story Submission (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Original Story Submission (Score:2)
Why is this a violation of trust? I could agree with that in a situation where players have invested lots of time in a game and the system changed to require cash to stay competitive. This is a new game and the item, as far as I can tell, is just pixel crack. If someone's prepared to pay $2.50 or $2,500 for a shirt of slightly different color, what does it matter?
Point two: What's wrong with the restrictions here? Few commercial online games allow player made graphics into the game. If they s
Re:Original Story Submission (Score:2)
Backlash or no, if the idea tanks in the maket, it will go away. As far as I can tell, this is nothing more than a lot of people (or maybe only one?) making a mountain out of a molehill. This $2.50 add-on doesn't change the gameplay in anyway whatsoever. Yeah, go ahead, scream "slippery slope" all you want. If nobody buys this, then the publishers are looking at a decide
If people buy it then the experiment worked. (Score:2)
If people feel that it's a horrible thing by the developers to do and protest by not buying it then things like this wont happen, but, if people complain and buy it anyway then we'll see more and more things like this. Bitching on a message board wont change a thing if they profit off of the idea.
id10t Error (Score:5, Insightful)
You buy it because you choose to do so. You buy it because it works, because you enjoy it and because you don't mind paying for someones hard work.
Sure horse armor for 2.50 is a joke. I don't dispute that. However the 360, xbox live and the game are all worth every penny i paid and then some. I'll choose not to buy the horse armor because..
you may guess it
i don't freaking HAVE to.
Thanks for blowing this way out of proportion and making yourselves look like idiots. Move along.
Re:id10t Error (Score:3, Interesting)
The irony... (Score:2, Interesting)
same thing in Kameo months ago (Score:4, Insightful)
I didn't pay and I encourage others not to pay either.
I'm not against micropayments, but I lets make MS work for their money, make them develop good additional content. Like Geometry Wars.
When additional tracks/cars become available for PGR3, I don't know what I will do. I would like the content, but the problem is if we pay them, they'll leave stuff out of the next PGR3 on purpose, just so they can sell it to you later.
So much for the good old days. (Score:4, Interesting)
I can expect to pay something for a substantial mod that introduces a new storyline or something to that effect. But to be charged for something as simple as a new texture and maybe a new model is pathetic.
It's not like an MMO where we're playing on their servers. But here they are charging for an object that at best some employee threw together in an afternoon, at worst was originally created with the game but left out for the release. They apply a few stats to it and they're done.
If Bethesda are finding themselves in a situation where Oblivion isn't as profitable as they'd like because of what they've invested in it's development then they should be addressing the issue differently.
The first option is not to make the game so overwrought that they spend a fortune just creating the game. Focus on the gameplay. Don't get obsessed in the latest eye candy that doesn't add directly to gameplay and that even struggles to run on fairly recent video cards.
The second option is simply to charge a bit more for the game. That's not a pleasant option, but if the game is more expensive to produce then charge accordingly. Of course, then I wouldn't expect to have to pay for anything for these mods.
The problem is that the power is in the hands of the consumer. Unfortunately, too many consumers dont think. They're quick to defend these companies and readily pay for anything. The more these people happily accept this sort of the nonsense the more the rest of us are forced into these extortionist pricing models.
In a way I think MMOs have been a bad for the gaming industry. It's shown these companies that not only can they charge full price for a game, but convince people to pay a monthly fee to continue playing. And on top of that most of these games dont even provide significantly more content than a single player but instead are heavily padded with repetitive gameplay. Consumers seem to be more than willing to part with their money, so why not make things easy for them?
"In a Barbi world..." (Score:2)
Ha! From your lips to Mattel's ears. Tell THEM that, every time my daughter wants an "upgrade" to her Barbi's accessories collection!
Response from Bethesda (Score:4, Informative)
Slashdotted (copy included) (Score:5, Informative)
Pete Hines from Bethesda Software was kind enough to answer a few question and shed some light on the whole Horse Armor Spectacle.
bapenguin: It seems there's been quite a bit of backlash from the $2.50 horse armor skins. What's your take on it?
Pete Hines: Honestly there's not a lot of info out there for us to go on. We tried to find a spot for it that fit with what other things were out there. A Theme costs 150 points. The Kameo thing was 200. We're trying to find the right spot that fits. How much is something you can use in the game worth versus a gamer picture pack, or a theme, and so on.
bapenguin: Any chance that we'll see a change in the price structure because of this? Or has it been selling well enough at the current price point that you guys are happy?
Pete Hines: Will they all be priced the same? I don't know. We're not even a day into this right now. We've got a couple more we're working on finishing and testings and will release in the next couple of weeks. We want to put some different things out there and find out what folks want and what they don't want. These are optional things, not requirements, so if you don't want to get them you don't have to.
bapenguin: What about free mods on the 360? Will we be seeing any of the popular PC mods from the user community showing up on Live?
Pete Hines: Right now we don't have plans to do any free mods. We don't ever get involved with fan-created content, on any platform, so taking some of that and releasing it on Live is not something we'd ever do.
Pete brings up a good point relating to content already out there. I completely forgot about the Kameo "winter pack" thing which was the same price. That "content" is pretty much the same as what Bethesda is offering. It's good to hear that a variety of stuff is in the works.
Pc games cost less... yeah right! (Score:2)
PC version is out, and costs less (Score:2)
[] List.aspx?SubCategoryId=1 []
or the Coral cache link as the site seems to be getting hammered already: []
Oh, the humanity! (Score:5, Funny)
People have a basic human right to have armor on their hourses in video games! It is time we nationalize the gaming industry, like we do health care, education, and all vital industries, so we make sure this kind of oppression is eliminated. The government certainly wouldn't exploit us like this!
Older Gamers (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Older Gamers (Score:2)
Wake me up when the game industry has imploded and then rediscovered originality from the
Welcome to the New Microsoft World (Score:2)
Expect more of the same. Billy and Balmer have been having wet dreams about this for at least 10 years - pay for everything. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd have to pay for your save-game slots in a year or two.
Obligitory Penny Arcade (Score:2)
on the PC... (Score:2)
Re:Disgusting (Score:3, Interesting)
So basically, you pay $50 up front for the game and would rather pay for content as you go and as they add it regularly. I might be missing something, but I fail to see how this is different from a monthly fee?
Anyway, something as small as this should be a free enhancement. Now, if they added in new player armor, weapons, and other goodies along with it, then I could see it having a
Re:Disgusting (Score:2)
Most MMOs I remember buying recently (Earth and Beyond, FFIX, CoH) charged me $50 up front for the game plus one month's service--so about $40 for the game--and then also charged a monthly fee. One advantage that GW has is that so long as the servers are running you can still play the game--you do
Re:Disgusting (Score:2)
The terribly confusing difference you're apparently missing is that in the first case, you're paying a monthly fee to play the game, and in the second case... you're not. What, exactly, is the confusion? In scenario one, you buy a game, and you have to pay to play every month. In scenario two, you buy a game, and you can play it for as long as you want without paying anything more. I don't understand how you're m
Re:Welcome to the "HD Age" (Score:2)
Besides, this is nothing new. How many Mario clones are out there? How many arcade games were based around the concept of an overhead space or plane shooter? How about in the mid 90s when every other game cabinet out of the factory was "MARVEL VERSUS BARBIE!! THE ULTIMATE SUPER KILLER STREET FIGHTER PUFF TOY SHOWDOWN!!!"
Hell, speaking of which, what about the old