The Videogame Industry is Broken 232
GameDaily is running an interesting opinion piece running down the ways in which the gaming industry is just broken. The author cites soaring costs, huge risks, a reduction in creativity, and a stagnation in market growth as just some of the signs of this crisis. From the article: "The next-gen systems require publishers to place very large bets with each title. This will mean decreased risk taking and just regurgitated sequels of big brand franchises. How many publishers will take risks with multiplatform original IP? This is clearly not good news for the consumer as innovation has driven our industry from the beginning. The irony is that the amazing tools, capabilities and quality of the new systems may very well doom what is most important, which is the game itself. Reconciling what a creative team wants and what the executive suite needs in terms of profits will be a growing challenge for many companies."
Simple fix (Score:3, Funny)
Indie developers CAN set up EA the bomb... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Indie developers CAN set up EA the bomb... (Score:3, Informative)
Big game houses will have this problem. Smaller outfits, with lower overheads (maybe only a few full time employees) will often be able to offer a superior game at a much lower cost.
There was an article not too long ago about "shareware kings" where individuals or small groups make products and rake in the money.
$750,000 won't even pay for EA's advertising budget, but that is damn good pay for a few friends.
We Get Signal! (Score:3, Insightful)
How damn pathetic that after years these games still get play time (not that I'm
May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:5, Interesting)
Maybe the new creativity might start showing through that?
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:3, Interesting)
Most games making extensive use of either one looked more like tech demos to me (mostly I looked at eyetoy). The rest of the time, they used the technology very sparingly, relying on more traditional control scemes. In fact, most of the "eyetoy" functionality in games is reserved for scanning your face into the game you're playing, not some innovative gameplay feature. The only
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:2, Insightful)
This is not to belittle Nintendo, though -- but they've got plenty of legitimate innovation going on wit
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:2)
There will always be ridiculously expensive games made. But you don't have to spend 20 million dollars to have a big hit. And you certainly don't have to spend 20 million dollars to have a creative title.
Next gen makes a lot of things easier. If you choose to use that power to hit new highs in terms of expensive graphics capabilities and content generation, then more power to you. But some studios will use that power to
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:2)
Save for the uforce and power glove attempts for the NES.
Sega was the first to use the microphone as a gameplay device
You might want to back this up. Some of the original nintendo game and watch devices I believe used it, but the Japanese Famicom actually had a built in microphone. The point in Legend of Zelda (the original) where it refers to an enemy not liking noise, was a r
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:2)
Egad... I'm gonna show my age here. I remember "Echelon" for the C-64... it came with a headset that activated the fire button with any "significant sound."
Still, your point is well stated in that being an innovator doesn't always lead one to rousing success and can, in fact, cause a company to falter.
There's a reason why "stick to the knitting" is more likely to keep a company afloat (even as it stagnates) is a common truism.
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:2, Informative)
Don't forget that a DS devkit is only 2,000$, which mean that a small company can start on this console with primitive 3D graphics (2k polyg
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:5, Insightful)
Nintendo may (or may not) dominate the game industry for the next 5 years, but I am positive that they will have the most inovative and interesting games released on the Wii or Nintendo DS.
Re:May not be so gloomy afterall (Score:2)
Well I assume you've never played it, but that doesn't stop you or the other fanboys from rambling on and on about how great it's going to be.
Same Thing... Different Day (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Same Thing... Different Day (Score:5, Insightful)
Developers = Bands
Publishers = Record companies
In each industry, which entity do you think is to blame for the generic corporate schlock that's on the store shelves?
Re:Same Thing... Different Day (Score:3)
games that look the same = songs that sound the same
managers that care about revenue instead of game quality = managers that care about revenue instead of song quality
The list can be finished easily. What it boils down to is that the creativity has been sucked out of both industries by the predominance of the publishers instead of the artists.
Re:Same Thing... Different Day (Score:3, Insightful)
In all of these cases, production costs have risen faster than the incomes of the target consumers. As that happens, investors are loathe to have a failure on their hands, so they take fewer risks. For a perfect example, after the successes of Lion King and The Producers, look at how many films turned into Broadway musicals. Do we really need a musical theater adaptation of The Wedding Singer? Innovation has moved off-off-Broadway, where cos
Re:Same Thing... Different Day (Score:2, Informative)
Doom sold 3 million copies for the PC last year.
My Little Pony Sold 1.5 million PC copies last year.
I know that your team has an excellent concept for a new title which will reawaken a sleeping portion of the market. However, if you make a game which mixes Doom and My Little Pony, we estimate it will sell 2-2.5 million copies next year.
As crazy as it sounds, it happens, and is the real problem. Lawy
Video game snobbery. (Score:2)
The video game 'snob' articles are getting redundant. So is comparing Video Games to movies or music when it comes to sequals. Most movie sequals don't live up to the originals. Games however *do* tend to get better as more sequals are made. For example, compare the original Unreal to Unreal Tournament. I'm not just talking about graphics here either, the gameplay of video game sequa
Re:Same Thing... Different Day (Score:2, Informative)
But the reality is that it takes a few hours, moderate programming skill and marginal artistic abilities to throw together a flash game. In that sense, costs have been dropping like a rock.
Same for music - without trying, you could spend a fortune mastering an album using the very best equipment. The thing is, do you need to?
The analogy even carrie
Re:Same Thing... Different Day (Score:2)
File Under: [gaming], [dating], [public toilets]
But is it really? (Score:2)
Everything has largely been the same throughout history. Someone finds something that resonates with consumers and everyone else seeks to cash in on it be creating simple
Re:Same Thing... Different Day (Score:2)
Yes developers keep making the same games over and over because they're affraid to create new ideas.
Risk... Are they affraid to take risks? Yes and no. Game developement has plenty of risk. Do you try to invent something new or bet on something with previous success. Its something the movie industry has been battling for years.
Look at the Wiensteins. They have produced and brought many movies to markets over the years. They generally are known for
What are the odds (Score:2, Interesting)
Also, I find it odd how many video games based on movies are coming out at the sacrifice of both gameplay and plot in order to cash in on the franchise. You'd think they'd have learned from the E.T. video game, but apparently the better graphics have changed that? Why must a book usually be made into a movie before a video game is based on it?
Re:What are the odds (Score:2)
Re:What are the odds (Score:2)
Seriously though, is there any games that lived up to the movie? I would cite James Bond: Golden Eye, but I'd have to say that games was actually _better_ than the movie, because the movie just plain sucked. The game was pretty damn good though.
wah wah wah (Score:5, Insightful)
Right now, at this very minute, Nintendo and the DS are demonstrating that it's innovation, not licenses or technology, that is selling software, and first and thrid parties on DS are benefitting. The same thing is happening on PSP -- look at Loco Roco's appeal and sales overseas.
The next-gen systems face some challenges, but no more than they ever have. As games move into a more mature phase of their existance, we have positives -- almost everyone under 30 has played games, and most continue to play games -- and negatives -- the percentage of people who buy new games just becuase their new isn't growing; instead most people are looking at the quality of the game itself before they plop down their sheckels.
The actual article is more reasoned than the Slashdot recap, but honestly, games don't face any more challenges than movies, TV, or any other media. Innovation is alive and well. Innovation doesn't have to mean better graphics or experimental gameplay. Look at Xbox Live Arcade, and Sony's and Nintendo's forthcoming online services. That's a HUGE innovation in the console space, and it enables new types of games on consoles that we simply wouldn't have seen otherwise.
Bottom line, the biggest problem with the game industry today, to me, are the jaded pundits, not anything else.
Re:wah wah wah (Score:2)
I have two of them on my website they could start with right now.
Re:wah wah wah (Score:2)
Oh yeah, actually living one would probably be a better idea. Sorry, don't like it.
The democracy one looks boring too. Sorry.
Re:wah wah wah (Score:2)
Not everyone likes everything.
If everyone made innovative games There would be heaps of games you don't like, There'd also be a few that you really, really, like that others don't.
When you are not going for the lowest common demominator it's unavoidable that you lose the common, but A game shouldn't be everything to every person.
Re:wah wah wah (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, and clearly, in TV and movies, we don't suffer from the regurgitation [] of proven material [] over [] and over [] and over [] again, with a focus on blockbusters [] in a vain pursuit of mega-profit....
Re:wah wah wah (Score:2)
Re:wah wah wah (Score:2)
And this is why we have seen the growth of gaming as an industry, namely because it offers an alternative to the same mindless entertainment that's been shoved down our throats.
Unfortunately, if videogames move toward a system where only big-name sequels and licensed pablum comes trickling out, then the entertainment expe
Re:wah wah wah (Score:2, Insightful)
So my question is, why are the pundits so jaded? Seems to me if everything is so rosy than the pundits would agree with your analysis.
I think there IS something broken about the gaming industry, I'm not sure what it is, but I don't think video games will be able to entertain the same number of people in the same way that they have been. I don't think the depth of experience is there to keep
Re:wah wah wah (Score:2, Insightful)
Yeah, I figured.
. .
You only build strength when your muscles are stressed.
I guess I meant that the overall number of hardcore gamers isn't growing
I would suggest that what is happening is that you are not seeing the hardcore gamers because, as per your own statement, it is the gamers who are jaded, not just the journalists. They are not buying your games, so you think they do not exist.
Build the game and they will come. The p
Re:wah wah wah (Score:3, Insightful)
it's good. (Score:4, Insightful)
Finally the industry is discovering that making a sequel of a sequel of some old game is not a receipe for success. Of course Fallout N will sell good like hell. But at the end some companies will die. But most importantly a few other companies will succesfully create a new franchise, that will be good. And will have not only graphics, but the storyline. It's competition guys. Competition is always good for consumers, and bad for companies that fail to innovate.
That makes me think that they do not compete with themselves but with the hardware. Kinda funny if you asked me.
Re:it's good. (Score:2)
Super Mario Bros
The various Burnout titles
Sonic (the original ones)
Gran Turismo
Crazy Taxi
Mario Party
Guitar Hero
Now, how important is storyline to any of the above? Sure a good story is vital to certain genres - obviously RPGs, also FPSs to a lesser extent. But there are plenty of great games out there, even many absolute classics, which have no story whatsoe
Re:it's good. (Score:2)
%s/storyline/some great idea/g
Re:it's good. (Score:2)
Actually it was a sequel, to a sequel, of a clone, of an expansion, to a sequel, of a derivative, of a 1996 original. The whole game is usually built on a five year old engine from the company that made the product, that inspired the competitor of the expansion. Not the clone of course! That would just be silly. The clone came out three years after the original expansion and competitor had fini
Re:it's good. (Score:2)
The industry will fix itself (Score:2, Insightful)
If newer systems with fancier graphics and capabilities require more development time and cost, development houses will take fewer risks and innovation will suffer. Those systems will eventually die out in the market as people lose interest.
But if other newer systems come along and don't require more development time or cost due to smart development tools and SDK/platform, the development houses won't have to avoid taking risk
The next generation consoles just cost too much (Score:5, Insightful)
The industry is trying to move to a higher price point. And that's just not going to happen.
It's quite possible that the Xbox 360 and PS3, and their games, will sell slowly at their higher price points, and won't go mainstream until the prices come down, which could take years. The PS2 is still outselling the XBox 360. Microsoft caught up with demand, and nobody cared.
Forgetting a next-gen console (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The next generation consoles just cost too much (Score:2)
Re:The next generation consoles just cost too much (Score:2)
As with everything else that's popular (Score:5, Interesting)
What I find facinating is how companies change the way they do things when they get popular. They forget what made them popular in the first place. My company is a prime example. We we extremely successful and thus bought by a huge company. The first thing they did is change the way we did things... not realizing that the reason they bought us in the first place is that we were already doing things right. Very strange indeed.
As for the video game industry, I see a trend of going back to the basics with respects to gameplay. All this push to make super realistic movie like games is just not working yet. []Re:As with everything else that's popular (Score:4, Insightful)
You don't mention what industry you're in, but buyouts rarely happen solely on the success of the company being purchased. Most likely it's simply your product that the parent company wants. Could be for IP purposes or to remove a competing product from the market.
Either way, and having been through a couple buyouts myself, the reason they changed the way you did things was to match their corporate culture, not the other way around.
multiplatform is not a risk (Score:2)
The real risk and reward comes from SINGLE-platform ventures. This way you get to make the absolute best game for the platform you've chosen. You use its performance hardware, user interface, network connections, etc to the best of your ability.
With all this multiplatform crap going around, we're stuck with the lowest common denominator in all our games.
Basically this was an anti-console rant by a PC gamer who's sick of shallow PC ports of console games that suck because they were
Prophets of Console Doom... (Score:2)
Re:Prophets of Console Doom... (Score:2)
Op-Eds Like this Aren't Helping (Score:4, Informative)
It's funny that these opinion pieces continue to crop up, where all they do is criticize what is wrong with the industry. Sure there are tons of sequels, certain games are going to cost more in the future, and there are plenty of other far from pleasant possibilities on the horizon, but there can be plenty of positives too. However, most magazines would rather A) focus on Big Game Franchise X cover stories, and B) complain instead of showcasing things that are interesting.
At the end of the day, magazines and web sites are conduits to much of the game info that is out there, thusly helping to shape a lot of its readers' tastes, as well as often indirectly instilling interest in new areas of gaming. On the rare occasion, there'll be an interesting bit in a mag or on a site that focuses on aspects of the industry that could rejuvenate, or at least provide an acceptable alternative to, what this op-ed chastizes, but often times these mags simply don't go that route.
One could argue that they do this because they are just giving their readers what they want, but if readers aren't exposed to obscure game / trend X, how do they know if they want it or not in the first place?
The specs (Score:2, Interesting)
Sigh... (Score:3, Informative)
With the next generation development costs are increasing rapidly
So go develop a DS game or something for the XBox Live Arcade that's fun and original, and then you can get your funding, FFS. If you really have something insanely fun and interesting then you'll have no problem getting backing for it. Do it on a smaller scale and watch the doors open for the bigger deals. What the hell is an unproven "independent" trying to accomplish by making a $20 million game, anyway? Prove that you're worth the money and publishers will make sure your game gets to's not like they don't fund all sorts of crap that sells anyway (see any of the Matrix franchise games for examples of this).
Growing the market - Where will the growth come from? Will the size of the hardcore audience suddenly double and triple or do we need the broad base of the mainstream to grow the business? The answer is obvious and so far the winners seem to be Microsoft with Xbox Live Arcade and possibly Nintendo with its easy to use and enjoy Wii games.
Again, sigh....this guys has answered his own damn question.
And the funny thing (Score:5, Interesting)
Consoles are harder, but even then, it happens. See Marble Blast Ultra for the X-box 360. Marble Blast is just a little "roll the ball through mazes" 3D game for the PC/Mac from Garage Games (another site you can get multiple indy games off of). However it is enough fun that MS decided it would make a good game for X-box Arcade and thus we now have Marble Blast Ultra.
Are people becomming mega-millionaires off of this? No, but then I don't think that's the only measure of success. I think if you can make a game that people like to play, and make money doing it, you've succeded. Apparantly that can be done indy, despite the current game market.
So... (Score:3, Insightful)
If you look at it that way, then it's not surprising. Although that said, the recent bedroom musician/indie film producer model means that we'll hopefully see a more gung-ho type of do-it-yourself game writing in the future.
VR is getting closer.... (Score:5, Interesting)
Graphics cards are faster, stronger and more powerful than ever. Some years ago when Virtual Reality
where introduced - it lagged BIG time, it was however revolutionary - all the rage...and only
the worlds hottest shopping-malls got it back then, but it quickly died because the games where simple
and very boring except for the virtual reality immersion.
The technology for virtual reality just wasn't there yet, but behold...we're THERE NOW!
Just take a look at your own pc's gfx cards with their 1680 x 1050 resolution for your widescreen that
you can't see the pixels on more (from a meters distance) anyway... imagine two of these cards
and two seriously high-res mini OLED displays in your glasses and we're in business.
Virtual reality online gaming also needed the bandwith - and it's only recently we've
gotten this.
The technology is dirt cheap too! Mobile cell phones already come with high-res Oled displays
and you could create higher-res oled displays fit for "VR-Glasses" already...heck...they even
exist today in 800 x 600...even higher if I'm not entirely mistaken. And they're NOT expensive.
So get cracking! Take a chance - make the VR games right now!
Re:VR is getting closer.... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:VR is getting closer.... (Score:2)
1) Head mounted displays: Two small, high-res displays attached to your head requiring full video bandwidth.
2) Tracking systems. VR isn't much fun unless the HMD and some sort of glove or stylus is accurately tracked in real time.
Besides these systems being expensive, they'r
Re:VR is getting closer.... (Score:2)
I think that it'll take atleast 2 more console generations before it hits consoles. PCs could do it, but it would cost an arm & a leg. VR head sets aren't as cheap as you think. I've looked into them at they are $600-800 min. I wanted something like a VR headset just for a normal computer monitor and watching videos listening to audio on. From what I've read, the tech isn't there to do daily computer work. You develop eye strain after just a f
Experts are the problem (Score:2)
Just like Disney does with movies? *
(Once video games became big business, the "big players" have tried running operations like a generic entertainment industry offering)
* Disney just announced [] it slashes new releases to 8 per year.
Correct. (Score:2, Insightful)
Yawn (Score:2)
The market isn't as broken as the opinion pieces (Score:2)
It's a variety of problems (Score:2)
Earlier "sequels" were different games. Not only new graphics. Diablo II was a completely different beast than its prequel. Yes, both had the hack-n-slash el
Prey is an obvious example (Score:2)
and lets not even go talking about EA and their current state of unaffairs.... but personally, I think delivering lots of bugs into BF2 is a great way to make people want to switch to BF 2145 when that comes out.
Re:Prey is an obvious example (Score:2)
I'm afraid I don't follow your logic concerning Battlefield 2, though. It shipped with tons of bugs, and that fact is going to make people want
Re:Prey is an obvious example (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Nintendos' Wii (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Nintendos' Wii (Score:2)
Poor programming (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Gamers Are Sick & Tired Of Being Ripped Off (Score:2)
Half-Life 2 is the best game I've ever played. You're missing out.
Re:Gamers Are Sick & Tired Of Being Ripped Off (Score:2, Insightful)
Just because the graphics have updated you won't allow yourself to move up the gaming ladder? Warcraft III is a great game regardless of it's 3D nature. In fact it gains a bit through that since the MOD scene on it has much more leeway in what goes on in design, looks, and gameplay. Just look at some of the mods at, or even just the most popular one, DotA. These mods are well worth the money paid for the game, and learning to play the regular game itself is a good part too.
Re:Gamers Are Sick & Tired Of Being Ripped Off (Score:3, Informative)
Actually, no. They 'magically' have the same price because most of them are owned by the same publisher (Ziff Davis). There is very little competition in the UK computer-related magazine market these days - ZD have bought most of it.
Re:Gamers Are Sick & Tired Of Being Ripped Off (Score:2)
Re:Gamers Are Sick & Tired Of Being Ripped Off (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Blame the video card industry instead (Score:2, Interesting)
How to fix the industry and save money (Score:2)
Voices: First get rid of all the actors and actresses doing voice work, nobody else cares if Alec Balwin is doing the voice of bobo the clown in Flaming Death Racer 2k6, so why should the publisher.
Visuals: Get rid of the lame ass cinematics that delay the games for a year. Most everyone skips after the first time and many dont watch at all. If you really need a cinematic intro or cut scene render it in game and show off your ai skills rather tha
It will all change (Score:4, Informative)
The Wii itself is going to be helping the little guy. While we can expect a plethora of FPS and Lightsaber games (ohpleaseohpleaseohplease), the dev kit for the Wii is a mere $2000! This means that a group of friends (or another small, interested party) who really want to get into this can pool their money and get some capitol from a rich uncle to start creating something.
it's the usual thing (Score:2)
Fortunately, the gaming industry won't stay this way: with graphics hardware and tool prices coming down, more and more people will be able to enter the industry again, and there is little reason why a single company should be able to dominate it, like Micros
Crisis? (Score:2)
The computer gaming industry collapsing because of it's own inability to innovate? I hardly call that a crisis.
Re:Crisis? (Score:2)
Video game sales up 25% (Score:2)
Yes it is broken. (Score:3, Insightful)
Making me pay to join an on line gaming sever is not the answer when the game is no better than off-line. While playing against a real person on the other end can be entertaining, it for sure is not worth the fees charged.
And then there is the sequel because they haven't yet sucked out enough money on some hit game is not the answer.
What the gaming industry is experiencing is no more and no less the same as that of the video media. There is so much drivel and mind bogglingly inane stuff on the tube you can tell it was only created just to fill time. But then, that always happens when big business get involved.
I'm calling bull-. (Score:4, Insightful)
That time of year again (Score:5, Insightful)
Just like console cycles, the industry has it's creative cycles as well. Then some dev group or a new band of kids throws something on a new hardware platform and it's OMG "they're turning our kids into zombies" and "evercrack is taking over the world". And for those lamenting sequals, um - that's what Nintendo's been banking on for the last 26 years as far as Mario and Link are concerned. For every Nintendogs there's also a new metroid pinball. Surprise surprise. News flash! Dirt is brown! Water is Wet! - put that baby in 50pt Helvetica and slap it on the cover of the June issue.
My next prediction? Watch this November when the same salaried press-fuckers will be touting gaming's new "renaissance". NOW whose being jaded?
ME! You don't have to be a former member of a press-club to spew this rant - but it HELPS.
(it also helps to try to imagine the writer quitting smoking while typing this)
Artificial business models won't fly. (Score:2, Interesting)
As long as companies insist to create artificial business plans they will suffer the consequences. Game consoles are sold below cost just so they can start making money on the games. Therefore you need to be aut
One way to kill the Hollywood mindset (Score:2, Interesting)
Mods and Cheats need to be built in to console games.
The difficult thing, is to convince financiers wanting to 'own' a franchise, that this is
Wow! (Score:2)
The cool thing is, companies still come out with anything good at all:
And more importantly: []
Re:Yahoo! Gets It (Score:2)
Re:Cost of Games (Score:2)
Re:Oh please. (Score:2)
Absolutely right. Your average slashdot member doesn't want to fess up to this because it would make them realize how boring they are. It's much like anything else; you can't expect others to change into what you want out of life, you need to change.
Is there a terrible price difference between (Score:3, Informative)
The answer is yes.
Re:Too much of the same (Score:2)
For every gamer who bemoans the lack of innovation, I'm sure there are five that look forward to things like BF:2142 or CS:Source. It's the consumers that make the market, after all.