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Xbox Live Disallows Linux, Unix As Keywords 281

shafty023 writes "The Xbox Live online service disallows screen names like LINUXRULES, L I N U X, and other variations of these kinds. Other bloggers are reporting that variants of 'Unix' also result in the message: 'Your motto contains inappropriate language. Please try again.'" If this is an extension of Microsoft's anti-Linux campaign, perhaps it's time they gave it up.
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Xbox Live Disallows Linux, Unix As Keywords

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:28PM (#20471847)
    Words like Microsoft aren't allowed either. It hard to say what they are going for here. Maybe preventing smack-talk too.
    • by hc5duke ( 930493 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:37PM (#20471973)
      I would guess "Microsoft" is banned to prevent phishing scams where someone pretends to be from MS
    • by Scottoest ( 1081663 ) <<moc.egapmab> <ta> <ttocs>> on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:44PM (#20472077) Homepage
      As I already replied in this news post, I think they try to prevent any trademarked terms from being used in Gamertags.

      This is another non-story, as is the case with most of kdawson's Microsoft related posts.

      - Scott

      • by VENONA ( 902751 )
        WTF? I don't see a reference to kdawson. Not the submitter, and not a poster or respondent. Is this something where you have to hang out here daily in order to get it? Part of me wants to know how to judge the quality of any poster's efforts, but most of me wonders if assuming specific knowledge of a poster's biases (and I have my own, as most of us probably do) isn't setting the bar a bit high.
        • by Scottoest ( 1081663 ) <<moc.egapmab> <ta> <ttocs>> on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @07:05PM (#20472327) Homepage
          kdawson was the Slashdot editor that posted this story - you can see his name at the top of the page. He has a tendency to post unsubstantiated FUD about Microsoft, which is ridiculous, given the amount of substantiated issues people have with them.

          Seriously - submit a story like "Micro$oft gives babies herpes, says new report", and then have the "report" link go to some drooling teenager speaking in all "leet speak"on the IGN forums, and I predict your story will hit the front page by the top of the hour.

          - Scott
        • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

          by nuzak ( 959558 )
          Posted by kdawson on Tuesday September 04, @04:26PM

          Browsers have this neat ability to search within a page.

          I don't know if there's a single editor here who really is one. The bulk of editors work here is limited to filling in the "from the words-separated-by-dashes dept" field when clicking on the green articles in the firehose. Oh and adding scintillating color text to the end of submissions like like "worth reading".

          • by VENONA ( 902751 )
            I was all down on Slashdot editors earlier today in a post to "Scientist Must Pay to Read His Own Paper."

            So I guess I have at least something in common with this kdawson person. OTOH, various replies lead me to believe that applying a mental kdawson filter would be a Good Thing. A random sig spotted today seems appropriate. To paraphrase: You are probably an asshole, and don't know it.

            I should probably filter my own posts.
      • That was my thought when I saw that Unix was also disallowed. If MS is concerned about losing their desktop market to Unix, they are in an amazing amount of trouble already. Even if they are just concerned that Unix might in the foreseeable future represent a threat, they're losing their edge.

        Just seems like this is a more or less honest attempt at avoiding as many future trademark complaints as possible. I don't think that the complaints would be valid, as I'm pretty sure that all but the dumbest people wo
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Skillet5151 ( 972916 )

        I think they try to prevent any trademarked terms from being used in Gamertags.
        While that makes some sense, it seems pretty worthless to block two (three including Microsoft's own) of the tens of thousands of trademarked names and phrases in the US.

        I doubt it's malicious. Just seems like an oddity to me.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:45PM (#20472087)
      Or maybe "chairboy".

      How about "monkeychairboy"?
    • by Sycraft-fu ( 314770 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @08:00PM (#20472875)
      Seriously, if your gaming handle is based around your OS, you are kinda of... Well... A jackass. Nobody gives a shit what OS you like, just play the game. It could be anti-Linux, but as you noted, it's more Kiley just anti-moron. There's not reason to make mention of OSes in handles on Live other than to start shit, which just really isn't needed.
      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by mattgreen ( 701203 )
        You seem to forget that people around here believe their choice in OS to be a moral one. :)
      • Flamebait? (Score:3, Interesting)

        by mattgreen ( 701203 )
        I'm curious why exactly the parent comment is flamebait. I'm sure someone has an excellent reason for moderating it that way, so why not share it with us?
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Hatta ( 162192 )
        WTF do you care what someone elses handle is? It's completely arbitrary so it might as well have something to do with the person. What better to name yourself after than something you like?

        If someone named themself "dachshund17" or "GTO-1963", would that be a jackass move? Dogs and cars are just are popular hobbies just like computers, so if they're ok then "LinuxRules" should be fine too. If those names aren't OK, wtf is someone supposed to us as a screen name and not be a jackass in your opinion?
    • Linus is a trademark, maybe Microsoft doesn't allow trademarked words (I wonder if there is such a list)
    • by J_Omega ( 709711 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @10:40PM (#20474159) l []

      Posted today. They pulled this guys 3-yo tag of "HornyChinchilla" because, it is assumed, they found it to be offensive.

      Their filter suggested "Fingered" and completely accepted "FingeredAnus"

      I'm sure that there's a joke in there somewhere about how it feels to use MS products...
      • by batkiwi ( 137781 )
        They likely pulled his tag because someone made a complaint. They have a basic filter for super-naughties, but rely on people complaining for most of the bans.
        • by J_Omega ( 709711 )
          oh, I completely agree that that is most likely what is happening here.

          However... don't you think that the "super-naughties" list might first include(exclude) words like, oh, ANUS instead of Linux/unix?
    • Reminds me of when Yahoo forced me to downgrade my Flickr account to a Yahoo account. Naturally every permutation of ever single handle I've ever used was taken, and nothing with "Yahoo" in it was allowed. I ended up going with a homophonous variant, "yahuuarebastards". :)

  • by bherman ( 531936 )
    trademarked or copyrighted names? Wasn't that one of the items SCO claimed ownership to (the Unix name)?
    Could be another reason.
  • Other words? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by FST ( 766202 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:29PM (#20471857) Journal
    Can someone try...other words like

    ubuntu,fedora,redhat...suse,novel? xandros, freespire...lindows...

    GPL.... FOSS

    Richard Stallman Linus torvalds al qaeda?

    Just wondering what's allowed and what isn't.
  • Fortunately (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:29PM (#20471859)
    SlashdotSUX seems to work just fine. OH SNAP!
  • XXX-Box and MiniXbox360.

    I guess they were on Tannenbaum's side of the argument. ;-)

    Next I'm trying StallMan!
    • by megaditto ( 982598 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:49PM (#20472143)
      StallMan? Does that refer to the FOSS geek or to the gay Senator?
  • by Starteck81 ( 917280 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:30PM (#20471885)
  • by Scottoest ( 1081663 ) <<moc.egapmab> <ta> <ttocs>> on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:30PM (#20471887) Homepage
    But doesn't XBOX Live prevent users from using any trademarked terms when making a username?

    If this is not the case, then my apologies.

    If it is (and I think it is), then kdawson, you really need to give this up already. You are fast becoming notorious for posting complete non-stories, especially when the subject is Microsoft.

    - Scott
    • by Ant P. ( 974313 )
      Geez, one month and he's already going back on my front page block list. Guess he's still as gullible/ignorant/whichever-derogatory-statement-t hat-applies as 12 months ago.
    • If it is (and I think it is), then kdawson, you really need to give this up already. You are fast becoming notorious for posting complete non-stories, especially when the subject is Microsoft.

      I thought Twitter owned that franchise.

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Reziac ( 43301 ) *
        He does. This kdawson person is infringing on Twitter's intellectual property rights. ;)

        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

          by ColdWetDog ( 752185 )

          He does. This kdawson person is infringing on Twitter's intellectual property rights. ;)

          That's pushing on the definition of "intellectual" pretty hard, don't you think?

          Or don't you?

    • by TheTopher ( 879626 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:50PM (#20472163) Journal
      The Halo 3 Public Beta demonstrated a new feature that allows players to choose an alphanumeric "call sign" of the form A00. The call sign "N64" was not allowed due to trademark issues. I would imagine that such issues are the same reason why Linux is not allowed in gamer tags.
      • I didn't realize that N64 was a trademark, but you are right. I thought it was just a fan designation.
    • by Erris ( 531066 )

      If nothing else, the error message about "inappropriate language" is news. It's bad enough that xbox would restrict normal behavior, but M$ make it worse by not explaining why. It made me laugh.

      If it is a Trademark thing, it must take forever to get a screen name. Next time you are in a grocery store, just look at all of the names for tampons. It's hard to imagine the size of the database they will have to parse though and that's before you get to L337 stuff like T4mpax or V46ici11

    • trademarks? no (Score:2, Informative)

      by EllynGeek ( 824747 )
      It is not illegal for private citizens to use trademarked names any old non-commercial way they want to. This new /. generation is seriously uninformed, and way too willing to put up with corporate bullshit.
  • Snow (Score:5, Funny)

    by HTH NE1 ( 675604 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:36PM (#20471949)
    A friend hated snow so much that he put it in his dial-up BBS's filter, so "snow" would be rendered "****".

    Someone decided to post a Christmas song, to hilarious results from the other possible 4-letter substitutions. He relented and removed it from the filter.

    Unfortunately, I'm not certain what song it was: "Frosty the ****man" or "Let It ****" are the ones that leap to mind.
    • Re:Snow (Score:4, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @07:02PM (#20472289)
      Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
      in the lane, **** is glistening


      It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
      Ev'rywhere you go;
      There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well,
      The sturdy kind that doesn't mind the ****.


      I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
      Just like the ones I used to know
      Where the treetops glisten
      and children listen
      To hear sleigh bells in the ****.


      Hear the **** crunch, see the kids bunch, this is Santa's big scene
      And above all this bustle you'll hear
      Silver bells, silver bells
      It's Christmas time in the city


      Another tender Tennessee Christmas
      The only Christmas for me
      Where the love circles around us
      Like the gifts around our tree
      Well, I know there's more **** up in Colorado
      Than my roof will ever see
      But a tender Tennessee Christmas
      is the only Christmas for me.
  • But maybe... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by davmoo ( 63521 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:40PM (#20472019)
    perhaps it's time they gave it up

    But perhaps its also time that the people writing these headers realize that a) Xbox Live is a private network, and as such, they can set their own rules, b) Microsoft may have a policy against trademarks in names (I don't use Xbox Live, so I don't know their rules), and finally c) Microsoft is in competition with Linux, and is not going to publish or permit anything that is pro-Linux.

    Its like you people expect Microsoft to advertise with a slogan like "Linux is better, but buy our stuff anyway". You're probably also waiting for American car manufacturers to come up with the slogan "Our cars suck, but buy American!"

    Grow up, people, that's how capitalism works. Build your own game network (at your own expense) and you can set the rules.
    • I don't think anyone is claiming that MS doesn't have the right to do this...but it does strike me as very immature of them.
      • Re:But maybe... (Score:4, Informative)

        by garett_spencley ( 193892 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:58PM (#20472247) Journal
        I was dying to post some joke about just how hilarious the whole concept is, but couldn't think of anything. Immature or not I found the whole idea that MS would do such a thing extremely amusing.

        Then I read the other comments and people pointed out that "Microsoft" and "Windows" are also disallowed words, as well they pointed out that there is a policy that using trademarked terms in screen names is disallowed. Assuming those posts are correct, it now seems like a complete non-story and non-issue. Ironically (as the parent poster is currently modded Troll), kdawson and shafty023 should be the ones modded Troll for the article. IMO.
      • by davmoo ( 63521 )
        Even if its because they don't allow trademarks in user names? I know *MANY* networks with that policy.
    • Its like you people expect Microsoft to advertise with a slogan like "Linux is better, but buy our stuff anyway". You're probably also waiting for American car manufacturers to come up with the slogan "Our cars suck, but buy American!"

      I only expect honesty from people; I don't think that's too much to ask. So if honesty demands American car manufacturers to say their cars suck, or MS to say Linux is better, then that's what they must do.

  • by Mike Rubits ( 818811 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @06:40PM (#20472021)
    "Windows" is also a disallowed word.
  • On LinuXbox Live, you cannot use any name with "MS" in it.
  • by earthforce_1 ( 454968 ) <earthforce_1 AT yahoo DOT com> on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @07:00PM (#20472263) Journal
    There are lots of fun ways past a (lame) keyword filter
    Some suggestions to start:

    Or some variant of...

    $u$E SueSee
    Nohvell Nove||
    UhBuntu, EwBhunthu
    RedH@t, RhedHatt
    Debi@n, DehBian
  • What about Sony or Mitsubishi?

    They probably just filter trademarked names.
  • I just made that up so you would waste more time on this non-event
  • That's what this article is, kdawson. As others have noticed, words like "Microsoft" and "Windows" are also disallowed. And really, even if it were some plot to keep people from advocating linux on Live, so fucking what? How could this be more of a non-story?
  • Not sure why, but my usual kick of spike is not allowed by supreme commander...
  • And this all has nothing to do with an anti-linux marketing?

    After all, someone could choose names like "Linuxsux" or "LetLinuxDie". Be creative and you find more offensive anti-linux names. And then, you'll certainly see some people get kinda irate.

    In turn, they MUST filter trademark names (at least to some sensible extent). Now, I don't know if Linux is a trademark, but let's assume it's not. Then people could call themselves "Linuxsucks" but not "Windowssucks". Worse, at least in the eyes of MS, people co
  • LINUX YOU! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Sj0 ( 472011 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @08:21PM (#20473015) Journal

    I can't believe these linuxheads are doing this. linux isn't linuxing inappropriate language, linux-linux-it!

    I can't believe this linux. It's linuxing insane.
  • BallmerThrowsChairs is also banned.
  • *Sigh* (Score:5, Informative)

    by Seven001 ( 750590 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @10:09PM (#20473947)
    Blizzard does the same thing in World of Warcraft. No trademarks as names.

    As others have suggested, we should bash Microsoft for what they deserve to be bashed for, not stupid shit like this.
    • by Quila ( 201335 )
      Difficult to do across the board, since many, probably most, trademarks only apply for that specific field. If they did, then the words apple, gateway, red hat, and live would have to be disallowed.
    • by Tom ( 822 )

      No trademarks as names.
      How many words are not trademarked? There's an awful lot of trademarks out there if you take every word that's a trademark for something in some country.
  • Your motto contains inappropriate language. Please try again

    Ok, so folks are droning on and on about "Windows" and "Microsoft" not being allowed either.

    So here's a question: if you tried to make a username that was ilovemicrosoft (and it wasn't already taken), would it respond with the "Your motto contains inappropriate language. Please try again?"

    "Inappropriate" seems like an odd word there. If they wanted it to be more generic, shouldn't they have used something like "disallowed?"

    Not that microsux has ev
  • Microsoft wants Linux and any other who threatens their monopoly power. There is no end to their madness and so they must go.

    Oh, and ask you boss if this is the kinds of developers you want behind your enterprise software, because they are there too.

    • Should have read:
      Microsoft wants Linux and any other who threatens their monopoly power gone . There is no end to their madness and so they must go.

      Oh, and ask you boss if these are the kind of developers you want behind your enterprise software, because they are there too.

      and you don't want me writing your technical papers either


  • I would not go so far as to actually claim that stories about games and game consoles attract the stupid, but I will go so far as to say that there are many stupid comments here.

    If they disallow Linux they have to disallow Windows, or even the morons could not claim they are justified. In order to block the use of Linux they would have to believe that they might get sued. We all know how suit happy Linus and the registered trademark holder for Linux are, and how scared M$ is of lawsuits. Since they ar
  • Register with usernames that include CEMENT (CE, ME, NT). I'm sure someone will get creative with it.

    Anyone tried variations on distro names yet?

  • by rgo ( 986711 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2007 @03:05AM (#20476111)
    Calling it Linux is an offense to the FOSS community...

    At it seems even Microsoft knows that.

  • by Bender Unit 22 ( 216955 ) on Wednesday September 05, 2007 @07:48AM (#20477757) Journal
    I used a often posted line here on Slashdot as the "motto" in live account, since it really is my motto.
    They must have added this limitation later on.

    But what does it help? Can't you just go around it like fx. instead of writing "running linux", write "running on penguin power".

"Mach was the greatest intellectual fraud in the last ten years." "What about X?" "I said `intellectual'." ;login, 9/1990
