Fox News / EA Spar Over Mass Effect 'Controversy' 192
The whacked out rantings of Kevin McCullogh have been a hot topic on games blogs in recent weeks, as his lurid description of Mass Effect prompted vitriol from actual gamers. That exchange would have been easily left behind if not for the fact that Fox News stepped into the fray, adding a measure of 'fair and balanced' to the discussion. Their 'Sexbox Sexpose' drew in veteran games journalist Geoff Keighley, who optimistically thought he'd be given the chance to set the record straight. Instead they filled the airwaves with plainly false generalizations about the game's sexual content. Kotaku is reporting that EA is fighting back, protecting BioWare's property and demanding a correction. From EA's letter to Fox: "The resulting coverage was insulting to the men and women who spent years creating a game which is acclaimed by critics for its high creative standards. As video games continue to take audiences away from television, we expect to see more TV news stories warning parents about the corrupting influence of interactive entertainment. But this represents a new level of recklessness." I hope the EA folks aren't holding their breath.
Four words. (Score:2, Interesting)
Faux News aren't going to back down, as the voice of "fair and balanced" coverage; and for all their vitriol, the gaming community is going to struggle with the mainstream for a fair few years yet.
Re:Four words. (Score:5, Insightful)
How about these four: Rated M for Mature
I mean, seriously.
Re:Four words. (Score:4, Interesting)
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The reality here is that the "sex act" in question is literally a 10 second, non-interactive cutscene 90% of the way into Mass Effect that shows a blue female form from the side, a half-second of rump cleavage and even less than that of the side of the alien woman's breast.
It's easily less offensive than anything you'd see on primetime television and in many cases is muc
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and FYI, yes, that is a serious screenshot from Vista, not hacked in any way - I avoided upgrading to the 1.1 patch for weeks just so I could show all my friends.
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Except for Nunchuks and Ninjas. Thus the cartoon "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles" in which Michaelangelo had a grappling hook rather than a pair of 'chuks.
Yet there are naked women in the newspaper.
It's surprising how much the taboos of cultures can vary. Something perfectly acceptable to one culture is utterly offensive to another culture. Weird, isn't it? =)
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Tripe (cow stomach)
Chitlins (hog intestines)
Hog Head Cheese (which is NOT a cheese and IS made from hog's head)
Deer Heart
Chicken Gizzards
Pig's Tails
As well as the more tame but odd stuff such as "shrimp n' grits" or "catfish stew". Even some of our fancier places serve stuff like that. We had a vendor down a few months ago and we all went to a business lunch at a
Re:Four words. (Score:5, Insightful)
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On that same note, this is one of the perks that Bioware gets from being part of EA, the use of a large legal department.
O'Reilly Effect (Score:5, Insightful)
So now that I've set your expectations and prejudices, I shall continue...
Honestly, I think of this as the O'Reilly effect.
One of the things I have noticed, is that ever since O'Reilly became an ascendant star on Fox News, the tone of the channel has changed a bit in regards to all things Internet. This is especially evident when Bill-O himself is on, even when he talks with fellow conservatives about the issue. Here is a link to him talking with Mary Katherine Ham about whether the Internet is a good or bad thing: http://hotair.com/archives/2008/01/23/video-mary-katharine-ham-talks-smoking-crack-with-oreilly/ [hotair.com]
As you can see, O'Reilly is as clueless as ever when it comes to all things Internet. Honestly, he makes Internet-Savvy Conservatives look bad. At least when it comes to technology, he comes off as a boorish old geezer. Honestly, I'm not sure how much of it is an act, and how much is him just being completely out of touch.
MKH, on the other hand, clearly "gets it". Of course, she's my generation (Gen-X) so it's not surprising that she would have a better grasp of this. Also, if you read through the comments at Hot Air, you can see that many of the other conservatives there think like I do, and just shake their heads with a mix of disgust and sadness at O'Reilly.
I think that his influence has been seeping into the rest of Fox News for some time. While obviously the PHB's there think that controversy like this makes for good ratings (and it does), it also serves to make the whole network look out of touch to younger viewers. I think it's a short-term gain, long-term loss kind of strategy. I guess time will tell if I'm right or not.
Either way, both myself, and many other conservatives think that the whole Mass Effect "controversy" is a compete non-starter, and entirely fabricated. As others here have said, it's a rated "M" game. The industry has marked it appropriately, and it's up to parents to make use of the tools given to them and make a judgment about whether or not to buy this game.
This is part and parcel of the conservative concept of Freedom. YOU get to control what you and your children are exposed to. It's not the Government's job to decide that. As far as the original article that spawned the controversy, I've read it, and it's utter hogwash. The writer is just a tool looking for some cheap publicity. Ignore him.
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I don't know that they're trying to distort the facts. I mean, they brought in a guy who flat out told the "psychologist" that she was talking crap. I mean, he said "have you played the game" and she just laughed and said no. Then he pointed out all the things she'd said that were completely wrong.
If this were some nefarious plot to distort the truth they wouldn't have broadcast that. I think it's more likely that they're just incompetent losers who wouldn't know factual analysis from a hole in the ground
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She claimed: Lawrence: (interrupting) Darling, I gotta go with the research. And the research says there's a new study out of the University of Maryland right now that says that boys that play video games cannot tell the difference between what they're seeing in the video game and the real world...
Notice her conclusion: "boys that play video games cannot tell the difference between what they're s
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I guess FNC isn't fair like The Nation (Score:2)
The difference is, Fox might tilt right, but they do make more of an effort to give both sides than CNN does, the latter titling left and making no such effort.
Batshit insane (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously folks. I don't know who is the cause of all this trouble, but I can assure you it is the guy with the high-and-tight that back in the 60's was saying "damn hippies, with their long hair and their acid rock and their peace signs..."
Re:Batshit insane (Score:5, Insightful)
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I like to compare Mass Effect to The Dark Crystal...sure, (mostly) everyone loves it, but hardly anyone realizes the unfathomable amount of detail and creativity that it took to create the universe and the species/people/stories that inhabit it.
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Each of the species alone could have an entire game-length storyline dedicated to their history. Hell, the Krogan and the Rachnii by themselves could have an entire SERIES devoted to their race. Or what about the protheans? Or maybe the discovery of humanity by the rest of the galaxy? Or our discovery of them? Or what about the BUILDING of the citadel, and the origin of the keep
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1. By studying the backstory, the mainstory in the game becomes more interesting because of what else you know about what is happening. An example: if you read the book that was released last year, and then played the game when it was released, when you might Anderson it was an entirely different experience...in the game, he just tells you that he and Saren had worked together. By reading the book, you know exactly what happend.
2. The main storyline in the game is a bi
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Now, tell me again...where did I screw up?
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By and large, I have my settings configured to ignore Anonymous Cowards. It just saves me a lot of annoyance.
Your postings seem well-informed and thoughtful. Why stoop down and talk at their level?
I'm thinking of getting Mass Effect now due to your posts.
Re:Batshit insane (Score:5, Insightful)
a game that has a story better than any movie put out in the last 30 years
Any movie? How is the ventilation in the cave you've been living in for the last 30 years?
Sounds like you've watched nothing but the latest Scary Movie sequel(s) and Jerry Bruckheimer movies. Mass Effect might be a peak for gaming, but there are tons of amazing films from the last three decades that make it look pretty average in comparison.
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All told, FOR ME, no storyline in a movie captured my attention or made me want to know more about it quite like the story line and universe of Mass Effect. Sorry if my opinion is different from yours, but we wouldn't want to all be the same now would we?
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I dunno. I'd say the story was basically average .... some fairly major plot holes .... lots of unexplained stuff happening "just becuz" and the bad guy shows up about 3/4 through to announce his entire plan for no obvious reason. Not to mention the cheesy naming. If it were a film it'd get laughed out of the cinema.
Fortunately it's not a film, it's a video game, and a highly enjoyable one at that (I just finished it this evening). And it's worth remembering that we've only seen 1/3rd of the story. It mig
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I might agree with that one.
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I am very well aware of what is out there...I have a 4-out-at-a time netflix plan, and own over 500 DVD's...trust me, I know what has come out in the last long while.
All told, FOR ME, no storyline in a movie captured my attention or made me want to know more about it quite like the story line and universe of Mass Effect. Sorry if my opinion is different from yours.
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Wow, EA (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Wow, EA (Score:5, Interesting)
Newspapers aren't dead and I truly think that the Internet is giving them new life and relevance, they're just not going to be quite the way we knew papers in the past. The written word is the cheapest form of information creation and distribution we have and the computer only gives it more power. We already see amateurs creating works with a worldwide following. It may not be on quite the same scale as Dickens in his day but on a smaller scale, it remains possible. I mean hell, web comics are turning a profit! That's astounding. And when you're independent and not beholden to a big stupid parent company, it doesn't take nearly as much revenue to remain in business.
Anyway, dems my thoughts.
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Remember also that much of what became renowned was at its time just trashy to many people, Shakespeare for instance.
I hope I never go on TV (Score:2)
Definitions (Score:3, Interesting)
2. Depicting something in details, usually unnecessarily.
So, to relate this to the story, if Fox News is accusing Mass Effect of 'depicting something in details, unnecessarily' then I guess the game could be described as pornographic in nature. Indeed, some of the games today have such vivid detail that is not necessarily needed for the plot
One thing you must admit, there might be this gradual transition that we need to draw a cut off line at. Where we used to sit and play the original NES and play 8-bit, low detail Guantlet we can now sit and play PS3 high def red warrior needs blood Gauntlet. I went from shooting pixelated nothings to full upright three dimensional beings. Where does the video game become so real that it is a rated R movie in and of itself? If the argument is to make Mass Effect accessible only to 17 & 18 year old people, then I don't see a problem with this argument. Did Fox over sensationalize what was going on and mislead the public? Yes, of course, that's their job! It sells.
I'm just sad that nobody is approaching this from a neutral point of view and actually doing some objective journalism on this topic. Perhaps objectivity is no longer possible in this debate
Oblig Boondock Saints Quote (Score:5, Informative)
Rocco: fuck!
Connor: Well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.
Re:Definitions (Score:5, Informative)
Mass Effect is rated M, you know...
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I honestly don't know, but are game ratings purely advisory? I mean, can a 12 yr old walk into a store by himself and buy an M-rated game? He couldn't just walk into an R rated movie.
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The rating system for movies is voluntary as well...there is nothing legally stopping a movie theater for letting a 12 year old buy an r-rated movie ticket and and seeing it by themselves...
Re:Definitions (Score:4, Informative)
here [gamespot.com]
They are able to purchase an R-rated movie far more often then they are able to purchase an M-rated game. What say you now?
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Re:Definitions (Score:4, Funny)
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17 + 18 = 35.
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hair splitting (Score:5, Insightful)
No! You can't do that, I know all news shows in the US have to compete for profit, but there have to be a limit to what you can say and still call yourself a News show. If all you do is reporting one side of the story you are not a journalist, you are just a propaganda machine. It doesn't matter if you are called Socialist Weekly or Fox News there are still standards you need to uphold.
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It is not what it claims to be. (Score:2)
No! You can't do that, I know all news shows in the US have to compete for profit, but there have to be a limit to what you can say and still call yourself a News show. If all you do is reporting one side of the story you are not a journalist, you are just a propaganda machine.
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The problem in this case (and certainly in a lots of others) is that there is no "other side". It was a non-story from the very beginning. The game is rated M, the sex scene is a very tiny part of a very long game and the stuff shown isn't any worse then what you can see on TV all the time and its also optional. The whole thing was completly fabricated and quite simply lie. You can't make "fair and balanced" reporting about how the
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Because the objective journalist recognizes this as a manufactured controversy and a boring non-story.
And if gratuitousness is pornography, then Fox News is hard-core pornography.
Before anyone else responds, recognize that the parent post is a troll. An imaginary "middle ground", whining about objectivity, and a non-
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Really, we need to stop having this double standard, and then I'll be happy. Either be harder on movies, or easier on video games, I don't care which.
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Pretty soon you have censorship or worse industry self-censorship (backed up by well meaning but grossly over broad laws, like the ones that gave legal authority to the Comics Code Authority in the 50
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Wouldn't that make FOX news pornographic too?
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Isn't using that kind of language gratuitously helping sell the audience on the illusion that these actors are portraying real-life mobsters? Sanitizing their language
Reviews (Score:3, Funny)
The Cult of Perfection: Making Peace with Your Inner Overachiever [amazon.com]
Been There, Done That, Kept the Jewelry: Find True Love--Turn Your Tarnished Dating Past into a Brilliant Romantic Future [amazon.com]
The Fixer-upper Man: Turn Mr. Maybe into Mr. Right in 5 Easy Steps [amazon.com]
There's probably scope for a few more
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It's about time (Score:5, Insightful)
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I Never... (Score:2)
Rated I for Insane (Score:2)
Seriously though, the fact is, all new shows exist to make a profit. Disgusting sensationalism generates profit. The target of the sensationalism varies depen
Fox News and the Word "Mass" (Score:2)
Dear Fox News (Score:2)
Fox? Get facts straight? (Score:2)
Hey, Geoff... (Score:2)
I'm glad you accepted the thankless, futile task of defending gaming from mouthbreathing pundits, but that really isn't helping.
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Hypocrisy (Score:3, Interesting)
How to shut these guys up (Score:3, Insightful)
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Re:Faux News (Score:4, Interesting)
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Even better than playing biases against each other is finding information for yourself. I saw an interview once with Noam Chomsky where the interviewer asked him about some negative press he had received. Chomsky replied to all such questions with "I recommend that of those claims, you only believe what you can verify independently." Chomsky recognized that responding to bias with your own bias is meaningless, especially to the viewer. The two major parties (and now to some extent the press) want you to
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I'm pretty sure that the next show on FOX will be about nerdrage now.
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They've already gone to court before to defend their right to lie to their audience, mere complaints about their lies aren't going to budge them.
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What, black people can't be idiots or Republicans?
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Basically, Eric whines about how Americans have gotten stupider, and how their attention span have dropped. There is no mention, not even the slightest hint that maybe, just maybe the news networks might have had a hand in this lack of interest in public affairs. He makes gratuitous use of referring to himself (the media) in the third person, and makes no apologies.
The media may be between a rock and a hard place,
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Cable news outlets have been long lost to the ratings drive and sensationalism. It makes them money. Now they are just racing to to see who can be the most despicable. I don't know the last time I saw an actual reporter, not just some hack pundit at a reporters desk. They're gone. They have no credibility or repsonsibility anymore.
For a while, there were (and still are) independent bloggers doing a very good job at quality reporting. The problem is, they had very small niches. Now that people and a
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1) Assume you're infallible.
2) Anybody disagreeing with you must obviously be wrong.
3) Since they're obviously wrong, it reinforces your infallibility.
4) You never grow, learn, or mature.
5) Goto 1
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Depending on how you look at it, there are four love scenes. The male character can end up with Ash or the Asari. The female character can end up with Kaiden or the Asari.
To get the love scene, you have to do two things.
(a) Finish a majority of the game.
(b) Talk to your love interest for about 2 minutes four of five times after major milestones.
To get the love scene, you need to add about 30 minutes of playtime to your game (the dialog, walking, loading, etc.)
Having seen both the
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