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Physics For Game Developers 328

Richard Jones writes: "In my opinion, the most difficult aspect of writing a good 3D game is coding complex physics. If you can take away all the flashy graphics, texture maps, light and shadows from a game, and it's still at least 75% as playable and addictive, then you have an excellent game. But too many programmers seem to be ready to concentrate on the graphics, neglecting the underlying physics which make the game playable. If you compare, say, Re-volt with its fabulously detailed models of remote-controlled cars, and Carmageddon which on the N64 at least has sucky physics, well I know which one I'm still playing." He's contributed his review (below) of a book intended to help game programmers make games that aren't sucky.
Physics For Game Developers
author David M. Bourg
pages 326
publisher O'Reilly
rating 8
reviewer Richard Jones
ISBN 0-596-00006-5
summary A good introduction to the difficult subject of writing 3D games and simulations with accurate physics, let down by a few minor snags.

Programmers who want to get serious about game physics will love David M. Bourg's Physics for Game Developers. As I've said, the subject is inherently very difficult, and the book assumes that you are already familiar with vector and matrix arithmetic up to college level, integration and differentiation, and at least you hazily recall your mechanics/physics lessons from school. You also won't be afraid to wade through Bourg's carefully documented derivations of formulae for various physical effects, and his well-commented source code.

The book starts off by recapping the basic concepts of mass, centre of gravity, moment of inertia and inertia tensors. Bourg assumes that you have a working grasp of these subjects, and I admit that I had to go back to some of my A-level mechanics text books. He then goes straight into kinematics, where he uses standard (but forgotten!) integration techniques to calculate velocities from accelerations and positions from velocities. His examples are excellent, although a few exercises wouldn't have gone amiss. The chapter on forces covers a great many different types of forces such as springs and buoyancy, but curiously omits the important subject of contact forces (the normal force that a table, for instance, exerts on your computer monitor to stop it falling through the floor). In fact contact forces don't appear until much later in the book. Particles, rigid bodies and impulses (forces from collisions) are introduced in chapters 4 and 5.

At this point I have to say I was a little bit confused. What did this have to do with game programming? Everyone knows that games spend most of their time running round a single big "main loop," working out the forces on each object, looking for collisions and working out which keys the user is pressing. It doesn't seem imaginable that a game programmer could completely solve all the equations of motion by pure integration at the beginning of the game, and then just run the positions of the players through the graphics engine like a movie!

I already knew a little about this from what I'd found from the web, but what most games actually do is calculate all the forces on all the objects (players, scenery, etc.) in the game, and then integrate them at each step. Some of these forces will be generated by human players pressing keys on the keyboard or wiggling the joystick, and that's how the objects end up moving. Pure integration isn't usually possible, so the physics engine performs numerical integration - a kind of fast approximation to the pure "closed form" solution. Numerical integration is itself a tricky subject, but it's the meat-and-veg of good game programming. Surprisingly, numerical integration and a realistic main loop doesn't appear until chapter 11 (172 pages into the book). I skipped straight to this section, and I suggest you do so too...

The chapter on numerical integration is excellent and contains the first realistic gaming (or at least simulation) code. Many games I've examined use simple numerical integration, like this:

// At each step ... A = acceleration, dt = time step
Vx += Ax * dt;
Vy += Ay * dt;
Sx += Vx * dt;
Sy += Vy * dt;

Unfortunately this method (Euler's method) is very inaccurate and unstable: if you tried to simulate planets orbiting around a sun using this method, they'd soon fly off into outer space unrealistically. Bourg gives an excellent introduction to better methods such as the "improved Euler" method and the popular Runge-Kutta method, and he covers them in a context which will make it clear how to use these methods in your own programs.

The book reaches a crescendo with three fully developed simulations: two hovercraft which you can drive around and jolt into each other like bumper cars -- they spin around realistically; a flight simulator; and a 3D car which can be crashed into blocks that bounce around. Again the source code is meticulously commented and generally well written. My only two reservations about the code are: It would be nice if Bourg had chosen to use OpenGL instead of Direct3D so that those of us without regular access to Windows could actually compile and run the examples. The book would make an ideal companion to the OpenGL Red Book. And coming firmly from the Windows camp, Bourg's examples are full of all the horrors of Win32 APIs and Hungarian Notation. But maybe that's just my personal preference :-)

So in summary: The Bad Points:

  • Measurement systems: Bourg moves uneasily between the English/US system and the European SI units. So we get examples which combine ft/s, meters, slugs and kilograms, uneasily converting between the two. He should have chosen one system and stuck with it.
  • A common complaint about computer books: I've just spent 25 quid on a book which will sit open on my desk for months. Is it too much to ask that it be ring bound?
  • Some subjects are not explained in enough depth. Particularly: moments, contact forces, impulse methods. Bourg should probably have written a chapter or three on collision detection.
  • The chapters are presented in a very strange order. Move chapters 6-10 until later, or introduce numerical integration earlier.
  • A few of the illustrations are inaccurate.

and The Good Points:

  • Considerably better than the usual round of maths/physics text books which make up this field. In fact, this is really one of only about 2 or 3 significant books in this area which are pitched for game developers as opposed to mathematicians, and it's certainly the best.
  • The areas which are covered are done well, in significant depth, with a good bibliography where you can find out more.
  • The commentary on the difficult equations is good, and Bourg resists the temptation to derive many of the formulae he presents, instead referring interested readers to other references.
  • Code is well documented and explained.

And now I suppose I have no excuse not to resurrect XRacer :-)

You can purchase Physics for Game Developers at Fatbrain

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Physics For Game Developers

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  • by Andreas(R) ( 448328 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @11:44AM (#2719862) Homepage
    It was actually pretty interesting to see how this aricle mentions that numerical integration is done in computer games by means of Eulers method. But: Good old Euler is slow and inaccurate!

    Simpsons method is more accurate method to integrate, since it creates a exponential polynome that more accurately represents the function. The method follows:

    S(n) = dX/3(y(0)+4y(1)+2y(2)+4y(3)+ ... + y(n))

    Use this in your gameengine the next time, and impress!
  • ..although i picked the cheapest form of delivery so it won't be here for a bit more time...

    i read thru the sample chapter [here] [oreilly.com] it's all about particle physics. i was quite impressive, i enjoy the *conversational* style that most o'reilly books have.

    i implemented all of the examples in java using java3d. [j3d.org]

    i hope the book meets my expectations....
  • by strags ( 209606 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @12:05PM (#2719980)
    http://www.d6.com/users/checker/dynamics.htm [d6.com]

    provides an excellent, and free alternative to purchasing a weighty tome on the subject. Chris covers the details of rigid body mechanics in a thorough, but light manner.

    I went to a physics lecture at GDC, the most memorable part of which was Chris saying:

    "Here's how it's going to go... you're going to write your first rigid body dynamics simulator. You're going to simulate a cube dropping onto a plane. You'll run the program, the cube will drop, hit the plane... and disappear."

    So, so true.
  • HL (Score:2, Informative)

    by autopr0n ( 534291 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @12:22PM (#2720079) Homepage Journal
    Half life is based on a heavily modified quake 1 engine with some quake2 code thrown in for good mesure.
  • by pclminion ( 145572 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @12:55PM (#2720377)
    First of all, let me say that I will be getting my degree in physics in a few months, and I'm well versed in physical simulation. Not in the game arena, but in the applications arena.

    Runge-Kutta is a complex method for quickly and accurately solving differential equations by numerical means. It is used instead of simple Euler iteration because it is equivalent in speed and gives much more accurate results. It works by adjusting the timestep dynamically to skip over regions where the system is changing slowly, and to integrate more carefully when the system is changing quickly.

    This is all well and good when you are trying to do something important, like simulating heat flow within in a heatsink. But for simulating the orbits of planets around a star, for example? What a waste of time! The orbit is elliptical, so just simulate a freaking ellipse!

    What about space missiles? Do you need Euler integration? No! There is a closed-form solution to the linear acceleration problem -- it's a quadratic. This procedure does not give low error. It gives zero error.

    I read this guy's articles several months ago. I thought he was off his rocker then, and I still think so now.

  • Re:Great... (Score:2, Informative)

    by superflex ( 318432 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @01:14PM (#2720501) Homepage
    holy crap.. everybody uses Halliday & Resnick (& Walker, too, I think)... :) I used the 5th edition a couple of years ago, and I know people who are using the 6th now... those guys must be so crazy rich...

    In the summer i took a numerical methods course using "Introduction to Numerical Methods and MATLAB: Implementations and Applications" [amazon.com] by Recktenwald. If you can use procedural languages, you can read/write Matlab scripts. I'd give the link to the course website, but the prof changes the password every term; it's a damn shame, too. He's a fellow of the IEEE, really smart guy. Had good course notes.

  • Forgotten downforce? (Score:3, Informative)

    by Maddog Batty ( 112434 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @02:02PM (#2720953) Homepage
    Sure the game developer may have found that changing the physics model made the game more fun to play but one possibility is that (s)he had forgotten to model downforce. An F1 car produces a downforce higher than its own weight (cue comment about F1 cars being able to drive on the ceiling). Without downforce, a car would flip going around a corner at F1 speeds.

    A very simple (*) way to model downforce is to drop the centre of gravity of the model so that it is below the ground. Other variables such as tire grip also have to be changed as well but these are generally constants.

    (*) Downforce changes with vehicle speed so this is a very simple model.

  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @02:09PM (#2721017) Homepage
    I'll have to take a look at this new book, but from the description, it looks like the author doesn't address the hard problems. Alternatively, the reviewer may not know what to look for.

    As someone else pointed out, there's a straightforward way to approach game physics, based on what you learn in a first-year dynamics course, and it won't work. Free flight is easy. Contacts and collisions are hard.

    Detecting contacts between objects is complicated, but well-understood. There are several free collision-detection engines available, and many research papers. The time bounds are quite good; only slightly worse than O(N) with the better algorithms. Writing a collision detection system is a big job, but the theory is tractible.

    Taking appropriate action when you detect a contact is the hard part of the problem. Bouncing balls are easy. Multiple irregular objects with multiple contacts, slipping and sliding, are hard. Most current games simplify their collision geometry down to cubes or spheres and botch the hard cases ("But my sword went right through him and he didn't even notice!") The latest generation of games is just starting to get contact right. In another year, correct contact handling will be a "must-have" for commercial games.

    If you simulate contacts between objects with a spring and a damper, you run into numerical stiffness during integration. Soft objects at slow speeds will bounce fine. In a hard collision, the forces become huge for short periods. The simple integration algorithms will result in huge errors, and the objects will go flying off into space.

    If you simulate contacts between objects as impulses (an impulse is an infinite force applied for zero time, but with a finite energy transfer), two objects bouncing off each other will work great. More than one contact per object doesn't work too well. Resting contact doesn't work; objects may fall through each other. And everything bounces like it's a pool ball, because all collisions take zero time.

    If you try to do everything with constraints, resting contact works. But combinations of sliding and resting contact result in wierd corner cases that are hard to get right. Trying to solve contact, rather than simulate it, leads to static indeterminacy. (Think of a table with four legs, slightly different in length. How the table behaves is very sensitive to small changes in leg length. Numerical solutions of multipoint contact problems become similarly sensitive). This is the approach Baraff preaches at SIGGRAPH, but few others have been able to implement it.

    After a few years on the problem, I developed Falling Bodies [animats.com], which successfully solves this problem well enough to simulate a human figure falling down a circular staircase. It can be done. I hammered through the spring-damper problem by using unusual and robust integration techniques. This is computationally expensive, but sound.

    If you're developing a commercial game, and need working physics, go with the Havok [havok.com] engine. They have a rigid body engine, a soft-body system, and a specialized vehicle simulation engine. (Yes, vehicle physics in games typically has fake components. In most racing games, the tires are impossibly good and the vehicle CG is impossibly low. But you need a real physics engine to fake it properly.) It's not cheap, but you're not going to solve this problem in a few months. Major developers have blown years on this problem and failed. Trespasser, from Dreamworks, went down the drain that way.

  • by Junks Jerzey ( 54586 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @02:44PM (#2721261)
    Unfortunately this method (Euler's method) is very inaccurate and unstable

    This is only true if you're simulating a standalone system (like the orbiting planet example). In real games, the player is constantly pressing the controller, collisions are occurring, and the "AI" is making decisions. Stepwise integration makes perfect sense in that case. Calling it "inaccurate and unstable" shows a lack of game development experience.
  • by Gary Yngve ( 416254 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @03:14PM (#2721526)
    No, the integration scheme is *very* important.
    My background is in physically based modeling
    in computer animation, so here is what I know:

    The integration scheme can have such a strong
    influence on the stability of the system that
    it can mean going from an integration timestep
    of a microsecond to a hundredth of a second.
    That's a speedup of 10,000. Generally, the
    finer the spatial resolution of you simulation
    (how fine your cloth mesh or fluid volume is),
    the faster a timestep you need.

    The brief description of the book cites the
    Runga-Kutta method as a preferred technique
    over basic Euler integration. The former
    is a fourth-order method, the latter a
    first-order method. Three orders of magnitude
    is nothing to laugh at.

    The big breakthrough in cloth deformations came
    because Witkin and Kass figured out how to
    simulate cloth with a large timestep (they use
    implicit integration techniques). Jos Stam
    did some nice work with real-time fluids that
    relied on a semi-Lagrangian integration scheme
    with a vorticity term to undo the artifical dissipation caused by the coarse numerical
  • by Gary Yngve ( 416254 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @03:27PM (#2721644)
    It amazes me how people can drool through a
    calculus course and then proclaim themselves
    experts on slashdot.

    First of all, Simpson's method does not
    create an "exponential polynome." It models
    a curve locally as a parabola.

    Second, this method is useless in many situations
    where one integrates over time. Simpson's rule
    is designed to find the area under a curve.
    Yes, distance is just area under a velocity
    curve, but you are not given the velocities
    a priori. You have to solve for them on the
    spot, and even worse, velocities can be
    influenced by the current position. In fluids
    and soft-body deformations, things can get
    even uglier. Some of the better methods for
    numerically integrating through time involve
    estimating the next values in time and solving a
    system of equations using old and new values to
    get a more accurate result (very hand-wavy explanation).
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @03:48PM (#2721820)
    From your Falling Bodies page: The technology behind Falling Bodies is now patented. This broad patent covers most spring/damper character simulation systems. If it falls, it has joints, it looks right, and it works right, it's probably covered by our patent.

    Fuck you too. Or to put it another way - did you really invent the whole idea of simulating springs and dampers? If so, good for you. If not, you're an opportunistic asshole.

  • Troll? (Score:3, Informative)

    by autopr0n ( 534291 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @03:50PM (#2721830) Homepage Journal
    How is this a troll?

    Hrm. Seems my last five comments have each been modded down one point. Fortunetly for me, I could care less.
  • by Spacecase ( 121674 ) on Tuesday December 18, 2001 @05:03PM (#2722377)
    Papyrus used the GPL (Grand Prix Legends) engine in thier newer Nascar 4 racing game. The physics engine is even more refined, and the game takes into account the heat of the tires and the aerodynamics of cars being close to you. All in all it is a very good simulation of a car going in circles at 190+ MPH. As machines get faster and faster more and more of the "static" or aproximated calculations will be replaced by "real" calculations in real time. This will allow games (especially ones that use well known physics, like cars and planes) to be modeled extremly closely. If Intel and AMD are right, and we will be seeing 15+ gHz computers by 2006, I can only imagine how realistic a quad processor 15 gHz machine would be able to simulate a race car. Heck you might even need an airbag on your computer ;)


The moon is made of green cheese. -- John Heywood
