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Games Entertainment

MAME for SonyEricsson's P800 Smartphone 117

Peter writes "You may find it interesting to know that I've just released a port of MAME for SonyEricsson's latest P800 smartphone. It's called EMame" 'Cuz if there is one thing my cel phone was lacking, it's asteroids, Ms. Pac-Man, and Joust. Delicious.
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MAME for SonyEricsson's P800 Smartphone

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  • It's like Avon, but without the sales pitch ;)

  • In this time of technological advancement, we must ask ourselves....

    Have we gone too far??
  • But why P800?
    • err maybe it's the big colour(4096) screen, the 12MB memory, the java etc etc..
      • The app is written in C. I wonder about the wisdom about an app that is compiled to a single phone. Especially a phone that has not even been released.
        • & tough if you don't

          I suspect the guy at least has one for himself!
        • The app is written in C. I wonder about the wisdom about an app that is compiled to a single phone. Especially a phone that has not even been released

          Well although I use Java for phone games, I can see that C would be a better bet for this. (A) because it will run faster on the relatively slow processor, and (B) because MAME is written in C already, so it would need to be completely rewritten for Java, rather than ported with most of the existing code unchanged!!
        • its not tied to a single phone. the phone operating system is symbian [symbian.com]. quite powerful and used by a quite a few other phones and the psion PDAs.
  • Games for eMAME (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Oculus Habent ( 562837 ) <oculus DOT habent AT gmail DOT com> on Tuesday December 24, 2002 @09:56AM (#4951435) Journal
    What we need now is to establish a pay-service for downloading games for eMAME so bored phone owners can peruse a selection of games, buy one, download it and use it immediately.

    What do you think, $0.75 per download?
    • Re:Games for eMAME (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      >What we need now is to establish a pay-service for downloading games for eMAME so bored phone owners can peruse a selection of games, buy one, download it and use it immediately. What do you think, $0.75 per download?

      I'd be willing to pay 1$US for every game I use on my MAME cabinet. Of course, that 1$ would be for a license so I can use the game on ALL my MAME-Compatible hardware (be it my cabinet, PC, cellphone, Gameboy Advance, etc)

      Heck, is there MAME for the GBA? Someone port it plz!
    • No, a quarter! (Score:4, Informative)

      by Chazmati ( 214538 ) on Tuesday December 24, 2002 @10:04AM (#4951473)
      I think $0.25 just like it used to be: nostalgic price for a nostalgic game. Yeah, there was inflation, but there's also Moore's law (meaning today's arcade games are much more sophisticated, even if they're not better for it).

      • Playing Galaga or Pac-Man in the arcade now costs 50 cents if you can even find a machine! I get a good laugh that they charge twice as much 20 years later.
    • I wouldn't worry about getting the games for the sony p800.. The phone has not been released yet. It was supposed to be released sometime soon but the latest rumours point to March 2002. Ah well... :)
    • Great idea, but wouldn't folks just download the ROMs for free?
  • Now all the rom sites/ftps will be full of Mobby users dialing up for copies of Defender and trying to run KOF99!
  • Is it me (Score:3, Funny)

    by TerryAtWork ( 598364 ) <research@aceretail.com> on Tuesday December 24, 2002 @09:57AM (#4951439)
    Or is this video-games-over the phone thing the geekiest thing you have ever seen?

    What the hell is the matter with us? GET AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER ONCE IN A WHILE.

    And I say this as a primordial geek from back before there was dirt. (The 70s)
    • All my friends made fun of me having AOL/IM on my phone.

      They stopped making fun of me once I told them it had gotten me laid.

      Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to ever play a video game on my cell phone. Because I carry my iBook and iPod with me everywhere. All these toys make my life much, much more interesting, productive, and enjoyable. So, once all y'all old geeks die off, and the nation is populated by people that were using cell phones and touch typing in grade school, we won't have to listen to y'all's luddite complaints anymore.
  • Anything that's cel-shaded is okay by me... But seriously folks, with cell phones getting more and more powerful, soon you'lre gonna see overclockers with heatsinks out the back of their phones bragging about their Asterioids FPS.
    • Ever hear of the PDA that they ported Doom to? Apparently the PDA had a motion detector of some sort, so you would reload or fire by swinging the PDA toward you.

      Many cell phones have a vibrate option, which would be useful in games. Combine that with the motion detector, and a cell phone could be a LOT of fun!

    • You know, it's somewhat sad to think of right now, but we will probably see cell phones with nVidia chipsets rivaling our currently mid/high range graphics cards in the next five years.

      Hopefully not too soon, mind you, but as we integrate more functions into a cell phone, we will probably find a few of them used as a video-conferencing device (use your headset and set/hold the phone in front of you) as well as representational 3D models of urban areas for the ultra-expensive GPS navigation systems.

      PDA's will get there sooner, and PocketPC computers should be there any time now (all that advanced business modeling...) - wouldn't it be interesting to be an architect oe engineer and take fully editable designs with you in your pocket?

      Maybe I'm just crazy.
      • but we will probably see cell phones with nVidia chipsets rivaling our currently mid/high range graphics cards in the next five years.

        Heh heh...

        "Hello? Speak up, I can't hear you! What? You gotta speak up, I can't hear you over the cooling fan noise!"

      • Well, 3d chipsets are already being developed for mobile devices. But trust me...unless I can get a big (roll-out) screen, I do NOT want to check/edit my construction drawings on my palm: screensize is just to small to be practical.

        As for taking them with me...can do already...just chuck 'em into the memory and take em to work.
  • by Shymon ( 624690 ) on Tuesday December 24, 2002 @10:01AM (#4951455)
    "But officer i didn't relize i was speeding, i was too busy playing pac-man on my cell phone."

    "using a cell phone is no excu....did you say Pac Man? sweet!..."

  • Another Reason (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Ashetos ( 634147 ) on Tuesday December 24, 2002 @10:02AM (#4951462)
    Another reason why palm and WinCE are on their way out. This what its all about: "convergence".
    Ever since getting the P800's cheper brother, the T68i, I've never looked back. Now I no longer have to carry around my palm pilot and keep my appointments and contacts on a tiny, tiny device.
  • or is the one thing worse than a train full of mobile phones ringing is a train full of mobile phones on full volume on which asteriods/pacman/crappy 80's game being played? Beep , beep-beep, beep, beep-beep-beep AAAAARRRRGGGHH.
  • by jhampson ( 580482 ) on Tuesday December 24, 2002 @10:03AM (#4951467)
    Now you can simultaneously wreck in the game and in the car. Weeeoooooh!
  • i'm currently looking to upgrade my mobile and this could swing it...

    you can keep snake...
    I want Crystal Castles/tempest etc etc

    now why are people complaining about this ? as i've said in other posts; you shouldn't be driving and talking/Txt'ng/gaming.

    plenty of people commute by Bus/train/tram so if we want to play games let us.
  • Profit Margin (Score:4, Informative)

    by perly-king-69 ( 580000 ) on Tuesday December 24, 2002 @10:11AM (#4951510)
    This is probably the exact reason why Orange's MS Smartphones will only run 'signed' applications - ie you must pay Orange/MS before your app will run on their smartphones. The telecoms operator can then lock-out apps (such as this) which could eat into their profit margin. Downloadable (pay-per-play) mobile games are allegedly going to be next years big thing in the mobile world.
    • Re:Profit Margin (Score:3, Insightful)

      by nchip ( 28683 )
      You can do this J2ME too.. Operator justs blocks all but their (pay-per-play) apps at their wap gateway. most phones can install applications only over WAP, so the only games user will be able to get are the ones operator sells.

      But most operators won't do that, if they have learned anything from the WAP fiasco. Nobody used WAP when you had to pay for everything. You had to pay for both traffic and content. Then operators slowly opened their wap gateways and allowed people to access any wap content in the net. As the result, people are starting use WAP, and the operators are starting to get money from the wap traffic.

      charging people for using even the simplest games/apps is a great way to make people feel being ripped of.
  • How is one supposed to control this thing? The P800 doesn't actually have any buttons, it's just one giant touch screen, and the eMame home page is strangely unforthcoming.

    Otherwise, it's a great idea, old arcade games like Pac-man are an excellent way to kill time on the bus, train, etc.

  • I haven't seen this phone before, it seems to be getting closer to the "convergence" ideal - it's a single, pocketable device that is a:

    • phone
    • computer / pim
    • camera
    • music player

    All it needs now is voice recognition, a fast processor, and tons of storage, and it can do all those things better and be a video camera too.

    • Just see how great it'll seem when it gets stolen...


    • Actually, it does do voice recognition (for dialling, anyway), it uses Memory Stick Duo (tons of storage, albeit expensive), and it can be a video camera :)
    • The idea of convergence falls flat when you take into account product specialization. While you can cram a bunch of relatively crappy versions of modern technology into a small form-factor, each of the products on their own have certain specialities that don't work in conjunction with the other.

      For example, a computer needs a keyboard. Sure, you can use Grafitti to enter in your appointments, but if you're going to be programming or designing advertisement campaigns or writing a novel, you need a computer. A camera does not, however. What a camera needs is a really good lens. A really good lens doesn't help much with telephone reception, however.

      What I'm getting at is that if you don't have any vested interest in any of the said technologies -- that is, if you just take pictures of your friends, listen to MP3's on the subway, write down people's phone numbers occasionally -- then an all-in-one device will probably suit you fine. As a photographer, a programmer, and a taper (concerts), such a device would be useless to me.
  • One thing? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Darlington ( 28762 ) on Tuesday December 24, 2002 @11:06AM (#4951846)
    'Cuz if there is one thing my cel phone was lacking, it's asteroids, Ms. Pac-Man, and Joust.

    Math isn't my strong suit, but I'm pretty sure that's three things...

  • I think any more, you can measure a device's horsepower, all you have to do is ask yourself "Will it run MAME?" First it was PC/Mac/LINUX/BeOS, then it was Dreamcast/GBA/etc. Next came digital cameras, now cel phones. You can almost measure the advancement of a platform purely by when it will run MAME.
  • I agree that the current market is going to try and put games on phones. But I ask you, WHY? - other than the obvious "this is a new way to fleece the customers".

    I am an avid gamer, but I cannot not even imagine playing a quality game on a phone. Reasons:

    1) Note I said quality. No, this doesn't mean the latest and greatest graphics or AI. The old arcade games almost fill the bill, but my game tastes have progressed beyond "Galaga", "Tempest", and "Asteroids".
    2) Even if there is a good game I might want to play on a mobile phone, how long do you think I could actually play it? Battery life in mobile phones is pretty pathetic.

    Sony is putting out a version of Everquest for a mobile phone. It is still in the proposed state, but they are already hyping it. Hell, the protocol for the game doesn't even exist yet, it's still being actively developed.

    I realize that the marketing will target a much younger consumer than codgy old me, but there are still lots of hurdles before the gaming industry can enter the mobile phone industry with style.

  • by Pope ( 17780 )
    I don't see what's so great about this, when in a couple of years the P1000 will be able to shape shift to match the contours of your head perfectly.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    See here:

    First arcade emulator for Palm OS :)

  • The best part will be trying to explain to everyone what you are doing with your phone. "I am playing Pacman. The little yellow dot is me, the red/pink/orange dots are chasing me, and I am looking for the last dot which is so tiny, I can't even see it."
  • Four hundred non-hackers need to comment as to "Why is this necessary?".

    And the Ask Slashdot hasn't been properly mocked, we need some optical techs over there, please.

    C'mon - we will NEVER catch up once the stories about all the christmas XP computers exploding start pouring in.

    Someone go over to the Disney makes dinosaurs [slashdot.org] story and get them off their asses.

  • The P800 is not due for release anywhere until next year, so why do we keep reading about apps for it? By the time it is launched, other phones will be out, such as Motorola's amazing phone whose model number escapes me right now (swivel camera, triband, MP3 player, video player, bluetooth etc). Siemens have branded the Motorola as the U10 by the way. It does have a smaller screen, so probably not so well suited to complex applications, but certainly be excellent for gaming. Here it is:

    Siemens U10 [gonumber.net]

    • The phone is already out in a few selected countries and anyone can order the dev version + kit right now.

      You can expect it to hit the UK streets sometime mid January... and it does everything the motorola does.

      The problem is this thing is going to be fricken expensive SIM unlocked, upwards of $700.

      • When you say the phone is "unlocked", what are you referring to?


        • Many vendors (AT&T WS in the States, anyway) will sell you a phone for less then street value, but they lock the phone so that it will only work with a SIM card from them. This prevents one from buying a discount phone from them and reselling it or switching to another network.

          Of course, most any phone can be unlocked over the net these days.
  • Cool idea, certainly, but...

    Anyone ever think that the only reason cellphone companies are putting games on your phone is to mask the fact that actual phone functions are absolutely terrible? I can't use my SprintPCS in most office buildings, and get dropouts all the time walking down the streets (of NYC, but still). But hey, at least I can play Galaga. Whoop-dee-fuckin-doo.
  • Remember the time Microsoft Flight Simulator was used to prove that a clone PC was actualy compatible and capable of running (ugh!) the most complex PC programs?

    Today MAME and DOOM are used for the same purpose. If you can port MAME or DOOM, then the platform is good enough.

  • by xmda ( 43558 )
    A long time ago, someone created the game Snake on some computer.

    Many years later Nokia put Snake into their mobile phones.

    Some time after that, you could play the web-version of that Nokia Snake-phone version game (i.e. the exact same game as on the phone, same controls, same graphics etc)

    Now, what happens if someone tried to run this web-based game in their new web-enabled Nokia phone? Will it create a feedback loop and make the universe explode? ... :)

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