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Role Playing (Games)

Norrathian Pizza Delivery 143

Eletido writes "SOE's newest massively online role-playing game has now incorporated the ability to buy Pizza Hut pizza from the in-game command prompt. From the site: 'You're in luck - pizza is just a few key strokes away! While playing EverQuest II just type /pizza and a web browser will launch the online ordering section of' Never has gaming been made so easy." Commentary available from
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Norrathian Pizza Delivery

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  • by grub ( 11606 ) <> on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:32PM (#11717645) Homepage Journal

    just type /pizza

    Next year they'll introduce "/exercise" and "/weight_watchers".
  • wow (Score:5, Funny)

    by Leroy_Brown242 ( 683141 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:32PM (#11717649) Homepage Journal
    Everquest and Pizza Hut: Because you're not fat enough.
    • Re:wow (Score:3, Insightful)

      by macdaddy357 ( 582412 )
      Make sure you let them know they need to come to the basement door, or your mom will tell them she didn't order any, and send them away! Also, how much food is Pizza The Hutt going to waste because gamers though they were only ordering imaginary pizza for their imaginary friends in the game?
  • by petrus4 ( 213815 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:32PM (#11717654) Homepage Journal
    ...a case of "the dead being fed intravenously to the living," but an important milestone along the way. ;-)
    • So what is the context of your anonymous quote? I don't need the dead, but I wouldn't mind just intravenous feeding. I already have Ensure quite a bit, which is just drinking it instead of injecting.
      • In Matrix, and in a number of other Sci-fi stories, the citizens spend all of their time living in a virtual reality.

        As the citizens die, their bodies are recycled into food for the current population.

        I hope you get out and get some exercise when you're not feasting on those cans of Ensure in front of the computer ...
        • I wonder if that would even work out in the first place. Can you really just feed a human being by using the corpse of the another human being, then feed the another one when he dies, etc etc, without ever feeding one with real nutrients.

          Wouldnt you lose those nutrients that were used by that person?
          • No. You'd already need all the mass just for growth (and I doubt that has a 100% efficiency), even when idle a human consumes loads of power (160kcal/hour, was it?) and as the laws of thermodynamics state there's just no freaking way you could develop a perpetuum mobile out of humans.
          • I wonder if that would even work out in the first place. Can you really just feed a human being by using the corpse of the another human being, then feed the another one when he dies, etc etc, without ever feeding one with real nutrients.

            Wouldnt you lose those nutrients that were used by that person?

            No you couldn't.

            Respiration, the stepwise oxidation of glucose to make ATP, is only about 30% efficient at best. The anabolic pathways that use ATP to build and maintain body tissues are also a great d
  • I've never played an MMOG, but this convenience is a great idea for Pizza Hut. Every person I know who plays MMOGs has a big stack of pizza boxes somewhere in their apartment... well, if they don't live with their parents.
  • OMG! (Score:5, Funny)

    by LordPhantom ( 763327 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:34PM (#11717673)
    ... when are they going to have "/girlfriend"?!? Please god, make it soon!
    • Re:OMG! (Score:5, Funny)

      by zeath ( 624023 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:41PM (#11717741) Homepage
      Through a bizarre experiement inspired by shock therapy, they implement the "/girlfriend" command to load up in the browser.
    • Re:OMG! (Score:5, Funny)

      by glowimperial ( 705397 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @06:38PM (#11718286)
      Maybe /escort or /prostitute would be more appropriate for this situation.
      • by tm2b ( 42473 )
        Seriously, I'd love to see them do this in Nevada (and Amsterdam, and anywhere else prostitution is legal). They could even license out particular themed costumes...
    • Re:OMG! (Score:5, Funny)

      by Allison Geode ( 598914 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @07:26PM (#11718730)
      see, i'd be your girlfriend because you're a gamer, as I am one too, and would probably have a hard time being with someone who didn't understand my passion for electronic entertainment...

      ...But then, when i realize you're an Everquest gamer, I'd dump everything out of your apartment window and take all your money for not spending enough time with me.

      Disclaimer: not really going to dump all your stuff or steal your cash.
      Disclaimer fine print: not really going to date you, either.
      • Re:OMG! (Score:4, Funny)

        by Black Pete ( 222858 ) on Saturday February 19, 2005 @09:16PM (#11726120)
        ...and would probably have a hard time being with someone who didn't understand my passion for electronic entertainment...

        Depends on what kind of electronic entertainment you mean...

        /one ticket to hell, please.
        • [quote]Depends on what kind of electronic entertainment you mean... /one ticket to hell, please.[/quote] Mmmm.... Rez....
          • Rez! I bought a PS2, and Rez (the special version), just for that game. And then I couldn't find anyone to mod my PS2, so I still have yet to play it much.. need to buy a Japanese PS2 now, but oh well. It's worth it, I love that game!
    • Re:OMG! (Score:5, Informative)

      by ultramk ( 470198 ) <<ten.llebcap> <ta> <kmartlu>> on Friday February 18, 2005 @07:32PM (#11718783)
      They have it now.

      It's called /quit

      • In The Matrix Online it's /jackout Closely related cousin to the hardcore MMO players other favorite activity
  • But not very easy (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Uber Banker ( 655221 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:35PM (#11717687)
    I live in central London (one of the highest density places in the world) and am unable, to buy Pizza Hut pizza because (all the areas on the website claim to but telephone operators deny it) they fail to deliver to my area. Friends in other areas on London also experience the same problem: more areas seem undeliverable than deliverable.

    Nothing like advertising on London regional channels when you rarely deliver there for a waste of money. Everquest, well I don't care, now a Pizza Hut clan on Counterstrike, well they'd be the terrorists with bellied which ran slowely and couldn't think straight from constipation.
    • Re:But not very easy (Score:3, Interesting)

      by igrp ( 732252 )
      I don't much about the situation in the UK (or even overseas in general), but around here online pizza ordering is pretty much useless unless you already know the place and have ordered from them in the past.

      I think I ordered my first pizza online in 1999. Not because it offered any advantage over using the POTS - this was during the bubble so the general belief was that anything that could possibly be done online, should be done online.

      Back then, they mostly used simple CGI-to-email scripts and it was a

      • I have found some distinct advantages to ordering pizza online.

        My previous residence was on the edge of town and the nearest pizza place was several miles away. If I called and ordered, most of the employees were convinced that I was beyond their delivery area and wouldn't let me make delivery orders. If I ordered through the website, however, the order was routed to the same place and it would be delivered without question. On top of that they have *never* messed up an order sent in through the site, even
      • I've found there to be quite a few advantages to ordering pizza online. The biggest advantage I've found is that you never have to keep track of paper cupons. With pizza hut it's easy to just go online and click on a list of cupons, see what the best deal is, then order the pizza.
        It's also nice to be able to see the full list of ingrediants if your like me and like to try different topings instead of just sticking to a certain favortie.
        All that said, although I think pizza hut has the best online orderi
  • by MiceHead ( 723398 ) * on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:37PM (#11717700) Homepage
    An upcoming SCI-FI MMORPG from the BBC will allow you to buy "a hundred tacos for a hundred dollars," which "should provide adequate sustenance for the Dr. Who Marathon."
    Buy "fresh" sushi from within an FPS, with Inago Rage. []
  • would be cool (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rogabean ( 741411 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:40PM (#11717727)
    When I first saw this... I thought to myself this was the coolest feature I've ever seen introduced in the land of Norrath (EQ1 player almost 5 years.. moved on to WoW)... but then I just saw all it does is open a web browser up in front of the game... not so cool anymore. Would have been nicer as an "in-game" window.
  • by Eunuch ( 844280 ) * on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:40PM (#11717728)
    If you're really dedicated, try stuff like Ensure. It's not bad tasting, and you can have it exclusively for as long as you want. Oh, but add fiber.
  • by Pfhor ( 40220 )
    No papa johns?

    Come on, the pizza hut around me doesn't even deliver.

    And I don't play everquest.

    I just want someone to write a quick Dashboard app for various pizza places, with built in calculator, and let me order with CC# for those days I don't have any cash on me.
    • Interestingly, the semi-failed "web appliance" known as iOpener had a 'pizza' button that would take you to
    • The one here delivers. Theoretically. I still haven't gotten my medium supreme from December. i think it's free if they're not there within a month.
  • by Lars T. ( 470328 ) <[moc.liamelgoog] [ta] [regearT.sraL]> on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:40PM (#11717730) Journal
    when you type /good pizza ?
  • They did this so they will not be sued.

    Remember the gamer that died after playing 20 straight hours: 94344830.html

    They plan on EverQuest II being so addictive that you will forget to eat.
    • Not to mention that dead customers no longer pay their fees (:
      Your link is broken (due to a space), here it is repaired: 94344830.html

      It requires a quick registration with email address, nothing special.
      Very funny story, considering he probably died happy (:
  • /afk (Score:2, Funny)

    In related news, thousands of adventurers die as their clerics go AFK to pay the delivery guy.
  • by mnmn ( 145599 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:50PM (#11717824) Homepage
    There should be a little hut on every island etc, where players can go in, and purchase pizza by typing their CC numbers to the lady there. Working at pizzahut would be easier that way.

    Not to mention the pizza can get cheaper on advanced stages, with the game company's help, giving much more incentive to kids to play
    • typing their CC numbers to the lady there

      It sounds fun, but I doubt that the in-game security is enough to handle valuable information like Credit Cards.

      And for added bonus, CC numbers in-game are handled by ChoicePoint [], a proven leader in information extraction and loss.
      • EQ2 is a subscription game. They already have your credit card number. Why not set up a system to allow you to charge your preexisting credit card information for a pizza ingame?

        Obviously you'd have to set it up so that the account holder can block this feature to prevent little Jimmy from charging a million pizzas to be delivered to the Lunanites, but it could still conceivably work. Oh, and people using game cards to play would be SOL, but - oh well.

  • /babyfood (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by St. Arbirix ( 218306 )
    There needs to be a similar command "/babyfood" because it's not like babies eat pizza and if you're the type who'll order pizza with an in-game command you're sure as hell not the type that properly feeds the kids.
  • An alternative (Score:2, Insightful)

    by MisterMoney ( 615506 )
    Open the damned browser yourself and go to your favorite pizza place's site.

    Pizza Hut []
    Papa John's []
    Domino's []

    If I didn't list your favorite, I apologize. You can probably find them by clicking HERE []
    • Open the damned browser yourself and go to your favorite pizza place's site.

      Pizza Hut
      Papa John's

      Which one of the links you sent actually links to someone making pizzas? I fail to find any that sell anything close to what is usually called a "Pizza"
  • /escort /doobie /dot /passed_out_and_nekkid_on_the_lawn
  • Weak + Lame (Score:3, Insightful)

    by MBraynard ( 653724 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @05:55PM (#11717873) Journal
    First, this is less about adding a feature to the game than it is about getting a new revenue stream from Pizza Hut. Just as easily could have been dominoes, etc.

    Second, it's not nearly as sophisticated as it could be. It could log your street address and credit card, and has some feature to specify what you want so you enter it all into the command line. Like /pizza large .5 pepperoni 1 extra cheese dietpepsi.

    Instead, what they have now takes even more keystrokes. /pizza is six keystrokes. alt-tab to browser + favorites button for pizza hut is two keystrkes and one mouse click. Maybe one more click if you don't have a browser open already.

    • ... 1 extra cheese dietpepsi.

      You know, when they started injecting cheese into the crust, we all wondered where else they were going to try to cram extra cheese. I guess now we know...
  • If they were smart (Score:2, Interesting)

    by CrazyJim1 ( 809850 )
    This is my freaking idea, so if someone institutes it, its on Slashdot, and its copywrighted. Ok that settled. Have quests for in game items that translate to real life rewards. I just killed the ultimate monster, and I now I won a trip to disney world! Kill 100 orcs and get a personal pan pizza. Win coupons for the grocery store by baking. Etc etc.
    • Crazy Jim, I take your idea and I Copyright it, so it's all mine now. Thank you very much. /me tips hat

    • No way! That was my idea first! I thought of it last night and totally independent of some stupid "/pizza" thing. My idea was you type "/gimme" and you get stuff from companies for free. I'm sick of monopolistic companies trying to sell me things. I already bought WOW. What am I? Stupid? Some of my other ideas include an awesome super-hero who has nunchuks with rockets in them. He can use them to fly like a jet-powered helicopter. I've also got this idea for a game with swamp vampires that ride motorcycles
      • Duh uh i cums up wit dat stff for yars agos wen wes playin pet da possum an wed call neihber stu ta brin a baskit a pine cons fur lunch
        ourz wus mor sofistimacated as we not tipe noten wed juz yell reals lowd an we gets it free
        wats pizza hut dit like pizza shack

        Prior Art, Bitch!
    • Your words are copyrighted. If you want to protect a process, you need a patent and you have to apply for those.

      [picks up phone....]
    • by Anonymous Coward
      It's your "freaking idea" great. Oooh, you hold the "copywright" to this wonderful technology. You rule, dood, now if anyone gave two shits. But good luck suing Sony or whoever actually does this. I'm sure you could use Commander Taco as a witness. Make sure he dresses up in his Commander coveralls and top hat sos he's all presentable like. This would be a big news case, probably covered on courtTV 24/7. Crap, I bet you get interviewed on Hannity and Colmes. In fact, start booking your world tour no
  • thx
  • I can't wait until EQ3, when the pizza guy will walk it over to your computer desk and put it in your mouth.
  • Commandline pizza (Score:3, Informative)

    by aliens ( 90441 ) on Friday February 18, 2005 @07:27PM (#11718740) Homepage Journal
    This seemed appropriate for the discussion :
    CLI Pizza []

    also a slashdot acticle
  • Say Hungry Howies or something? I feel sorry for people who don't know about Hungry Howies... Great prices and the best pizza money can buy.
  • ... can you pay for the pizza with in-game currency? If not, what's the freakin' point of the command if not to embed advertising? Will subscribers be getting a break on their monthly fees since the game is now ad-supported?
  • next we'll see /beer takes you to

    and then, we can have marketing at our UNIX prompt!
  • Type /pizza (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Mike Hawk ( 687615 )
    And you can level up your pant size.
  • I wonder how much Pizza Hut payed for that feature. While it's something small, it has a fairly large advertising span.
  • Sorry, that crap that 'pizza'hut produces isn't worthy of being called pizza.
  • ...when Something Awful [] beats you to the story. (Look towards the bottom or the previous day's news for the Awful Link of the Day)

    Excerpt from Friday's page:

    Awful Link of the Day

    Everquest II Pizza (thanks OMGWTFBBQ) [] - Great news for those of you too lazy to actually use a telephone while playing Everquest II; you can now order a pizza from inside the game. Blue faggot needs food badly.

    [Image of Everquest Guy Holding a Pizza Here]

    While playing EverQuest II just type /pizza and a web browser w

  • I tried this tonight.

    What I got in 30 minutes was voice mail from Pizza Hut, telling me that they couldn't deliver my pizza because the delivery guy's car broke down. I know that cars are a real rarity in today's culture and that they couldn't have found another one to use no matter how hard they tried...

    Interfaces don't help if the technology behind them (and the human management, in this case) are broken.
  • Perhaps... (Score:2, Funny)

    by Nathonix ( 843449 )
    They could include a /toilet, or at least /newpairofpants. They dont happen to have a /. either do they?
  • by PaganRitual ( 551879 ) <> on Sunday February 20, 2005 @09:20PM (#11732245)
    1. will the pizza be nerfed in the next patch? i don't want to order one now and find that when it gets here, it's got less pepperoni and more cheese than before. and i swear this new patch has made my dew less fizzy. i can't find anything in the readme about this though. WHY AREN'T THEY TELLING US THE CHANGES!?!?!

    2. does the 'get it in 15 minutes or it's free' clause count if it takes me 25 minutes to answer the door because i'm currently instancing with a group and want to make sure im not AFK when the blue item is dropped and i want to roll for it?

"Engineering meets art in the parking lot and things explode." -- Garry Peterson, about Survival Research Labs
