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PlayStation (Games)

Kutaragi Thumbs Nose At Other Consoles 128

Ken Kutaragi thinks very highly of the PS3. So much so, that he is once again badmouthing his competitors in the press. From the article: "This time, Microsoft has stated clearly that it is going after PlayStation. However, they're going not after the PlayStation 3, but the PlayStation 2. They were looking at 2, and that's why [Xbox 360] became like that". And by "that", he probably means crappy. I'm just guessing.
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Kutaragi Thumbs Nose At Other Consoles

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  • by LewieP ( 883971 )
    "sure ken, whatever"

    (preorders revolution)

  • No Sound/All Cell (Score:1, Insightful)

    by N3Roaster ( 888781 )

    why the PS3 doesn't contain a separate sound chip: "It's obvious... Because [the audio] is all calculated [through Cell]. Sound is not the about the number of voices, but is itself an object.

    So he's bragging that the PS3 won't use specialized hardware where it makes sense to use specialized hardware.

    Well, whatever. I'll probably buy one of PS3/360/Revolution, but not until games I'm interested in stop coming out for my PS2 and one of these is out and gets a lineup I'm interested in.

    • Re:No Sound/All Cell (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Lynxara ( 775657 )

      To be fair, I don't think any of the next gen consoles are going to use dedicated sound processors. Maybe the Revolution, but I'm pretty sure the 360 isn't.

  • News ? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Luis Cypher ( 257898 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @04:47AM (#12778172)
    Summary : company slags rivals.

    The actual article is devoid of any real news.
    The article is flaimbait, ( it's written in that tone too) to stir up game console discussion before each is released.

    • "Luis Cypher"

      Hmm Weren't you in this one []?
    • New Marketing (Score:3, Insightful)

      by DrWho520 ( 655973 )
      Wanna Be Thug 1 - Yo G, you here 'bout Kutaragi? Man, he called those sucka's out and their system!
      Wanna Be Thug 2 - Nah, man. Nah.
      WBT1 - Yo homes, for real!
      WBT2 - Word?
      WBT1 - He call a sucka out like dat, his system gotta be for sheezy.
      WBT1 - True.

      Pigs! Pigs, I say, slopping at the trough that is pop culture! I will buy the system with the gaming soul. The other do can do whatever they please over there.
  • Oh really? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Kirsha ( 201264 )
    That guy goes on about how you can compare the PS3 to the XBOX 360 on specs, and how we should ahve seen the E3 presentation, but...didnt they had to do those with computer hardware cause the real hardware is still not finished?

    These people should really shut up and start badmouthing themselves once they actually have some real product to gloat about...
  • "This time, Microsoft has stated clearly that it is going after PlayStation. However, they're going not after the PlayStation 3, but the PlayStation 2. They were looking at 2, and that's why [Xbox 360] became like that". And by "that", he probably means crappy. I'm just guessing. Soooo.... He's saying that the PS2 is old and lame already,... but the 360 comes out year's end, while the PS3 is a long way off. I think Sony should have him shot.
  • From the article: "We're not sure we completely understand what he's on about, in all honesty, but it's clear that the emphasis is on calculators." No?! Really, they use math in computer games?! WOW this must be the REAL thing! What a revolution this will be!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "However, they're going not after the PlayStation 3, but the PlayStation 2. They were looking at 2..."

    ...has invented the flux capacitor, which they will be installing on all Xbox 360 units? When you turn them on, they tear a hole in the space-time continuum, hurtling backwards in time to the year 2000 on the exact date and time you purchased a PS2. You immediately take back the PS2 because you now have the superior console. So, not only will Microsoft dominate the gaming market, they actually already di

  • by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @05:21AM (#12778266) Homepage Journal
    ...just keep hyping yours and putting others down, that way you'll get press and people start believing you.

  • by slot32 ( 815657 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @05:55AM (#12778336) Homepage
    All he's trying to do is delay your decision so insted of 'must have xbox in september' you say 'I'm going to wait for the PS3 to come out too, and then decide which one to get'.

    If he can do that, he's done his job...

    And by what I've been hearing people say, he's suceeded. If there is a shadow of doubt come xbox's launch in your mind, he's done what he needs to do.
    • I think he wants to dreamcast* the X360. Make everyone believe the PS3 can do much more and is just around the corner, no matter what it really can do or when it really launches. If nobody buys the X360 at first it might look like it crashed and publishers might decide there's no profit to be gotten there. When the publishers are scared away that means less game releases (look at the Gamecube or PSP) and without games there'll be less users and no reason for the publishers to come back.

      *= oops, eighth dead
      • This is exactly what they want to do.
      • by obeythefist ( 719316 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @07:08AM (#12778506) Journal
        Except Microsoft has (presumably) learned all their lessons from the original X-Box and from what I've seen they've managed to stable a large number of publishers for the 360, far more than they had last time. In fact they will most likely be neck-a-neck with Sony for this next round. Except by the time Sony launches, MS will probably be around to the next shopping season's worth of game titles, making Sony enter the market with possibly *fewer* titles than the 360.

        And I wouldn't imagine for a minute MS isn't going to be throwing a lot of weight at keeping those publishers in line - this battle is worth more to MS than the browser wars were!
        • by Anonymous Coward
          MS said they will have 40 games titles for the launch. I'm still waiting, I learned my lesson when I bought an XBOX with a shitty DVD drive. Nothing worse than 'Failed to load map' on Halo2 or coversations stopping and freezing for a few minutes in Jade Empire.
        • "Except Microsoft has (presumably) learned all their lessons from the original X-Box and from what I've seen they've managed to stable a large number of publishers for the 360, far more than they had last time." This just means that there are more publishers willing to jump on board if the 360 succeeds. Nintendo and Sony have both claimed that there are over 100 developers working on the DS and PSP, but where are the games? Both portables have something like 40 games (after both have been available for near
          • The DS was rushed so the devs didn't have enough time to finish most of their games yet which is why you see only the cheap gimmick titles so far. There's a huge list of upcoming releases for the system here. Another one here [], which includes titles that weren't announced for the US yet. I'm not informed on the PSP side of things because that thing isn't out here yet.
            • No, the DS wasn't the one that was rushed. It was just easier to port PS2 code to the PSP. Hell, Sony didn't have hardware development kits to developers until September 2004.

              I'm willing to bet that all the PSP launch titles that were not ports of existing PS2 games were games that started development as PS2 games.

              On the other hand, the DS has a crazy new interface that does not lend itself to simple porting. At E3 2004, The DS was playable and the PSP wasn't. If either handheld were rushed, it was the PS
          • The same goes for Microsoft. What if MS gets one or two killer games, and Sony's games don't deliver on the hype? You can expect moderate success from the game sequels for Halo etc, but you can't say a game will be a killer until it's out and accepted by the general public. The only reliable measure you have for guaging the probability of a hit game is the number of titles and developers being put forward. And this time, Microsoft is rivalling Sony instead of being significantly far behind.

            Surely you a
        • Here's another point of view I read recently. You're assuming that all of the titles on the Xbox 360 are exclusives. If even half of those titles are ported, PS3 may have a larger launch library than Xbox 360 will. The Xbox 360 versions come out first, but the PS3 versions will get some (IMO minor) improvements like what happens with Xbox and PS2 versions of games.

          The 3rd party publishers love it because they cash in on the same title multiple times with relatively minor costs compared to coming out wit
      • *= oops, eighth deadly sin: Thou shalt not verb nouns.

        You've just sinned again by verbing the noun "verb" :-P
      • I think he wants to dreamcast* the X360. Make everyone believe the PS3 can do much more and is just around the corner, no matter what it really can do or when it really launches.

        That works. For a while, at least. It was Nintendo's strategy in every console since the NES, since Nintendo HATES developing new machines. The NES and Game Boy kind of spoiled them. It's surprisingly effective, but eventually it wears off.
    • It doesn't make a difference what the specs are relative to each other. The ONLY thing that is important is the GAMES. Whichever system has the best lineup of games is the one people will buy. It's about the GAMES. It's always been about the GAMES. As long as each of the new systems has at least 3 or 4 exclusive games that I want to play, I'll be buying all three consoles.
  • EOM
  • by Jarlsberg ( 643324 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @06:10AM (#12778378) Journal
    So in the interview, Kutaragi says:
    "Other companies may talk of game machines, but we've always referred to 'computer entertainment,' even in our press materials. It's entertainment and also a computer. That's what's important."
    Yes, because PS1 and PS2 are fabulous as computers.

    And this:

    "People probably won't be able to understand the difference between PS3 and Xbox 360 if the spec charts are just lined up," apparently.

    "However, at E3, a suitable number of people said that they were glad they came and saw rather than just looking at the specs. When the PS3 is actually released, this will spread and people will come to understand."

    But what did they get to see? I didn't go to E3, but from what I've read it seems Sony mostly showed pre-rendered footage.
    • Did you see Microsoft's MTV special? It was almost entirely prerendered as well.
      • Yeah, when all those celebrities were sitting down playing Perfect Dark, that was totally prerendered! Hell that Xbox that they were showing everyone was prerendered. They called ILM in to work some star wars magic and stick it in there.
        • by Anonymous Coward
          They were playing on development hardware and in all likelihood a significant portion of the gameplay was scripted.
        • Actually, while there were demo XBox models there, the games were actually playing on G5 units tucked under the kiosks. You can find pictures of them online in various places.

          Note, I'm not bashing Microsoft here - at least they were shoing realtime gameplay instead of prerendered stuff - but it was apparently running on tweaked G5 devkits, not final hardware.

    • Yes, because PS1 and PS2 are fabulous as computers.

      I may be mistaken about this, but wasn't the export of PS2 to Iraq, Syria, Iran, and North Korea banned when it first came out because of it's "computer power"? Although that could be marketing hype too...
      • Actually, no. You may be thinking of the Apple G4's (or maybe the G3's...) that, because of some outdated laws, were considered supercomputers and were not allowed to be sold in certain countries. I don't think Japan has a law like that and, regardless, the PS2 doesn't have that power. Hell, my six year old mac had more power than the Xbox, and the Xbox is stronger than the PS2 in pretty much every technical facet.
  • by Babbster ( 107076 ) < minus berry> on Friday June 10, 2005 @06:32AM (#12778430) Homepage
    Ken Kutaragi is a friggin' genius. I don't know if all his smack talk will have any positive effect on PS3 sales or negative effect on Xbox 360 sales, but he is just entertaining as hell. He's a lot more fun than J. Allard who too often seems intent on making the Xbox (and now the 360) look like it was designed for the entertainment of rock stars, actors and professional sports players. Allard bores me to tears.

    Ken comes off as a guy who cares about winning and is ready to say anything to help make that happen. What's not to like about that? Speaking for myself, an American, I think winning is more fun than just about anything not required for continuation of the human race.

    I'm an Xbox fan. I have all three consoles, but I feed more games to my Xbox than the other two consoles combined. I like the games that come out, I like the graphics and I like (love) the sounds (I bought my first DVD player way back when to get Dolby Digital; letterboxed movies were a secondary consideration). I went so far as to wait for its Xbox release before playing the latest GTA game - I've had to fight off some withdrawal-type symptoms, but I made it.

    All the above being true, I want to hear MORE Xbox 360 slams from Mr. Kutaragi. He makes me smile...and not in an ironic, "oh look at the silly monkey" way. No, he entertains me the same way one of the aforementioned Xbox-playing sports stars does when he goes crazy and guarantees a win or puts down an opposing team. It's just plain fun.

    Even his incoherent ramblings about the PS3 and Cell are a blast. I mean, come on: "However, if you look closely, the difference between things that are being calculated and things that are simply being changed and moved is clear." I, for one, will be less than a foot from my TV screen when I eventually hook up a PS3 just to see the amazing differences between motion capture and the magical Cell real-time calculations. I LOVE IT!

    Ken, you're out of your mind and I can't get enough. Go, man, go!

    PS- I get similar tingles when one of the Nintendo nuts goes on and on about their magical gameplay. You know, because giving Mario a water cannon revolutionized (apologies) gaming. :)

    • PS- I get similar tingles when one of the Nintendo nuts goes on and on about their magical gameplay. You know, because giving Mario a water cannon revolutionized (apologies) gaming. :)

      I can't wait to see what will happen to these kinds of posts in 30 years, when game console designers end up using every word in the English language, so everything becomes a pun.

      "I really liked (sorry) the Nintento XZ3000 and their ombudsman (not a plug for Microsoft) because (no pun intended) they tend (no, I don't work

    • Re:I Love This Man (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      This is actually rather poor flamebait; the poster is really just saying that Ken reminds him of a giggly N fanboi...the implications are much worse for Sony here than they are for Nintendo!

      Also, I don't remember hearing anyone ever refer to Mario Sunshine as a "revolutionary" title, but I suppose that is beyond the point.

      Curse Nintendo for adding awesome new features to old franchises so that they both keep their core audience, expand to a new audience, and maintain the high level of quality they are kno
  • by cassidyc ( 167044 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @07:32AM (#12778578)
    His entire sales pitch is to show off pre-rendered movies, on the basis that the real game might look nothing like this but might feature this is a rendered cut scene. And slag off the opposition rather than extolling the (as yet non-existant) qualities of your own (as yet non-existant) hardware.

    Christ last time I heard that line of arguments was in a school playground (before they allowed guns :)

    J Allard (and Nintendos equiv) has been much more mature, raising the profile of thier own machines. Selling their machines, not slagging off competitors

    • Yeah OK replying to my own post.

      But something else I feel is that the Console gamers have gotten a little smarter and are aware that Playstation isn`t all its cracked up to be, and will be prepared to see what it can really do before making a decision.

      Admittedly you'll still get the GTA and Gran Tourismo fanatics that would buy the PS3 if it had C64 level graphics/abilities ;)

      • If you're talking about console gamers who are also online, yes - you're probably right.

        However, a huge number of people still trust print magazines and never really keep up with stuff like this - and GamePro has already put up articles calling the PS3 as the winner. It was a terrible article, but it is there, and I'm sure their print magazine will carry the same stuff.

    • J Allard (and Nintendos equiv) has been much more mature, raising the profile of thier own machines. Selling their machines, not slagging off competitors

      Methinks, you don't remember the Sega VS Nintendo ad campaign wars in the early 1990's. I remember this because I was so influenced by the ads I wouldn't be friends with those with opposing systems. I remember my mother yelling at me one day because every time she had to baby sit one of our family friends kid, I would rag him about owning a Sega Genesis
      • I don`t doubt that was the case in the 90's certainly I remember the C64 vs Spectrum, and Amiga Vs Atari ST, So I am well aware that this sort of thing used to happen.

        But in those instances Nintendo/sega and Commodore/Sinclair & atari all had their machines out, and you could directly compare them, and not base your judgement on marketese.

        In this particular case, 15 years or so on, that this kind of "Marketing" is still being applied.

    • Just what they did to the Dreamcast with the PS2...The PS2 gonna be able to render Toy Story in realtime. This is Sony's Modus Operandi. I've never forgotten that Sony is an intruder in this market (of course MS is too...) I wish I had my Sega and Nintendo back. The way these guys do business just makes me feel dirty.
  • Pretentious much? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by mattgreen ( 701203 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @07:56AM (#12778647)
    The whole next-gen console war is so overblown. Every company takes themselves so seriously and resorts to insulting each other like a group of jealous seventh grade girls fighting over boy band members. Somehow, I get the feeling that these consoles are not going to revolutionize the living room and provide a fully synergistic entertainment experience like they all claim to be doing. I guess the console market has always been a bit juvenile (recall the Genesis' "blast processing" claims). I guess since I am much older now, I see these squabbles as mere publicity stunts.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The Saturn did horribly in the US.
    The Xbox did horribly in Japan.
    The Saturn caused Sega to lose a lot of money.
    The Xbox caused Microsoft to lose a lot of money.
    Sega releases their nextgen console only four years after their previous console.
    Microsoft releases their nextgen console only four years after their previous console.

    What happens next?
  • by thesandtiger ( 819476 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @09:07AM (#12778957)
    Which, I understand, is kind of their job. But why can't they praise themselves - and provide actual evidence to justify that praise - instead?

    What it comes off like is they're running scared. It feels like they've got nothing but pre-rendered stuff and a past track-record of overpromising and underdelivering and now they keep on just saying shit like "ours is sooooooo much better. Reeeeeeealllly better. Soooooooo. Muuuuuuuuch. Beeeeeeeeeter!" and waving their hands around nonsense numbers and specs.

    Personally, this amount of hot air and handwaving with *zero* real data to back it up at this point is making me think there are some real problems with the PS3 that they're hoping they can hype over.

    Of course, everyone's hyping their stuff - but, in the case of the original XBox, I really feel that they lived up to what they promised and delivered a damn fine system - so (ironic, isn't it?) I guess I trust them a little more than Sony who lied their asses off, didn't live up to what they promised, even if they did deliver a nice console.
    • I too love my Xbox. It was the last console I bought this generation, about a year and a bit after its launch (i bought both the PS2 and GameCube at launch). So far I've been playing the Xbox far more than any other console; in fact, I even let my friend borrow the PS2 since I ain't playing it much.

      As for the next generation consoles? I'm looking forward to getting the Xbox 360 at launch. MS hasn't overbullshitted their hype like Sony are doing, claiming that the Xbox 360 will be the end of everything (wh

    • "Of course, everyone's hyping their stuff - but, in the case of the original XBox, I really feel that they lived up to what they promised and delivered a damn fine system - so (ironic, isn't it?) I guess I trust them a little more than Sony who lied their asses off, didn't live up to what they promised, even if they did deliver a nice console."

      Microsoft did the same things, like inflating polygon count numbers and claiming a bunch of BS stuff like "only the Xbox can handle fur-shading effects". I don't k
  • by Chris_Jefferson ( 581445 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @09:29AM (#12779114) Homepage
    I'd be curious to know how the xbox 360 could be aiming for the ps2 when the xbox was suprior in terms of performance and graphics (thats not a stab at sony. The xbox came out quite a lot later. It would be suprising if it wasn't)

    But of course remember, the playstation 3 will have REALISTIC EMOTIONS! using it's emotion engine and be able to RENDER TOY STORY IN REAL TIME! and be a SUPER COMPUTER!

    Wait.. that was the PS2 wasn't it?
    • I think his point is that Microsoft is setting up the XBox 360 as a competitor to a PS2++, but that Sony is putting the PS3 out in some other context. Sure, maybe he's playing the "We'll have something really cool in six months, so don't commit to your new XBox yet!" card, but I'm curious if they're planning on some sort of crazy new concept. I'm sure that they have something up their sleeves, but I'm curious if it will be truly great, or a replay of the emotion engine.
    • Oh come one now...don't get all logical!

      I guess that Sony is the only one who doesn't realize that as far as technology is concerned, the first Xbox wiped the floor with the PS2.

      Yes, the Xbox 360 is going after the PS2- as far as sales numbers go. This whack job spouting Sony's poo has no interest in the actual reality as far as the technology is concerned...I'm sure he STILL thinks the PS2 is a great system.
      • This whack job spouting Sony's poo has no interest in the actual reality as far as the technology is concerned

        What does technology have to do with anything? Did you buy a 3DO back when it came out for $699? It had great technology for it's time, but that has bupkis to do with how great a system is overall. (I was seriously considering saving up for one, but after I saw how fucking bad the two zelda games were and how little other compelling *exclusive* games there were, I decided to wait. Luckily there w
        • I guess maybe your didn't RTFA.

          The article was all about the technology- that is the comparison.

          The Sony guy was saying that the Xbox 360 technology was aimed at the PS2.

          When in fact, the technology in the original Xbox was superior with the technology in the PS2.

          Sorry that I was basing my comments on the subject at hand.
          • I guess maybe your didn't RTFA

            Really? bad guess....

            The article was all about the technology- that is the comparison. The Sony guy was saying that the Xbox 360 technology was aimed at the PS2. When in fact, the technology in the original Xbox was superior with the technology in the PS2.

            Well, that was one line in the article. And much of the article focused on technology, true, but you'll notice some of it is focused on people's perceptions of technology and performance, and how numbers stack up. For
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Ha ha really funny. PS2 couldn't have emotional engine because Saddam Hussein would have used it to launch nukes to US at Christmas Eve. Now that he is gone, Sony has no reason to hold back on anything. Although i am a bit worried about what Osama bin Laden might do with the amazing power of a PS3 cluster.
    • I think the coolest thing Sony could do is to actually have Toy Story run in real time on a PS3... I thought for sure it would happen at E3. That would have been the single best E3 moment in history.

      Similarly, albeit a bit more devastating, they could have used a PS3 to guide a missile right into Iraq live on a huge screen.
  • It's nice to see a bit of progress in the geek community, a little bit of maturity.

    When the PS/2 came out, I tried to explain why the hype was incredibly overblown. I got the equivalent of "troll".

    If I tried now to explain why the hype for the PS/3 is overblown, now I'd get "Redundant".

    Nobody admitted it at the time. (Haven't seen many admit it now, either...) But I think a lot of people basically got burned. (The PS/2 is nice in a lot of ways. It also sucks ass in some completely inexcusable ways. It's
  • From TFA: "Other companies may talk of game machines, but we've always referred to 'computer entertainment,' even in our press materials. It's entertainment and also a computer. That's what's important."

    Hmmm... Computer Entertainmentspot, Computer Entertainmentspy, Computer Entertainmentpro... nope just doesn't work
  • Fanboy! (Score:3, Informative)

    by XXIstCenturyBoy ( 617054 ) on Friday June 10, 2005 @11:00AM (#12779893)
    Ken Kutaragi is just a Sony fanboy and therefore must be ignored like any console specific fanboy on any internet forum.
  • I love this stuff (Score:2, Informative)

    by Morinaga ( 857587 )
    People feign that they are fed up with the posing and back and forth banter of these companies but I for one welcome as much vitriol these companies can muster against each other. I hope they both remain very strong and we have a long term competitive relationship like we've seen with Intel/AMD and ATI/Nvidia.

    Here's one for you. ddy_ati/1.html []

    Interview with Richard Huddy of ATI. In a nutshell he basically says that CPU power of the PS3 will face a

    • I hate this stuff. Why those fuckers don't actually WORK instead of blabbering around? I pay them by buying consoles.
      I want them to work hard and give me some really revolutionary thing, not just some technology that was forgotten in some drawer for 20 years and then brought back and presented as "the biggest revolution in computer gaming experience (cash is over there, thank you)".
      I would like someone to explain me why PS3 or XBox360 are so revolutionary. I read about the XBox and it doesn't seem like th
  • Don't forget that Kusoragi was the shithead who said that the PS3 isn't a gaming device, and that the PSX and PS2 weren't gaming devices either.

    He's a moron. Just ignore him.
  • I have not touched my PS2 in a long time, I even waited for GTA:SA to come to Xbox to play. If you like to play online you play Xbox the experince is much better. The games look better and play better too. So how can anyone say XBox was a falure?

    Ok the 360 comes out at least 6 months prior to PS3 - That will give them a lead on Sony. People will buy 360s because thats what there kids will want. If MS has it right they could take the lead over sony.

"But what we need to know is, do people want nasally-insertable computers?"
