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Nintendo Businesses Wii

Iwata Explains Mario Galaxy 108

The British Gaming Blog has links to articles on the official UK Wii site exploring the title Mario Galaxy . The first explores the game's origins and gives us a peek behind the scenes of the game's voice acting. The second looks at Mario's essence, and the benefits of the 'planetary gameplay'. The last is all about the sound of Mario: "This time, we recorded with an orchestra of about 50 or so members. Of course, they were not very good at first because they were playing music they'd never heard before, and they are also seeing the score for the first time. But as the day went on, their performance improved dramatically, and the process of recording each track in its final form was actually a very fast one. This surprised Miyamoto-san, who was glued to the glass wall looking at them from the other side. He was saying 'So, sound is something that really changes too!'"
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Iwata Explains Mario Galaxy

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  • I am so glad (Score:4, Insightful)

    by rnmartinez ( 968929 ) on Friday November 02, 2007 @01:00PM (#21213919)
    That I pre ordered this! I can't wait! I have enjoyed every Mario game I have played (yes, even Luigi's manions although it wasn't awesome) and Sunshine. I think that the graphics will also raise the bar, so that hopefully the Wii stuff doesn't look so bad in the future. I know that graphics aren't everything, but when you look at RE4 and Metroid 3, the excuse of "Its not an xbox 360 or ps3" shouldn't be an out.

    I hope Luigi is playable too!
  • i hope not (Score:3, Insightful)

    by unity100 ( 970058 ) on Friday November 02, 2007 @01:07PM (#21214005) Homepage Journal
    Star Control 3 was such a shame compared to 2.
  • by meringuoid ( 568297 ) on Friday November 02, 2007 @01:14PM (#21214129)
    ...that Mario is an offensive Italian stereotype?

    How? He has an Italian name and a comedy accent. Other than that... I don't see it. I've never seen him eat pasta. He's not in the Mafia. He doesn't sing opera. He doesn't change sides halfway through the fight. He's never even tried to bribe Koopa.

    Unless the current Italian stereotype involves diving through pipes to jump up and down on mushrooms, I just don't get what you mean here.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 02, 2007 @01:18PM (#21214197)
    It's daktaklakpak

    And maybe it'll be like star control II, which was actually a good game.

    By good I mean amazing.
  • by rob1980 ( 941751 ) on Friday November 02, 2007 @01:20PM (#21214227)
    No. Don't you have anything better to do than be offended at things for the sake of being offended at things?
  • by WidescreenFreak ( 830043 ) on Friday November 02, 2007 @01:28PM (#21214367) Homepage Journal
    No, it bothers me more that people (like you) look for racism where none exist and that people (like you) have no freaking clue what "humor" is and that humor is not meant to be taken seriously (hence why it's humor).

    So, how long have you been in Slashdot, Reverend Jackson?
  • by Endo13 ( 1000782 ) on Friday November 02, 2007 @03:14PM (#21216027)
    It's largely because of people like you that racism has stuck around as long as it has in many parts of the US.

    Yes, there's still areas in the US where racism is a real and legitimate problem. Most places it would long since have faded into oblivion if people weren't constantly on a witch hunt trying to find racism in every little thing.

    The only real way to ever get rid of racism is to stare it in the face for what it is, deal with it, and then move on.

    If you're going to nitpick on something as unoffensive as Mario and Luigi being "racist" then everything is racist (or at least discriminatory) and offensive in some way. If you look hard enough for it you'll always find it, whether it really exists or not. Every single video game ever made has as much or more racism as any Mario game ever made. End of story.
  • by WidescreenFreak ( 830043 ) on Friday November 02, 2007 @04:37PM (#21217215) Homepage Journal
    If looking for racism and inequality (even when it doesn't exist) is all that you think life should be about, then you are part of the problem of why such issues still exist. Of course, you don't bother to use a legitimate account, instead opting to hide under AC, so I don't even know why I should bother conversing with you anyway.

    Oh, and nice class warfare you're spouting there. That's less offensive and disruptive than racism how?
  • Re:The Orchestra (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Riddler Sensei ( 979333 ) on Friday November 02, 2007 @07:42PM (#21219417)
    Actually some of the most challenging stuff I have ever seen has been movie and video game scores. One reason being that it can be terribly sporadic and unnatural to play since much of what IS being played has to double as a sound effect. Anyone remember "We 3 Katamari"? Heh, well the Warsaw Philharmonic is listed in the credits as having recorded for the game.
  • by Endo13 ( 1000782 ) on Monday November 05, 2007 @11:02AM (#21241207)

    Oh, please. It's because of people with views like mine that racism's impact has been minimized in merely a generation in the US.
    Wrong. The people who had a good impact are the ones who took racism for what it was and dealt with it. Going on a witch hunt looking for racism in places like a Mario game is something entirely different from dealing with segregated schools and getting kids to realize they're all pretty much the same and work together.

    Or did you conveniently forget that a mere human lifetime ago in the US, nonwhites were considered fourth-class citizens subject to vigilante lynchings and forbidden from using public property? (Irish and Italians were mistreated, as well.)
    Of course not. And thanks to people like you, we'll be constantly thinking about it, and everyone's going to be racist about it in one way or another, whether they want to or not. Either they'll be annoyed that people are still going on about something that happened decades ago and feel peeved at the particular minority group, or they'll feel like the minority group should get some special treatment for some injustice their ancestors endured in the past. Either way they're still seeing the minority group as something other than just regular humans, which is far more racist than any Mario game. And if these people in minority groups really do care about racism they don't want either response. They'd much rather be just another guy/chick in the neighborhood, chatting with the guy next door or going about their business.

They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
