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Games Government Entertainment Politics

Rock the Vote Partners With Xbox Live 23

Gamepolitics notes that starting next Monday, Xbox Live users will be able to register to vote using their game console. They'll also be able to participate in polls and "voice their opinions to the presidential candidates." Quoting the press release: "This is the first time that Rock the Vote has joined forces with an entertainment partner such as Xbox to reach voters under 30. Xbox LIVE is the largest online social network connected to the television, with membership totaling 12 million -- if Xbox LIVE were a state, it would rank as the country's seventh largest, giving it approximately 20 electoral votes. Xbox also will have a presence at both the Democratic and Republican conventions, promoting the Rock the Vote partnership and educating delegates about creating a safer entertainment environment on Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE using the built-in parental controls known as Family Settings."
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Rock the Vote Partners With Xbox Live

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  • Ok, let's try registering.

    The screen says, "Tap 'X' to Register to vote"...whoops: "Windows has encountered a fatal error and will be shut down." :-)

    • Xbox360 doesn't run Windows you insensitive clod!
  • on the voting page they'll make some money using ads banners?!#$$$

  • Vote or die!!! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by bogjobber ( 880402 )

    Rock the Vote was a stupid idea when it first started, I can't believe they're still around. IIf rock starz!!!! vote, then hey, voting is cool. And everyone wants to be cool, right?

    Very few people are too stupid to see the ruse for what it is, and they certainly aren't the ones that should be deciding our country's future. Youth voting is up because our country is so fucked up that even young people realize the importance of voting. We don't need silly corporate-sponsored pap like Rock the Vote to tel

    • I think you'd be surprised just how impressionable some young people are by campaigns like this.

      Not everyone is a cynical internet troll like you ;-)

      • I've heard somewhere that in the past most of the demographic that signs up for Rock the Vote tended to still not show up on the day of the election. It would be nice to get some numbers to prove this actually does good in terms of real votes, not just registering.

  • to get Joe Public interested in politics? no, i'm really curious.

    i'm 25 and my peers (in age) are more concerned with silly things than what really matters to the bigger picture. is there a way to get these people to see past the end of their noses? is there a way to break through the pragmatic shell of "me me me, mine mine mine, i want i want i want"? i understand that many of us are intelligent enough to see the problems, but what do we do when there aren't any good choices? choose the lesser of two

    • to get Joe Public interested in politics? no, i'm really curious.

      i'm 25 and my peers (in age) are more concerned with silly things than what really matters to the bigger picture. is there a way to get these people to see past the end of their noses?

      Call the FBI and tell them said person is dealing in Afghan Hashish and let the rest sort itself out?

    • I have absolutely no idea where you come from, but I'm from the UK and I find that even when people aren't interested in politics, they still enjoy political satire like "Have I got news for you" and "Private Eye".
      I know in the U.S. there are similar shows such as "The Daily Show", so wherever you're from, try directing your friends to these, or consistently mention when a politician does something stupid and gets caught out. Works for me.

      • I've insisted that many of my peers watch Colbert and Jon Stuart... unfortunatly I've always gotten the response of "I don't get it" or "that wasn't funny." It is a sad time we are going thru in the States. American Idol gets so many votes per week yet we can't even get our public interested in even the most basic political affairs. Maybe we do need Britney to run for president. Or at least have one of the candidates have Britney on stage and pull her top down. That will get a rise out of the public.
    • We tried chosing the lesser of two evils?

      Reagen, Hollywood master of spooky economic voodoo and "there you go again Jimmy" beats Carter. Fail.

      Reagen then beat Mondale, largely accredited to Mondale saying "By the end of my first term, I will reduce the Reagan budget deficit by two-thirds. Let's tell the truth. It must be done, it must be done. Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won't tell you. I just did." People picked the greater of two evils because they didn't want a tax hike. Fail.

      George H.

  • Is having a lot of people who couldn't otherwise be bothered to register or go to the polls, suddenly going and voting based on a month or two's worth of half-baked assertions gleaned from campaign ads and easily swayable by media "personalities" and pop stars, really such a good thing for us?

    (Not to mention, they can't actually really register through Live, they will be sent a packet to fill out.)

    • You make it sound like their actual votes (when they're older) are actually going to make a difference and not just get lost in some electronic voting machine's circuits.

    • You think older people vote for reasons other that half-baked assertions gleaned from campaign ads? Yeah... right...

      Swiftboat vets? Obamanation? McCain's bastard black child? "There you go again Jimmy"? With neither the strength of a man or the subtly of a woman (a political cartoon referencing John Adams as a hermaphrodite in an election that Jefferson won)?

      Politics isn't about people making informed decisions. Politics is about making the other guy look like he doesn't share your values.

  • Xbox 360 helps to "rock the vote," while Diebold's machines suffer from the Red Ring of Death.

  • From the press release: "Xbox LIVE connects more than 12 million members across 26 countries ".

    So... if they are 'hoping to connect/register' 2 million young voters, and that 'the LIVE community would be the 7th laargest state' if it were a state - then why even make statement in the above quote?

    It's like they didn't even read their own press release.

All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
