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King's Quest Fan Project The Silver Lining Is Back 61

LoTonah writes "After eight years of development and a Cease & Desist from Vivendi, King's Quest fan project The Silver Lining is back in action. From the website: 'We are extremely happy to announce that our project, The Silver Lining, will definitely see the light of day! In a wonderful turn of events, Activision reached out to the Phoenix Online team a few months ago with a desire to revisit their decision regarding The Silver Lining. After negotiations, the C&D has been officially rescinded, and Phoenix Online has been granted a non-commercial license to release The Silver Lining! Our team is ecstatic about this, and as hard as we've worked for eight years, it's the tireless belief and support of you, our fans, that has made this possible.' The first episode of the project is due to be released on July 10."
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King's Quest Fan Project The Silver Lining Is Back

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  • by FrYGuY101 ( 770432 ) on Monday June 28, 2010 @04:55PM (#32722364) Journal
    Good on Vivendi. It's good to see they realized they made a mistake, that this wasn't hurting them (Quite the opposite, probably), and correcting the issue.

    One company (on one issue) down, a few million more to go!
  • Peasant's Quest (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 28, 2010 @05:08PM (#32722576)

    Peasant's Quest []

  • Hail to the King's Quest !

  • Protecting IP (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Enderandrew ( 866215 ) <enderandrew @ g m a i> on Monday June 28, 2010 @05:13PM (#32722670) Homepage Journal

    In the early days of the web, Fox was trying to threaten every X-Files fan page for violating their trademark. Lucas threatened to sue every Star Wars page out there. Companies felt it was their duty to protect the IP. They didn't realize these fan pages weren't stealing money from them, but rather were adding value to their brands.

    Fan pages and fan projects are free advertising. Any company who sues a non-commercial fan project is idiotic at best, and doesn't like receiving money from their customers.

    • Not quite what we have here but wasn't it Tommy Hilfiger, when asked how he felt about people shoplifting his clothing said something like "he didn't care as it was free advertising every time someone wore one of those stolen clothing items".
      • Don't know if I'd call that free. He did pay to have those clothes made, didn't he? And what about all the people who pay for the privilege of advertising his brand?
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          Don't know if I'd call that free. He did pay to have those clothes made, didn't he?
          Does he sell retail? (I have no idea.) If not, then he's not the one bearing the cost of the shoplifted item -- the retailer is.

    • by madbox ( 187860 )

      ... Any company who sues a non-commercial fan project is idiotic at best, and doesn't like receiving money from their customers.

      Years ago someone here on Slashdot (props, whoever you are, I don't remember) explained the seemingly psychotic behavior of television executives choking the life out of or outright canceling wildly popular TV shows:

      It's all about power and control - money is, at best, a secondary concern.

      Once you realize that this applies to most entertainment companies, it all makes sense, like a kind of nightmare logic.

      • I read a post like that here last year, something to do with the execs wanting to make a name for themselves so they cancel their predecessor's project and start their own. Can't remember why the jobs have such a high turnover rate - either these people get promoted or just want to move on for some other reason..

    • Well, the old-school trademark|copyright|patent enforcement meant that if you didn't have complete control of "intellectual property", you will lose control. The music and movie industries still by and large operate under this ethos, as evidenced by their continued efforts to try to intimidate ordinary Internet users. It's also the same ethos that compels record labels to force new artists to sign away all their copyrights, and movie studios to use crafty accounting to avoid paying movie casts and crews the

  • []

    OH MY GOD!! So excited!

    I love Activision right now. Would that they let TFB have access to Star Control license ...

    • The petition to get a new Star Control made has generated quite a bit of response, but more can be done. I would like to direct your attention to a cunning plan that Alex Ness from Toys for Bob has come up with. In his own words (from the Toys for Bob website):

      First We Hit Them With Letters, Next Arts and Crafts.

      After that, they won't know what hit 'em. Activision, I mean. As part of my multi-pronged strategy to convince Activision to insist that our next project be a Star Control one, I have come up with idea to harness the powers of arts and crafts as well as fans everywhere.

      What I want to do is this: Make a giant map of the Earth. Maybe I should just buy one. I'm not map maker. If I were, I'd probably be instantly fired for my alternative spelling of the nation known as Uruguay as well as the fabrication of non-existent countries like Nutsack Kingdom and Nutsack Kingdom II. As a matter of fact, I have already been fired from previous jobs for these exact same reasons, even though none of those jobs involved making a map. So anyway, I'm going to buy a map. A real big one. Then I'm going to prominently display it somewhere in our office. Phase one of my plan will then be complete.

      Phase two is where I once again, ask you wonderful community of fans for support. What I want is to put pictures of you guys up on this map. Not everybody but at least one from every country. This may be a problem for the magical isle of Greenland but who knows? There couldn't be all that much to do in Greenland, especially if you're unemployed like Andre the Giant's character in the Princess Bride used to be, so maybe someone who lives there has played a little Star Control. Anyway, what I'll do then is post your picture up over the respective country you live in. The idea being to show the fan base all over the globe. Will this help convince Activision to let us do another Star Control? I can't predict the future but I can tell you that if it's big and displayed prominently, it will help remind them every time they come to visit and be a real conversation piece. Plus it will just generally brighten our spirits. In Paul's case, this could lead to a level of congeniality rarely exhibited by man or machine. He's quite a bubbly figure, in case you don't know.

      So if you've got the notion and a camera, can you send me a picture of yourself either playing SCII or at least standing near something SCII-related? Just send it right to old Or, if you really want the picture to get there extra fast, use my new other email address: Somehow just the word "nutsack" does make things faster and better.



  • by Lendrick ( 314723 ) on Monday June 28, 2010 @05:18PM (#32722764) Homepage Journal

    Although really, they'd rather release shitty new games and duplicates of their old games on different systems.

    Gotta keep killing those fan games. You can't really ruin a good video game franchise with fans jumping in there and making better stuff.

    • Gotta keep killing those fan games. You can't really ruin a good video game franchise with fans jumping in there and making better stuff.

      No joke. The "partnership" with Square killed Supreme Commander 2. I never saw a game drop fro 59.99 to 7.50 (Discount off Stream) in under 3 months.

      It just seems that these company's can't balance good game play WITH a wider audience. A RTS game is incredibly difficult to get the mainstream to play, but dumbing down the system for faster game play won't make it sell more.

      Hell, I don't think I have seen a main stream developer make an adventure game in the last 5 years.

    • by Khyber ( 864651 )

      "Gotta keep killing those fan games" [] []

      Say what? Do you even bother LOOKING for these things?

  • Wasn't there a Space Quest project in pretty much the same situation? Can it be bailed out too?

    • yup, this one []. I'd really like to see it finished as SQ was my favorite series but I think there were some different circumstances.
      There have been a couple other fan made games linked over at [] and a remake of SQ2 in the works at IA []
  • Man, I miss that game.

    • Damn straight, I loved that game. I remember the first (and only the first) game in that series (actually, it was a remake of the first) was available for the Macintosh, which was all I was using back then. The rest of the series was only available for Windows.

      I'm not sure why that was the case, but that pretty much caused me to dump the Mac for Windows 95 as soon as I could.

    • by Amonnil ( 874821 )
      I agree. I've been replaying that series recently, since I came across [] which makes them playable again. It even fixes that crashing bug in the swamp of Quest for Glory IV.
  • And I thought they were the essence of evil. There, got my on-topic statement in. Now to be slightly off-topic for people who want to get some ideas to get their adventure game fix [] before this thing gets released.
  • Sorry, but this seems sort of like people who get happy over a tax rebate. IP is an unjust usurping of what you can do with your own real, physical property. In this case, the fan team simply gets to do what they should have been able to do in the first place.
  • You guys are going to love this. []

    Not sure how these guys pulled it off (probably got permission before Vivendi ate Sierra), but they've been doing Sierra remakes for a long time.

  • Lets hope Activision will allow the fan-made Space Quest sequel Space Quest 7 to continue as well, its another fan-made follow-on to a Sierra adventure game that was shut down by Vivendi.

  • Does anyone remeber GAC on the Amiga(i think it was on Amiga(so many old computers, so many memories(I can still play strek on my PDP-11!))).
  • Reboots please (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    We're allowed reboots with movies and comics, why not games?

    It is not a bad thing to reboot a series, nor is it a bad thing to remake a game for updated technology.

    The reason old games (Sierra and Lucasarts Point and Click games) keep being remade and revived is because the companies who made them prematurely terminated the series (eg Sierra selling out, Origin selling out, I'm not even sure why lucasarts stopped making games they had rights to.)

    Look at other fan projects that have been crushed (Zelda games

No spitting on the Bus! Thank you, The Mgt.
