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The World Video Game Hall of Fame 2016 Inductess 54

Reader Dave Knott writes: The World Video Game Hall Of Fame has announced its inductees for the year 2016, the second group of games to be so honoured since the award's inception in 2015. The Hall Of Fame "recognizes individual electronic games of all types -- arcade, console, computer, handheld, and mobile -- that have enjoyed popularity over a sustained period and have exerted influence on the video game industry or on popular culture and society in general". This year's six inductees are: Grand Theft Auto III, The Legend of Zelda, The Oregon Trail, The Sims, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Space Invaders.The Sydney Morning Herald has more details.
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The World Video Game Hall of Fame 2016 Inductess

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Dammit !!

  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Friday May 06, 2016 @12:56PM (#52061703)

    Here lies andy; peperony and chease

  • The dinner had to be canceled everyone who was suppose to attend died of dysentery.
  • Nethack? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by bughunter ( 10093 ) <bughunter.earthlink@net> on Friday May 06, 2016 @01:18PM (#52061911) Journal

    I'll take this Hall of Fame seriously when they induct Nethack.

    I mean, really, if *any* game deserves to be in a hall of fame, it's the longest-lived and longest continually maintained game of 'em all... not to mention one of the most complex and hardcore.

    • I mean, really, if *any* game deserves to be in a hall of fame, it's the longest-lived and longest continually maintained game of 'em all... not to mention one of the most complex and hardcore.

      Which is another way of saying that only those who play the game even know that it exists.

  • by cyriustek ( 851451 ) on Friday May 06, 2016 @01:24PM (#52061973)

    How in the world can they be taken seriously if they did not induct Galaga, Asteroids, and Zork?

    • and E.T.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      How in the world can they be taken seriously if they did not induct Galaga, Asteroids, and Zork?

      This is only the second year they've been handing out awards. Surely you don't expect them to give awards to every deserving candidate up front?

      I agree those games are probably worthy of awards, but they had to start somewhere, and I think they mode reasonable choices.

  • I see from the headline that the World Video Game Hall of Fame now has an Inductess. I imagine next they'll be appointing a Seductee.

  • ... but kept dying from dysentery on the way ...

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
