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Game Company Fires Two Employees Who Complained About 'Mansplaining' on Twitter (theverge.com) 1056

An anonymous reader quotes the Verge: On July 3rd, narrative designer Jessica Price tweeted a 29-tweet thread dissecting the challenges of writing player characters in an MMORPG. A streamer who goes by Deroir responded, "Really interesting thread to read! However, allow me to disagree slightly," and shared a three-tweet explanation of how narrative design influences player expression in the sort of games that Price narratively designs. Price both replied directly to Deroir, tweeting "thanks for trying to tell me what we do internally, my dude," and retweeted his response with the caption "today in being a female game dev: 'Allow me -- a person who does not work with you -- to explain to you how you do your job....'"

Price's suggestion that Deroir was mansplaining game development -- an area where he does not have the same knowledge or experience -- sparked anger among the ArenaNet community. She subsequently responded to those criticizing her on Twitter. [Here's the first lines of that tweet. "Since we've got a lot of hurt manfeels today, lemme make something clear: this is my feed. I'm not on the clock here. I'm not your emotional courtesan just because I'm a dev. Don't expect me to pretend to like you here. The attempts of fans to exert ownership over our personal lives and times are something I am hardcore about stopping."] Price was fired shortly after. Although many fans are comparing this to something like working in a restaurant -- be polite to the customer, or get fired -- Price says it's impossible to talk about this incident without larger context about systematic online harassment, particularly the sometimes abusive relationship between fans and game developers and the failure of game companies to address it. "Game companies are generally unwilling to be honest with themselves about how they're complicit in creating and sustaining that environment," she tells The Verge...

Price adds that she believes her firing was an emotional reaction on the part of ArenaNet co-founder Mike O'Brien. "He fired me personally, and the meeting was mostly him venting his feelings at me," she says. "I understand being afraid when you see the Reddit mob coming for you, but if people with less power can weather it -- and we do, regularly -- so can he...."

"We can probably fire anyone on the GW2 dev team as long we make a big enough stink," wrote one user on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit. "Nobody at Arenanet is safe from the hand of reddit. We're literally running the company now..." UPDATE (7/12/18): That user eventually clarified that their remark was satirical, identifying themself as an angry Reddit user who felt powerless and "surrounded by individuals who are so thoughtless and shitty I was hoping I'd appeal to some sort of sense of decency by writing the most vile shit I could think of... I took it down because I realized that nobody was going to disagree with me."

ArenaNet also fired Peter Fries, a writer who'd worked for them for 12 years, apparently for defending Price in a series of now-deleted tweets. (For example, "Here's a bit of insight that I legitimately hope [Deroir] reflects on: she never asked for his feedback.")

"The message is very clear, especially to women at the company," Jessica Price tells the Verge. "If Reddit wants you fired, we'll fire you. The quality of your work doesn't matter."
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Game Company Fires Two Employees Who Complained About 'Mansplaining' on Twitter

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  • Good (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 08, 2018 @03:41AM (#56909892)

    Someone who is unable to take valid criticism, immediately making a fuss about on it on social media, generalizing members of both genders, isn't good a look for a company.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 08, 2018 @05:31AM (#56910212)

      Honestly, she's a real walking vicim looking to express victimhood at the slightest comment. But I doubt this comment alone got her fired. People like that are toxic to work with, if she does that at work, everyone would be frightened to point out the tiniest of problems to her for fear she's explodes.

      Deroir's comment is valid, mostly agreeing while making a subtle point. She didn't address his (her?) subtle point, or even take the time to be civil.

      She could simply have said, "we do address that, for example [character name] in [game] changes personality based on your choices through the game in ways [example1] [example2]... I understand that problem fully and we do address it"

                      Really interesting thread to read! However, allow me to disagree *slightly*. I dont believe the issue lies in the MMORPG genre itself (as your wording seemingly suggest). I believe the issue lies in the contraints of the Living Story's narrative design;

                      When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC.

                      But, if instead players were given the option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options (which also aren't just on the checklist for an achievement that forces you through all dialogue options),

                      then perhaps players would be more invested in the roleplaying aspect of that particular MMORPG. Nonetheless, I appreciate the insightful thread!

      • by MacDork ( 560499 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @02:33PM (#56912488) Journal

        I doubt this comment alone got her fired. People like that are toxic to work with

        Good point, but I think the company could have handled this in a better way. To start with, by outright firing her, they've given her more of the attention she wants. It's a weaponized Streisand effect, and people like her have learned how to use it to their advantage.

        I would suggest, in the future, to make her recant her statements publicly, start giving negative performance reviews, then finally firing her for failing to meet performance expectations.

        Most companies have this down to a science. They should have multiple levels of managers above her. She would be called in to long meetings with each one of them to discuss the issue she created. Some good cop/bad cop action. Some "Why aren't you done with your project that's due yet?" knowing full well its because she's been stuck in meetings about her little tantrum. Wearing her down psychologically until she publicly retracts her statements. Once she retracts fully, all her little followers will be deflated and the people she offended will feel a small measure of triumph.

        I think this game company should look into hiring some professional management drones. The company seem really unprepared to handle her outburst properly.

    • Re:Good (Score:5, Insightful)

      by azcoyote ( 1101073 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @10:56AM (#56911526)

      Exactly. When I was developing Dark Deeds on StarCraft 2, I had plenty of people telling me how to do things that I already knew. Many were children who were imagining changes that were sometimes just not practical. I admit that sometimes I did not receive criticism or suggestions well, but I learned that I needed to do my best to be courteous because people had good intentions, and the children in particular were just exercising their creativity.

      The dev probably is correct to some extent that she was not being taken seriously, but she should not assume that it's simply because she's a woman. In the end, it's rude of her to respond so crassly to a fan, and it does not built up her fanbase. Instead of treating him like scum, she should have found a way to turn what he said around, showing not only that she has already done what he said, but that she is well beyond him in knowledge. In other words, if she is uncomfortable being addressed as a student, then she needs to use her voice to make herself into a teacher. Instead, she chose to be combative.

    • Re:Good (Score:5, Insightful)

      by hey! ( 33014 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @12:37PM (#56911962) Homepage Journal

      Well, I never automatically cheer someone losing their job, because it's so damn hard to apply "do something embarassing, lose your job" consistently. Oh, it's satisfying when somebody is fired for doing something outside work you see as odious, but that's an emotional reaction, not a principled one. For every firing that by your feelings is justly dismissed, there is another whom you feel is an injustice, and people will never agree on which case is which. Which tells you feelings are a lousy guide in this situation.

      The fact is in the Age of Internet Shaming there is no such thing as "off-the-clock". I don't think this is a good thing. I think people should be allowed to have time when they aren't responsible to their employers, even if they use that time to be assholes.

      The dev's reaction here wasn't criminal; it was uncivil; a childish overreaction which prompted an even more ridiculous overreaction. There's been a lot of talk about "civility" recently, but it all ignores why the civility of others is important to us: it is something people give to us voluntarily. When you start enforcing civility, it is no longer civility, it's conformity.

      • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @01:28PM (#56912166)

        The fact is in the Age of Internet Shaming there is no such thing as "off-the-clock"

        It's very easy to have multiple Twitter accounts (or indeed on pretty much any social media platform), where someone has no idea who you you work for in some of them and only knows as much as you care to reveal.

        It would be plenty easy to set up some anon account that argued about game design, where you just let on you worked in the industry.

        But then that would not provide the same level of cache about who you work for, winning arguments by the appealing to authority method...

        You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want to be off the clock, remove ties to where you work from where you post.

        • by hey! ( 33014 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @01:42PM (#56912246) Homepage Journal

          You have to be careful enough to avoid leaking enough information for your identity to be crowdsourced by doxxers, which if you want to blog about your profession is extremely difficult.

          But I'm also talking about people who get fired from their work for spouting racist rants that are captured by cell phone cameras and are then identified by rando acquaintences. Now I think accosting someone with a hateful rant is an odious thing, but I'm not sure that it should be a firing offense for someone who is not in a public-facing position like a spokesman or C level executive.

          The basic problem is that is that shame costs $0 to produce, and it rewards bandwagon-jumpers with that little hit of self-righteous pleasure. This makes drawing lines almost futile, because there's an endless supply of outrage and companies will make the simple economic decision that it's easier to get rid of the employee than get rid of the distraction. If you had to spend a little of your own social capital to take someone down, then maybe things would be different.

  • Not her first rodeo (Score:5, Informative)

    by ToTheStars ( 4807725 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @03:43AM (#56909902)
    Quoth Jessica on the death of John "TotalBiscuit" Bain (dead at age 33 by cancer): "The kindest thing I can say is "I'm glad he's no longer around to keep doing harm.""
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Calydor ( 739835 )

      If that's true (it's the internet, I assume everyone makes everything up) it does sound like she has a history of hitting enter before she thinks.

      <tongue-in-cheek>But she's a woman, so whaddya expect.</tongue-in-cheek>

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 08, 2018 @03:47AM (#56909910)

    let me make it crystal clear:

    you responded to simple criticism with sexist remarks.

    that shit don't fly.

    • by Ecuador ( 740021 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @04:25AM (#56910060) Homepage

      I think the problem started even before. She apparently started a 29-tweet thread (which should automatically tell you it was not the right medium), expecting no criticism/feedback/etc.
      If you don't know what twitter is, stay away. That has worked great for me so far!

    • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @09:10PM (#56913950)

      That shit doesn't fly? I say it did, and hit the fan right in the middle.

  • by piojo ( 995934 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @03:48AM (#56909914)

    First, let's get the obvious out of the way: women also try to explain and argue things they have no clue about.

    So if I say "you're cluelessly explaining", versus "you're cluelessly explaining in a MAN way", does the second add any information besides the implication that men are bad? If "mansplaining" is a pejorative term, this situation becomes simple: in the US, if someone is a bigot in public and gets caught, their company typically fires them.

    On the other hand, I think that response is a problem in US culture. Everyone has ugly aspects in their personality. Firing should not be a standard response whenever a bit of ugliness rises to the surface. This seems like a bit of Puritan legacy which our European friends don't share.

    • by Kjella ( 173770 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @07:14AM (#56910502) Homepage

      So if I say "you're cluelessly explaining", versus "you're cluelessly explaining in a MAN way", does the second add any information besides the implication that men are bad? If "mansplaining" is a pejorative term, this situation becomes simple: in the US, if someone is a bigot in public and gets caught, their company typically fires them.

      I don't think you've quite gotten the definition of "mansplaining", it's men making simple, condescending explanations to women on the assumption that women are either ignorant or less intelligent. Basically she's accusing him of being a bigot and that he'd not talk like that to her if she was a man. However the world is full of armchair quarterbacks who offer advice or opinions on things they know very little about, often dismissing or belittling experts with many years of experience. Like for example every time dust on the Mars rovers' solar panels comes up somebody goes "Duh, should have put windshield wipers on them." like they got the answer. And if you go into a parenting forum as a male you'll see plenty "womansplaining" too.

      Now sexism, racism, ageism, discrimination of sexual or gender identity and various other forms of bigotry are real but you need to have some sort of smoking gun or pattern of behavior to go on. If you're just jumping to the conclusion that everything negative anyone says is because of your sex, skin color and so on throwing out accusations in every direction you're a SJW nutter. And for the longest time you couldn't touch them because that'd only invoke an even bigger accusation of bigotry. I'm sure this woman is now going around saying she got fired for being a woman and standing up for women's rights and the male leader and the male gaming community aka the patriarchy got her fired.

      • by dentin ( 2175 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @07:31AM (#56910564) Homepage

        So if I say "you're cluelessly explaining", versus "you're cluelessly explaining in a MAN way", does the second add any information besides the implication that men are bad? If "mansplaining" is a pejorative term, this situation becomes simple: in the US, if someone is a bigot in public and gets caught, their company typically fires them.

        I don't think you've quite gotten the definition of "mansplaining", it's men making simple, condescending explanations to women on the assumption that women are either ignorant or less intelligent. Basically she's accusing him of being a bigot and that he'd not talk like that to her if she was a man. However the world is full of armchair quarterbacks who offer advice or opinions on things they know very little about, often dismissing or belittling experts with many years of experience.

        As a multi-decade game developer, I can't even count the number of times somebody has "mansplained" various aspects of game design to me. Thing is, I'm male, and everyone knows it. The world is indeed full of armchair quarterbacks, and men aren't exempt from it.

        God, if only my typical armchair quarterback message was as polite as Derior's. What wonderful world that would be.

  • by ChodaBoyUSA ( 2532764 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @03:48AM (#56909918)
    She got fired for being a sexist jerk. Her co-worker got fired for joining into the sexist attack. The person that responded to her, Deroir, said nothing sexist, demeaning, belittling, or insulting to her. SHE is the one who took things too. She could have simply ignored the comments if she did not want to interact with him. Reddit did not do the damage, she and her co-worker did this to themselves.
    • by ChodaBoyUSA ( 2532764 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @03:51AM (#56909930)
      And, of course, The Verge tries to spin this 180 degrees to make HER the victim. Nope. SHE is the one that caused her own firing.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

        Is she? Did she formally issue a position on something on the clock? Did she waste time at work? Did she fail at her job? Yeah she came across as an arse, but in her own time.

        She is the victim here in terms of her firing. Just not in terms of people being pissy at here. Don't conflate the two. Employers should not have power over our personal lives.

        • by dontbgay ( 682790 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @08:54AM (#56910924)
          That's simple. Don't put your employer in your profile and never refer directly to that employer when talking about things at work which bother you. When you list your employer, you're associating yourself with that employer. When you put that you're in an elevated position with that employer, expect to be held accountable. It's the height of ignorance and entitled behavior to think the two are not interrelated
    • Yeah, because Slashdotters never get their panties in a twist when someone they perceive as a layman in a subject tries to correct a person working in that field...
    • by Leuf ( 918654 )

      Not only was he not insulting, he was right. The player's choices usually can't affect the outcome but they can certainly allow the game to develop an understanding of how the player wants to play and respond to them accordingly.

      I would also completely disagree with the "she didn't ask for his input" defense. Putting something on twitter is asking for a response. He didn't break into her house and read her diary and then leave her a note disagreeing with her.

      But I wouldn't fire either of them over just t

      • by Phydeaux314 ( 866996 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @04:53AM (#56910118)

        Disclaimer: I do game dev.

        You're not wrong, but there's a fair bit of debate that goes on about "superficial choice." If the choice has no consequences, is it really a choice, or is it just virtue signalling for the player? How much of an impact does a choice need to have before it becomes part of the story, and how much is just "fake depth?"

        Basically, if every choice you make leads to the same place, do any of those choices matter? It's a complex question, both for philosophy and for game development. People get pretty worked up over it.

    • by wisnoskij ( 1206448 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @08:29AM (#56910822) Homepage

      She was a sexist jerk for years before she was ever fired. She was fired because her policy of hatred, anger, and insult slinging finally garnered her a big enough following to potentially affect the profits of the people she worked for.

  • Cry cry cry (Score:3, Interesting)

    by aliquis ( 678370 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @03:50AM (#56909924)

    She was being an asshole, fueled/excused by her idea that men are enemies, while somewhat representing the Company (which customers likely are 90% men), and got burned. Big deal.

    It's weird how the left whines about how we talk about each other (here in Sweden at-least, once we've finally started to trash-talk them back) and how supposedly now the dscussions are so toxic / uncivilized even though their method operandi has always been screaming and trying to put shameful words onto people rather than actually meeting an argument or having a conversation. They used to be such great fans of it. And I still think they are. And I still think they will continue. It's just that it's pretty boring to be on the receiving end .. "There's a problem people don't dare to speak what's on their mind!" - yeah⦠can't imagine anyone having had such problems before!!

    Anyway, feminism is cancer and sexist.

    • Re:Cry cry cry (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Kokuyo ( 549451 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @05:03AM (#56910152) Journal

      I disagree partly. Third-wave feminism is cancer and sexist.

      However, I will uphold my opinion that first-wave feminism was long overdue.

    • It is not "the left" (Score:5, Interesting)

      by aepervius ( 535155 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @05:03AM (#56910154)
      I am what you would call a "leftist" or even worst an egalitarian "socialist" which is probably a gross word for msot american ;) (e.g. everybody no matter skin color, gender, sexuality , wealth or political affiliation should have the same equality of opportunity + as a specie we fare better when we protect each other so social net to catch those who fall in the crack e.g. illness, financial problem, rehabilitation etc...).

      She was rightfully terminated. She was toxic, obnoxious.

      As for the "loud mouth" and the whiner as you call them , they are a problem from all political parties. You would better off to recognize that there are loud mouth in the right wing , mysoginistic racist bigot, and loud mouth on the left wing, ultra "mansplaining manhating" "human are the problem ecologist" and I pass many others. They are a minority but both side are using them as a scapegoat to accuse the other party of going too far, and get brownie point from their base. I doubt all dems are as you describe, just like I doubt all reps are nazis racist. But if you believed the minority yelling, that is the impression you would get

      My advice : ignore the extreme left and the extreme right yelling, fight them rationally without name calling, and consider they are truly a minority. So if somebody from your party is trying to use the other party loudmouth as a scapegoat, then get skeptic and look closely at the man behind the curtain puppetting the show, because chance are they are pointing at the loudmouth from the other side to bamboozle you , and withdraw attention from the problem of your own side. Just a friendly advice, and if many of you take it, this should bring back the US politic discourse to the center rather than the ultra extreme. And chance is that it would force head of both party to work for the mass, rather than the extreme ideology. Win win.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 08, 2018 @03:53AM (#56909940)

    That's 50% of the population right there. If I have to walk on eggshells because you might make it a gender issue, who is the one using gender as a weapon?

    Not denying sexism exists, it does. It also exists in these hardcore gaming feminists, who are shooting themselves in the foot with really rather terrible arguments and soundbites.

  • What a mess. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by AbRASiON ( 589899 ) * on Sunday July 08, 2018 @04:00AM (#56909968) Journal

    My understanding is, the guy who messaged her, was very tame in his reply, it was a direct reply to her tweet and I believe he works or worked with them or he was some kind of official partner.

    He also was quite tame in his response and gender had nothing to do with it. Furthermore, his behaviour the remainder of the night, was very much polite and lite, he really wanted nothing to do with an internet lynching and was just disapointed by her reply.

    Her reply was a quote tweet (ie: a shaming) to make them look bad and went on to a gender whine.
    I've become very sick of this gender politics / identity politics bullshit, she was foolish to defer to the "I'm a woman so he's not allow to question me" however that being said, firing her seems a bit excessive.

    I'm not sure why this belongs on bloody slashdot though, more political stuff eh?

  • by 91degrees ( 207121 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @04:03AM (#56909984) Journal

    So, a person - presumably a customer - posts his opinion on a subject.

    A developer, with a huge following immediately publicly shames him, and retweets, using their large public following to embarrass the person who deigned to weigh in on a subject that apparently only developers know about.

    The publisher then sacks the employee for bringing the company into disrepute.

    Sacking seems a little heavy handed here, but I don't think the employee was in the right.

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @04:35AM (#56910084)

      Not just a customer, but an official PR partner. She basically made a sexist attack on someone who had official channels in the company reserved specially for people like him.

      It was stupidity to the extreme. She would have likely gotten away with it if it wasn't someone who actually had people inside the company who's jobs are to address their immediate concerns related to the company.

  • 100% lies (Score:5, Informative)

    by slashmydots ( 2189826 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @04:05AM (#56910004)
    She celebrated TotalBiscuit's death, she's a hateful, evil, sexist, racist feminist lunatic, and according to management this was the last straw after a string of far left nutjob bullshit. That's the REAL story. This is not even about reddit. This is about another SJW getting what she deserved.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 08, 2018 @04:54AM (#56910122)

    Deroir is not just some streamer. He has an NPC in the game named after him i.e. he has a special relationship with the company. There were other pillars of the fan community also taking part in the twitter discussion and Price insulted them as well. She called Deroir "rando asshat." Price has been with the company less than a year, so she probably didn't even realize that she was taking a dump on the company's biggest, most high profile fans.

    The reddit quote about the "hand of reddit" was almost immediately downvoted to oblivion i.e. the community at large didn't agree with it at all. It was probably posted with the express purpose of including it in the news stories about the incident.

    That being said, this isn't really about politics at all. Jessica Price clearly has issues. Even before the incident her twitter was so full of negativity and toxicity that she can't possibly lead a happy life. You don't fly off the handle like that when your things are in order. I hope she eventually gets the help that she so obviously needs.

  • Deroir's Tweets (Score:5, Informative)

    by vix86 ( 592763 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @05:40AM (#56910238)

    I was pretty pissed that the Verge left out the Tweets from Deroir in the actual article. It really paints a one-sided picture and sets him up to be the bad guy.

    Really interesting thread to read! However, allow me to disagree *slightly*. I dont believe the issue lies in the MMORPG genre itself (as your wording seemingly suggest). I believe the issue lies in the contraints of the Living Story's narrative design; (1 of 3)

    Source [twitter.com]

    When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC. (2 of 3)

    Source [twitter.com]

    But, if instead players were given the option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options (which also aren't just on the checklist for an achievement that forces you through all dialogue options), (3 of 4 cause I count seemingly...)

    Source [twitter.com]

    then perhaps players would be more invested in the roleplaying aspect of that particular MMORPG.
    Nonetheless, I appreciate the insightful thread! (End)

    Source [twitter.com]

    Personally, nothing about this came off as sexist or trying to "set a woman straight;" its simple, civil criticism to something someone plastered onto the web publicly. Maybe this was the straw that broke the camel's back and set her off. Verge stated that her posts were motivated by the whole "Dev & Community interaction" that is expected, but if that's the case, then I think the better option would have been to post her 27 tweets into the ArenaNet forum or on a company developer blog where Community Managers could moderate the discourse. Either way, Deroir's not at fault here any more than anyone replying to posts here on Slashdot are.

  • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @07:32AM (#56910566) Homepage Journal
    "These are our private social media accounts"

    Do Milennials really believe that? They aren't YOUR accounts and they aren't private. They aren't your "space". They are owned by Twitter and their corporate partners. Get off Twitter.
  • by Jerky McNaughty ( 1391 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @07:41AM (#56910600)

    As an employer, I always do a quick web search for the candidate's name. It almost never produces anything that sways my hiring choice. But, in this case, if I saw the nonsense she posts on twitter, I definitely wouldn't hire her even if she's fantastic at her job. I, and I'm sure many others, try to construct a great team of people who are low ego, accept criticism, and won't create drama. This person, I'm pretty sure, would make a real mess of my team, and a quick web search in the future will tell all potential future employers that.

  • by johnlcallaway ( 165670 ) on Sunday July 08, 2018 @08:15AM (#56910748)

    "The message is very clear, especially to women at the company," Jessica Price tells the Verge. "If Reddit wants you fired, we'll fire you. The quality of your work doesn't matter."

    The reality has ALWAYS been the quality of your work doesn't matter if you embarrass the company in a public forum or are a total asshat that doesn't work well with others.

    I'm reminded of the quote (I don't know where it came from), don't ask a question unless you want to hear the answer. Or, in this case, don't post something unless you can tolerate the responses.

    Nothing to see here, just another snowflake that can't handle differing opinions and wants to play the victim card to justify their original position and blame others for their inability to play well with others.

