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United States Games

Vodeo Becomes the First Unionized Games Studio In North America ( 57

Vodeo Games, which was founded this year by Threes designer Asher Vollmer, has successfully unionized with CODE-CWA -- the Communication Workers of America's Campaign to Organize Digital Employees. Engadget reports: Operating out of various locations in the US and Canada, the all-remote team of 13 is an unusual case for a few reasons. Foremost, about half of the bargaining unit are independent contractors -- typically the exact sort of workers left out of, or deemed ineligible for, a union. And while much of the push to unionize digital workspaces in recent years has focused on curbing abuses by management and pay imbalances, Vodeo's does not appear to stem from a need to course-correct away from imminent disaster. Rather, their desire to unionize seems rooted in wanting to maintain an equitable workplace. "They're not organizing because there's some big scary boss, like Bobby Kotick or someone," campaign lead for CODE-CWA Emma Kinema told Polygon. "They're organizing because they care so much about the work they do, and they want more of a say over how it's done -- the conditions in which they work to actually make those games that they care about."

"All workers deserve a union and a say in how their workplace is run, no matter where they work, what their employment status is, or what kind of conditions they work under," Myriame Lachapelle, a producer at Vodeo Games, wrote in a statement to press. "We have been inspired by the growing worker organizing within the gaming industry and hope we can set a new precedent for industry-wide standards that will better our shared working conditions and inspire others to do the same." Vodeo released its first game, the Peggle-like RPG Beast Breaker, in September to largely positive reviews. It's available for PC, Mac and Switch.

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Vodeo Becomes the First Unionized Games Studio In North America

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  • I respect and support these employees, but if it is so hard to talk to your manager at your work that you feel like you need a union to protect yourself, it's time to find a different job.

    • Re:Union software (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Xenx ( 2211586 ) on Wednesday December 15, 2021 @10:06PM (#62084945)
      It sounds more like reaction to all the crap going on with the industry, not necessarily any issue within the company. They're placing themselves as an employee first organization within the game industry.
      • Re:Union software (Score:5, Insightful)

        by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Wednesday December 15, 2021 @10:17PM (#62084993)

        It is a company of 13 people.

        If a group that size needs to pay an outside organization to help them talk to each other, they are seriously dysfunctional.

        • It's an industry which appears to be increasingly woke, and unionization is one of the current woke fads. Same people who put BLM in their Twitter name and push for diversity quotas. Honestly it's just as well to know what companies are union shops ahead of time if you want to avoid that crowd.
        • It is a company of 13 people.

          If a group that size needs to pay an outside organization to help them talk to each other, they are seriously dysfunctional.


          Well, either that, or - overused though the term might be - it could be primitive virtue signaling. After all, unions good. We union. Therefore, we good. Grunt.

          • by cas2000 ( 148703 )

            It's funny how brainwashed right-wing cretins whinge the most about "virtue signalling" when they're the ones who do it the most (without ever understanding what the term actually means, they're just parroting a soundbite from the TV fascists they heard it from), with their constant un-ironic use of terms like "SJW" (as if that would be a bad thing), toxic masculinity, internet tough-guy talk, and other performance art to signal their affiliations - especially their performative-suicide anti-mask and anti-v

        • by Xenx ( 2211586 )
          As I mentioned, I don't think it has anything to do with communication issues. They seem to be proud about being unionized. Maybe they just support the idea and decided to lead by example. Maybe it's virtue signaling. Maybe it's just to get free publicity.
        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Nonsense. In some countries unions are pretty much standard at every company, even very small ones. It gives people an opportunity to talk about the things they want from the company, and any issues they have, without going direct to their boss or HR. Remember that your boss and HR work for the company, not for you. Your union rep, on the other hand...

          • by JBMcB ( 73720 )

            In some countries unions are pretty much standard at every company, even very small ones.

            You are talking about works councils, which are the standard method of unionization in many European countries, where the local union acts, essentially as the HR department for the company and interfaces directly with the HR director. It is *not* a part of the company, but is charged with dealing with most HR issues. This puts most of the power in dealing with HR issues directly with the workers, where the national union mostly deals with large scale issues like base pay and retirement benefits.

            Volkswagen o

          • Your union rep on the other hand... works for the union, not for you. The union rep's priority is to benefit the union, not to benefit you.

            Unions are a parallel management structure. They exist as a separate corporate entity with it's own income, expenses, employees, management, and goals.

    • And he hires someone to negotiate on his behalf and protect him. He calls it an agent so it's all good though. Not like those filthy dirty unions.
  • I'm not at all opposed to unions, they are a reasonable counter-weight where corporations could otherwise skew the labor market to their favor unfairly.

    But if you feel the need to unionize in a tiny company of just 13 employees, what terrible place to work must that be that you feel the need... and aren't there plenty of similar sized competing companies around you could leave for at any time, if you don't like that band of 13 anymore?
    • But if you feel the need to unionize in a tiny company of just 13 employees

      You sound like someone trying to explain why you don't need a vaccine in a city of 1000 people.

      This isn't how you make this decision. Stop pushing back against things you don't understand.

  • Reads like a bunch of crap. Sounds propaganda-ish. I am against unions because I am not allowed to work for any of them due to the fact I skipped college and instead have self-taught myself programming since I was a small child.

    Unions are about normalization. They require degrees and other "certifications" before you can work for them to prevent any claims of them not being worth it.

    So even though I have 20 years experience, worked for big automakers, worked for healthcare, marketing, having worked in wall

  • by NateFromMich ( 6359610 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @12:03AM (#62085177)
    So when are they going out of business?
    • by narcc ( 412956 )

      The 80's called, they want their anti-union propaganda back.

      I'm stunned that people still buy into that bullshit.

      • The 80's called, they want their anti-union propaganda back.

        I'm stunned that people still buy into that bullshit.

        I'm stunned people are still using that 90s joke.
        And being unable to compete isn't bullshit.

  • Well becoming part of a union means literally surrendering whatever say you personally have to others in the HOPE they will represent you well and respond to you. Historically this is not the way things work. The union will rapidly generate its own interests which will have little to do with the workers.

    • by koavf ( 1099649 )
      Yes, in democracy, no one has a say because everyone has an equal platform. What a ridiculous claim.
      • Oh really? Tell me just how much of a say have you had?

        • by koavf ( 1099649 )
          More than if I were just a lone voice complaining. Why do you think that organizing results in you having *less* power? It's just an absurd thing to write.
    • by narcc ( 412956 )

      Bullshit anti-union propaganda.

      • If you think your union isn't selling you out, you're just uninformed.

        • by narcc ( 412956 )

          You're the one who's misinformed.

          There's a reason companies fight to keep unions out, and it's because unions give workers real power.

          I'm sure your corporate masters are very happy with your boot licking. I'm sure they'll reduce the beatings for your loyalty.

          • You know what gives workers "Real Power" ?

            A shortage of labor, that's why fry cooks can now get nearly $20.00 an hour with signing bonuses. You want to do something for workers stomp down immigration that drives down their wages.

            • by narcc ( 412956 )

              Know what works better and doesn't come saddled with short-sighted xenophobia? Unions.

              Massive labor shortages are few and far between, which is why wages have lagged dramatically behind productivity for more than 40 years. Unions are making a comeback now that people have finally realized that they have real power. It's wonderful.

              All that anti-union crap they fed you in the 80's and 90's just made it easier to keep their boot on your neck. Workers finally got a taste of freedom and they're hungry for m

              • Know what works better and doesn't come saddled with short-sighted xenophobia? Unions.

                No they don't. Why don't you present some evidence they do, I have plenty they don't.

                Well enough is enough come back when you aren't spouting religious belief, or just pulling it out your ass. Sorry it's hard to tell which is which.

                • by narcc ( 412956 )

                  Keep on licking those boots. Let me know how that works out for you.

                  • As expected you have nothing.

                    • by narcc ( 412956 )

                      LOL! I have reality on my side. You're the one who claimed to have loads of evidence that contradicted basic facts. Present it or get back to sucking your corporate masters ass. The one who has nothing here is you.

    • Well becoming part of a union means literally surrendering whatever say you personally have to others

      Unless you also engage in this melodrama when buying food, no, it doesn't

      Paying for a service is not "literally surrendering whatever you say you personally have to others"

      Grow up

      • Well becoming part of a union means literally surrendering whatever say you personally have to others

        Unless you also engage in this melodrama when buying food, no, it doesn't

        Paying for a service is not "literally surrendering whatever you say you personally have to others"

        Grow up

        Oh there's 4 major supermarkets near me, Whole Foods, Publix, Walmart, Aldi. Yes I do engage in getting the best deal, Aldi often has the same products at a 1/3rd or less than the cost of whole foods. Belonging to a union eliminates your right to get the best price for your labor.

        Paying for a service is not "literally surrendering whatever you say you personally have to others"

        Well seeing as your unable to copy a quote that's right in front of you, or properly control yourself, maybe you should try and grow up.

  • by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @09:50AM (#62086245) Journal
    ... vodeo.
  • Talented, experienced devs won't accept pay parity - and probably shouldn't.

    Unions work best in industries where skill levels are stratified, but relatively uniform.

  • There are actually a bunch of unionized video game studios in America. This is bullcrap PR.

    Remember this? []

  • This is very interesting by the way. There are a lot of people playing games now. And I am no exception. I also really like to play games and for this I bought a special computer. Now my friends and I are playing cs go. Great game. In addition, we found a website where you can trade skins [] at very favorable prices. I bought awp-wildfire for myself because it was my dream.

"I'm not a god, I was misquoted." -- Lister, Red Dwarf
