
Why Port from UNIX to OS X? 289

mblase asks: "According to a recent MacCentral article, one of the benefits of Mac OS X's NeXT-based roots is that "since Mac OS X is BSD based, the ports shouldn't be too difficult. The hardest part, according to Robert Palmer, will be writing the GUI (graphical user interface) front end to make administration easy." My question is, is this likely to happen? Will UNIX developers want to port their applications to an operating system that costs more in hardware and OS software both? Or is the demand likely to come from the other direction -- OS X server admins who want the stability and popularity of established UNIX applications, even if the graphical front-end Mac users have come to expect may be less than ideal? This will doubtless be a big issue for Apple as they tout Mac OS X as a server platform for the future."

MacOSX and X11 188

kono was among the hoards of folks who noted that Tenon is gonna be releasing a tightly integrated X11 Server for MacOS X, which should greatly increase the potential for those of us hoping have a desktop that we could conceivably share with our graphic designer MacOS fanatic girlfriends.

GUI Research - Is it Still Being Done? 354

Davor Buvinic asks: "In my spare time I like to study about GUIs. Recently,I was amazed with the new design that I saw in the previews of the future MacOS X, until I discovered in theWeb that things like file dialogs attached to windows dated from the earliest prototypes from the Apple Lisa (July 1981). My question is: Is there any news in GUI design? The newest design I probed was Rob Pike's ACME user interface for programmers. Is anybody (individual or research center) working in a new GUI design? I mean a GUI for the mainstream, no immersive virtual 3D environments, that probably need a powerful Silicon Graphics to run." Have we done as much with the GUI as we possibly can, or are there other reasons behind the lack of technical innovation in most desktops?

Aqua DP4 Review And Screenshots 272

firewort writes: "Someone sure got back from WWDC quick, and posted a review of Aqua, MacOSX DP4. Nice screenshots, too! " Fairly detailed overview of the UI changes. And with the BSD kernel, it looks like I may finally have an OS that my gf and I could agree on.

Mac OS X And Samba? 3

PirateBek asks: "As Apple OS X is based on the Mach3 BSD kernel, does anyone know if it can natively (or be compiled to include) support Samba services? Nothing seems to be listed on the Apple site." If not, does anyone know if the Samba Team is planning any support?

Apache Hits All Time High

The February Netcraft Survey is out with Apache showing its highest share ever: 58.08%. The number of hosts surveyed also passed the 10 mill mark. The survey also has some other notable nuggets, such as Apple introducing their MacOS X Server (which runs Apache) into the load balancing pool serving their site.

Mac OS X Officially Previewed 629

bonaldi writes "Steve Jobs publicly announced the new face of Mac OS yesterday, the *nix based Mac OS X. The server-side system has been about for a while, but the client side has some nasty surprises. The worst could well be the all new too-bloody-big icons (which is a failing of a lot of *nix systems). I didn't buy a 21" screen so my icons could look like 640*480. " Check out the screenshot: I've got a challenge: How long before someone creates E and GTK themes that mimic this? It really does make me wish we had better support for anti-aliased support under X.

Omnigroup Releases source code

wesman writes "This is probabbly only currently of interest to MacOSX Server and Openstep people but you never know. More details here "

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