Quake 3: Arena SDK--RELEASED!! 127
BigMeanBear writes "Finally the highly anticipated Quake 3 Source is available for mod makers to hack away at. Go get it and make some mods!" The id server seems to be overloaded right now, so you might try some other locations.
Source release (Score:5)
This release contains the source for all of the 'interesting' parts of the code, the game logic, and anything that Carmack/id decided mod makers would find interesting.
Alot of people have been confused by previous source releases in this way.
tarball (Score:2)
Re:Couple of points... (Score:1)
Couple of points... (Score:5)
2) Unlike Q2's compiled
Re:great... (Score:1)
Debugging Argh (Score:1)
[OT] Q3 windows disc in Linux (Score:3)
I dunno how many other people this happened to but I might be helping someone... I got the gift of Q3:A for christmas this year, however it was for the Windows platform. I assumed that Q3 would be distributed like Q2 -- you could get binaries for the other platforms off id's ftp, but this wasn't so. That was a problem since I could never get my G200's OpenGL to work on Win98, but it flies under Linux.
Then I found this shell script someone posted on the loki newsgroup: it allows you to use the data off your CD with the linux Q3Demo 1.1 executable. It sets a couple breakpoints and modifies some stuff in memory. Posted at: http://www.linuxstart.com/~kva nce/software/q3full.sh [linuxstart.com]
Nifty, eh?Re:So when do we get to see Half-life 2? (Score:1)
As I understand it, TF2 is using a heavily modified version of the HL engine (to add some new skeletal animation system, forget the name), and HL2 is going to use a modified version of the TF2 engine. No rewrite for the Q3, just an updated version of their heavily modified Q2 engine...
But hey, I could be wrong, it has happened before =)
Re:Q3 for Linux? (Score:1)
Re:John- We Love You! (Score:2)
Re:Columbine (Score:1)
Sales Figures My Pimply Butt (Score:2)
Kick ass game, by the way, but I really miss the original 'dungeon hacking' gaming elements of Classic Quake. Romero's influence is sorely missed.
I'm not super educated on this but... (Score:2)
Re:Q3A Point Release (Score:1)
Re:Compiling wo/ MSVC++ (Score:1)
Moderate this up! (Score:2)
Right, it's not the full Quake 3 source.
Think about the difference between package-devel.rpm and not package-src.rpm
Re:Team Fortress (Score:1)
Re:Team Fortress (Score:1)
Re:TFC Mod (Score:1)
(To see more of q3fortress, goto www.q3fortress.com [q3fortress.com])
Cheats not based on full source. (Score:1)
The release of the SDK for Q3A will eventually lead to aimbots (not like I don't get flamed/kicked enough already for "being" a bot...)
So, yes, you can cheat without the full source code. The real trouble is that there are far fewer cheaters out there than most people think, and if you know how the bots work the real cheaters are pretty easy to identify.
Clarification of the issue is avalible here. [planetquake.com]
UK Mirror (Score:2)
ftp://quake3arena .co.uk/pub/quake3/source/win32/Q3AGameSource.exe [quake3arena.co.uk] (1.3Mb)
http://www.quake3arena.co.uk [quake3arena.co.uk]
great... (Score:1)
Re:Q3 for Linux? (Score:1)
Here is my (kinda) solution... Borrow a Win32 friends (You do admit publicly that you have friends like this?
As for playing under linux w/ a TNT/2/Ge... Dunno. NVidia is now funding someone to work on it, but I'd give XFree86 3.9.blah a try. Has anyone done this? I'd love to hear.
Re:[OT] Q3 windows disc in Linux (Score:1)
Re:Q3 for Linux? (Score:1)
Re:Q3 for Linux? (Score:2)
Aside note, anyone know if you can download the windows binaries anywhere? (ducks)
No, seriously. Since I had to take my Voodoo2 out of my system to make room for a SCSI adapter, I can't play Q3A on my TNT2 under linux, tho the demo under Win32 works ok. I had heard that you would be able to download the binaries for Linux or Win32 or Mac if you had bought the retail CD (kinda like how it worked for Q2 - you could buy Win32 CD then download the Linux Binaries)
I just want to be able to play it until the 3D support for TNT2 gets better under XF86.
(ok, flame if you must, but if you have an actual solution to let me play Q3A under Linux with my nVidia card, that would be more productive)
Re:Q3 for Linux? (Score:2)
Quake III Arena for Linux will also be available in retail stores in the US and abroad. We anticipate US retail availability beginning December 27th, 1999, with other locations soon after.
Re:IT'S got more of it open sourced (Score:2)
(I got the karma to spare, what the hell)
Re:IT'S got more of it open sourced (Score:2)
Re:IT'S got more of it open sourced (Score:2)
Re:Who gives a damn about anybody's opinion? (Score:2)
Re:Silly license (Score:1)
Re:Fun fun fun! (summary of various discoveries :) (Score:1)
Re:Q3 for Linux? (Score:1)
Re:Columbine (Score:1)
Just wanted to make that point.
Mirror for the game source (Score:3)
US Mirror (Score:1)
Have fun!
ALSA has been successful (Score:2)
This should be interesting.
Q3 for Linux Is Available (Score:1)
As to running it on windows, grab the point release! It has been out for a day or two now. Copy the
Code is garbage in garbage out.
Languge is garbage in, non-sequitor out.
Q3A Point Release (Score:1)
Note: it is only available for Windoes at the moment. There is what looks like a beta of the Mac version -- not sure about that -- but nothing for Linux yet.
Code is garbage in garbage out.
Languge is garbage in, non-sequitor out.
Re:Q3A Point Release (Score:1)
Code is garbage in garbage out.
Languge is garbage in, non-sequitor out.
Re:Couple of points... (Score:1)
"You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."
Silly license (Score:3)
f. disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, modify (except as permitted by Section 3. hereinbelow) or alter the Software;
g. translate the Software;
h. reproduce or copy the Software (except as permitted by section 3. hereinbelow);
i. publicly display the Software;
j. prepare or develop derivative works based upon the Software;
Um, catch me if I'm wrong but f, g, are redundant; you can't decompile source code
Even better... (Score:2)
Looks like fun...
Re:Debugging Argh (Score:1)
From what a previous poster said though that is probably just a matter of it being in the wrong dir.
tarball anyone? (Score:1)
Re:I'm not super educated on this but... (Score:1)
OMG, he's threatening id! How will id ever live through the tongue lashing of a wannabe programmer? How can Q3A ever be successful if CRT doesn't make Rocket Arena 3, which any coder with half a brain could make?
I'm constantly amused and disgusted by the power trips some gamers and mod makers get when they make a name for themselves. id Software has put out a game that outperforms any other shooter I've seen with stunning graphics, tried to allow people to make any mod they want, and CRT is bitching because the features he wants aren't available right now. Well, boohoo. I have no sympathy for this kind of idiocy, and I hope someone else beats CRT to making Rocket Arena 3 while he mopes around and whines.
Re:Fun fun fun! (summary of various discoveries :) (Score:1)
Nice Script (Score:1)
I mean, the same form type letter in two different topics that are almost entirely irrleleveant...
Sorry, but I had to knock your last one down a notch...
Re:Couple of points... (Score:1)
Re:Q3 *download* + Linux not a gaming platform. (Score:1)
If this doesn't suit you, hack your own.
The ALSA team has been trying to get specs for this card, but Aureal isn't willing to release anything, so this is the vendors fault.
There are only 2 out of the many sound cards out that don't have support, and you ended up with one of them. For that you are unlucky, but I don't think that makes Linux a bad gaming OS..
However, the 3d accelerator support question is a valid one, as less then half of the decent graphics cards out there have good Linux suppirt..
On the other hand, the Voodoo 2 I bought ~ 2 years ago has served me very well. Linux is ready if you can build your own hardware.
Re:Q3 for Linux? (Score:1)
Re:Fun fun fun! (summary of various discoveries :) (Score:1)
The two internships I worked over the summer I generally had a bit more than 2 hours to myself in the evenings
Re:Fun fun fun! (summary of various discoveries :) (Score:2)
The gernade launcher for instance. There is a function called when you click the mouse button to fire a gernade. This in turn calls "fire_grenade" with some parameters.
The fire grenade routine creates a new item and fills out all of the fun fields in the data structure. There you can change the velocity, or the way the item falls, etc. In that structure you can also set a time which will call a "think" function. The "think" function can change the data structure, make new entities, blow up the items, make a 100 new ones going every which way... whatever.
The only problem is that I won't have time to REALLY play with it for about 4 months
Fun fun fun! (summary of various discoveries :) (Score:3)
First Discovery: I wish I could code that well.
Second Discovery: The BFG and Plasma rifle shots DO travel at the same velocity.
Third Discovery: The rail gun is an "insta-hit" weapon.
Fourth Discovery: Increasing rocket velocity to 20000 (from 900) makes a rocket launcher the equivilent to a rail gun with splash damage.
Fifth Discovery: Bouncing rockets are cool but useless.
Sixth Discovery: Changing the way a rocket handles in midflight confuses the client prediction (unless you fix the client too)
Seventh Discovery: It is far easier to make a random vector and normalize it than it is to try to get a series of vectors to form in a circular fashion.
Eigth Discovery: A gernade that explodes into 10 new gernades looks cool.
Ninth Discovery: Quake doesn't like it when you try to blow up a grenade who's "owner" (ie: the person who launched it) is a gernade who blew up 10 seconds ago.
Tenth Discovery: A gernade that explodes into 100 new gernades is the Quake equivilent of a nuclear bomb.
Eleventh Discovery: It takes 2.3 seconds for 10 grenades spawning 10 grenades spawning 10 grenades etc to make the game go back to the main menu. (yes, we did this on purpose)
Twelth Discovery: It is possible to get a chain of grenades to go on for about 3 minutes...This would be the quake equivilent of nuclear fission.
Thirteenth Discovery: Accuracy awards are given.
Fourteenth Discovery: Replicating gernades make it easy to get accuracy ratings exceeding 1000% (1128% in this case).
No, I didn't mess with much other than the weapons (it's really the only thing you can play with while having no objective in mind, yet being able to see results instantly). Though I did confirm my suspicions that sometimes the bots decide to suicide themselves...:)
....and now it's time for bed (I've run out of Dew).
Re:[OT] Q3 windows disc in Linux (Score:2)
Re:tarball (Score:3)
I emailed Robert Duffy [mailto] at id and asked about repackaging the source into a tarball/zip for those without Windows or Wine. He replied saying:
So hold out people. :)
Re:Couple of points... (Score:1)
Re:Debugging Argh (Score:1)
Re:Source release (Score:1)
Re:TFC Mod (Score:1)
Installer works fine under wine (Score:4)
Finally! (Score:1)
And why do they have to be so symmetric? I liked the levels in q1 and q2 for ctf because they were asymmetric and each round offered a different strategic advantage for the teams. Its not embarassing to lose, because you might get the nicer base on the next level...
Does anyone know of a site where you can find all the commands for q3?
Team Fortress (Score:1)
THe website for the Q3 Team Fortress project is here [q3fortress.com]
I Still prefer player Quake Team FOrtress over Q3Arena currently :)
Re:Debugging Argh (Score:1)
John- We Love You! (Score:2)
I bet the 1st 100 mods will be for a grappling hook.
Let's not have another Quake1 problem (Score:1)
Re:donsn't HL use the quake1 not the quake2 engine (Score:1)
Up-and-coming mod (Score:1)
Re:John- We Love You! (Score:2)
Re:great... (Score:1)
Re:Team Fortress (Score:1)
TFC Mod (Score:1)
http://teamassault.thefortress.org [thefortress.org]
g eez we are so much furthur along than q3fortress (get off your asses!)
-Erik L. Elmore
id server is busy? Duh. (Score:2)
Just my $.02.
Re:Team Fortress (Score:1)
So when do we get to see Half-life 2? (Score:1)
Re:Half-life TFC? (Score:1)
The question is... (Score:1)
Look out for the Classic CTF mod (Score:5)
If you still think that the current Q3A CTF lacks, you may be happy to know that there's a group working on Classic CTF (http://www.quake3mods.net/cctf [quake3mods.net]).
The group is formed to bring back the best elements of Q1CTF and Q2CTF - including the missed grappling hook and techs! Here are some of the stuff that should make it in the Classic CTF mod (taken from their website):
Map remakes:
McKinley Base
Stronghold Opposition
Da Ancient Wargrounds
Two Towers
The runes/techs:
Auto-Doc, Power Amp, Resist, Haste
The Grapple!
Ammo Boxes Skins (just like Quake 1/2)
Green Armor (25% armor)
A new model for the lightning gun. Discharging in water will be put in too.
The Super Nailgun is back!
New team skins to use instead of the standard ones that came with Quake 3.
The HUD will be remade to provide the best possible information.
Dropping weapons, runes, and enemy flag will be possible.
Regeneration and Haste will be disabled since there are techs to do that.
New textures.
New sounds for the flag sounds and the runes sounds.
The flight powerup will have a special effect.
Flags will have a new model/skin for them.
New player models.
This is the CTF I've been waiting for! Not some crap Zoid wanted to do because 'q2ctf is not the CTF I wanted to do, and I do q3ctf like I want because it's what I want to play'. Argh. Well if that's what "listening to the gaming community", I think this has just NOT been respected. Also, as it turns out, almost all the q2ctf community wants q2ctf back in Q3A, and even q1ctf!
(I must point the fact, though, that the q2ctf competition in OGL [http://www.ogl.org [ogl.org], almost always down for some reason] is getting non-existant as days goes. They are moving to Q3A for the gameplay issue, certainly - Quake 2 just plays like crap compared to the best gameplay I have ever seen in Q3A.)
Re:John- We Love You! (Score:1)
Its just not present in any of the shipped maps, and its a pickup object, like a gun, not like the grapple in Q2CTF or Lithium.
Q3 for Linux? (Score:1)
It's not Linux' fault! (Score:1)
Some more explanation would be good (Score:1)
Re:Q3 for Linux? (Score:1)
Re:Couple of points... (Score:1)
Re:I have to agree.. (Score:1)