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Quake First Person Shooters (Games)

Quake Wedding 207

Nom Anor writes "A couple from South America is going to celebrate their wedding today... on a Quake2 server! The bride and groom will say "I do" as the male and female grunt models inside a Quake 2 Battlegrounds server to be hosted by M-Web's Gamezone, a popular South African gaming work. The judge will preside over the ceremony through his computer in his Cape Town home. "
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Quake Wedding

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  • what with all this foolish nonsense about this God character people keep telling me about. I mean, it's quite odd really, this irrational belief in an odd pyramid scam. Hmm... I'll turn off the Christian flamebait now, but my point is simply that some of us don't believe that there is a God, and therefore we by definition *have* to have a different definition of marraige than yours. Mine is more of a committed relationship, filled with love and caring. That's it. I could care less if whatever higher beings that may or may not exist notice. But that's just me.
  • sup!? thanks for updating your suckage :)
  • For her, that counts as a frag.
  • Shouldn't that be "forever hold his piece" in this case?
  • Damn, I was gonna say that! :)
    Oh well. I'll try for something else.

    "Screw throwing flowers, I've got a grenade launcher!"

    Wedding gifts: Chainsaw? (Doom II style, baby!)

    Oh well, it's an appropriate Valentine's Day topic, I guess. If "Valentine's Day" makes you think of "Valentine's Day Massacre", that is.

    ...and it's kinda sad that FPS (first person shooters) are the best VR (virtual reality) environments we have, here in the year 2000. :)

    pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
  • I want to hack in and frag the minister w/ a BFG right as he's pronouncing them man and wife.
  • Actually, I would think it was also sad to be doing anything other than getting married. It just seems to me that to be distracted by anothing other than the person you are pledging your life, love, and devotion to is antithetical to the ceremony.

    If you are getting married give it all your attention.

    And furthermore I am judging not whining. I will extend the same courtesy you and say that you are judging, not whining about my comment.

  • Agreed.

  • My vote is for the sadder one.

    I always thought human relationships were the most basic fundamental of life. How fucked up to do it in a fake world.

  • I'm half Austrian half Chinese. Most people are pretty sure that Austria is a continent on the souther hemisphere with lot's of kangaroos. I've been asked if I was Italian (mostly by Austrians who assume I'm from South of the Border), Irish (by an Irish woman in an Irish bar), and even part African American (by a guy in my office "because I kinda' have a swing to my step"). Every time I run into someone like that I usually spend hours laughing about it afterwards.
  • True story: Once while visiting Thomas Moore College in Ohio, a (grad?) student approached me to ask:

    - You have an intesting accent. where are you from?
    - Brazil
    - Oh! That's funny. You don't look Oriental!

    Geography classes are a wonderful thing, aren't they?
  • I am just wondering how they keep the guests from shooting up the place before the ceremony is done.

    Walking through the archway of rockets and grenades as they walk down the aisle...

    I wonder what they have to do to get a divorce?

  • The "right wing" seems awfuly worried about gay marriages. Wonder what they would think of this?

    Jon Katz?

  • Esprit de Corps in UT would be good. 2 Cathedrals.

  • ...Seems as if lovers are always reinventing the wheel. Since what they're feeling isn't like anything else, they figure that their relationship must be different than that of mere mortals (like their parents, maybe?) So we get all these little rituals -- We're engaged to be engaged!" (with ring and everything but their parents' approval),"We're having a handfasting!" (which means something like the old 60's "we don't need a ring to show our love" and "we're not together forever, but for now" but you get a kewl ceremony anyway and it's not binding until some sweet thing decides to sue.)

    Almost everyone who undergoes a nontrad wedding ends up trying to Do It Right after the divorce, or at least goes in for a renewal of vows where everything is according to Emily Post. A Quake wedding is cute, but....

  • I'm skeptical that anything Wiccan is any more of a "tradition" than the cutesy "traditional legends" attached to candy canes and sea shells in gift shops, claiming that the dogwood tree, for instance, is a symbol of the Crucifixion, or that Blue Willow China commemorates a Chinese love story.

    Very little of "Wicca" corresponds to what is known about European pagan practices, anthropology, history, or even historical writings by witches themselves. It's very much like Creation Science, or the nutcases who try to prove the existence of Noah's Ark: they tend to quote each other, but never come up with any hard evidence. If it's part of current Wicca, it's "ancient"; if there is no evidence, it's been "suppressed", if it's contrary to evidence, it's a "defamation". (Contrariwise, mainstream Christianity has for two centuries tried to place their beliefs in historical perspective, no matter how much it hurts, and we've had this little thing called "science" that is supposed to be completely outside the loop.) Yes, there were people called witches, who were accused and often executed in the 14th-17th centuries for the crime of Christian heresy, at about the same time of the Protestant Reformation and many other schisms; the Catholic Church was actually much weaker then than it had ever been since Roman times. We have many court records, we have a few manuals detailing exactly what to look for in a "heretic", we have more than a few compendia of spells.

    There is no mention in these anywhere of a Goddess. There is no "Blessed be."

    "As above, so below" is a line from a Greek poem, and doesn't appear there, either.

    "Do what thou wilt" was the motto of a monastery, in a humorous book written by a monk, in a country where witches were tolerated even less than in the British Isles, and no, he wasn't tried or executed for witchcraft.

    There is no "Book of Shadows".

    They were introduced by Gerald Gardner in the nineteen-forties, when he claimed them all to be the work of a "Dorothy Clutterbuck", who had blabbed her "family secrets", which were reputed to date from prehistoric Europe. No one has ever found any outside evidence for this venerable lady existing, not even by witches themselves. We do, however, have a great deal of evidence that the "Book of Shadows" was largely drawn from Crowley. If there are any authenticated documents you can quote about this practise that date from before say, 1960, I'd be willing to believe you.

    But all this is beside the point. It may not be rebellious within Wicca to handfast, or whatever, but it's certainly rebellious for children of Christian parents to do so. It's rebellious for children of Christian parents to reject their confirmation, and become witches, even if they're doing it with the best intentions. I strongly doubt whether most of these young folks are hereditary witches, or are doing all this for any reason other than what I gave in my previous post. It's a Wedding Lite, adopted by people who aren't of the faith, but want something other than (their own and their families') tradition, which "doesn't count", but is exotic, and fun, and a little wicked (pardon the pun)-seeming. And that is my point.

  • By the time this was published, it was probably over already. Cape Town being several hours ahead of it.

    Chas - The one, the only.
    THANK GOD!!!
  • What the HELL are they going to do when the priest says, 'You may now kiss the bride.'?
    Bump into each other a few times?


  • Um, you can always get married with the assistance of a judge. That's my plan, at least, as I don't wish to be married in a church (or with a priest).

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Welcome to America, you seem to be catching on pretty quick. :>

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • For the record, I met my girlfriend of ~4.5 years online, on a (traditional, ANSI-based) BBS. Of course, we moved beyond that pretty quickly.

    I'm not saying it can't happen, but these long-distance 'romances' are usually destined to failure. Everyone I've seen get involved in one was more than just a little bit emotionally damaged and/or codependant.

    Meeting someone online is fine, but it has to progress into a real-world thing. There's no way it can blossom online, only start there.

    - Jeff A. Campbell
    - VelociNews ( [])
  • Or would "Wedding Quake" have been a better headline?
  • Hey little sister what have you done
    Hey little sister who's the only one
    Hey little sister who's your grunt again
    Hey little sister who's the one you want
    Hey little sister shot gun!

    It's a nice day to frag again
    It's a nice day for a Quake wedding It's a nice day to frag again.

    Hey little sister what have you done
    Hey little sister who's the only one
    I've been away for so long (so long)
    I've been away for so long (so long)
    I let you go for so long.

    It's a nice day to frag again (come on)
    It's a nice day for a Quake wedding
    It's a nice day to frag again.

    (Pick it up)

    Make me respawn
    There is nothin' fair in this world
    There is nothin' safe in this world
    And there's nothin' sure in this world
    And there's nothin' pure in this world
    Look for something left in this world
    Frag again.

    Come on
    It's a nice day to start fraggin' again.
    It's a nice day for a Quake wedding
    It's a nice day to frag again.

  • I wonder if you could get on as the server admin and lower the gravity so they start floating upwards in the middle of the ceremony.
  • Is this for real? I mean really.

    WTF kind of life do you have to have to think its cool to get married on a quake server? I mean is this what is considered romantic now? If getting married on the net wasn't pathetic enough. How lazy can you be?

  • Oh, did i say /.?, because i meant to say SLASHDOLT!!!
  • by p.oshea ( 6515 ) on Monday February 14, 2000 @02:35PM (#1275779)
    I know I don't post very often, and that maybe I don't have the "right" to say what gets posted, and how... but I am, if nothing else, disappointed in the lack of "journalistic" integrity that I see here on /.. Just the fact that something such as South America and South Africa could slip by someone so intelligent and caring as CmdrTaco is quite apauling. I know the he didn't write this in, but he did post it after all. Between this, and what I had noticed the other day, as did many other TTYquake fans(see this link [] if you don't know what I mean) (=, just makes me sad to see something so un-proofread as this posted to a place that so many people read and regard as fact, not fiction. Oh well. maybe someone doesn't care since he is making all of that money now.

  • I suppose then blanket statements like those you posted above are common in South Africa. South Africans seem not to take the time to realize that not everyone has a clue not even if you are from South Africa.

    You are a case in point.

  • Priest: Does anyone here know why this man and woman should not be joined in holy matrimony, if so speak now or forever hold thy peace

    There is a grunt from back of the congregation and everybody turns. A heavly built man with a flattop haircut smoking a cigar steps out into the ile. He stares at the bride, eyes as cold and ice. firmly planting his feet he pulls a BFG from seemingly nowhere. Someone in the croud yells BFG lamer but he doesn't care anymore he only has eyes for one and now he has been betrayed its payback time. The people around him seem paralyzed stunned at the turn of events. The man feels a prickle run up the back of his nek and realises that there is a camper in the shadows, the groom smiles at having taken such precautions. The man knows hes not beaten yet, spiting the ciga from his mouth and using the momentary distraction to flick on his shield belt. Grinning at the groom who now wears a horrfied expression he pulls the trigger. The gun whirls into life the sound breaking the paralisis of the people and they start to flee (some hopping along for more speed). The camper fires the man grunts and smiles his shield taking the brunt of the railgun hit. The bride screams in horror as the green ball of pure energy exits the guns barrell. Small tendrils of energy streak out from the glowing sphere cutting through the fleeing people. body parts start to fly everwhere but the man is not idle, turning round and strafing right he pulls out his rocket launcher firing into the corner where the camper shot from. The camper tho has not been idle, realising that the man has a shield belt and that his hiding place has been compromised he moves spamming grenades as he flees covering his tracks. The man gives chase spitting in disgust at the camper before he goes he turns and looks as the BFG sphere evelopes the couple standing at the altar. Their final screams are a silenced as their bodys are ripped apart by the full impact of the BFG sphere of death. Smiling at his handy work ( ":)" appearing somewhere at the top of your monitor) he turns to go and resume the chase, to fight another day, another level, another server.

    Man: aka grunt 1000
    Camper: 0
    Groom: 0
    Bride: 0
    guy in the thrid row: -1
  • Marriage counseling will be provided by Eliza [].
  • Are you deemed a witness if you were only tele-present? I some ways it's like the digital signature stuff... (Actually it would have been cool if they'd PGP-signed an electronic marrige document.)
  • When I read something like:

    But Baddigan also points out that many IT departments cannot run an open-source software product because their system's interface doesn't support it.

    I sort of lose interest because the article's credibility is shot.

    Sorry fellas,
  • Handfasting is a pagan tradition, not necessarily a '60's hippy ceremony, and it is not necessarily a life-time bond either. They don't pretend that it IS a life time wedding, unless the terms are lifetime.

    Normally, handfastings last a year and a day, and then are renewed by both partner's consent.

    It's a wiccan tradition, not something that people do to be rebellious.

  • Heh, I've been a minister of the ULC for years. Before the internet was big. In those days you had to send them a postcard, and they mailed you back a really nice certificate saying you were an ordained minister. You also go a small booklet that told you what you needed to perform weddings, funerals and such. The book also had a list of some famous people who were ordained ministers of the ULC.

    And yes, I did perform a wedding once.
  • But South America is composed of several countries (its a continent). How can Quake be illegal?
  • Despite their claims, these two aren't the first couple to go this route. Several months ago another pair of Quaker's tied the knot in their favorite game. While it was lightly discussed on a few of the messageboards at various Quake sites, it never really made the news pages. Why not? Because that's not what they were looking for! The first couple that did this, did it because they couldn't afford to invite their friends from around the world to their wedding, and in-game ceremony was thought up as an easy way to include everyone. It was a very low-key event, and went off pretty well.

    I could be wrong, but I get the feeling that these two people were just looking for some headlines :\

  • If I was the groom, I'd just stand at the "altar" and do crotch grabs throughout the whole ceremony!

  • by Shoeboy ( 16224 )
    And do you db_high take this player badboybubba to frag and to shoot, in sickness and after picking up health paks as long as you both shall respawn?
  • Someone else has probably said this by now, but I have to say it: it's South Africa, not South America. We're not much the Quake fans around here. (Selling Quake is illegal over here. Go figure.)
  • Selling quake is illegal?


    How'd they manage that?

    A lot of misinformation, backroom deals and just general disregard for personal freedom.

    And why??

    Because everywhere you go, there are assholes who feel that "the children must be protected". At any and all cost. Here, they are winning.
  • And who do you think decided to ban it, then? Who do you think said "Look! He played violent video-games, and he went on a shooting spree, so we must stop people from buying violent video games, otherwise more people will go on shooting sprees"? That's right. The "children must be protected" fanatics. See my point?
  • Perhaps I expressed myself poorly. Quake is illegal where _I_ live - that is, in Brazil.
  • ...shotgun wedding.

    Everyone including the priest is armed with one of a rocket launcher, rail gun, etc, etc.
  • by serial ( 19787 )
    ...You may now frag the bride
  • by ywwg ( 20925 )
    This is either a pivotal, ahead-of-their-time moment in history, or the saddest thing I've heard about since the quake tattoo.

    And are they going to have sex via IRC tonight??
  • I can't take it any more. Stop with the "rice weapons" and "frag the bride" comments.
  • not who gets the remote control, but who gets the rocket launcher.

    Seriously, though, this is right on the line that some people claim as 'Internet Addiction' while others claim it as a valid new lifestyle. I wonder if playing on someone else's team is grounds for an eDivorce?

  • by maw ( 25860 )
    I'm an American studying in Australia. People say to me, "Do I detect an accent? Are you from Canada?" I'll say, "No, I'm from Boston, in the USA." Then they say, "Oh, ok, well, it's just insulting to Canadians when they get confused for Americans."

    On the other hand, I take it as a compliment when somebody thinks I'm Canadian. (One of these days, I should say "Sure am, eh?")

  • South America, or south africa?

    The artical says that the couple is south american, and that the Judge is south African... I suppose it would be posible for them to be in diffrent parts of the world, but why would a South American couple want to be married my a South African Judge who works with a South African Website?

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • by powerlord ( 28156 ) on Monday February 14, 2000 @02:18PM (#1275804) Journal
    Well... I haven't actually gone through this (but i've seen it done a thousand times...)

    The real issue is the marrige license (at least here in the US).
    That needs the signatures of all involved (judge/clergy, bride, groom, witnesses). Outside of that everything else is really just ceremony. If the bride & groom sign the marrige license, the witnesses sign it, and then something happens and the wedding itself doesnt happen, so long as someone files the license, it doesnt matter (in the eyes of the courts... in the eyes of your mother-in-law you had better have a ceremony :)

  • It seems to me that Americans believe that the world is divided into two major parts: (1) North America, and (2) the insignificant "rest of the world".

    This is the perception that Americans very often give of themselves, and it is incredibly arrogant. As a South African, I'm pretty insulted that this happened, especially since it happened at slashdot, whose community is supposed to be a bit more intelligent than that. Perhaps my perception is wrong, but somehow nobody has ever done anything to disprove that perception.

    Another arbitrary example, Americans seem to have absolutely no concept of time zones .. I often work late, and we'll get calls from America at 1:00 a.m.

    Another arbitrary example is when major American software (and other) vendors market internationally new product releases as appearing "this summer" or "next fall". Even big companies commonly make this mistake. Movies also. Surely you people should have learnt very early in your school career that the seasons differ depending on where on the planet you are? Not to mention that not all parts of the world use the word "fall" for autumn.

    Another common American assumption is that if you weren't born in America, then you somehow can't really be happy, and that you must somehow be impoverished or oppressed. (American tourist: "these people live without electricity .. and they're *actually happy* .. can you believe that?")

    Doesn't it bother you Americans that you appear so arrogant and stupid to the rest of the world?

  • I forgot to include the usual standard disclaimers that apply.

    CutNPaste Standard Disclaimer: My preceding arguments were what is known as a "generalisation" and were not meant to be taken as applying to every single member of the group of people identified but rather just the majority of them.

    Naturally this was already obvious to most people, most people are smart enough to figure it out, but I forgot about the small percentage people who need disclaimers (and warnings such as 'this coffee is hot, it can burn you) ...

  • They went to all the trouble of having this thing online, but the bridesmaids' dresses still looked bad and Uncle Frank still got drunk and said something inappropriate about the bride's "knockers."

    Why is it whenever you get family together, no matter where you are they misbehave?

    A least the photo's weren't as expensive - *PrintScreen*. [] - Funny
  • Talk About a Shotgun Wedding! This is a railgun/BFG10000 wedding! So, he should hit her with a grappling hook and reel her in like Scorpion...
  • Jesusf*ckingchrist

    It amazes me how incredibly stupid and narrow minded some people really must be at times.
    >(bet most quakers smoke)
    What ? What smoking has to do with quake I do not know.

    What playing a game on a computer has to do with you being mentally unhinged, lacking morals of any sort, or not being sane I do not know either.

    Seriously, when will people realise you've probably got issues already if a game makes you want to kill people.

    So yeah, I took the flamebait (which I wish your comment was) but not everyone's christian who can't understand the difference between reality and fantasy, just as not every christian feels a need to pressgang as many people as they can into their religion.

    better stop now before ranting :P
  • by Wah ( 30840 )
    no kidding, if I found a woman who liked Quake that much...doing something you love with someone you love is rarely wrong (although Natural Born Killers jumps to mind).

  • No joke, my friend's Geography class at a local public ohio college has him coloring in a map of Ohio (the counties based on differences in population or something similar) and writing a small essay. WTF? I thought this was World Geography not lets play with colored pencils and crayons.
  • True, this is a funny story, but I always gotta wonder - how legal is stuff like this? Are they getting remarried "outside" just to be sure, or did they get a dispensation from someone, or what?
  • Asheron's Call is planning a set of group and private weddings in its world. What would your spouse have to say about that, huh? Like you don't ALREADY spend too much time playing games, now you REALLY are married to the game! swedding.asp
  • Have you ever played everquest? It is what I was so vehemently looking for , for all the time I was playing quake. Visually stunning, challenging, interesting...
  • If some spectater showed up and mid service, just kindof went "this is boring" and fragged the whole wedding party...

    -- iCEBaLM
  • no kidding, well, at least they picked the right venue. i mean, marriage is just one big deathmatch after all.
  • Let them frag the hell out of the party they disapprove of, or forever hold their peace. Am I the only one who would run around fragging everyone throughout the ceremony?
  • If the minister was in Cape Town, its very likely the wedding was in South Africa and not South America. :)


  • by Sun Tzu ( 41522 ) on Monday February 14, 2000 @02:25PM (#1275819) Homepage Journal
    "If anyone knows of any reason why these two should not be joined, let him speak now or forever hold his peace."

    At which point, a pregnant young lady steps from behind a column with a shotgun and unfastened body armor...

  • Heck, most Americans don't even care about what is going on the other side of town, let alone in another country.

    America seem to be the place of universal apathy (IMO), where if it doesn't concern you physically, it is not worth worrying about. As an American, I find this attitude disgusting, discouraging, and most of all, disturbing.

    I do my best to educate others I meet on why it is in their best interests to know about their surroundings - alas, many times my teachings fall on deaf ears.

    Getting back on topic - I like the comment that was posted about how the people involved in the marriage act toward each other is more important than the ceremony itself. My GF and I are planning on maybe doing our wedding on Halloween. Not original, but fun nonetheless for all involved - and we really love each other. We are not into the whole big ceremony thing either - all it does is drain bank accounts and make a few consultants a bit of money.
  • I know in some US states you still have to have a "Traditional" wedding to make it legal and all.

    (A certain under water wedding comes to mind where they had to have a "traditional" wedding afterwards to make it legal. And true to me next comment, I don't remember where that was. (Florida?))

    But don't even ask me to remember which states, because that isn't going to happen.
  • I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned yet, but personally I would have used Q3 and curved surfaces(wouldn't want any angles on my new bride =P)...

    *Talen resists making any "low-res" jokes
  • Selling quake is illegal? How'd they manage that? And why??
  • They are supposedly in an internet cafe for the real-life cermony, I think the two are suppose to happen simultaneously.
  • by www ( 58894 )
    "You can now frag the bride."
  • I think it won't work. They're using a mod called Quake2 Wedding Mod and my guess is that this is purpose written just to prevent that :(

  • 'nuff said. JW
  • This raises another question: Who will have the first Quake3 marriage, or the first Unreal Tournament Marriage ? :-)
  • by jadin ( 65295 )
    ~ give all [enter]
  • . . .I would have used Quake III Arena.

    The architecture's much more gorgeous, especially Brimstone Abbey and the Camping Grounds. But hey, that's just me. ^_~

  • Taco didn't write it, Nom Anor did :)
  • You need the special Wedding PAK to be able to attend.

    I wonder if all weapons are replaced with rice and conffetti?

    Where's the respawn point? And could you still telefrag?

    "Four Funerals and a Wedding"

  • Why is it that Americans are so ignorant of anything beyond the borders of thier own country? Not only that, but they don't *want* to know. Sheesh.

    StrawberryFrog in South Africa (which is not in South America. Duh).

  • > The real issue is the marrige license (at least here in the US).

    You don't need a marriage license in order to be legally married.

    > That needs the signatures of all involved
    > (judge/clergy, bride, groom, witnesses

    If you look up Marriage in Black's Law Dictionary, pg 973 (6th ed) you will find: A license or permission granted by public authority to persons who intend to intermarry. (Thats the REAL reason you need a marriage license, otherwise you don't.)

    Right above you will find "Marriage certificate": An instrument which certifies a marriage.

    And if you look under Marriage (the previous page) you will see "Informal Marriage" A marriage in which promises are exchanged between the parties without an official ecclesiastical representitative present. See Consensual Marriage.

    Looking at Consensual Marriage on pge 384 it reads: Marriage resting simply on consent per verba de praesenti, between competent parties. See Common-law marriage. (We see here Marriage is just a contact)

    And finally we see Common-law marriage. One not solemnized in the ordinary way (i.e. non-ceremonial) but created by an agreement to marry, followed by cohabiation.

    The astute reader should know that if you live together with someone for 7 years, that is also considered a common-law marriage.

    Ask a judge if you need more info then what I provided here.

  • I wonder if they will "film" the event by recording a demo file? At least you wouldn't have the annoyance of the photographer snapping flash pictures during the "I Do"'s.

    Of course, if the "flash" is a BFG....

  • It is annoying. I studied in Madrid one year and this is a perception many people in Europe (especially in the big, touristy cities) have about Americans.

    It also accounts for the reason Canadians and Australians traveled with their respective national flags sewn on their bags and jackets:

    So none made the assumptian they were American!

    Unfortunately, a lot of it is deserved... Americans are cocky and arrogant, just a typical result of our country currently being on top. I remember one class I took was in the Prado and the instructor made a few jibes about Americans and one of the students I was with blurted out "Oh yeah!? Well... we could have sunk the Armada!!!!"

    No dumbass, at that time, we certainly could not have.

    It was pretty funny though.
  • Best comments heard during the Quake wedding:

    "With this rocket launcher, I thee [splat]"

    "These Roman Catholic ceremonies are just wwwaayyy to boring - good thing I happen to be carrying my trust BFG..."

    "Make it stop... Make it stop..."

    "By the power vested in me through the state of Quad Damage..."

    "You may now frag the bride"

    "Allright, who spiked the punchbowl?"

    "Are you sure that's the bride? It could be anyone under that skin!"

    "Until death do us part? Can we change that bit..."
  • Will the slashdot effect brining down the quake server count as a hurricane on their wedding ceremony, or just plain rain?


  • I wonder if the server's minister was ordained at the Universal Life Church [].

    (It's amazing what you can get for free on the Internet)


  • Don't get me wrong, I love fragging as much as the next guy, but isn't there something seriously wrong with staging your wedding in the Quake milieu? (ooh! a chance to use the word "milieu" in a sentence. Doesn't happen every day, ya' know) Seriously, weddings are supposed to be times of happiness, love, peace, yadda, yadda, yadda. What does it say about people when they choose to commit their lives to each other in an atmosphere of guns, death, blood, etc.? Who here would want their wedding to take place in a world of ultra-violence? Kinda creepy if you ask me.
  • I'm a godless heathen and I still thought it was a pretty sick place to get married. This is something that you will (hopefully) only do once in your entire life. Twenty years from now I wouldn't want to look back and reminesce fondly over how the best man took a rocket up the arse as he was delivering his speach. Or talk to my grandchildren about how grandma's bloody severed head flew across the room instead of a bouquet.
  • I like Quake. A lot. Probably too much.

    But I have to say, I would feel pretty embarrassed if I were to tell friends, family members, or my children that I got married in a video game.

    I mean, what is it about Quake exactly that contributes to the sentiment of life-long commitment and love? Is it the exquisite 3D rendering? Perhaps the fast network layer? Wait, I know, it is the ability to kill your spouse over and over and over with no ramifications whatsoever.

    I don't get it. This is *not* cool. This is a damn joke and a travesty. Quake is a game. Think about what someone is really saying by getting married in a *game*. They are saying that the marriage is a game, a fantasy. How serious is that? What kind of commitment is that?

    I don't care about what any yahoo says about freedom of expression and the all the wonderful possibilities our technology offers and affords us or the exploration of the boundaries of the human experience. It is all crap. It is a mockery of what marriage is about. There are some lines that should not be crossed. There are some things that *can* be done, but should *not* be done.

    Until more people realize this and understand why it is true, humanity will never be anything more than a trivial, complacent, decadent, and petty species.

    Nothing can possiblai go wrong. Er...possibly go wrong.
    Strange, that's the first thing that's ever gone wrong.
  • and what would happen if someone had the will to and was able to somehow portray theirself as the bride, groom, or priest (or whatever the dude marrying them is)?
  • Lets just hope they don't get to close to each other and get autokicked to death.
  • Well, they're doing it in the "real" world too (and what is so fake about it? The electrons are real), they're just doing it while doing something they both love. If they were doing it skydiving or under water you wouldn't whine about it being sad because they we'ren't doing it on the ground...

  • Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire... Ugh.
  • What do you guys think about how much the internet has influenced relationships?

    I think it has taken courtship back to the days of courting by letter. A good thing, IMHO.

    Every successful "internet relationship" I've seen (including my own) has been successful because it began with communication. It wasn't blinded by lust or judgement of physical attributes.

    The couple involved in this wedding have apparently been honest enough with each other to agree that they have this in common, and want it to be a part of their lives.

    Now, imagine them sitting with their grandkids, looking through the old wedding 'screenshots.' ^_^


  • Gives new meaning to domestic violence... ;-)
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday February 14, 2000 @01:59PM (#1275850)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday February 14, 2000 @02:02PM (#1275851)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • they are getting married simultaneously in the game as well as in real life. not sure about the logistics about the whole thing exactly but i got email about this (and posted it) a while ago. here's the message i got:
    This Monday the 14th February at 7pm (South African time, GMT+2) BadBoyBubba and db_High will be getting married in real life and online simultaneously. We believe this is the first online Quake2 Wedding in the world. The online wedding will take place in a specially constructed map and spectators will be required to download a PAK file with the necessary map, skins, and wedding vow wavs. For those who cannot be accommodated on the Quake2 server, parts of the event will also be vid streamed.

    -Steve Gibson
  • by belgin ( 111046 ) on Monday February 14, 2000 @01:56PM (#1275868) Homepage
    Did the set up a patch so that they can throw pieces of wedding cake at each other?

    Any danger of the minister getting fragged mid-sermon?

    How much do you want to bet that somebody crashes it?

    Notice how this is considered worthy of posting on Slashdot as its own article, rather than a quickie? It says something about the Slashdot audience... I don't know exactly what, but something.

    B. Elgin

  • A pun NOBODY ON SLASHDOT GOT?!?! "'Till deathmatch do we part"! I have heard of /.'s decline, but it has never been more evident than now...

"If it's not loud, it doesn't work!" -- Blank Reg, from "Max Headroom"
