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Quake First Person Shooters (Games)

Quake Done Quick - With A Vengance 93

Nolan Pflug writes "The QdQ team has released their newest speed run through the classic original Quake. The new demo is over four minutes faster than their previous popular release, Quake done Quicker, which was done in a time of 16:35 and released exactly three years ago. The 'with a Vengeance' run completes Quake on Nightmare skill in an amazing 12:23, by taking advantage of all known Quake 'Quirks' such as ways to increase player velocity (bunny-hopping) and damage boosts from grenades and rockets, but there is no cheating involved."
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Quake Done Quick - With A Vengance

Comments Filter:
  • by Caine ( 784 ) on Thursday September 14, 2000 @03:46AM (#780409)
    Here I am, having payed a ton of money for my brand new game. And what do I discover? It only takes 12 minutes to finish! On the hardest difficulty. *Sigh*. Game design today sucks.
  • by Eccles ( 932 )
    What I love in the English situation is the doublespeak. Blair has been quote as he won't subsidize fuel purchases. Exqueeze me? Lowering a draconian tax on something is subsidizing that thing?
  • Did you watch the demo? (Don't bother answering, I already know the answer is "no.")
  • Basically, it distorts your viewpoint into something resembling a fishbowl.
  • by bjb ( 3050 )
    Anyone who can complete nightmare skill without god mode must drink a little too much caffiene to twitch that fast..

    Either that, or its some kid energized with several giant pixie sticks..


  • by luge ( 4808 )
    Amen, brother... AMEN.
  • The previous post seemed to have been describing a bot to play through single-player quake. The bots I'm aware of only play as opponents in multi-player games.

  • Whatswrongwithcaffiene? Caffieneisgoodforyou! Itkeepsyoualertandawakeandletsyouworklonghoursdoin gthingsthatyouneedtodo! Icouldntperformmycurrentjobwithoutallthefreecoffee andlattethattheyprovide.
  • In the US, a farmer (or anyone else for that matter) doesn't pay taxes on "off road" diesel. This is fuel that is typically used in tractors and the like. However, farmers (and everyone else) get to pay taxes on diesel fuel used in the vehicles they drive on public roads. There's no difference in the fuels other than identifying dyes.

  • Tttthhheeerreeeessss nnnooottthhhhiiinngggg wwwrrrroooonnnngggg wwwiittthhhh ccccaaaffffffeeeeiiinneee uuuunnntttiiilllll yyyyoooouuuu hhhhiiiittttt yyyooouuuuurrrr tttwwweeneennnnntttiiieeeeetthhhhhh cccuuuupppp oooorrrrrrr ssoooooooo.. Ttttttrrrruuusssttt mmmeeeee ooonnnnnnnn ttthhhiisssss ooonnneeeee!!!

  • > Amazingly its the same farmers who protest
    > against high tax fuel
    Farmers don't have to pay tax on their disel.
  • If you do nothing else today, pull out quake and download this.

    The QDQ boys have done it again.

  • no wait, there just is no link to the relavent page.
  • by FascDot Killed My Pr ( 24021 ) on Thursday September 14, 2000 @03:14AM (#780423)
    I'd rather read about Quake done Quick than see Yet Another RIAA/MPAA Napster/DeCSS Article.
    Linux MAPI Server!
  • Well, duh! It's not about America, it's not important!

    (In a similar way that things happening in North England aren't important to the southerners... witness the fact that nothing was done about the petrol crisis until it hit London, and the fact that petrol supplies are being diverted mainly to South Eastern petrol stations)
  • > While creating a demo of the humanly fastest
    > possible game of Quake compiled from the best
    > run-throughs is impressive in its own right,
    > I'd be far, far more impressed by a single
    > person (or even a team) that produced a
    > similiar time in one sitting.

    The reason for running the levels individually in the dQ runs is basically because the final result is more entertaining and interesting. You can attempt more impressive tricks, and can go a lot deeper into the strategic planning.

    However, if you want to see the sort of one-sitting run (speed-runners call them "marathons") that you mention, though, you can. Speed Demos Archive [] carries a huge number of single level demos, and also some marathons []. The current record for a Nightmare marathon run is 26:25; on Easy skill the time is 15:48.

    And for a true marathon, check Marlo Galinski's run through Quake1 on Nightmare skill where he kills every monster and triggers every secret, in a single sitting lasting 86:48.

  • I dunno if I agree with the idea that it's not that hard. You should try the grenade rocket jump they use in there. Or the exploding barrel jumps. Maybe the grenade jump with an 180 degree change in direction air control trick that is put to work. It's hard shit. But they did do it the easy way: let each of the runners start each level with an expected health/armor/ammo and run that level over and over. If they had to do it straight through it would be harder. But it ain't easy that's for sure.
  • If you haven't seen the demos, you might not know that levels are done by different people, so the demo is not really one continuos game, but rather an ideal game that's a result of hundreds, if not thousands of invididual tries at levels.

    After reading the headline, I was incredibly impressed, now less so. While creating a demo of the humanly fastest possible game of Quake compiled from the best run-throughs is impressive in its own right, I'd be far, far more impressed by a single person (or even a team) that produced a similiar time in one sitting.

    After all, you can't combine your history of best scores in individual events to win the Iron Man or an Olympic Decathalon. You have to do all the events in series (and in the case of the Iron Man with little or no rest in between events).

  • ...that people are spending their time doing meaningful things like trying to make demos of incredibly fast trips through a four-year-old game. I'm personally waiting to see if they can make the 8-minute DOOM, or, dare I hold my breath, the 6-minute Wolfenstein?

  • the key is knowing where every guy and item is and expecting them. there are actually two different approaches to completing nightmare quake :

    - the easier (for novices and it's also much simpler) way is to just run through it as fast as possible, killing only the guys which halt your progress (letting others shoot at you as you run away.)

    - the other is to actually go through it as you would any other mode, killing things and picking up items, etc. which is harder but, if you know where everything is and get good at fighting the guys (which, really,.. the ai is very simplistic so, it's not that hard..)

    mainly you just need lots and lots of spare time.

  • what a clever post ;)

    people like you are why i treat this place as a game and why it is /not/ somewhere to have actual discussions :)
  • I believe these are videos of the Quake Done Quicker run, not the Quake Done Quick With a Vengeance run.

  • Where have you been? Quake bots have been around since the beginning. Some of them are actually pretty sophisticated. Last time I heard, the Reaper bot was still on top.

    One type of bot relied on humans to lay "path markers" so that the bot knew where it could go. However, there are some later bots which are more sophisticated and "learn" the topology of the map themselves and dynamically adjust their routes. Rather quite fascinating.
  • The real media links are for their 16-minute venture. However, has anybody been able to download the zip of the original demo? It redirects me to, but nothing shows up or downloads. Does anybody have a mirror?
  • Yeah, cause there's not enough room or time in the world for both. Quake or the Olympics - YOU MUST CHOOSE!
  • So if you post and complain about whether something is really News for Nerds, does that make you more or less of a nerd?
  • Laugh if you want, but I think it's things like these that allow gaming to be compared to some sort of a sport. After all, what is this but people continuing to beat their record, when everyone is sure there is simply no possible way to do it any faster.

    Yeah, right. By that definition, eating hotdogs in the fastest time is a sport. And hey, I'm sure the guy doing it faces possibly injury, and I'm sure his heartbeat rate goes up.

    Claiming computer games are a sport is the lamest form of geek self-gratification of which I can think.

  • Just because it's a troll doesn't mean it's not true, buddy.
  • From the bastardization parodies. I think it's in both versions of the Matrix parody (cr0bar decided to revisit the first one and make some modifications.)
  • by LucVdB ( 64664 ) on Thursday September 14, 2000 @03:08AM (#780439) Homepage
    You need to ask?
    To quote from the Textmode Quake [] page, another seminal Quake achievement:

    If you have to ask why, you're not a member of the intended audience. Please go on about your business and accept my apologies for this distraction.
  • Given as the Olympics doesn't matter, and this has provided 30 minutes of amusement (this and related links through this /. discussion) for me, I'd say that this is.
  • Eh? Don't recognize this part of the routine :)
  • Maybe I shouldn't have posted the link for those RealMovies, they look just plain awful!!!

    Lo-res, low frame rate, poor contrast, basicly dreadful....

    I wonder if this is the result of someone sticking a cheap video camera in front of a monitor?

  • by jbridges ( 70118 ) on Thursday September 14, 2000 @03:01AM (#780443)
    For those who don't have Quake installed, here are the RealMovie files:

    QdQr1.rm []
    QdQr2.rm []
    QdQr3.rm []
    QdQr4.rm []
  • You guys didn't even bother to post a link to the new Unreal technology

    So why didn't you? I'm an Unreal addict, what is the link?

    Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.

  • I might. Seeing as it has garnered about 15 mod points (both up and down), and about 60 % of comments posted in both discussions at the time of writing, _I_ think it's important - don't you? If Malda & Co don't see that, then that's their lookout. Last I checked, Malda & Co were running this as a public forum, and don't you think this is a better use of offtopic posting than penis birds, grits and NP?
    If I was posting this to be a pain in the arse, don't you think I'd be hiding behind the Anonymous Coward uid, much the same as you do?

    Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.

  • Same in the UK. Getting caught with red (agricultural) diesel in your tank on a public road is _bad_ news...

    Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.

  • Although I've stopped gaming altogether

    Have you also lost the will to live? :)

    Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.

  • That was the most brilliantly stupid post I've yet read on slashdot.

    It's really not that hard to become a millionaire, you just have to get a million dollars.

    One method is to steal it, or you can do it the normal way and earn it.

  • Doesn't seem like such a great game to me.
  • by tc ( 93768 ) on Thursday September 14, 2000 @05:32AM (#780450)
    It's not cheating as in hacking the game, or typing in cheat codes. In fact, cheating is probably the wrong word. It's just the use of some very nifty and sometimes highly inventive techniques.

    For example, a "rocket jump" involves firing a rocket into the ground and jumping simultaneously to give yourself an extra high jump as the blast sends you higher. You sustain damage in the process, but it enables you to reach otherwise inaccessible spots. It's not considered cheating, indeed, it's a skill that any seasoned Quake player will have.

    These guys have taken it even further, and regularly pull off grenade jumps (same principle as rocket jumps but your timing needs to be better), and even the fiendishly tricky grenade and rocket jump combo.

  • This the successor to Quake done Quicker, which was 16:35 and was also done by a team (many of the same guys).

    I know this cos I have it running on my other computer right now :-)

  • I agree. It's as if you took all the lowest golf scores for each hole by professionals on a given course over thousands of rounds. Wow! They shot -32! 40 strokes!

    I still think this is cool however. As soon as I get home and away from the firewall that prevents "Access to fun & games" I'm going to take a look at it :-)

  • by oblisk ( 99139 ) on Thursday September 14, 2000 @03:43AM (#780453)
    Ive always enjoyed these runs through the original and the best, Quake1. The Quick runs that imo were by far the best were the ones where they got 100% kills and 100% secrets in nightmare under an hour. 59:31 [] to be exact, Hell on nightmare it took me about a month to finish the game (about total in game time was probably 8+ hours).

    Something we used to do at lans after we all got bored:

    load quake
    fov 180
    load QdQ
    Get Drunk
    and Watch ;)


  • This reminds me of a parody of the Matrix I read a long time back (I think it was originally posted on /.). It's the "free your mind" part, where Neo has to jump off the side of a building:

    "Rocket Jump. Okay, No problem. Fire, then jump. Yeah right..."

  • Here []'s a link to doom and doom2 dome quick.


  • Although I agree with several replies to this (better than mpaa/riaa stuff, there is a games section etc...) I agree that this is less than newsworthy. Makes me want to see how fast I can complete zork (the 1st one).

  • so why are/were they protesting then?
  • Check in to I remember the run well. Nightmare mode and lots and lots of rocket boosts. Yeah, here: 0:32 Robert Axelsson in Nightmare mode. Tony (Qdq audio head)
  • of the olympics?

    Or the grassroots honesty of this sort of quake project? =]


    Tyranny =Gov. choosing how much power to give the People.

  • When video games become an official Olympic event, then I'll watch.
  • by erasmus_ ( 119185 ) on Thursday September 14, 2000 @03:00AM (#780461)
    Although I've stopped gaming altogether, I remember being incredible impressed by this team's results years ago, as they kept topping themselves. Laugh if you want, but I think it's things like these that allow gaming to be compared to some sort of a sport. After all, what is this but people continuing to beat their record, when everyone is sure there is simply no possible way to do it any faster. Someone has made the remark that it's not possible to play through the whole game on nightmare. If you haven't seen the demos, you might not know that levels are done by different people, so the demo is not really one continuos game, but rather an ideal game that's a result of hundreds, if not thousands of invididual tries at levels. Yet every person starts each level only with items it would've been possible to pick from the last's level quick runthrough. Even though I don't have Quake installed anymore, I think I'll install it just to check this out, and you guys should too :)
  • well, yeah. i mean, the model is `pay taxes on fuel to pay for the damage it causes`. if some people were exempt, then the difference would have to be made up by other taxes.
  • "novelty sources like geothermal and wave/tidal aren't large enough or widespread enough"

    Not really fair to write them off that that reason. Tidal had a bad press because of appallingly badly carried out tests in the 70`s; i think there are more ideas for this now, there just isnt the long-term thinking required to actually attack the problem again. I guess we`ll do it sooner or later though, this petrol `crisis` (which i have to admit i slept through, living pretty near to a well-stocked London) was a good dry-run.
  • ..A whinge of farmers!
  • ehrmm.. do yourself a favor.. and have your testosterone levels checked ;) moo! team slashdot!
  • Somehow, without US vs. USSR, the Olympics just aren't the same. They should have the next Olympics in either India or Pakistan. Better yet, those two countries should just learn from US vs. USSR and forget the f***ing nukes already. All international disputes should be resolved in a Quake Deathmatch. It could be a much more efficient proxy for world war.

  • even if they didn't complete it in one continous run, you have to give these guys credit. Try finishing e1m1 in like 26 seconds or less and you'll notice that the tricks they use are so well performed and timed. i haven't seen the QdQ with a Vengeance demo but the 16 minute Qdq was a blast to watch. They do wierd things you'd never think of just playing it like a regular joe schmoe. Like using a monster to keep a door open so they can use a teleporter instead of waiting for the lift. In the many times (probably like 30 or so) I've tried to do that after seeing it, I've only been able to accomplish that nicely once. It's the ingenuity that the Qdq team has that makes them unique.
  • It's really spiffy stuff try The Official Page [] or Daily Radar's article [] the movie's a 42mb download, but it's darn impressive.
  • not to sound like a complete cynic-- I don't want to sound like an ass, im just curious--- but why is this newsworthy? Why the hell would it even matter to be able to achieve something like that? Could somebody please fill me in? Thank you.
  • ...riding on the back of a Fiend all the way through the game! Check out Fiend Run Lite [], my favorite Quake Done Quick variation. []
  • OK, one last time. This is Slashdot, a privately run web-based discussion board. They can post whatever the hell they want.
  • It's Quake!!!! :)

  • Han: It is defeat that you must learn to prepare for.
    Williams: Man, I don't waste my time! When it comes, I won't even notice it.
    Han: Oh? And how is that so?
    Williams: I'll be too busy looking good!
  • by Hates ( 168348 ) on Thursday September 14, 2000 @02:50AM (#780474) Homepage
    I'm sure my boss will be glad to hear that with this speed increase and subsequent left over time I will be able to get more work done :)
  • Hmm, someone should come out with a fast quake game, while reciting DeCSS into chats in the game.
  • Um, isn't there a little something called the Olympics going on right now? What's more important?

    "He bypassed the red door and oooo... he just took a spill into the grunt by the health vial. The humanity..."

  • Hmmm... Bit of a judgement call, methinks.

    In the Quake II speed-run, they used some invisible trigger left over from debugging to skip 4 levels. I have no problem with level-skipping for "optional" levels (like the secret levels), and I can accept the systematic avoidance of invisible triggers which are intended to slow down the player's progress (by closing doors, blowing up bridges, activating lasers, etc.), but to actually activate one which was obviously never intended to be used in normal gameplay, goes over the line, in my opinion. I say "cheat!".

    (Besides, I wanted to see how they'd manage those 4 levels :-)

  • It's because the whole concept of QdQ is to complete Quake in as short time as possible - completing the hidden levels would lead to an increased total time.

    But personally I'd LOVE to see a speed-run of E1M8...

  • I can finish quake in 30sec also. I just pop the cd in the microwave. 30 sec later, it's finished.
  • Two different things:

    Nightmare mode itself (without god mode) isn't *that* hard -- especially if you've gone through the game once already on an easier setting. I learned quickly a)don't get hit, because everything hurts a lot more and b) watch your ammo, because everything seems to take more damage. I still finished Shub Niggurath a lot a faster than the first time.

    ....But there ain't no way that I completed it in less than a minute. And some of the other levels these guys did -- e.g. Door to Cthon completed in 11 seconds! (It usually takes me that long to take out the first ogre on the level....) It's like the difference between completing a marathon and *winning* a marathon. I certainly agree that *that* is not easy.


  • They don't look to have visited the secret levels, what a pity...
    Is that because in the first episode, the low gravity in the secret level would have made it impossible to finish quickly?
    BTW, I remember some years ago racing the same way through the 5th episode of Wolf3D and I managed to finish it in 2'50".

    OK : I cheated.
  • by mirko ( 198274 )
    > But personally I'd LOVE to see a speed-run
    > of E1M8...
    If they grab a rocket launcher and the invulnerability ASAP, they could do it "a la Pool Billiard".
    I guess they practise with God Mode and then they look for an optimized way through the powerups.
    I just downloaded the pack and I have ot say it is astonishing: 15 minutes of adrenalin :-)
    In E2M(last), though, they lost much time as they anyway hads to wait for the ground to collapse, thus taking 1'20"...
    Finally, having it "a la Marathon" (the same player in Nightmare mode playing the complete game) would really be amazing :-))
  • by ksp ( 203038 )

    I followed that link, and what can I say...

    I suspect users of "Textmode Quake" have some problems finding hidden secrets?

  • Has anyone written a Quake-playing bot? Would be interesting to see how fast you could get it to play by learning the game, full speed or in some kind of "off-line" / "design"-mode.

    Human talent... if talent is the right word for being good at playing Quake really fast... is of course the fascinating part here, but still - having a program find the shortest path, cutting corners, finding the exact right split-second to jump etc. - now that would be cool!

    And of course, you wouldn't just be a wimp pretending to slay big monsters, You'd be a wimp making software pretending to slay big monsters!

  • Has anyone written a Quake-playing bot? Would be interesting to see how fast you could get it to play by learning the game, full speed or in some kind of "off-line" / "design"-mode.

    You may be on to something. Let's dump the Turing Test and replace it with the Quake Test. It'll be the new benchmark.

  • Why the hell would it even matter to be able to achieve something like that?

    Climbed any mountains lately?


    Sir Edmund Hilary on reaching the peak of Mt Everest: "What? No McDonalds??"
  • Damn. Going through the entire original Quake as fast as possible. I suggest we make this the official Q1 benchmark. What does this look like at 150 fps?


  • Field of Vision Normal quake vision is about 90o, this squeezes x many degrees into your screen. Sniping mode in games usually don't cheat and reduce your FOV to 20.
  • Gaming can certainly be considered a sport. Get that adrenaline pumping, heart rate up (okay at least blood pressure...) Even the injury rate is higher at a serious gaming level than many sports...
  • Yeah, right. By that definition, eating hotdogs in the fastest time is a sport

    Well, considering Fox's "Guinness World Records Primetime" has such categories as "longest time a weight is held suspended from the nipples" and "the most surgical needles inserted in the body at one time", I don't have much of a problem anymore considering eating hotdogs a sport :)


  • 16 minutes! Hah! Just goes to show what a crappy game Quake is. Why, I can finish Myst in 2 minutes 25 seconds without even practicing! Now there's a game!


  • by mike260 ( 224212 )
    Since forever. They don't break any rules of the game world, they just exploit them in unforseen ways. If they were cheating, they'd have been 'fixed' in subsequent patches, and omitted from QII and QIII.
  • With the help of god mode, I completed quake on the Hurt Me Plenty skill level in exactly 90 days. With no break. Do I qualify for the slowest?

    Seriously though, that is pretty intense. I would like to see what the fastest single person run through would be without multiple retries per level. That would be a feat.

  • Some of us are stuck with 1MB ISA Trident video, buddy -- not all of us can afford those fancy Voodoo Rush cards... ;-)
  • German Newspaper some days ago: "In Hamburg the qualifications for the first world cyber games in Southkorea were played - 200 player from 15 nations will battle each other there parallely to the Olympic Games in Sydney. The disciplines are the computer-games Quake III, Age of Empires II, FIFA 2000 and Starcraft." ---snip---
  • You simply can't replace skill by a bot, you can't do it today (q3 bots - bah!) and you will NEVER be able to do so..
  • It's called "Quake redone Quick" and was done in 14:32 by me. You can still get it from , but it's 1000 times less entertaining than QdQwav imo. As a single person I think I'm still holding the official record, though (latest improvements would lead to 13:49)
  • e1m6 - The Door to Chthon it's done in 0:09 WITH exiting /w 75 healthpoints and 150 yellow armor at the same time which is way harder than "just getting through", but crucial for e1m7
  • "the easier (for novices and it's also much
    simpler) way is to just run through it as fast
    as possible, killing only the guys which halt
    your progress (letting others shoot at you as
    you run away.)"

    Bahaaa! For novices?? I want to see YOU only complete e1m1 in 0:26 or, even better, e2m1 in 0:07!
    You wouldn't even get "the other is to actually go through it as you
    would any other mode, killing things and
    picking up items, etc. which is harder but, if
    you know where everything is and get good at
    fighting the guys"

    I really wouldn't say it's harder.. it's different from doing a plain run. You won't need to do such hard tricks because theoretically you could shot and kill all the time while you are heading or secrets/keys/exit. Hard to optimize the longer a run needs, though.

  • sorry, screwd up the second part of my post.
    here's a corrected version:

    Bahaaa! For novices?? I want to see YOU only complete e1m1 in 0:26 or, even better, e2m1 in 0:07! You wouldn't even get sub-twenty minutes I think

    "the other is to actually go through it as you
    would any other mode, killing things and
    picking up items, etc. which is harder but, if
    you know where everything is and get good at
    fighting the guys"

    I really wouldn't say it's harder.. it's different from doing a plain run. You won't need to do such hard tricks because theoretically you could shot and kill all the time while you are heading or secrets/keys/exit. Hard to optimize the longer a run needs, though.

  • heheh
    well, i'll take this as a compliment =)

    honestly, if you'd know me personally you'd know that I'm really not that kind of person who's sitting in front of his computer all the day, having no friends and hobbies but a pale skin.

"You'll pay to know what you really think." -- J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
