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Quake First Person Shooters (Games)

ZeRo4 Wins; Quake: The Movie Released 225

okotauri writes: "ZeRo4 took home his second consecutive Quakecon championship today, beating the rest of the world's top Quake 3 players in the process, and cementing his reputation as the best Q3 dueller in the world today. more info: Quakecon scoreboard." And Escape from the Bastille was also released at the Con - better have high-speed access if you want to download it.
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ZeRo4 Wins; Quake: The Movie Released

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  • If we can have batton twirling, bowling, the trampoline, squash, surfing, roller skating and ballroom dancing at the 2004 summer olympics in Athens then why not have online gaming? I will be the first to propose this. The Olympic committee says that they have to drop other sports before they can add any new ones. Anyone else just hate womens golf? I mean cmon, is that even a real sport? According to the Olympic Charter, an event must be played in at least 75 countries and four continents, and must contain a competitive element to be considered a sport. Will anyone object if i dare say that online gaming meets that requirement? So who is with me, lets get quake and cs on the line up for 2008, by then of course if you asked kids what they thought of quake they would look as you and say "what's Quake?,

    • ok ... just jumping in here to defend trampoline and squash. squash has as much right to be in the olympics as any other raquet sport, and trampoline is akin to gymnastics in a way.

      seriously ... a sport where it's normal to perform triple flips with three or more twists can't compare to bowling or ballroom dancing.

      i don't think quake will ever be in the olympics though. it has to be at least a remotely physical activity to qualify for that.
  • okay so some guy won the QuakeCon championship. I agree, it's not newsworthy but you don't have to flame the guy for that. You can try and be nice for once.
  • by SaturnTim ( 445813 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @09:34PM (#2110725) Homepage
    Now the aliens who actually created the game will take him back to thier home planet to destroy all the evil types invading it...

  • If anyone out there hasn't seen CTF: Comedy in Armor [fileplanet.com] I highly recommend downloading it. It's the funniest Quake-based movie I've ever seen.
    • In the name of fairness, I actually watched the whole movie before writing this. That movie is one of the stupidest, most idiotic "movies" of its type that I've seen. Yeah, I admit the camera work was actually well done, but I didn't come anywhere close to laughing at it once. Really a waste of time for anyone to dl it.

  • While ago, I saw this cute girl just standing
    around (alone) at one party. I wondered, if I
    should go and talk to her. I didn't hesitate,
    but before I was even able to move forward
    from my dancing, this large peace of meat
    in a form of bodybuilder (filled up with
    speed/crank) comes to the picture and just
    grabs the girl and goes away. That moment,
    I understood, that there's something wrong
    in this world.

    Right now, I have the same feeling.

    If you didn't understand why I was feeling the
    same way, here's the explanation. I consider
    myself as a hacker of some sort who loves
    computers. And then there are these idiots who
    fsck around with computers and treat them bad.
    That, of course, makes me sad.

    As demosceners say: "Stop playing quake and start coding!"

    Have a nice day!,
  • The URL (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Monkeyman334 ( 205694 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @08:58PM (#2114112)
    For anyone who couldn't figure out, it was breaking because of an extra "/", go here [zone.com]
  • I bet that Zock the Quake God could beat him.

    Check out UserFriendly [userfriendly.org] comic strips if you don't get the reference. :)
  • by ergo98 ( 9391 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @11:24PM (#2115078) Homepage Journal

    Anyone who has played Q3 (or any comparable game) knows that it isn't just "running around shooting people", but rather the game becomes incredibly finely tuned with extreme muscle control and mental reflexes needed to excel : Some of the best Quake 3 players are absolutely amazing when they're at the pinnacle of their game, and just as seeing a high jumper set a new record (pushing the human body further than ever before) is amazing, it's amazing seeing the reflexes/mind combination push these super-players.

    For anyone to brush off this as being just a "game" whereas throwing a pole or moving your legs is "sport" is silly. As long as all competitors are using equal hardware, etc., this is absolutely sport and it is enthralling to watch the best of the best playing.

    Sidenote -> The way, IMHO, that you can usually determine if something is truly a competitive sport or not is consistency: Do the same people generally come out near the top, with natural ascents up the ranks and down the ranks, or is it more of a hodge-podge random ordering at each event? In the former it is competitive sport, whereas in the latter it's just odds, yet it's amazing how many such "sports" exist as sanctioned.

  • but I sure in the hell don't have time. Maybe it is because I have a normal life, and do productive things.

    Then, all I have to think about is my uncles, and their obsession with golf. They think they are normal, but they are almost as bad at the people in the Quake tourney.

  • Oh yeah? (Score:3, Funny)

    by D. Mann ( 86819 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @10:27PM (#2118929) Homepage
    Oh yeah? He thinks he's so good? Well, I got the highscore in Ms. Pacman (a true crusader for womens' rights!) at the local arcade about 15 years ago!

    So there, Mr. Big-Shot Quake 3 player!
  • wow (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Wow check out all the 3l33t n4M3z on the scoreboard, Quake players are just soooo cool!

    What a bunch of winners!

  • For anyone wondering if it's worth it to download the whole 180 meg avi off of fileplanet... better be sure you have nothing better to do with your bandwidth for a while.

    The only good part about the movie was that the animation was good... the plot was bad, the voice acting was mediocre at best, and the script just sucked. Improper use of contractions abound (you're vs your), a lame introduction about the french bastille that has zero to do with the plot, a fight scene that totally rips off the martix... ugh. My computer saved me and crashed out a bit over 8 minutes into the 12-minute movie.

  • by ewhac ( 5844 ) on Monday August 13, 2001 @05:20AM (#2121065) Homepage Journal

    There's a group of Quake speed runners who created a set of recorded movies called Quake Done Quick [planetquake.com]. They blaze through the entire game at Nightmare difficulty in less than 17 minutes. They also produced Quake Done 100% Quick, where they kill every monster and find every secret.

    This same group of people then did a speed run through Ritual's Quake add-on pack, Scourge of Armagon [ritual.com]. But unlike its predecessor, they added actual production values, including fully scripted and vocalized sequences at the beginning and end. The player also makes wisecracks throughout the movie; the actor voicing him is especially good. The result is called Scourge Done Slick [planetquake.com], and it's a very nice piece of work.

    You need to own a copy of the Scourge of Armagon add-on pack to view the movie.


  • by Voltaire99 ( 265100 ) on Monday August 13, 2001 @01:22AM (#2128006)

    If people aren't very excited by this tournament, it's largely because Quake 3's day is done.

    Online its popularity is dwarfed by Counter Strike, which, for better or worse, has replaced Quake as the game of choice of the vast majority of online players. (A fact not lost on developers, who are falling over themselves to bring out CS-like games.)

    Of course, no one knows how many people are even playing Q3, thanks to the servers failing to distinguish between bots and humans. In fact, looking at the numbers, it's entirely possible that there are more humans playing Quake 2. Q3 tournaments are in sharp decline, too; Quakecon was an exception, with Q3 even having been dropped (in lieu of CS) in the most widely followed "pro gaming" tourneys.

    Q3 never really managed to make the impact that its predecessors did. The leading theory, which you can find on almost any gaming message board: id makes good engines, but has become progressively worse at making a fun game. There's something to that, but there's also Q3 itself to blame -- an arcade-y version of deathmatch without the depth of the original.
    • I always liked Unreal Tournament better than Quake 3. I'll admit Q3 probably has a bit of an edge graphic engine-wise, but UT has better bot AI, much more sophisticated GUI, and WAY better level design in general. (How many brown-gold-greyish castle type levels are there in Q3 anyway??)
      • yeah Id agree with all of that, but still somehow Q3 "feels" better. I think it must be to do with the physics model, and the way your man moves. In Quake (2 and 3 ) you can jump and run, and do all kinds of tricks with the jumping and strafing etc to gain extra height/speed etc. UT man moves like he's wearing lead underpants, and the same goes for all those "Half Speed" based games like CS (or is that "Quiet Life" :P) Even Serious Sam, which is a hilarious laugh, plods along like his shoe laces are tied together. I also think they tried too hard in UT to make different weapons - all that green slime gun, blade gun, stuff...

        Agree with you about the maps though - not only are they all the same visually, you can't figure a purpose for them. The original Q2 maps (not the dm ones) had a deffinite purpose such as "the base" or "the comms centre" and the design reflected this. The later Q3 maps are all "generic random castle type thing". either that or those joke maps with no walls. Tedious stuff indeed. Mind you, its not thatits not possible to make good maps in Q3 - I have some very UT like maps for Q3 (moving trains, starships and so on)

        As for CS - 10 blokes with sniper rifles hiding behind boxes for 10 minutes - oh joy.
    • The stats for Quake3 have never really been that good, especially when compared to CS. It's not dying however, the numbers are not dropping at a significant rate. Quake3 has very loyal following.

      IMHO, the lack of megapopularity has been a real blessing to Q3: while the community may be small compared to Counter Strike, it is of better quality. Go to any CS-related forum and you'll find cheating to be #1 topic. Cheating in seems to be common, with accusations of cheating reaching ridiculous numbers. I personally don't play CS but I do like to watch other people play, and things can sometimes get very ugly. Q3-players on the other hand are mostly skillfull (newbies tend to go with the most popular game) and very well behaved (no cheating - heck, not even name calling). And of course, smaller the community is, the stronger it is - people actually have a chance to get to know eachothers.

      Not to badmouth Counter Strike players, I know many of them are very cool people, but there are more than just a couple of bad apples. And yes, I used to play Q3 a lot, actually so much that I got carpal tunnel, so I'm probably biased.

  • Oh, so... (Score:1, Troll)

    by skotte ( 262100 )
    actually, all your base are belong to ZeRo4.

    Yeah! who set up us the bomb!? that's right! ZeRo4, baby!!!

  • by qslack ( 239825 )
    Anyone know if there are Q3 demo files (.dm3) of the championship match? If so, post them here please!
  • Televised matches? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Sheeple Police ( 247465 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @09:43PM (#2135291)
    Am I the only one who would like to see some of the gaming tourney's televised? I know one of the biggest lures for attending the actual events happens to be the socializing and all around geek fest sorta stuff, but in this day and age where MTV is the "Shiny Things Network" and "Fear Factor" scores high amounts of viewers, wouldn't something like televising the games be something that could succeed? I can see the downside being that it brings attention to the "violence" in the games without being able to fully convey the sense of kinsmenship those games bring, but I'm sure airing it on something like Showtime or HBO with appropriate "TV ratings" would do well. Have something like celebrity commentaries by Carmack or Thresh (He was the original Q1 God, correct?), possibly have military advisors looking for the strategy within the killing (because lets face it, if you don't have a strategy and just go around to frag, you're not going to make it to the upper echelons of the match)

    Or even potentially a DVD version. Like take advantage of the multiple angle views and use various 'cameras' posisitioned in the demo files and what not. Maybe a DVD can contain the final 3 matches, or the highlights of the top 10.

    Does anyone else think this would be nice?
    • possibly have military advisors looking for the strategy within the killing (because lets face it, if you don't have a strategy and just go around to frag, you're not going to make it to the upper echelons of the match)

      Yes, make it like any other televised sport, with a play-by-play man and a color commentator. Maybe this would be the perfect job to bring OJ Simpson out of retirement.

    • I swear I saw a Magic the Gathering card game tournament being played on ESPN2 a few months back, so it's not so far out of the realm of possibility. It would be a whole hell of a lot more entertaining than that was.

      Don't expect to see those guys in the next Mountain Dew commercial or anything, but...
      • They've actually been televising m:tg tourneys for the past couple years IIRC

      • I saw it, it was great!

        It was true action packed commentary through the whole thing..

        "Oh, look at the faces of his team-mates. They don't like what they are seeing. What do you think Jim, why is he using this strategy?"

        "Wait, if he could just get a *** card, then his opponent will be open for the attack"

        "There it is! He could not have drawn a better card! The game is over, his teamates are extatic! [geeks hopping around hugging each other]"

        It was solid entertainment. Too bad one couldn't tell the difference between these expert teams and all the other games I've seen.
    • I don't think anybody would pay to have these games recorded on DVD. Releasing the demos is good enough and if people edited in extra cammera angles it'd be great. These events are too infrequent to be a regular thing on television. It'd be a special rather than an ongoing affair. Besides the only people interested in it right now are the ones that follow the online converage or go to quakecon itselft. That kinda defeats the purpose of putting it on tv.
      • Ok, granted, the DVD one is a bit of a strech, I agree. As for them being infrequent, thats why I think something on Showtime or HBO would work better. They're used to doing rare special events that are like, 2 hour specials. Even a once a year of the "top gaming matches," with a variety of games, since arguably even 2 hours of quake would get boring since a majority would be newbies goin at it. I think though that the interest could be Bubba Sixpack, because it has a mix of violence as well as adrenaline. I mean, look how many "High speed TV chases" shows there are. They have no plot, but they have adrenaline and carnage. Of course, if they enter mainstream entertainment, they'll probably be bastardized and have some sort of wacky punishment for the losers of the match, like eating live beetles or something that'll attract more viewers. But it's a thought.
      • I think it'd be kinad fun to take the match, "edit" it so that you have all kinds of camera angles, and get voiceovers done "radio style" of the chat logs. Maybe an announcer voiceover, too.

        It's the virtual version of the implementation of the story behind UT.
    • The Bravo channel do a series called "Mercenaries" here in the UK (Sat 8.30pm) which pit teams playing war games against each other. I allowed myself to be dragged into one episode so that I could kick CounterStrike butt on telly. They play a lot of new games that are coming out, as well as the established favourites, which is how I presume they make some money out of it. It would be nice to see a CS World Championship on TV where the top clans play each other, with slots where the top players give hints on what give them the edge.

    • Multiple camera angles? why not just open it in a modified quake 3 client? every individual viewer could decide to watch it in any mode of their choice "Follow the leader" "Follow my favorite" "Follow the Action" "Director/Editor's Choice" "Free Floating/User controlled camera" I mean if it's just a recording of a game in some sort of proprietary quake recording format all objects and their positions will be recorded for the whole match ideally, it would be just like logging into a server and floating around in DEMO mode I love the idea of having color commentary especially from the likes of real-military experts ... "this is Colon Powell at the CPL world championships i'm standing here with K-R4d 337it3 DeAtH Killah![MfG][iCE][SkULLz] known to his friends as Timmy Wilson... " watching "editor's choice" with a pitcher of beer a bowl full of suicide hot chicken wings, a big screen and a sports-bar full of buddies and jovial strangers? that'd be the best
      • Multiple camera angles?

        why not just open it in a modified quake 3 client?

        every individual viewer could decide to watch it in any mode of their choice

        "Follow the leader"
        "Follow my favorite"
        "Follow the Action"
        "Director/Editor's Choice"
        "Free Floating/User controlled camera"

        I mean if it's just a recording of a game in some sort of proprietary quake recording format

        all objects and their positions will be recorded for the whole match

        ideally, it would be just like logging into a server and floating around in DEMO mode

        I love the idea of having color commentary especially from the likes of real-military experts ...

        "this is Colon Powell at the CPL world championships i'm standing here with K-R4d 337it3 DeAtH Killah![MfG][iCE][SkULLz] known to his friends as Timmy Wilson... "

        watching "editor's choice" with a pitcher of beer a bowl full of suicide hot chicken wings, a big screen and a sports-bar full of buddies and jovial strangers?

        • .dHHHHHHHF"""HHHHHH:
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          P.S. Porn involving Michael Sim's mother will be archived at a score no lower than 2. Thank you.
    • I'm not sure I would want to see those things televised. But I can SEE that happening. It's already big thing in South Korea. These gamers are there "professionals". They get their money by playing in these events that are shown in television too. I'm not sure if it's crazy or not, but I wouldn't mind getting my bills paid by playing ;).
  • Highest ping I saw in the stats was 7. Most looked to be around 4. It would be nice if I could get something like that on dial-up. I guess the HPB got weeded out early. :)

    Anybody get a pic of this guy? I want to see how pale he is. Probably eats through a Jolt IV in his neck.

  • Sporting event? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by codetalker ( 245862 ) <mobersneNO@SPAMchat.carleton.ca> on Sunday August 12, 2001 @09:14PM (#2136907)
    I can't seriously see this kind of thing as the newest type of sporting event. I think that baseball and football are really boring (too much waiting, unlike hockey or motorsports), but I'd still go to a game with my buddies simply to socialize and cheer on my city. This kind of event is so out of touch and inacessable in the 'real world'. There are one or two annual tournaments that are always held far away. Maybe I'm just a little conservative, but I think that the geographical and club style is good for sports. Something for a local to be proud of and it gets the spectator more involved, "That's MY team that just won!" etc. These tourneys are fun, but it's just a really good bunch of players battling it out amongst themselves. When I watch the olympics, I cheer for team Canada, when I watch quake matches I can't really make a decision who I'd root for, only that one person's skill is madder than the others. Anyway, just a thought.
    • I think that baseball and football are really boring (too much waiting, unlike hockey or motorsports) You don't have to wait in motorsports? You have wait for the race to end!! True the cars are going really really fast, but relative to each other they aren't - and they are just going around in circles! (a circuit) I can see your argument with baseball and football, but motorsports go right in there. Instead of waiting between plays listening to yacky sportscasters, you're waiting between crashes watching cars going around in a circle. Maybe I just don't "get it". Of course millions of people watch baseball, football AND motorsports. Go figure. Maybe one day millions of people will watch first-person shooters too.
      • The only motorsport I watch is world superbike racing. There are at least a couple passes each lap, maybe a crash or two each race and they are oly half an hour long a real strategy is involved. I could not agree more if we were talking about nascar or dragracing. oooh they go around the oval 250 times! I'm talking about road races, rallies the sports where impressive driving takes the cake.
      • > you're waiting between crashes watching cars

        That's why God made the Max X TV show, so you don't have to sit thru all the boring rest of the race.

    • there are *gasp* other sports out there that don't generally include getting wasted w/your buddies (although at alumni events they sometimes do ;-))

      Individuals that train in a team setting (playing on local servers) but compete on an individual basis in tournaments (like Quakecon).

      Yeah, typically in these sort of events (*gasp again*) you don't typically root for a team, you root for your favorites...

      Most sports seem to be heading this way as it is (long ball hitters w/shit teams, kick ass players that carry the whole team)

      Just my worthless .02
      • "Most sports seem to be heading this way as it is (long ball hitters w/shit teams, kick ass players that carry the whole team)"
        I guess you haven't heard of the Seattle Mariners. They are only the best team in baseball right now and not by a little bit. If you haven't had a chance to watch them play they rarely win by the long ball. Lots of singles, advancing the runner and stuff like that.
        The team is just solid as a whole, not fully based on the strength of one or two players. Sorry I just get a little excited about the M's.
        • Oakland A's are playing the BEST baseball right now, But I guess we'll not know until the playoffs :) But you are right, TEAM BALL with
          no mistakes is taking the Seattle a LONG ways.
          Griffey leaving turns out to be a GOOD THING for your team :) Who'd a thunk it...
  • by abischof ( 255 ) <alex@spam[ ].net ['cop' in gap]> on Sunday August 12, 2001 @09:19PM (#2137082) Homepage
    Ok, so he may have won... but does he have his own hardware review site [firingsquad.com]? Kidding aside, it is quite an achievement.
  • by Viking Coder ( 102287 ) on Monday August 13, 2001 @09:34AM (#2141283)
    First, you need to have Q3 on your machine. Then, install

    http://www.orangesmoothie.org/downloads/beta/osp-q uake3-0.99v3.zip [orangesmoothie.org]

    by unzipping it in your Q3 directory, with file paths preserved. Then, install

    ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake3/win32/q3po intrelease_129h_beta.exe [idsoftware.com]

    by running the executable and telling it where your Q3 directory is. Then, if you want to view the demos really easily, install

    http://www.geekboys.org/geekplay-29/index.pl?downl oad=http://www.geekboys.org/geekplay-29/download/g eekplay-29-1.0b1.zip [geekboys.org]

    by running the installer from any directory and telling it where your Q3 directory is.

    Then, all you have to do is download the "demo" files from

    http://stats1.zone.com/tournaments/QuakeCon-2001/s coreboard_0_0.html [zone.com]

    By clicking on the "stats:1" link, and then scroll down, and download one of the demo files, like the file

    http://stats1.zone.com/tournaments/QuakeCon-2001/d emos/fatal1ty-vs-ZeRo4-pro-q3tourney4-(ZeRo4)-g1v2 _1.dm_66.zip [zone.com]

    for instance. Be sure to note that there are two files for every match - one from each person's point of view. Getting the file from the winner is more fun! Then, all you have to do is unzip the dm_66 file, and then double-click the dm_66 file in order to view it.

    Note that these instructions worked for me, and are not necessarily going to work for you! All of this of course on a Win box.

  • As the subject says, a good commentary [shackes.com] on the current state of Q3 competition by a site that is focused on competetive 3D gaming, ShackES [shackes.com]

    here's a snip:

    That was a fun time, but now there is no next time. There's online leagues, and maybe another online tourney from Cache, but really, what's out there for a Quake 3 player? We like the game, and we'll keep playing the game, but what is there to look forward too. Where's the reason to practice hard?
    • I find the commentary you linked to a bit sad. Does this guy have to be on the cutting edge to have any fun at all? I mean, crap, I get way more kicks out of good ol' Quake 1 than this shiny new Quake 3 thing, and that's 5 years old this month. I don't feel much pity for the guy either.

  • Gosh darn it, just the other day I got around to starting to serve Q3 Arena games from one of my Linux boxes... and promptly got my ass whipped most takers :).

    But wait! There's hope yet for my lamer, non-31337, self-cratering keister. I've come up with a simple plan to elevate myself to a similar level of Q3 God-ness:

    • 1. Ditch my company - Hey, it's fun making cash and all that, but I'll have to start somewhere, eh?

    • 2. Lose the girlfriend - Heck, what's she really good for anyhow? And just think of all the extra time I'll have (oops, that'll be sucked up by gaming).

    • 3. Forsake showers - In cyberspace, no one can smell your stench.

    • 4. Become a Quaker - Ughh... never mind, that's something different I suppose...
    Yesiree Bob, I figure if I can just buckle down and stick to my rocket launchers on this one, I'll acheive Quake greatness in a couple of years at the most!

    Or not.

  • Maybe more interesting too the European Folks here... clanbase recently released their EuroCup 3 movie.. http://www.clanbase.com/miscdl.php?did=357
    The Best Q3 (and even some CS) stuff I've ever seen..
    ClanBase is proud to announce 'Eurocup 3 - the movie' - 13 minutes of the most spectacular in-game action scenes (Q3 AND CS) from the EC3 LAN finals event that took place last july 14 and 15. Watch the exclusive Halflife-TV stuff, see the star players picture in picture during the game with Geist's exciting commentary, experience the god-like moves in slowmotion and other special effects that seem to be choreographed on the music, and watch out for the ending where Quake3 meets Counterstrike in the Eurocup twilight zone.
  • by Spacelem ( 189863 )
    All right, I watched the demos, especially all the ones at the end with Lakerman, Fatal1ty, Socrates, STX Reverend etc.

    ZeRo4 was utterly amazing, and he controlled the levels with such skill. He was a totally deserving winner. QuakeCon was a demostration of how Quake can really be played.

    I would advise anyone who hasn't done so already to go and download the demos here [cached.net], and see for yourself.

  • and if you get file not found error, then turn off JavaScript or use another Web browser to access the page. The site complain it can't find the .js file. :(

  • Whenever I run the demo of Zero4 vs Fatality, I can't see the other player's model at all. Its like the other player is completely invisible. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      You need the latest OSP mod : www.orangesmoothie.org
    • Someone want to give me the step-by-step as to how to view this damned file?

      fatal1ty-vs-ZeRo4-pro-q3tourney4-(fatal1ty)-g1v2_1 .dm_66.zip

      I installed osp-quake3-0.99v3.zip already, and I appear to be running that mod okay, but I can't figure out what the heck I have to do with the dm_66 file in order to view it!

  • This forum is populated by "computer people"; I frankly would've expected a little less antagonism towards Quake. This is not an unimportant topic. Granted, the average Slashdot user may consider themselves professionals in the field, and may harbor a certain disdain for the average game player, who may be young and/or obnoxious. Nevertheless, an attempt should be made to keep this in context, understanding that the Quake series has truly been groundbreaking in terms of online entertainment over the past few years. For thousands upon thousands of users, Quake--and games like it--inspire purchasing top-quality hardware at premium prices. While harnessing the power of Beowulf clusters to definitively factor massive integers holds a certain allure for technical persons, activities of this sort should be congratulated; they demonstrate that computers are entering realms that have in the past been dominated by less dynamic and more mundane systems (think many forms of sports, or even console-based video games). What lies on the horizon for computer gaming is absolutely astounding, and I think we can unanimously agree that this is just the beginning of more immersive and more ubiquitous game mediums, which will undoubtedly push realtime consumer-level graphics and networking that much further.

    As a gamer, I've also gotta say that I'm amazed people reduce Quake to pointing and clicking. With five years under my belt I acknowledge that I have certain bias, but come on now. You may as well reduce the art of programming to the simple act of hammering repetitively on a keyboard. It's ridiculous. The players in a tournament like this have taken this game to a new level, and it's only fair to them that people not ridicule them by comparing it to Pong, Asteroid, or its other primitive ancestors. Come on, people like Carmack have done so much to popularize computers through the application of neat technology (unlike, say, AOL, which has more or less ridden the wave), give the complexity of it all some credit!
  • When I first saw that title, I thought they were releasing ANOTHER crappy attempt at a movie based on a game. All I can say is "thank god."

    "See Angelina Jolie bounce repeatedly as she dodges railgun blasts! Absolutely titilating!"

    "Best movie since Tomb Raider!"

    "Action thriller! Heart pounding action that includes even MORE unrealistic, gravity defying acrobatics that makes the Matrix look like Pong!"

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
