Textmode Quake 2 235
Artemis writes: "Following the Quake 2 source code release under the GPL, here's the follow-up of the famous ttyquake, it's a text mode Quake II called aaquake2 which has just been released. Time for more 3d text mode gaming fun! The site includes screenshots for those of you who haven't seen Quake-turned-Text before."
Hmm... (Score:3, Interesting)
I wonder how much bandwidth it would take to play this via a telnet interface.
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
Uh, use you "brain"... *smacks chest* (Score:5, Flamebait)
Re:Uh, use you "brain"... *smacks chest* (Score:3)
Nor does it take into account whether the whole screen is being updated each time, the overhead of the protocol, and the overhead of the terminal emulation. I.e., for a typical VT-102/ANSI type terminal, moving the cursor up 10 rows, for instance, involves <Esc>[10A. That's five extra bytes. Note that I don't know if the software relocates the cursor or draws every character in every frame as I have only a passing familiarity with AALib.
On the other hand, your comment was funny enough that it did make me spit my Pepsi all over the screen.
Re:Cheat elimination (Score:2)
Forget first post (Score:3, Funny)
aaquake indeed
Re:Forget first post (Score:2, Redundant)
Re:Forget first post (Score:1)
Forget it. (Score:5, Funny)
This is such bullshit, I've seen this kind of hoax before. All they do is have a bunch of guys sitting at their computer and as each move request come in, they just type out the screen on their keyboard and send it back to your viewer. When they get tired, it's called "lag."
Wake up slashdot and check out your stories before you post them!
cool (Score:3, Funny)
Re:cool (Score:2, Informative)
Try "twin" (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Try "twin" (Score:2)
Re:Try "twin" (Score:1)
Allright! (Score:5, Funny)
Imagine a beowulf clus... ah nevermind.
Screen shots... (Score:1)
Re:Screen shots... (Score:1)
Re:Screen shots... (Score:2)
It could work (Score:5, Funny)
Re:It could work (Score:5, Funny)
Approximate with just a constant brown font. This is Quake after all, no one'll know.
Re:It could work (Score:1)
What is the world coming to?
Oh man.. I love the sickness!! (Score:4, Funny)
This is fast becomming one of my favourite things to rant about.. textmode gaming!!
The future is here.
In case you couldn't use the link above (Score:4, Informative)
Example for mandatory open sourcing (Score:5, Insightful)
This guys speech, as weird and freaky as it is
PS - of course I know the software is still under copyright, e.g. GPL via Id Software, I merely mean that it is gives you an IDEA of how this could work.
Re:Example for mandatory open sourcing (Score:1)
This idea isn't 'interesting,' it's inane. Most copyrighted software isn't intended to be put into the public domain anyway.
Another Free Software Gunslinger...
Re:Example for mandatory open sourcing (Score:2, Insightful)
United States Constitution, atricle one section 8 states:
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Now IANAL, so take the following as my personal educated opinion.
The purpose of intellectual property law was originally intended by our founding Fathers to server two purposes. The first, is to allow artists and inventors exclusive rights to use there works for the pursuit of profit. This is to encourage and reward successful R&D. The second, is to provide through these same mechanisms, now knows as patenting and copyright, assurance that in a reasonable amount of time such IP is put in the public domain. IP laws were originally designed so information got into the public domain regardless of what the authors intended.
Re:Example for mandatory open sourcing (Score:2)
He was making a broader point about intellectual property and the current state of copyright law, not "Free Software." Perhaps you are too young to remember the days when books would become public domain after about 30 years, in most instances. This is more nostalgia for copyright as intended by the framers than it is "hippy revolutionairies."
"Another Gutenberg Project Gunslinger" would have been more appropriate.
Please read before sharing your knee-jerk reactions.
Re:Example for mandatory open sourcing (Score:1)
Criminalizing secrets (Score:4, Insightful)
1. Your PIN
2. Your PGP key and passphrase
3. Your diary
4. Any recorded discussions between you and your attorney.
5. Your complete medical history.
The government is obtrusive enough as it is. I don't want the government to be able to force anyone to release information that they don't want to, just because some arbitrarily chosen timer has run out.
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:5, Interesting)
The difference is whether you want copyright protection for said program or not. If you want it copyrighted, then hand the source code over to the copyright office, and after x years, they release it upon request, after you have had your chance to make your $$$.
If you don't ever want your source code out there, you don't have to file for a copyright. But, then people could copy/hack the binaries all they wanted.
Interesting tradeoff!
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2)
If you don't ever want your source code out there, you don't have to file for a copyright. But, then people could copy/hack the binaries all they wanted
The binaries can't be copied because they are protected by copyright. I have no problem with copyrighted source code becoming public domain after a certain time period, as that is the way things are now. But I don't want to give the government more power to COMPEL people to relinquish their information. The expiration of a copyright allows others additional rights to the work, but it doesn't compel the former copyright owner into taking any particular action.
And, for the record, I think it was unfair of those four people or so to mod my post as a troll. It was not a troll.
I agree somewhat, but this is apples and oranges (Score:5, Interesting)
I agree, but this isn't the same thing. It's not really different from, say, copyrights expiring after a reasonable period of time (read: a few years, 7 max for software, just like when copyright law was originally enacted). The limit on software should probably be 3-4 years due to the extremely short lifespan.
In fact, it could be made a part of software copyright law that for a copyright to be granted on a piece of software, it as well as the source must be released into the public domain after the 4-year copyright period.
This is a far stretch from requiring private, personal information from individuals. It's just the original spirit of the copyright law returned. But don't expect to see something so sane get passed, large corporations are making too much off the laws as they are, and pushing for even worse ones like the DMCA and SSSCA.
(Personally I think corporations should be required to disclose all information publically at all times, except for "trade secret" information, which can stay secret for at most a year or two. Patents should not be applicable against individuals or non-commercial entities, only against commercial corporations. Copyrights should also be reduced to 7 years again. But then I might as well wish for world peace or something. :-P)
Flawed. (Score:2)
But that still doesn't compel anyone to release source.
Also, in the case of, say, Quake, and now Quake2, ID really has nothing to gain by keeping their game (which was *designed* to be hackable, remember) as source, so people can further hack it. It keeps them in everyone's good books. The tech is old enough not to matter.
This is *very* different than MS releasing the source to an older version of office, or Autodesk releasing the code for Autocad from a few years ago.. that codebase is still very active.
Regarding corporations, I think we should just go back to how it used to be before our time... corporations were *not* 'natural persons'. They were used for the sole purpose of limiting liability to the owners.. and their charter could (and would) be revoked if they stepped outside the lines of what that charter entailed.
The idea was a bunch of poeple could become a 'corporation' and say 'we're going to do x and y and z', and if it was agreeable, they would be granted a 'charter'.. this would protect them from personal liability if the company did certain things wrong.
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:1)
Er. Not at all the same thing. The basis of Lessig's argument is the fact that all notions of copyright (those in the Constitution, at least) are based on the idea of public good. The only reason copyright exists at all is to provide an incentive for the creation of new works by giving the author a TIME LIMITED monopoly. After a certain period of time, it is a very good idea to put the work into the public domain so that derivative works can be created, and the "state of the art" can be further advanced.
The examples you give are things completely useless to the public good. No one gives a fuck about (for example) your PIN, your PGP key, or your diary (unless that diary has already been released under normal copyright). You can keep them a secret for as long as you like because they don't benefit anyone else. Is it reasonable to say that someone should be allowed to retain an indefinite monopoly on something like a cancer cure, for example?
It would be nice if people would try to understand arguments before they refute them... and before moderators score that refutation at 4 :p/p
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:1)
I also wonder about trademarks. Individuals have rights concerning the use of their image (etc.) but it becomes difficult for a deceased person's estate to protect that after their dead. A corporation, on the other hand, hand take steps (in theory) to protect thei trademarks indefinitaly. Why does the imaginairy "body" of a corportation have more rights to it's "property" then I do?
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2)
What about patents? They expire.
Yes, but no one is compelled to document their invention. They are encouraged to do so with the reward of a patent. But if they choose not to, nothing compels them to do so.
I'm not saying copyrights shouldn't expire. After the expiration, you can make copies galore of whatever you've got. But if the author/owner never released the source code, they should not be COMPELLED to do so. If you've got a binary that is now PD, great. Go nuts. Allowing the government to COMPEL people to do something is going a step further.
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:3, Insightful)
But copyright only exists because the government intrudes. If the government didn't intrude then we'd have the situation of 200 years ago where people were copying data freely, much to the annoyance of the authors and publishers. If anything, the poster you were responding to was asking that the government intrudes less.
And nobody was asking them too. You seem to have confused copyright with privacy.
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2)
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2)
You both have good points.
May I propose an addition? What if the law said "Software that is avaliable for sale must be available indefinitely". Example: Microsoft makes Windows 3.1 a success by selling copies for $49. If we apply this rule, Microsoft is required to keep on selling Windows 3.1 for $49. We shouldn't require them to keep on manufacturing boxes forever, but when they stop making boxes it shouldn't be too hard to make it available for electronic purchase over the Internet at the same price (maybe increasing profit margins?).
If Microsoft came up with a better program, Windows 95, they could start selling that at $95, but that wouldn't let them stop selling version 3.1. We wouldn't allow them to drastically raise the price of old products (maybe it should be permissible to raise prices to keep up with inflation), and they wouldn't have to keep advertising obsolete software; but a customer who wants the product should still be able to buy a new copy no matter how old the program. That way, people whose businesses or homes depended on Win 3.1 could still get a new copy if it was necessary.
In this context, if Microsoft wanted to stop selling Win 3.1, we should require that they make the code public domain (excluding any stuff owned by third parties that Microsoft was licensing). This should also be a requirement if the company goes bankrupt.
This seems like it would have a number of benefits:
Software developers would be unable to force you to upgrade to a new software version.
Abandonware would be eliminated - software would either be always available for purchase or always available for free.
Electronic commerce would get a huge boost.
We would have, as a society, a huge archive of software, pay and free, to draw upon. Kind of like the library of Congress.
I'm sure I'm overlooking some negative points, but maybe with some inventive thinking this could be a good idea to propose... Any thoughts?
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2, Insightful)
In this context, if Microsoft wanted to stop selling Win 3.1, we should require that they make the code public domain (excluding any stuff owned by third parties that Microsoft was licensing). This should also be a requirement if the company goes bankrupt.
An shorter limit on software copyrights makes sense, but forcing the release of source code does not. For example, a large amount of Win 3.1 code might be used in Win 95. Forcing them to release the source could compromise a current product. And your licensing issue brings up a good point. Who is going to go through the code to determine who owns what? How many man hours would that take for a large product? What if know one remaining at the company knows? This is a big factor in the open sourcing of many programs. The Open Watcom project is a good example of this. The original DOOM used a licensed library for sound on DOS, so they couldn't release that, even though the rest of the source was released.
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2)
- full disclosure
of the idea. The concept was to foster innovation because the details of the innovation had to be disclosed and others could base their own inventions on that.Note that the IP issue on opening the source would then largely dissappear because the version of the libraries used by the openned source would have the same limit on protection.
Actually what does really happen with closed source projects that have been openned is that the open substitues are found or developed for the closed source components.
With large companies such as Microsoft or more actually with regards to Open Source, HP, they use patented technology which they cross-license. That is HP may have a patent in something that Compaq want and vice vera so a deal is made for licensing Compaq's technology. This is great for closed source projects but it can't work for Open Source. A company like HP has lots of patents of its own so it is easy for them to cross-license. This may not even be noted in the code, so the overhead of checking what is subject to which deal is a headache.
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2)
The point is simply this: When software is allowed to remain under copyright for as long as present american-plutocratic-law allows, it stiffles real innovation, it enables absurd manipulation of the software landscape by using your once-state-of-the-art and successfull pc of S/W to entrench because (here we switch to business principles which (C) law appears to serve...) the barriers to entry in the software market become ever greater and greater...
Imagine if M$ simply refused to stop updating Windows... how long would it be before GNU/Linux (or some other thing) rose to dominance? 10? 20? 30 Years?
This situation is brought about by moronic "intellectual-property" law in USofAmerica.
IN short, s/w copy-rights should be for no more than 3 years (or so) then all source is released. You see, Copyright is an artifical agreement that gentle(wo)men created... its intent should be re-integrated into its practice... which it CERTAINLY is not now. Copyright is meant to reward creators (not corporations-but thats another disussion) to be compensated for their nebulous creations... its not natural law - its an 'agreement'.
Im betting you have some libertarian ideals (just a guess based on the tone of your comment)...and you dont like to be 'forced' to do anything, neither do i frankly... so how about this: If i can't "make" you release your source, then *you* can not "make" me not make a copy of something.
Now we are back at that 'this is not natural law but an agreement' idea again...
OT: This, i believe, is where libertarian-ism becomes a little kludgy, most libertarians are simply Tin-Foil hat McCarthy-ites afraid of Gummint. Free-market capitalism + Libertarian-ism == survival of the wealthiest... which ends up with royalty and peasants... and this ends up with R evolution.
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2)
Your examples are completely off-base. There is no parallel between client-attorney privilage and copyright law.
Your objection is completely off base, because this discussion has nothing to do with copyright law. This isn't about the removal of copyright protection. It's about COMPELLING people to turn over secret and/or private information.
Re:Criminalizing secrets (Score:2)
However, works that no one cared about, by default were "donated" to the public domain.
And this did not mean that your private info had to be distributed to anyone.
But that's exactly what's being discussed. Forcing people to distribute their private information (in this case, source code). It's one thing to let a government-supplied protection expire. It's something else to compel an author/owner to do something he/she doesn't want to do.
[OT] Textmode Quake 2 (Score:5, Funny)
from the we-will-be-getting-duplicate-submissions-of-this-
and given your recent track record i guess you'll post it a couple more times as well   ;-)
Re:[OT] Textmode Quake 2 (Score:1)
Re:[OT] Textmode Quake 2 (Score:3, Funny)
On Taco, on Hemos, on Michael! Post those dupes!
Re:[OT] Textmode Quake 2 (Score:1)
Oh wait
All right! Now I've got a use for... (Score:2)
This is the most perverse, bizarre, absolutely *useless* thing I've seen in a long time. Damn, I wish I'd thought of it first...
A Horrible Rift (Score:4, Funny)
In related news, astrophysicists everywhere stood in amazement as the expanding universe slowed, stopped, and began to collapse back on itself.
Also of note, astronomers in the Northern Hemisphere were baffled by the apperance of a new constilation. The collection of never-before-seen stars actually spelled out a phrase. "1 0wn3d j00" could clearly be read in Hebrew.
How do you write 1337speak in hebrew? (Score:1)
Re:How do you write 1337speak in hebrew? (Score:1)
(the equilevent of A = 1, the equilevent of Z was 400)
a very weird system, nowadays Israelis use the normal numeric system.
Re:A Horrible Rift (Score:1)
Don't you mean in the days of Noah? (Noah's Ark, big flood, etc, etc...)
So Paint The ASCII Green And ... (Score:3, Offtopic)
Keanu: "What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge rockets?"
Bad Mutha Lawrence Fishburne the III:"No, Keanu. I'm trying to tell you that, when you're ready
Keanu: (pauses) "Dude, you just don't want me camping on the railgun, do you?"
Bad Mutha Lawrence Fishburne the III: "Damn, you've figured me out! Now eat my boomstick!"
Re:So Paint The ASCII Green And ... (Score:1)
easy to do on most any linux system that uses the color
setterm -foreground green -background black
limit as neat factor approaches zero (Score:1)
No color? (Score:3, Interesting)
While I think this is pretty neat (porting a 3D game to text), the screenshot makes it apparent to me that playing the game in black and white would suck. It's hard to distinguish the stairs to the right of you, you can hardly make out the gun, and the crosshairs aren't even visible. What good is a first person game without visible crosshairs?
Bravo for porting Q2, but could we please get some color?
Re:No color? (Score:3, Funny)
Dude, get a felt tip pen and draw one on your monitor.
Re:No color? (Score:1, Troll)
I've not played it, and it seems neither have you, but I do know that there is a graphics library to allow any program to be converted from VGA to ascii, I don't know if this builds off it or not.
Wow, what a totally useless post. Well anyway, this is Slashdot, so I guess I get to wildly speculate. (I should have tried to pass it off as if I knew for sure though, in true Slashdot style)
ahhhhhhh! (Score:1)
Just how fast is it? (Score:2)
Could you play this on a Pentium 100, for instance? How about over a telnet or ssh session?
What would be the bps limitations?
I just have visions of labs of vt100s connected for a quick frag between class...
It's as fast as your network (Score:3, Funny)
You are in a dark room.
An imp has shot you.
darkness decends, you are dead.
There was a page of text characters that represented a dark room for most of the above transaction. I'll attibute the blazing display of that page on the awsome power of the token ring network adaptor used.
Re:It's as fast as your network (Score:2, Funny)
No, no - it's more like this:
I beat them to it. (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm updating my homepage right now with some screenshots, see it at my homepage [nanosoft.ca].
It's up now (Score:1)
At the time, I didn't think this worthy of posting to slashdot. Hehehe.
Next logical step... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Next logical step... (Score:1)
As for using it as a BBS door game, that would be pretty slick, but a huge security hole. But how about adding RIP or NAPLPS graphics?
This has been done with Quake2: (Score:4, Interesting)
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=aalib
You would get the same results. And, when you get quickly bored of it, the same binary can do the regular graphics, too.
(SDL just uses AAlib as one of the drivers, so effectively, you get the same end result with either project, but this is more unified, and unified is good.)
Relnev's project page [icculus.org] and cvs-over-the-web [icculus.org].
Text Mode Porn is Next (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Text Mode Porn is Next (Score:2, Interesting)
ASCII Porn has been around a long time, my friend (Score:2)
Blind FPS Interface (Score:1)
What are the possibilities for a useable interface for the blind to first person real time games on the net?
Maybe a big brail grid (3x3) with something like this being rendered? Coming up with character standards for color/depth?
Re:Blind FPS Interface (Score:3, Interesting)
are you sure... (Score:1, Funny)
Worthy? (Score:1)
-This isn't flamebait, I just don't understand why this is a "good" story.
I can now _REALLY_ enjoy... (Score:1)
That's it! I'm not human!! (Score:5, Funny)
1. Music
2. Prenatal sonograms
3. tty Quake and Quake2
Now, I've been able to see those "optical illusions" in the Sunday funnies. I can even read hiragana, katakana and a few Kanji characters as well. But those three things and probable a few others I can't think of right now escape me entirely!
I can't "see" the sound it's [music] supposed to make. I can't "see" the baby and I certainly can't tell if it has a penis or not. I can't tell where I'm going on those screens!!!
Am I alone in this?!
Shh! (Score:2)
It's like this, erroneus: No one on Slashdot - in fact, no one at all, not even the creators - can play tt or aa quake. Very few people - perhaps no one - can even compile any version of textmode quake. But saying we can compile and play it makes us sound very smart and techy to the uninformed, so for the sake of us all-
SHUT THE [EXPLETIVE] UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough is enough (Score:1)
An upgrade (Score:5, Interesting)
Well, It wouldnt compile. (Score:2)
Had to get the files q2source-3.21.zip and quake2-ref_softaa-0.1.tar.gz
then it complained of some files missing, had to get MesaLib-4.0.1.tar.gz and svgalib-1.4.3.tar.gz. Dont know if they are the correct version but it had the includes It needed.
gcc -Dstricmp=strcasecmp -g -fPIC -I/usr/local/src/Mesa-2.6/include -I/usr/include/glide -o debugi386-glibc/ref_gl/gl_draw.o -c
In file included from
../ref_gl/qgl.h:484: parse error before `0x84C0'
make[1]: *** [debugi386-glibc/ref_gl/gl_draw.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/temp/quake2-3.21/linux'
make: *** [build_debug] Error 2
Any ideas?
Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work. - Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)
Life imitating art? (or whatever passes) (Score:2, Interesting)
Hmm... interesting... (Score:1)
I'd be interested to see how people manage to get a text-mode wallhack for text-mode CounterStrike...
Paper Quake (Score:3, Funny)
Cool (Score:2, Funny)
think that's twisted? (Score:2)
What would be really neat would be something that converted bitmap displays into *line* art.
what about color ? (Score:2, Interesting)
What about something like a textmode vnc ? For things like playing textmode quake it could be much better than the old style telnet.
Oh, I get it (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Oh, I get it (Score:2, Funny)
Oops. Just reinvented the MUD. Damn.
Someone actually did that for doom (Score:3, Interesting)
More AA Lib Action in an X Server! (Score:3, Informative)
Maybe that'd work with xquake?
Eh, I won't get excited... (Score:2)
Re:I have just one question..... (Score:1)
I think someone's already done that.
Re:I have just one question..... (Score:3, Funny)
You don't need to - recent versions of windows already has a program (called kernel32) that randomly renders your wallpaper as a blue screen with indecipherable text upon it. It's not usually enabled with a straight out of the box install of windows though. Best way to get the blue text renderer going is to actually try and do some serious work with your windows computer. Ensuring that you do not save your work for at least an hour will often cause the renderer to appear as well.
Hope this helps.
Re:I have just one question..... (Score:2)
Really? My Win2K box crashes on me in games sometimes, but I'm using reference drivers and hot-rodded BIOS settings, so I guess I don't blame it. Actually, it usually just locks up rather than actually blue-screening.
I've never had a crash through normal (non-gaming) use, though. But I don't do any development on it, that's all in Linux because after all, *nix is the only serious choice for real work. ;-D
Re:I have just one question..... (Score:2)
So, you're saying that the original Quake in graphics mode is not a waste of time? Hasn't this one family of programs been one of the biggest drains of people's productivity, educational potential and physical health since the introduction of TV and alchohol?
I cringe when I think of how much more I could have accomplished by now using the time I've wasted playing computer games.
At least this hacker probably learned something new by doing this.
Re:I have just one question..... (Score:1)
You're right. He can now make ASCII images of porn, and jack off to text.
Re:P.O.S. (Score:1)
Re:Textmode Quake.... (Score:2, Informative)
Why not? You can watch TV in text mode [n00n.free.fr], you can play DVDs in text mode [mplayerhq.hu],
you can play Quake 1 in text mode [mr.net]. Quake II is the logical next step.
Or, as the author of ttyquake [mr.net] put it, "If you have to ask why, you're not a member of the intended audience."