Original Quake using Doom 3 Technology 177
tc writes "Charles Hollemeersch is currently developing a source port for the original Quake that adds "stencil shadows". Stencil shadows are extremely detailed and realistic. The results are very impressive. The code is apparently based on the same algorithms used in Doom 3." Sure makes me wish Quake looked this good the first time around, but I reckon my computer wouldn't have been able to render it fast enough to play it, either.
Not to be a dick (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Not to be a dick (Score:1, Offtopic)
THE frickin' topic itself is off-topic by being redundant!!!
Sad to say, but Slashdot seems to be slipping towards that sad reality where shortly the trolls will write "Slashdot is dying" and be 100% correct...
Re:Not to be a dick (Score:1)
Re:Not to be a dick (Score:1)
Maybe I should anyway.
Re:Not to be a dick (Score:1)
Re:Not to be a dick (Score:3, Funny)
They say if you enter zone 15 grasslands just before you see the chapel, you can still hear his heart beat.
Re:Not to be a dick (Score:1)
Frags: 2
(The first was *BSD, the second was George.)
CowboyNeal is posting stories? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:CowboyNeal is posting stories? (Score:1)
Roblimo posted a few too, and I usually only notice him posting once in a great while or posting interviews. Taco and Hemos planning a long vacation?
Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:1, Offtopic)
seriously, the editors have stopped trying. i mean i like Slashdot, i like CowboyNeal, but they've stopped trying.
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:1)
At least this time they got the new features right. Last time, they were touting the vis-patched transparent water, of all things! That's anything but unique to this hack, given that transparent water (with the proper vis calculations, thus the need to vis-patch pre-made maps) was a feature of the original glquake back in 1997 or so.
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:2)
Honestly, you can't claim to be the victim if you provoked it.
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe people are rude at this point because its rediculous. There is NO good reason for this to still be happening.
The slashdot team are treating their users like crap. They're taking us for granted, and frankly, the users make the site.
They don't even read their own site. How much more clear can it get than that? THEY don't even like their product anymore.
But they had no problem asking for subscription money, and they were quick to implement bigger ads.
Why is it when they want something it happens fast, but when we want one measly little feature out of them... we get no response?
Fine. Moderate me down, maybe I'm a little sick of this. But its frustration. I don't know what to do to change this, and its beginning to get to me. I like Slashdot, its frustrating watching something I really like die for a lack of attention by the guys in charge.
Maybe you can help me understand what I should be doing. I don't know PERL, and I have no pull in having them say... create a list of links they've posted. I don't know how to get their attention.
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:1, Insightful)
This thing doesn't write itself people.
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:1)
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:2)
I realize this won't work for everything since you don't always put links in submissions, but I'd say it'd cut down on a great number of them.
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:1)
Relax and give the developers a little credit... Slashdot rocks and the web would be a much more boring place without it.
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:1)
Back at LinuxWorld in Feb, 2001 (Score:2)
At the Slashcode BOFH, the QA session was interesting. I was working at Newsforge with Grant , Robin, etc, and we were all there. Someone mentioned duplicates, and this led to a question directed at us -- what do you use to not post duplicate stories?
Our reply? We always search, and we try to skim the headlines to make sure that we always know what's been posted. In the few cases that we do accidently post a dupe, we had no problems hiding the story so that people had more room to read real ones.
Of course, with Slascode, you could just add some perl to check if the URL of the target story matches a URL in a previous story body before posting, reducing all posts that point to the same website (which seems to be the common case). As for ones that point to different websites, that's where proper keyword based searching comes in.
"The slashdot team are treating their users like crap. They're taking us for granted, and frankly, the users make the site." maybe they just don't like having users who remember well. Maybe that's leading to a bit of an inversion, because more users who don't remember previous stories are clamouring to post their duplicates. Unless this was posted JUST by CowboyNeal, some of the blame has to fall on the idiot who submitted this dupe (probably a few hundred times).
Damn fine site (Score:1)
Re:Hey, I Searched Slashdot For "Quake".... (Score:1)
I suppose it's a bit much to ask, considering that most people don't even read the link before posting, but if you'd take a moment to read my posting history you'd see that I've refrained from Slashdot-bashing in the 5 years or so I've been posting.
I think I know what happend! (Score:2, Funny)
Editors, like, smoke a LOT of weed. Or something. I think Clinton was there.
Like, wow! (offtopic) (Score:1, Offtopic)
Linquists examine the changing meaning of the word "Like" and its uses in modern speech. [thestar.com] You appear to be using the "hedging" form:
Firstposters is cool (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Firstposters is cool (Score:1)
Nice! (Score:2)
Dear god! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Dear god! (Score:2)
apachectl stop
MMMM Quake (Score:1)
Re:MMMM Quake (Score:2)
Seriously, what do you mean with still good?
Re:MMMM Quake (Score:1)
put the cd in and have a run with it... it's not that hard.
Re:MMMM Quake (Score:2)
*I* mean that the original poster should ask himself if other games are better, not if Quake has become worse. Since it's exactly the same as before.
Re:MMMM Quake (Score:2)
Even after 6-7 years after it's introduction, it's not even close to dead. A lot of QuakeWorld competition goes on in Europe, for example.
In fact, there are actually probably more Quake1 players than Quake2 players left (while Quake3 was slowly dieing, but seems to have come back alive and kicking after QuakeCon).
Re:MMMM Quake (Score:1)
Re:MMMM Quake (Score:1)
Thanks slashdot ! (Score:1)
for repost cases (Score:3, Funny)
Aproximating that there is around 67,000 readers who peek into this story at this hour,around 95 people who actually make a comment, 40 people who make a comment but hit the cancel button, and 140 people who try to make a comment but do not come up with anything, this simulational mechnanism could save aproximately (95 * 3 mins) + (40 * 2 mins) + (140 * 4 mins) = 3160 minutes. If one hour of work of an average slashdotted costs $100, the savings would be around $5266,67. Think about the effect on GNP!
Re:for repost cases (Score:2)
Re:for repost cases (Score:2)
Re:for repost cases (Score:2)
I don't make that either - but I talked about the effect on GNP ;) GNP == "An estimate of the total money value of all the final goods and services produced in a given one-year period by the factors of production owned by a particular country's residents"
So, in other words the sum that your company charges from it's customer for your work. Or the value that it represents to your company. Atleast here in Europe, it's "about so" that if you are worth x to the company per hour, then you can divide this by around 1.8 - 3.2 to get your salary.
Re:for repost cases (Score:2)
Well using the high number I am worth about $32.50 an hour to my company.
Re:for repost cases (Score:2)
The sad thing was that what was supposed to be a network admin job (on NT4, yes I can hear the boos and hisses) turned out to be an endless parade of Win98 installs via Ghost in order to beat Y2K.
During a particularly slack time a few of us had a 2 week period with nothing to do, so I introduced the other guys to the Quake 2 demo (it was all that would run on those crappy compaqs decently).
We figured out that with the average charges of our different companies we cost taxpayers about 41,000+ dollars for our little Quake 2 break.
Re:for repost cases (Score:1)
Transparency isn't really new in quake. (Score:1, Informative)
Sprites? Didn't Carmack say he only used three sprites in quake? Or was that quake 2.. no, I think it's the original quake that only had three or so sprites (waterbubbles and something and another).. ah.. I found it on google [google.com].
We coded lots of ways for sprites to behave (allways perpendicular, pivot along Z to face origin, pivot on Z to be parallel to view plane, fixed orientation), but we wound up only having three sprites in the entire game: explosions, drowning bubble, and a gold ball light in the registered version....
As for the doom-engine games, there's already DooM Legacy [newdoom.com] which features TCP/IP network play and split-screen two-player mode on one computer, and more.
Re:Transparency isn't really new in quake. (Score:1, Informative)
so? (Score:2, Funny)
Dejavu!!! (Score:1)
Why ? (Score:1)
Oh yes - because you can.
So effectively, what we have, is the same old game, which now looks tired and primitive, with some, well, for want of a better description, shadows !
Whoop de do
And the kicker is, it'll only work on GeForce cards and will run slowly on anything below a GeForce2 GTS - Wonderful !
Anyway, I'm sure I read this story somewhere before ...
Re:Why ? (Score:2)
Look at me! I'm using my misunderstanding of the point to appear like I'm more grounded in reality than everybody else! Whoop de do
Re:Why ? (Score:5, Interesting)
Or, you have a vehicle that allows you to play around with 3D graphics programming without having to go through the whole hassle of writing your own engine, creating some programmer art test data, etc. This guy could've written his own engine, but then it'd be a couple years before we'd see anything, if we ever did (not to mention, that wouldn't show up on Slashdot -- there are quite a few people that dabble in this area). He could've added it to one of the already-existing open source engines, like Crystal Space, but then he'd have to go to the trouble of generating test data (and few programmers are also artists, so it would be more difficult to impress people because they'd get hung up on the bad programmer art and not look past it to the neat effects he's made). Or, he could use the existing Quake 1 engine, leveraging the existing models, maps, textures, AI code, etc, and bolt on his enhancements. The latter is the best option if you're just playing around with some neat ideas you've read about. The first option is good if you want to learn how to write an engine. The second is probably best if your goal is to write a game.
You complain that he's modified old software with new techniques, and then you complain that it doesn't run well on old hardware. Face it -- the anything older than the GeForce2 is old hardware. Get over it. Given a sufficiently powerful CPU (say, a p3-1GHz) and a sufficiently low screen resolution (800x600 or less), I'm sure you'd get playable speeds from this. You wouldn't want to compete online with this client, but then it's not a qw client anyway. Plus, it's still Quake, so all of your old Quake speed-related optimizations will still work.
Re:Why ? (Score:1)
I am still trying to buy the original quake version, but cannot seem to find it in any stores. Anyone know of any stores still selling it?
Re:Why ? (Score:1)
Ultimate Quake [gamestop.com] includes Q1, Q2, and Q3a. Maybe it's a waste of money if you already have Q2 or Q3a separately, but $30 isn't bad, and it's the only way I've seen lately to get Q1.
Actually, nevermind -- I just checked id's site [idsoftware.com], and you can buy Quake 1 [esellerate.net] by itself for $30 (as a download, you get no official media). At that price, you'd be better off picking up Ultimate Quake and giving away the Q2 and Q3a disks if you don't need them. For the same $30, you actually get the games on CD.
Shadows aren't the only thing. (Score:2)
In addition, he also implemented bumpmapping/glossmapping. Unfortunately the bumpmaps/glossmaps he's using in the demo are kind of... ugly. But the engine DOES support high-res TGA textures/bumpmaps/glossmaps. I tried downloading a few high-res textures/bumpmaps from a texture archive and slapping them into a test map - The results were... Amazing. The engine is NOWHERE close to its full potential.
(I'd post the testmap/textures somewhere but my cable modem connection is apparently down so I can't access my home box from work.)
Re:Shadows aren't the only thing. (Score:1)
Did you read my post at all? (Score:2)
I tried using some high-res textures/bumpmaps I found and the difference was amazing - MUCH better.
Re:Shadows aren't the only thing. (Score:1)
Re:Shadows aren't the only thing. (Score:1)
Still doesn't answer the issue about the inability to tweak the gamma correction. Some of the subterranian levels are completly unplayable with this added on.
Re:Shadows aren't the only thing. (Score:1)
It's nice to see CowboyNeal (Score:2, Funny)
Re-Post of "Tenebrae Quake" (Score:4, Informative)
(meta) reposts?! (Score:2)
Perhaps a flag could be added to stories once they are identified as reposts, and logged-in users given the option to hide such confirmed reposts?
Just a thought.
What's the point... (Score:1)
Why not just re-create the original quake levels using the Doom-3 Engine when level editors come out?!?
That at least would have been at least slightly original...recreating all of the old monsters in the new 3D format etc...and I bet ID's code runs a tad faster than this guys...what a waste of time.
Re:What's the point... (Score:1)
The point is not always what you think it is.
From the author's perspective, which is really the only one that matters, the point may just have been a programming exercise, or something he thought would be cool to do. And I'd hardly call stretching one's horizons a "waste of time".
Why not just re-create the original quake levels using the Doom-3 Engine when level editors come out?!?
You do it, then. Then, at least, you'd have some justification to complain about the apparent pointlessness of this approach.
Repost maddness (Score:1)
Nooooooooo, again!!! (Score:3, Funny)
(yes, we belgians read slashdot too
- bram
in other slashdot.org news (Score:3, Funny)
News for Nerds, Stuff thats *reposted*.
--zekiorageRe:in other slashdot.org news (Score:1)
Re:in other slashdot.org news (Score:2)
Why CowboyNeal ? (Score:1)
This is a dupe, postet by CowboyNeal, not even by timothy
Daja Vu Or Groundhog Day? (Score:1)
Personally, I don't know how slashdot is operated, but there should be some sort of system setup that prevents so much duplicate stories. I'm no programmer, but i'm sure something like that can't be that hard.
*shurgs* It's not like dupe stories pisses me off, it the idea that another "fresh" story could be in its place. Everytime i see a duplicate i feel like i'm missing out on a Good StoryTM because of it.
darn it ... (Score:1)
Reruns (Score:3, Funny)
Sure makes me wish Quake looked this good the first time around
How about an OS X port?? (Score:2)
Re:How about an OS X port?? (Score:1)
doesn´t work on tnt2 (Score:1)
perhaps it works only with HW T&L ?
Stencil shadows?! (Score:1)
Volumetric shadows use a projected volume (in simplified terms) to "cast" a shadow onto any object and surface as a real shadow would, including casting the shadow onto curves, surfaces at angles, self shadowing, and shadowing multiple objects/surfaces. Another name for this type is "shadow volumes". Both methods can employ the use of the stencil buffer.
Since I can't actually see any of the screenshots on the referenced web page, and at times can't even get to the page, I can't decide which method is actually in use.
Stencil shadows in the Quake I engine would be nice. Volumetric shadows would be an achievement.
Re:Stencil shadows?! (Score:1)
Re:Stencil shadows?! (Score:1)
Unless I finish the DPGE engine and Navy SEALs: Dev. Group first. (I use light maps, bump mapping, and shadow volumes)
I doubt I will though, I have to spend too much time doing work that pays my bills, and working on DPGE does not fill this need.
Filter? (Score:2)
Instead of bitching about double posts (Score:1)
Its like you complainers want a mother bitchin cookie or something just becuase you read slashdot every five minutes... probably more.
Re:Instead of bitching about double posts (Score:2)
reruns (Score:2)
some of the difference is in... (Score:1)
Screen Shots (Score:1)
Worse than repeated posts - repeated comments (Score:1)
this is better? (Score:1)
Real shadows are soft, and become less noticeable at a distance.
The area lighting is a big improvement, but it also removes some of the simulated radiosity that was originally part of the Quake surfaces. (look at before & after page #1)
I also think the specular highlights have been way overdone. Every surface seems to be very shiny (and bumpy), and it really shows off the low resolution of the textures.
Or maybe I'm just expecting too much of this brand new expensive nvidia 750xgl. I'll have to spend a few more thousand for really nice shadows.
Re:Dupe! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Dupe! (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Dupe! (Score:1, Funny)
Don't mess with /. story posters... (Score:1)
Re:phirst poast yeah yeah sugarbear (Score:1, Funny)
You are either very ecletic or very confused.
Re:phirst poast yeah yeah sugarbear (Score:1)
Re:whatever (Score:1)
(the numbering is mine, not the original poster's)
So have at it. Let's break it down by points what you would need to do:
As for "etc", well, there are literally hundreds of things you could do to advance the state of the Quake code. Add a better particle engine. Revamp the models with more polys. Rearchitect the engine so it doesn't bog down so much when there are a lot of polys on-screen. Id kindly released the source code, so you could do these things if you want.
Re:The famous spelling and grammar troll v1.3 (Score:2)
When spoken aloud, there would be emphasis on the word "could". The implication being that while it is possible to care less, it would not be feasible.
Re:Slashdot is dying. (Score:1)
Re:Redundant! (Score:1)
It was probably modded as redundant because a hundred other people posted that it was a repost. Oh well, shit happens.
Re:Slashdotted or wrong link at the site? (Score:1)
Re:Please STOP reposting previous stories! (Score:1)
what next "old story #511 XP edition"