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Xbox, PS2 Get Near-Simultaneous European Price Cuts 22

Thanks to Reuters/CNET for the news that both the Xbox and PlayStation 2 have received price cuts in Europe, as: "Microsoft said it would cut 25 percent off the price of its Xbox in continental Europe, bringing the price to 149.99 euros ($183.70). The software giant also cut the U.K. price to 99.99 pounds ($183.10) from 129.99 pounds ($236.96)." Almost immediately following this: "Market leader Sony cut the price of its top-selling PlayStation 2 console by a quarter to 105 pounds ($191.43) in the United Kingdom and to between 149 euros ($183.74) and 159 euros ($196.05) in the euro zone." adds: "Retailers will hope to see a significant sales boost for both consoles from the price cuts, much as was experienced by US retail back in June when Microsoft, and then Sony, slashed the price of their consoles within the space of a month of each other."
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Xbox, PS2 Get Near-Simultaneous European Price Cuts

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  • but buying eight or ten games would bring my investment up to the price of a decent (not top-of-the-line, bought in parts) computer, which I would greatly prefer.
    • 8 games with 20+ hours of gameplay vs a computer and 160+ hours of porn...

      Hmm, the decision is difficult.
    • by MadChicken ( 36468 ) on Wednesday August 18, 2004 @07:16PM (#10007923) Homepage Journal
      I hate gaming on my computer (OK RTSs are the exception). Installation problems, crashes, driver problems, endless upgrades, being hunched over a desk...

      But let's look at this face value...

      Let's see, for $120 you get Windows, $300 gets you a video card, $100 a hard drive, $100 for RAM... and no actual computer yet. No game controllers, no mouse/kb.

      Then you pay $30-50 per game ANYWAY. I'd say you sure don't know how to bargain shop...

      Or is this computer just for nethack?
      • If I used my computer for just gaming, you'd be right. Windows, video card, mainboard, etc are going to cost more than an XBOX or PS2. But, install Linux, and I can use my computer for other things as well (music, movies, writing, programming, etc). I spend more time doing stuff like that than I do gaming.

        Plus, most games I play are FPS, and I never liked Halo specifically because of the controller. Too used to mouse and kb. And with the computer, an added bonus: nethack!

        • Several points that just don't add up here though. A console costs less than the extra CPU/Memory and graphics card power required to play the equivalent games on a PC. There is very little justification for that power for doing anything else. You could easily have a console and a very standard PC for less money (I do, a 533Mhz Via with 256MB of Ram runs Windows XP perfectly adequately).

          Of course most games you play are FPS; you use a PC for gaming, there's not exactly much option!

      • *Then you pay $30-50 per game ANYWAY. I'd say you sure don't know how to bargain shop...*

        no you don't, if you play nethack.

        or any of the gazillion free/trial games which simply are not just available for consoles(demo cd's don't count).
      • Obviously you're not looking at a PC for it is a face value by the statements you are making.

        Since you are taking in only the assumption that one would only use a PC for playing games, then yes it is not worth it.

        However the reality is is that most people do not use a PC only for the purpose of playing games. PC's are open ended, and allow endless possiblities. Console are not.
    • "but buying eight or ten games would bring my investment up to the price of a decent (not top-of-the-line, bought in parts) computer, which I would greatly prefer."

      So what'd you post that comment with, a TI-85?
    • This is modded Interesting? As soon as ANY console article gets published, some snot has to post his attempt to start a PC Vs Console flame war. Congratulations, you prefer PC games. Go enjoy your latest Online Deathmatch HeadShot 3000 XP game and bugger off.

      If you have any genuine comments about the cost of consoles in Europe, feel free to return.

    • Piracy? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Xenex ( 97062 )
      But you'd still need to spend money to buy eight or ten computer games.

      Unless you're trying to encourage piracy.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Sales slow, prices get cut, sales go back up. Happened over here with the Gamecube, then the Xbox, then the PlayStation 2. *yawn*
  • I can't wait till the xbox get's even cheaper so I can build an xbox cluster (Not PS though, too hard to program on, plus xbox is x86 so no porting of code needed) but it'll be awhile before I upgrade my "cluster dream" from dreamcast to xbox *sigh*
  • Excellent news (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Sockatume ( 732728 ) on Wednesday August 18, 2004 @08:51PM (#10008600)
    Considering how well the PS shifted units at that price point, things should really pick up. One concern is how this will affect the handhelds launched next year, though... the NDS will probably cost more than the GC's current RRP, and the PSP's price will most likely be ludicrous in comparison to the XBox and PS2. Of course, this is hardly new, as the GBA SP currently costs more than the GameCube, and it doesn't seem to have dramatically affected sales of either unit.
  • Bad PS2 (Score:3, Insightful)

    by superpulpsicle ( 533373 ) on Wednesday August 18, 2004 @09:14PM (#10008734)
    I got a PS2 with a grindy gear near the lens. Or maybe the lens went to hell.

    I am so tempted to buy a new PS2... but only at $99.

    • You can actually have Sony fix that for free, if you're willing to be without it for 2-3 weeks. Or you can open it yourself and using some compressed air, clean out the crap that's giving you those errors. But ultimately the laser unit will fail. I say make Sony fix their well known defect [] for free while they still offer it.
  • No interesting comment, just an observation... it amazes me that the PS@, which I believe is something like two generations behind the XBOX, is still able to compete and win without any real trouble at all.
    • Re:ps2 Vs. XBOX (Score:2, Insightful)

      by HeridFel ( 740968 )
      There's a number of reasons. Here's some.

      1. PS2 was out first. People bought it, were less likely to buy another console to share their TV with.

      2. PS2 was backward compatible. Kids could say to their parents that it was an upgrade, not a replacement, and that the $$$ they'd spent on PS1 games wasn't a complete waste.

      3. PS2 has a massive catalog of games. Developers might prefer other hardware, but management looked at installed user base and decided a PS2 port was necessary for virtually every

      • d) Since XBox's just a PC in a strange case, the games crash a lot.
        I haven't seen a console game crash since back in the PS1 days.

        But then I haven't played Driv3r....

  • by bwalling ( 195998 ) on Thursday August 19, 2004 @12:34PM (#10014695) Homepage
    149.99 euros ($183.70) and 149 euros ($183.74)

    Did the exchange rate change between the time that you calculated the first amount and the time you calculated the second amount?

How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One to hold the giraffe and one to fill the bathtub with brightly colored power tools.
