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XBox (Games)

The Halo 2 Council of Celebrities 58

An anonymous reader writes "I just read about this over at VH1.com. It's called the Halo 2 Council, and it's made up of celebrities who get to play Halo 2 in advance of the launch. Don't expect to join, though. This council is only open to societies' most respected artists and intellectuals: Linkin Park, Hoobastank, some guy that plays sports, a girl that appeared on Friends, and an actor from The 0.C."
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The Halo 2 Council of Celebrities

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  • by WhatAmIDoingHere ( 742870 ) <sexwithanimals@gmail.com> on Sunday October 24, 2004 @03:07PM (#10615447) Homepage
    When they are done playing Halo 2, NASA has requested their advice on plants for the mars trip.

    Don't you just love people who are famous because of their fame?
    • Yes, and I'm sure NASA is doing much better by refering to the comments on Slashdot to map out their next 50 missions.
      • by servognome ( 738846 ) on Sunday October 24, 2004 @09:25PM (#10617603)
        NASA Administrator: Team, what should our next mission be?
        NASA Scientist 1: First Post!! (+3 funny)
        NASA Scientist 2: FP! OMG LOL!! (-1 redundant)
        NASA Scientist 3: We should bring back some Mars rocks to research planetary formation so we can understand if it had a strong magnetic field early during its formation. Of course MY projects never get funded because you are too shortsigthed and continue to soak up resources for the doomed ISS (+2 Interesting [50% Interesting, 50% Troll])
        NASA Scientist 4: I for one welcome out Martian Rock Overlords (+3 Funny [70% Funny, 30% Overrated])
        NASA Scientist 1: 1. Spend billions on rock collecting mission, 2. ???, 3. Profit! (0 [100% Overrated])
        Anonymous Coward: You guys are a bunch of dorks, stop spending my tax dollars, go home to your parents basement and play D&D, and let private companies do space exploration. (+5 Funny [20% Interesting, 80% Funny])
  • I'm so Emo (Score:4, Funny)

    by DreadPiratePizz ( 803402 ) on Sunday October 24, 2004 @03:15PM (#10615491)
    I used to pan friends who complained when their favorite punk bands broke into the mainstream. It's about the music, not the fame! Well, I'm feeling a little of that now, having been with Bungie from the beginning. I'm so Emo.
  • by LordOfYourPants ( 145342 ) on Sunday October 24, 2004 @03:28PM (#10615556)
    As a well-deserved reward for admitting in public that they've seen a screenshot of a PC game in the past, celebrities have been given the opportunity to play a pre-release version of Team Fortress 2 which is scheduled to be out "sometime soon."

    Not only will they receive a copy of TF2, but they will receive a gold-plated Personal Computer (a modern device which does calculations) with which to play them on.

    Now let's take a look at the chosen few:

    Noam Chomsky, the post-modern Thor Aeckurlund of gaming gods (and a decent linguist too) was quoted as saying "I'm going to be all over this like media on East Timor."

    Boutrous Boutros-Ghali, upon seeing how the gold-plated computer would fit snugly into his SUV's front panel was heard saying "We will unite the nations through team gameplay and a global punkbuster."

    George W Bush was concerned as to whether or not the game would work on all three of his Internets but was quickly calmed by Gore who said it would work on all of the ones he invented.

    Finally, to round out the chosen four, a copy was given to Bill O'r^]CONNECTION LOST
  • by Zarks ( 783916 ) on Sunday October 24, 2004 @03:30PM (#10615567)
    What about the thousands who have dl/d the leaked version off the net and played that? Do they get to join?

    That club doesn't sound so exclusive any more.
    • More importantly, how will they discriminate this from the leaked copy of Halo 2 - will they just ask the Councilmen not to play online?

      Well, they could just ban the French version, but then they'd have to admit that the North American Halo 2 won't be banned, and someone would either filch a copy of that or mod the French one to make it look American.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Just fire up your ftp and grab your copy thanks to Diffusion release group.

    Oh BTW, make sure you speak french or can read English subtitles.
  • surprise surprise (Score:4, Insightful)

    by bmnc ( 643126 ) on Sunday October 24, 2004 @03:32PM (#10615578)
    now that Bungie is famous (/ with MS) the "nerds" (game players) who were their "friends" from the beginning get dumped for the "cool kids" (largely telentless celebrities IMO).

    Why is Bungie not letting dedicated fans play Halo2 before launch? (rhetorical question)
    • BTW: The club i supposedly based on ability to play Halo/Halo2. I'm willing to bet I could whip any/all of them, 20 to nil, they choose the map and rules. Where is the competition for the tricked out XBOX for the dedicated/not celebrity Halo fans?
    • Why is Bungie not letting dedicated fans play Halo2 before launch?

      Actual answer:

      Because dedicated fans don't have a high marketing value.

      Better answer: They do. They're called Bungie Employees.
    • Re:surprise surprise (Score:3, Informative)

      by Have Blue ( 616 )
      Bungie has let dedicated fans play Halo 2 before launch on many occasions, such as E3.
      • Bungie has let dedicated fans play Halo 2 before launch on many occasions, such as E3.

        Well, if you're a dedicated fan who also works in the industry, for a retailer like Electronics Boutique or as a member of the press, then you might have played it at E3. In years past, running a single web page with some gaming news was enough to constitute gaming press, but they've cracked down on that in recent years.

      • I believe PAX had Halo 2 as well.
    • by patternjuggler ( 738978 ) on Sunday October 24, 2004 @04:57PM (#10616022) Homepage
      now that Bungie is famous (/ with MS) the "nerds" (game players) who were their "friends" from the beginning get dumped for the "cool kids"

      Why is Bungie not letting dedicated fans play Halo2 before launch? (rhetorical question)

      I'm guessing they "want" some "free" advertising on Entertainment Tonight (tv show with viewership largely unaware of Halo or the sequel). The "friends/nerds" (paying customers) of Bungie have already pre-ordered the game. The game is so huge that there is no one who pays attention to games that doesn't know about it- they have to put previews in movie theaters, stage strange stuff like ilovebees, and get some people who are recognizable and good-looking to get their picture taken playing the game in order to reach out to a bigger market.

    • I'd just like to thank everyone who took the time to answer my RHETORICAL question. Cheers, your insight was much appreciated (Sorry to be harsh, Im just pissed off right now). Take a thought experiment: The largest, biggest and grestest sporting ground is made, eg for American Football. Its opening game is on nov 9. To hype the sports grounds the sponsors for the field do not ask the best teams to practice on the field in advance, instead they grab a random bunch of celebrities who kinda like American Fo
  • aye ehs dee eff (Score:2, Interesting)

    by u-238 ( 515248 )
    this is all part of the trend... it's now cool and "in" to be a "gamer"

    just take a look at the new G4TechTV, it's like MTV, quite literally, only with videogames. anyone who has that channel can corroborate with me on this.
    • Re:aye ehs dee eff (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Deaper ( 659229 )
      Umm no it's nothing like MTV... G4 TechTV actually features video games which is what it is made to do. MTV however hasn't been about music in years.
    • This explains the hordes of attractive women who surround me when I open up XCode and start building shaders.

      Thank you for clearing this up! I thought I had somehow become a rap star without my knowledge.
  • Respect artists.... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by (SM) Spacemonkey ( 812689 ) on Sunday October 24, 2004 @03:55PM (#10615704)
    This council is only open to societies' most respected artists and intellectuals: Linkin Park, Hoobastank, some guy that plays sports, a girl that appeared on Friends, and an actor from The 0.C."
    I hope that quote is sarcastic. Call me when Thom Yorke endorses halo... from the article within the article...
    The bands have contributed exclusive songs to the soundtrack of the much-anticipated video game "Halo 2." Although the songs won't be featured in the new game, each tune was inspired by the 3-year-old original "Halo," whose expansive terrain, advanced artificial intelligence and seamless gameplay raised the bar for first-person shooters. Halo 2: Original Soundtrack Volume One is due November 9, the same day the game hits stores. Hoobastank lend "Connected," while Breaking Benjamin offer "Blow Me Away." Although the members of each group are "Halo" fanatics, Incubus pay the biggest homage with a four-part musical epic called "The Odyssey." The 20-minute operetta actually came relatively easy to them, guitarist Mike Einziger said.
    What are all the real artisits doing bandaid this year or something? Seriously roll out Bono, this is a crime against humanity. Incubus doing a 20 minute opera that "came easy to them". Call me when Roger Walters starts playing Halo. And I saw this "Hoobastank" on some Video Music Awards... this so called rock band... the "drummer" was a drum machine and they had this poor guy on a chair up the back with a snare and one hat. Kids these days don't even know what a drum kit looks like. These bands have the highest fan to talent ratio in the history of popular music. Example A http://www.moad.org/member/Jon/FredShred.WMV [moad.org] Fred Durst unable to play guitar and butchering a modern classic. Example B: Nickleback singing the same song twice but calling it something different http://www.nintendorks.com/brandon/archives/000475 .php [nintendorks.com] and just last night... new pop princess Ashlee simpson found lip syncing on SNLhttp://www.collegehumor.com/news/ashlee_snl.wmv [collegehumor.com]
    Halo, halo my precious halo. You are a god among console fps, why, why lower yourself to this?
    • Well, thanks for putting these links up, you just saved my day!

      I had not yet made up my mind on Nickelback, it was more of a could-care-less attitude here, but this mp3 just did it for me! As well as the 2 videos, those were real great evidence for the decline of the "music industry" as we know it...

      Might be a reason for declining sales, now, might it now, if artists are as shitty as this?

    • These bands have the highest fan to talent ratio in the history of popular music.

      You may be forgetting New Kids On The Block and Vanilla Ice.

      I'm sure there are completely talentless "musicians" who were just as popular if you go further back too. :)
  • Hoobastank (Score:5, Funny)

    by delus10n0 ( 524126 ) on Sunday October 24, 2004 @06:21PM (#10616515)
    Someone should tell the Hoobastank lead singer to stop wasting time playing video games and learn how to actually sing.
  • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Since gaming is now a big selling market, and Big [engadget.com] Screen [philandlyndel.com] gaming (with live audiences) is becoming a little more popular, I wonder just how long until the gamers begin to gain popularity via reality TV shows such at "Idol".

    Can you imagine it? International Halo 2 Star. A cross between traditional gaming and WWF style acting? The possibilities are endless.

  • Bungie/MS should not be permitted to do this. It's just showing everyone is inferior to celebrities, that they do indeed get special privalegdes.
    • People are "inferior" to "celebrities" as long as "people" subscribe to the idea of this "inferior"ness.

      If you dont click on 'entertainment news' in the local newspapers web-page, on cnn.com or whatever.com they will see what "people" want to read.

      If you dont watch the "celebrities" on the television, the ratings will show what you ARE interested in.

      Do not complain about something you are not doing anything to change.

  • Aisha Tyler (Score:2, Interesting)

    by pawnIII ( 821440 )
    Ms. Tyler is a huge fan of Halo, and I could see allowing her to play it, since people say shes actually really good and played Halo 1 since the Xbox came out. The case that they get to play Halo2 is sweet though. Its a fact that Celebs get all the perks. Makes me less sad for Bungie/MS about the Halo2 leak, especially since I don't have an Xbox.
  • OOOOhhh look, Linkin Park plays Halo 2! I'm going to preorder my copy today. No wait, I'll preorder TWO!

    Bah, seriously though, from someone in advertising/marketing, this is just a bad move. I mean, celebrity endorsements are nice every now and then but people want to play video games, they don't want to sit and watch others play them instead, no matter how famous the people may be.

    And I think a large number of Halo players are mature to the point where they don't let celebrity endorsements determine what

    • I dunno, personally I thought Halo stunk, ok storyline, shitty guns (machine guns that shoots like a shotgun, wtf!?!?) redundant gameplay (how long do I have to shoot these flood guys?) the only cool thing was the usable vehicles...

      SO when i heard of Halo 2 i was like, who cares?

      But now that I hear hoobastank likes it I HAVE TO GET THIS GAME... and if britney spears was on the list I would pre-order.
  • they should get Ashlee Simpson to play too

    maybe she can lipsync a review of the game afterwards?
  • Maybe I'm in the minority on this, cause I know a number of gamers who like them, but I view Linkin' Park as a bunch of no-talent whiners who represent a lot that's wrong with music today. The fact that Bungie let them within 100 miles of anything Halo-related ( 1 or 2 ), drops my respect for them ten-fold.
  • Playing a game early is kind of bad, but star treatment at E3 really pisses me off. It's supposed to be a convention/trade show for game industry professionals to show off their new stuff to each other and to game magazine/review site folks.

    The average game fan can't get in (without some social engineering anyway) or at least has to spend a long time in line for the most popular games. But some shitheel like Carmen Electra can waltz right up to any game they want to play.
  • (please don't lable this as funny because its supposed to be serious)

    MS: Hey guys we have a bunch of money and free stuff that we think is cool and don't want anyone else have, what should we do with it.
    ::A group of celebrities walk down the street::
    MS: Hey Look! Rich people! Lets give them money and free stuff! Because everyone knows they are elite gamers!
    Rich people: WOW! money and free stuff, no way! This never happens to us! And look a portable X-box! Thats so cool, now I can play X-box in my luxu

Human resources are human first, and resources second. -- J. Garbers
