Guild Wars World Preview Event Details 35
Beginning this weekend is another chance for prospective players to check out Guild Wars, the upcoming free MMOG by ArenaNet and NCSoft. If you're interested you can download the client in preparation for this Friday's event kickoff. Gamerfeed has some details on what to expect in the preview, while Gamespy has details from the first preview and an update since then. Finally, reader Detritus wrote in to tell us about two Stratics guides to prepare you for the event, one on Player vs. Player strategy and the other on Player vs. Environment elements of the game.
So tired of fantasy cliches (Score:4, Interesting)
It's just lazy. It reminds of Stargate, where they indulge in cultural strip-mining to have the heroes chased by any mythical creature they can shoehorn into the episode for a week. Minotaurs for chrissake! It just shows how tired and unimaginative most game developers and tv show writers have become.
Why shouldn't they? You're probably wondering. Well, if you ask me, the developers then become limited into the same one size fits alltactical system. The choice is essentially the same in different games using these characters. Your experience doesn't change, an Orc in one game has a similar experience to an Orc in the other game. Small details may differ depending on training and earned abilities but the underlying simplistic choice is all that is available to the player. And it's so stupid.
Why use them? Invent your own races. Be creative. Don't be stuck with ground bound humanoid essentially similar experiences, think out of the box for once. Flying digging climbing creatures. Huge blobs and tiny insects. Wake up, you lazy Tolkien obsessed bitchdevelopers.
Re:So tired of fantasy cliches (Score:2, Informative)
If you would have played during the E3 event, you would have faced the Charr invasion, which.. I'm pretty sure Tolkien never wrote about.
I do agree though, in most games creativity with races is extremely lacking.. but it's the easy, comfortable way of doing things.
Re:So tired of fantasy cliches (Score:2)
huh? (Score:2)
Games that try to create their own races generally don't do well...Games that create their own races and do well...Games that create their own races, do well,
which one is it?
Re:huh? (Score:1, Informative)
>> Games that try to create their own races ***generally*** don't do well.
>>>> Games that create their own races ***and*** do well, generally end up with ***players that don't play the 'unique' races*** for X reasons.
>>>>>> Games that create their own races, do well, ***and have a number of player using them*** are generally ***niche games***.
Re:So tired of fantasy cliches (Score:1)
I'm so incredibly dispirited by the lack of creativity in games nowadays. Tolkien has done the world of fantasy irreperable harm. Orcs, Goblins, Elves, Men, Dwarves, even Gnomes...all of them in every game. They have become a shorthand for lazy game developers, the computer game equivalent of "Once upon a time".
While I disagree with your assessment of Tolkien doing harm, I agree that things have gotten stagnant. Of course, Tolkien only studied the great epics of the past to craft his work. Prior to him
Lazy? Perhaps not. (Score:1)
Re:So tired of fantasy cliches (Score:3, Informative)
You know, I agree with you. Which is why I WILL be playing this game, as it has none of the above. Playable characters are human, and the non-human characters are original races. (Charr for e
Re:So tired of fantasy cliches (Score:1)
Welcome to Slashdot. You must be new here.
Compliments for "no monthly payments" (Score:1)
Re:Compliments for "no monthly payments" (Score:1)
Sure, you're glad to see a MMORPG that doesn't have a monthly fee associated with it but how long is this going to last?
Re:Compliments for "no monthly payments" (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Compliments for "no monthly payments" (Score:5, Informative)
Still, I like it. Just wanted to make sure that was clear.
Maybe not what you think it is... (Score:3, Informative)
Its a lot more like a 3D battle.net than an MMORPG, so that is why there is no monthly fee.
No monthly fee... check... No fun... check (Score:2)
Note, I am an avid game player (everything by Blizzard, and a few MMORPGs, including WoW), and I was very excited about Guild Wars.
Its just not... fun.
Re:No monthly fee... check... No fun... check (Score:2)
You have to admit that it ran pretty well for such an early state.
However, I agree that is was pretty boring.
Re:No monthly fee... check... No fun... check (Score:1)
It's the story, stupid. (Score:1)
Oh, and please keep your incredibly imaginative evil insect blobs in outer space where they belong.
This game is amazing (Score:3, Informative)
GW is different from most MMORPG in more ways (Score:2, Interesting)
- Normal: Monlthly fee.
GuildWars: No Monthly Fee.
- Normal: Fully Persistant world.
GuildWars: Instanced missions.
There are a number of other huge differences between GW and normal MMORPGs:
- Normal: Fragmented servers, and no way for groups to compete with each other between them.
GuildWars: Everyone, in the entire world, is playing in the same enviroment allowing a truely world-wide competition ladder, if that is your fa
Re:GW is different from most MMORPG in more ways (Score:2)
Re:GW is different from most MMORPG in more ways (Score:1)
Free CD's On Campus (Score:1)
Language Options (Score:2)
Fun touch.
This is getting out of hand. (Score:1)
Some things you may want to know. (Score:1)
All I can say is this is truly an amazing game, I am currently in the Alpha and have been for almost a year. For those of you that have avoided the MMoRPG scene because, this is the one you want to try. The graphics are simply amazing, but more importantly it actually has fun PvP. Arena.net has done their best to elminate the "unfun" parts of most games, the most obvious being the infamous level grind. So far it looks