Half Life 2 Stuttering Bug Official 456
sinner0423 writes "Due to recent complaints on several forums, Steampowered announced they are working on a fix to this stuttering problem in Half Life 2. Usually, a game bug isn't news-worthy, but the sporadic nature of this bug makes me wonder - who else has problems with HL2 pausing/skipping? This site outlines the problem certain users are having in a very clear & concise manner, and also includes some stopgap solutions from Erik Johnson & other Valve employees."
Hmmm.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:3, Funny)
'W-w-w-w-we ap-p-p-pologise for any t-t-t-t-trouble that has been caused-d-d-d by this b-b-b-b-fnargen-b-b-b-b-bug, we are l-l-l-labia-l-l-looking into this and will fix this problem as soon p-p-p-p-p-possible. CUNT!'
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:3, Informative)
Of course, I run it at 1280x1024 normally, but that's just because I like my 75dpi bitmapped fonts, and they're a bit too small to read at higher resolution (even though, if I look really closely, they're perfectly reproduced). I doubt it could go much higher, tho
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:4, Insightful)
Now, as I mentioned before, I'm by no means an expert (unless having basic knowledge on how a CRT works makes me one), so both (a) and (b) could be wrong. So feel free to address those, but please don't just tell me how you're happily running your 15" CRT at 1800x(400*Pi).
On a sidenote, I've also never heard of being limited to a certain color-depth when running a CRT - not as long as you're talking about more than 1 bit, ie black and white. The CRT just gets analogue color values (voltages, in fact) anyway, so color depth as a bit value is really a feature of the graphics card and operating system. Unless you were talking about signal/noise ratio of the analogue monitor connection limiting the color precision or something.
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:2)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:2)
Nope, you didn't say that, and I did not intend to imply so. I was genuinely wondering, and also used the chance to try and find out whether there was any point to running a higher resolution than a monitor was designed for.
RE: brings up a good question/point (Score:3, Interesting)
In the past, I guess this issue never even came up, because the electronic circuitry in the displays (and even in the video cards) weren't able to synch up with (or generate resolutions greater) than what the phosphors on the tube could display accurately.
But in the age of even "consumer grade" video boards outputing resolutions of upwards of 1600 pixels v
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:2)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:2)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:5, Informative)
looks like engine problem.
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:4, Insightful)
You're right, you can't plan for it to happen, but you can safe-guard yourself against it before you even run into it:
man md5sum
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:2, Interesting)
Seems pretty incompetent to me. Checksums (crc32, md5,
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:2)
(not to say there's no bugs).
Maybe you should wait five years in order to buy a computer fast enough to play the game.
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:2)
I'm not above taking donations. I'll offer my paypal addy if you want to help contribute...
(Not everyone is living in their parent's basements and working just to put gas in a car and be able to feed your PS2 a new DVD once in a while...).
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:2)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:2)
Lucky you. Took me 6 hours to install it over steam, but I downloaded it well before the official release date, so that I could play it as soon as it was released.
It took another 2 hours to get a game started: it crashed to the desktop without an error every time I tried.
I unlocked the game at 8am 16/11/2004 (GMT), and was playing 15 minutes later. Not had a single crash.
But then "load" and "load" and
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:4, Informative)
I unlocked the game at 8am 16/11/2004 (GMT), and was playing 15 minutes later. Not had a single crash.
I had a similar experience. Installed via Steam and it worked fine right away. However... there are known, verified problems with the standard installer for people who got the game the old fashioned way, so neither your nor my experience here makes a bit of difference if this guy ran into those installer bugs.
Wow! you must be racing through the game very quickly and missing lots of the gameplay if you find it loading content every five minutes.
I've been going through the game at a leisurely pace and there are quite a few stretches of game where the loading comes even quicker than every five minutes. It is somewhat inconsistent though.. Sometimes you'll go 10-20 minutes without a reload, then sometimes you seem to be reloading every 3-6 minutes. It does seem a bit excessive, IMO.. but not a deal breaker.
Not seen that at all on the Ravenholm level. I'm quite surprised you say that, as the map boundaries always seem to be far away from the next/last monster. I've not played the entire game yet, but I certainly didn't see it on the map you talk of.
I know exactly what he is talking about. On the part of Ravenholm where you need to position the platform so you can jump across to the roofs.. and there is a little courtyard with one of those spinning metal things you can control with the gravity gun. There is a door portal in that area that triggers a level load and if you happen to not go exactly the right way the first time, you'll walk around in a circle that causes the level to load again, and then if you back up a bit? Loads again... Annoying little spot. FWIW, that's the only one like that I've seen in the game so far (I'm currently pretty deep into the antlions part).
In any case, Half-Life 2 is absolutely an amazing game and I suggest it as a must buy for any PC gamer, but the original poster's problems are all pretty valid. I disagree that they are bad enough to merit waiting 5 years to play the game.. but then I got lucky and wasn't hit by the annoying installer bugs either...
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Hmmm.... (Score:5, Funny)
God damn! You, too? That pissed me off so bad. I actually got all the way to the ramp attached to the elevator with pulley cables and washing machine puzzle before I got stuck and it said, "A.I Disabled" after screwing around for a while trying to figure something out. It appeared no matter what game I loaded from there on, even if I started a new game. Backing up the savegames and reinstalling did the trick, though. After starting a new game from that chapter, I had a pretty big smack on the forehead after I saw the swamp boat RIGHT THERE! Did I actually miss that?
I was having too much fun in the beginning of the game to think about the tedium of walking the super long distances to get there. I assumed I just broke the game, because that appears to be something I do a lot. I've broken Painkiller, Star Trek: Elite Force 2, Ultima 7 (not hard to do, but I didn't do anything wrong) and Strife to a point where I can't continue in the game. Plus, I sooner assumed the helicopter and radiation sewage crap was just an obnoxious point in the game rather than needing a special tool to get past it (think really unfair games, like Contra Adventure where there's three hard bosses in a row). I had already spent a half-hour trying to play lumberjack with the blue plastic drums getting past the first radiation pool.
If you ever need a playtester, I'm your guy, as I seem to be really good at breaking software
As for the stuttering, I'm pissed that I had to switch back from my kX Project Drivers [kxproject.com] on my SBLive! Value back to the mediocre (but reliable) official drivers. I hope any fixes that come out will remedy it.
Finally! (Score:5, Interesting)
Now if only they would fix the "Loading" delays that show up every 3 minutes... it's 2004 already, there has *got* to be some way to stream/cache/prefetch around having to break up the game experience so much.
Re:Finally! (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Finally! (Score:4, Insightful)
Oh wait, except that one before you can play, oh.. and the ones that come while loading games, and while not a loading screen as such, when entering buildings or starting missions, at times it can take up to around a minute with nothing but a black screen and the name of the place/mission in the bottom corner. And while walking around the map, or more specifically, while driving or flying about the map, sometimes the floor, walls or buildings don't actually load until after you have crashed into them, although that is somewhat more rarer than the above.
But apart from that.. yeah, none at all.
Re:Finally! (Score:3, Insightful)
And in the end nobody's going to say "Well, I *would* buy Half-Life 2. But every ten or fifteen minutes I have to spend ten seconds waiting for a new level to load. So I won't."
And therefore it doesn't get changed.
Re:Finally! (Score:4, Insightful)
If that was the actual ratio of play time to load time, I doubt anyone would complain at all - I sure wouldn't. But the problem is that it takes quite a bit longer than that, which becomes especially noticeable during parts of the Route Kanal chapter - you cover so much ground so fast on the hoverbike, that there are places where you're loading a new segment every two or three minutes, and then the ratio becomes a rather aggravating three-minutes-of-play-time to one-minute-of-load-time. It's hardly a dealbreaker, and I still love the game, but it's a bit annoying.
Re:Finally! (Score:2)
Re:Finally! (Score:2)
Re:Finally! (Score:2)
Dungeon Siege does a very good job at loading small bits in the background such that you never see a single delay from the game start to end if you were to just walk around through the entire game world. Its definately possible for some games, but maybe not that practical for a FPS game?
Re:Finally! (Score:2)
Personally I found Dungeon Siege to be a brutally boring game after the first few hours. I'd rather they spent that time working on gameplay than seamless loading. They might have created a game that was fun.
Re:Finally! (Score:2)
I'm not sure nobody cares (it's not as if there's much competition in the massively-anticipated games of 2004 stakes), but getting rid of pauses doesn't necessarily mean huge technical hurdles. e.g. Metroid Prime makes you shoot unif
Amen to that! (Score:5, Interesting)
What I cannot understand is the people praising this game as a whole to high heavens. Sure, the Source engine kicks ass and everything, but what I really expected from a sequel to Half-Life was a coherent story and script. After completing the game, all I had was an aftertaste of a huge railroaded marathon and a handful of loose ends in the script.
I was left confused and unsatisfied. Props to Valve for making the game, but even the most decorated shell is empty without a good plot.
Maybe Half-Life 2 is really an introduction to third part of the story, where all the pieces come together. But it makes me a bit unease thinking that all these years I was only waiting for a prologue to the real thing.
Stuttering (Score:3, Informative)
Other glitches (Score:2)
The big problem for me was texture corruption. I'd have random colored triangles on apparently random textures. Finally tracked down a fix - turn off "Catalyst AI" in the Catalyst Control Panel (apparently it's an ATI-only problem), which required that I *get* the Catalyst Control Panel.
On the other hand, I just finished the game, and it rocked. If
slept? (Score:2)
does it mean, that he had slept whole night?!
Hyphen!! (Score:3, Funny)
No bugs here, but Valve deserves praise (Score:2, Interesting)
Although I didn't experience the stuttering bug others are, I have noticed how great Valve has been supporting this game. They communicate regularly (sometimes individually) and are really standing behind their product. Too bad other companies don't follow their lead.
Re:No bugs here, but Valve deserves praise (Score:3, Insightful)
What makes HL2's design so interesting is the fact that while many of the puzzles and levels appear to allow the player a lot of c
Problems, uh-oh (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Problems, uh-oh (Score:2)
Re:Problems, uh-oh (Score:2)
Re:Problems, uh-oh (Score:2)
I've had zero problems, and been playing/using steam for years, no problems.
A small number of Half-Life 2 customers have been experiencing problems while playing the game, and we have traced these issues to corrupt Steam cache files.
I'm amazed most people didn't just delete the files and try again. oh wait, thats one of the fixes. Then the other people with problems are even sma
I just thought it was my hardware... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I just thought it was my hardware... (Score:2, Informative)
Go into your Steamapps folder, open the folder that is your user name, then hl2, then gcf, then open the valve.rc file with notepad and add "//" to the beginning of the last line that says "startmenu" or something.
Works like a charm.
Re:I just thought it was my hardware... (Score:2)
Re:I just thought it was my hardware... (Score:2)
There was no change or effect on the stuttering.
So I thought maybe it was a texture loading problem or something. I went to the controls and reduced the texture detail and reduced down to bi-linear filtering from tri-linear.
Other than making the game less visually impressive, there was no change or effect on the stuttering.
The pro
Why is this exactly newsworthy again? (Score:3, Insightful)
Yawn. Every Linux distro gets released bug-free, right?
Well, you sure linked [rage3d.com] a ton [penny-arcade.com] of forums [hlfallout.net], how about you just read those threads? Or perhaps other gamer boards?
Listen, I know HL2 is the biggest thing to happen to the gaming community in quite some time. I know the controversy surrounding it, Gabe Newell, Vivendi, Valve and a piece of caerphilly [welshwales.co.uk] cheese [newenglandcheese.com]. I just don't see why a bug that is sporadic and what seems like a very minute number of people are having makes the frontpage.
Yes, I expected to get modded down.
No, I don't care.
Yes, I have "been around here for a while, and I know how the place works!"
No, these aren't the droids you're looking for.
Re:Why is this exactly newsworthy again? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Why is this exactly newsworthy again? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Why is this exactly newsworthy again? (Score:5, Insightful)
Second and related to my first point this is a major problem that the game obviously should not have shipped with. Accepting your point that all software has bugs that doesn't mean something that was delayed for years and years should be able to ship with such a noticeable flaw. If they had done a public demo this would have been very apparent and could have been fixed. It is completely right to hold Valve's feet to the fire on this. On the topic of whether this is "front page material" I happen to think that it is. Slashdot is news for nerds and most nerds are playing HL2 right now being that its one of the biggest releases of any piece of software this year. I'm sure many of the readers here are glad to hear this info. Yea it could have easily gone in the gaming section but so what? What , you wanted to read yet another article on the Ipod?
Tha at..s jjjust t.. (Score:5, Funny)
I also have a bad stu u utter !
I do, sort of (Score:2, Informative)
I used to have that with Doom 3, but lowering quality/resolution would fix it, which doesn't cut it on HL2. I used to have that with Counter Strike Source too, and wondered what was wrong.
this raises the question (Score:2, Insightful)
obviously its in the developer's best interest to hit production as soon as possible (to enter the market for the xmas feeding frenzy). so, some "minor" bugs are apparently considered acceptable.
i don't think so.
but some customers, in particular the die-hard fans, apparently are willing to accept some problems on day one and will put up with the problem until a patch is released eventually.
i wo
Re:this raises the question (Score:2)
And FYI Valve have already released an update.
So stupid question and wrong assumption.
Re:this raises the question (Score:2)
Well, if was open source, I would hope that the programmers ignored typical variable and function naming conventions and used all lowercase letters. How many patches (spaced a few hours apart) do you think it would take before the original problem, and all resulting problems from untested patches were repaired?
Valve has already had a number of years to make this game, and damn nea
Re:this raises the question (Score:2)
They just released the first patch, which barely makes a dent in the problems.
Personally, I don't think I've ever seen such a buggy release as RCT3. It makes HL2 seem completely bug-free by comparison. In fact, there IS no comparison.
Re:this raises the question (Score:2)
Half Life 2: More important than life itself. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Half Life 2: More important than life itself. (Score:2)
I had this problem too and here's how to fix it (Score:4, Informative)
Intel 875 chipset (800 mhz. FSB)
P4 2.6C (hyperthreaded)
1GB PC3200 memory (dual channel, 800 mhz.)
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB graphics
Windows XP Pro SP2
In other words, this is not a bottom of the line system, and runs Doom 3 perfectly...
Now, when I first installed the game, I installed it to my D: drive, which happened to be an older 30GB drive that came from my previous computer. I just stuck it in there as a slave drive for extra storage space, having filled up the 120GB primary IDE hard drive a while ago...
Anyway, I noticed the stuttering always seemed to happen when the system was accessing data from the hard drive.
I finally went into the Device Mangler (haha... that's what I call it anyways, you might know it as the Device Manager), and checked the DMA settings on my secondary hard drive... Sure enough, it was only using PIO Mode!!! I always wondered why that second hard drive was slow. I tried to enable DMA mode, but was out of DMA channels, so I couldn't.
Anyway, I freed up some space on my hard drive and moved it to the primary hard drive... voila, problem solved! Now the game plays smoothly and the immersion experience is what it should be...
This problem seems to be linked to either inadequate DMA support for your hard drive (which can spike the CPU during disk access and loading times), or a hard drive that just isn't fast enough to keep up. Also, because all of the sound in the game is MP3 files that are streamed off of the hard drive, hard drive bandwidth seems to be very important for this game, in addition, I'm sure all of the MP3 decompression makes you take a big CPU hit, especially when they're mixing multiple channels of MP3 audio together at once and outputting it to 5.1 surround.
This is just a theory of mine, but it worked for me... Put the game on your fastest hard drive, and defragment it... Make sure DMA is enabled for that hard drive, and you should (hopefully) be set.
Re:I had this problem too and here's how to fix it (Score:2)
I have an Intel 860 chipset with one 2.2 GHz Prestonia chip.
Re:I had this problem too and here's how to fix it (Score:2)
Although I admit it did get better after I disabled norton antivirus - but now I'm waiting half a second when it loads new textures rather than 1-2 seconds (and sometimes up to 5 seconds)
Did they actually test the game? (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Audio and stuttering (Score:2)
Re:Audio and stuttering (Score:2)
Yup, I did too. Apparently, this is common - or so I read on a couple of boards.
This would not have happened... (Score:2, Funny)
Only sometimes (Score:2)
Erf. (Score:2)
I have the issue (Score:2)
Not news-worthy? (Score:2, Funny)
lol (Score:5, Insightful)
As soon as the software isn't free all of a sudden its "those bastards releasing software with more than 0 bugs in it!"
Guess what. The introduction of money doesn't all of a sudden make developers more perfect. They have deadlines, priorities and are imperfect, like other people. Just because software is less than free doesn't mean you can expect it to be perfectly bug free.
It's also funny all the complaints about half-life 2 have to do with the steam system. Nobody seems to be making comments about the actual game itself. Oh, could that be because the game itself is an indisputably amazing work of art? Sorry warez dudes, you can't get a free ride on this one. For me, I don't mind as its probably the only PC game I will buy for the next 5 years. Half-Life 2 and its mods will probably be the only pc game worth playing for a long time to come. Half-Life 1 lived up to that, and I expect no less from 2. It's worth more than the lousy 50 bucks they charge for it. So quit your bitching. If you don't like the DRM, then crack it, just like you do with all the RIAA and MPAA DRM.
Re:lol (Score:3, Insightful)
You see, if everybody did this, then nobody would be telling them that legitimate customers don't want DRM.
Let me say that again, so it has a chance of sinking in: Nobody would tell them that legitimate customers have a problem with DRM.
So to the contrary: keep bitching. You don't have to preach to the choir, and you should direct the bitching at the right people, but staying quiet is the abs
Re:lol (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:lol (Score:2, Insightful)
Guess what. If a product that I fucking paid for were defective, I'd complain too.
It's like deja vu in The Matrix (Score:2)
Remember the deja-vu scene in The Matrix? That's what it is.
No, I'm not joking. Whenever I hit an invisible trigger that causes the world to change (ie spawn bad guys, spawn helicopter), that's when it stutters for me. The majority of the stutters I get are immediately followed by some action happening.
It actually makes it easy for me to tell when I'm about to be ambushed. Unfortunately, this takes away the thrill of the surprise
Motion sickness too! (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Motion sickness too! (Score:2)
But man, after an hour of zooming through canals in that hover-craft, I was so nauseous I was ready to puke! I had to put the game away, and it was a couple of hours before I was feeling okay again.
Holy crap!
Re:Motion sickness too! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Motion sickness too! (Score:3, Interesting)
With 2 monitors (Score:4, Interesting)
All Hail The Second Coming of PC Gaming. Or not. (Score:3, Insightful)
Even with fairly rampant Xbox piracy, Microsoft's anti-piracy strategy with Halo 2 was transparent to nearly all xbox owners who legitimately bought the game. Yet, not only are all of HL2's users penalized for the piracy, but obviously the game was rushed through testing. Now, to be fair, testing a PC game is far more work than testing a console. But when that so-called mainstream gamer goes to pick up Half Life 2, they don't give a rip if someone else is pirating or if Valve didn't have the time or resources to check if their game worked. To them, the only thing that matters is that their game takes hours to work, and when it does it does so half-assed.
Console makers (Nintendo, MS, Sony) keep the publishers in check with quality issues like these. For the PC, there's no one entity at stake if PC games take 5 hours of work to run properly. But Valve is hurting not only themselves but the entire PC gaming industry by releasing games that require anti-piracy measures like Steam and then ultimately don't work.
Low-Class PCs (Score:3, Interesting)
Whats the big deal (Score:2)
sound problems? (Score:2)
I had problems right off the bat in the opening sequence -- the g-man dialog was so echoey and garbled I couldn't even understand. Really annoying.
One of the work-arounds I read was to move the soundcard (sb live) to the highest PCI slot possible. I did this and re-installed the drivers but it didn't seem to really help.
In the end I found the best workaround was to disable the 5.1 sound in creative's contol app and then tell HL2 to use 2 speakers.
Set the texture resolution down (Score:2)
I have an ATI 9700, and when HL2 did its little autoconfiguration of video options, It set me up to have medium texture detail (smaller, less detailed textures resulting in blurry, pixellated walls but consuming less video RAM). I had no problems with stuttering, but I hated the low-detail textures, as they took away from what was supposedly one of the best looking games in history.
So I changed the texture detail to high. And
I certainly suffer this bug (Score:2)
Half-Life 2 stutters all the time, sometimes badly. I thought it was just because my machine is under-powered for the game, but I definitely exceed the specs, and turning down some of the detail and unloading some services and other applications to free up more memory didn't help the problem.
Glad to see it's not just me, and is likely a problem wtih the game itself.
I still think it's a kick-ass game, though.
A story of a bug. (Score:5, Interesting)
I thought, "Holy shit! My GameCube is broken!"
Why? Because I thought that was more possible than a Nintendo game having a bug of that magnitude.
My GameCube wasn't broken. Metroid Prime did have a bug, a rather rare one, that overflowed a buffer (I believe) when changing areas. the overflow was rare enough that most gamers never experienced it. I was one of the lucky ones that had it happen twice.
My point is not that consoles can have bugs too. My point is that with the good console game companies this sort of thing is so rare, you can think your hardware died when it happens.
I assume that PC games will have fatal bugs when they are released, and I also assume that if the game is not popular, these bugs may never be fixed. That is why I don't buy PC games until they have been out a year. How can you get excited about a launch when there is a decent chance you will not be able to play the game?
By the way, Nintendo fixed that bug and offered a replacement to anyone who wanted it. The Metroid Prime discs today do not have the problem.
Doom 3 HL2 (Score:2)
HL2 is a nightmare. I can't even play the damn game. The intro gets 1fps, while all other maps get 80fps. Meaning, I can't even play the game without cheating
Valve isn't being very supportive either, they don't respond to posts or emails regarding the issue. I have tried for 2 days to figure it out.
If you haven't bought the game yet. DON'T! It is nothing but trouble. I am presently trying to find a
Re:The Irony of Half-Life 2 (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The Irony of Half-Life 2 (Score:2)
Re:The Irony of Half-Life 2 (Score:3, Informative)
As repeated once before (Score:4, Insightful)
OTOH about your points : * you can automatically patches if you program for it. That msot game except MMOG don't do it isn't because of a technical ground, but rather a money/marketing ground. So no advantage here. * I can install normal CD on many computer as I want, and only play on the one I have the physical CD. No change either here. * Delivery isn't as convenient as you say, if you do not have a broad band, or a nice DSL. Heck with a 26 modem I can order something on an online store and it is delivered at home. But Steam would be unusable on such a connection.
I am sorry, but you are overplaying the advantage a lot. True this is a new mode of delivery for those which want the game on the day retail begin to sell it, but do not make up things out of thin air. This is pretty much the only advantage, the rest is only nice for the company selling the game.
Re:The Irony of Half-Life 2 (Score:2)
It seems you have no choice as to whether you want a patch or not. It's all automatic. Now, there are advantages to this, but it also means that if your game was previously working and then they somehow introduce a bug into the game, you can't avoid it.
You can install the games on as many computers as you want; you just can't play them on more than one computer at a ti
Re:Bunch of THUGS!! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Half Life 2...Steam (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Half Life 2...Steam (Score:2)
Re:I've noticed it. (Score:2)