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PC Games (Games)

Steam Unbroken on Cedega 23

Bishop, Martin writes "Steam's latest client update on the 14th of December broke support under Transgaming's Cedega software, however, as stated on the transgaming forums the latest 4.2 build of cedega includes a fix for Steam."
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Steam Unbroken on Cedega

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  • Broken by Design (Score:2, Interesting)

    by 10537 ( 699839 )
    "Steam's latest client update on the 14th of December broke support under Transgaming's Cedega software, however, as stated on the transgaming forums the latest 4.2 build of cedega includes a fix for Steam."
    Any chance of them fixing it for Windows users too?

    Sarcasm and anti-Steam sentiment aside, does anyone have any insight in to whether this was a deliberate breaking or just a random side-effect?
    • by satoshi1 ( 794000 )
      I was just about to ask the same thing. Did Valve intentionally break Steam under Cedega? If so, why?? Wouldn't they like to have MORE users? Not shut them out by forcing them to buy/pirate Windows?
      • Its more likely that the Valve update included a binary update that conflicted with Cedega/Wines Win32 implementation, which is more likely than a conspiracy about deliberate breakages. Remember here folks, Cedega/Wine is a reimplementation without all the documentation, I wouldnt be surprised if this happens a lot but doesnt get reported on slashdot because theres no obvious target.
      • You guys are such jackasses.

        You'll bitch about non-support for an un-supported OS (Linux), and then when you do manage to hack something together to get it to semi-run, you complain when it stops working all of a sudden.

        Why don't you guys read the Steam forums [steampowered.com]? This isn't some conspiracy theory against you guys. It's called developing and supporting the platforms you intend to support; namely WINDOWS.
        • by Anonymous Coward
          Man, who pissed in your cheerios? .... Come to think of it, it was probably me.
        • It's called, I don't give a shit. I don't play the game, so why should I care? I'm just saying, that's the first thought that popped into my head. And it's not a totally unreasonable one, is it? Valve may be in bed with Microsoft, Valve may not be. Oh well. I don't care, I refuse to buy the game anyway.
          • Why would they intentially do that? The requirements for the system blatently say Windows; they are developing the program (and the game engine) for Windows and DirectX only. Now, even though I don't agree with this, it doesn't give everyone on here the right to jump to that conclusion.

            If something doesn't work for Linux then everyone bitches; if someone finds a way for something to work, everything is great. If the author of the program happens to update it because it's vastly wide userbase needs a fix;
          • the founders of valve are ex-microsofties, they made their millions that started valve from microsoft - why wouldn't they be 'in bed' with microsoft?
    • I doubt it was deliberate. Cedaga users are a very small minority and it seems it was pretty easy to fix. I don't think Valve would waste effort on breaking it.
  • stop complaining about steam, it works, you can run it while OFFLINE and play all your games. it's getting annoying to watch you people just jump in a mob to feel accepted.
    • Funny that it didn't yesterday for me.

      I tried to run HL2 and it told me I had to update first, 20 minutes of waiting on 56k then I could play. Offline mode wont work if your HL2 has an update waiting and it knows it.
      • Re:I'm a troll (Score:3, Informative)

        by Senjutsu ( 614542 )
        So right click on HL2 in the games list, go into Properties..., and Change the setting to "Do not automatically update this game".
        • You see, that would be too easy, and would give him a reason to not troll every Steam topic that he finds. The program was never enhanced for 56K, never claimed to be, and probably never will be. Get over it. Broadband is getting cheaper and cheaper these days; the only excuse for not having it (or a somewhat faster connection than 56K) is if it's not avaiable in your area.
    • Who's complaining, I just decided to stop playing any game tied to Steam. Valve makes some nice games, but I'm afraid I don't like their attitude. I supported them for years, but not any more....Too much other good stuff out there to put up with thier BS.
  • Who's complaining, I just decided to stop playing any game tied to Steam. Valve makes some nice games, but I'm afraid I don't like their attitude. I supported them for years, but not any more....Too much other good stuff out there to put up with their BS.

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