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Ten Most Anticipated Games of 2005 102

Gamemethod writes "We've highlighted ten of our most anticipated games for 2005 spanning each major platform from PlayStation 2 to Nintendo DS to PC. While our feature by no means intends to be comprehensive or to denote that we're not looking forward to other games, these ten titles stand out as the most impressive of what 2005 has to offer. There are exclusive galleries of Gran Turismo 4 and Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth as well as a lengthy developer interview with the Call of Cthulu producer."
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Ten Most Anticipated Games of 2005

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  • WTF? (Score:4, Funny)

    by macdaddy357 ( 582412 ) <macdaddy357@hotmail.com> on Saturday January 22, 2005 @04:11PM (#11443617)
    No Duke Nukem Forever? I am just dying to play it on the Phantom Console.
  • Well, I hoped someone stroked out writing Cthulu, and meant to say Duty. Alas, it's just a Resident Evil clone. Still... "Call of Duty : Dark Corners of the Earth" - wonder where that would take place?
  • 2000. Or maybe 1999. I can't remember that well. Anyway, it's finally starting to come together and look like a game. I just hope they get round to releasing it this year.
  • "Disappointment arrived when the first The Legend of Zelda game to hit the GameCube came steeped in cel-shading;" It was disappointing when GameGossip decided to phrase a sentence in such as a way that it made it sound like their opinion was everyone's opinion. Other than that, it's an all right article. Pretty obvious choices for the most part, though.
    • There was so much anger when Zelda was cel-shaded from a very vocal group. Yet before Zelda was shown to be cel-shaded, everybody was praising cel-shading for the next Gundam game.

      Hell hath no fury like a Fanboy scorned.
      • Zelda? MORE LIKE CELDA!!!

        • Haha, I got so sick of people calling the game Celda. What's ironic is that the tendancy to bitch about something being "kiddish" seems to be inversely proportional to a person's actual maturity level...
      • "There was so much anger when Zelda was cel-shaded from a very vocal group."

        Man, that really ticked me off. $1 says most of those peeps complained about Wind Waker, hit submit, then turned around and watched Family Guy.
        • I was one of those who bitched about Wind Waker and then watched Family Guy.

          Family Guy is a cartoon. Let it look like a cartoon. Zelda is not. It looks 'stylish' or whatever, but I really wish they would have just left it alone and made it look like 'normal.' Zelda looks better the way it's 'always' looked...

          Yes, I have played (and beaten) Wind Walker...
          • Re:Disappoinment (Score:5, Insightful)

            by _xeno_ ( 155264 ) on Saturday January 22, 2005 @10:06PM (#11445470) Homepage Journal

            Zelda looks better the way it's 'always' looked...

            You mean like a cartoon?

            About the only games where it didn't look strictly cartoonish was Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Other than that, cartoon all the way.

            Of course, I still feel like they've been overly kid-ifying Link, and would like to play an older Link because, let's face it, I've grown a little since 1987, but still - he's always been a cartoon.

          • Re:Disappoinment (Score:5, Insightful)

            by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Saturday January 22, 2005 @10:19PM (#11445536) Homepage Journal
            " Zelda is not. It looks 'stylish' or whatever, but I really wish they would have just left it alone and made it look like 'normal.' Zelda looks better the way it's 'always' looked..."

            Though I don't entirely agree with you, I understand your point of view. You'd prefer the other look, right? I don't have a problem with that statement. If that's what ya said, I doubt you'd be one of those that I was thinking of. To a point, I agree with you.

            There were some who treated it like Nintendo pooped on the franchise. And man, I just don't agree with that. I think their stylistic choice was good. It was pleasing to the eye, and nicely animated. Would the game look better with the style used in the original GameCube trailer? .... yeah I think so. Would that have detracted from the game? Probably not. So yeah, I can see eye to eye with ya on this one. To make a long story short, what you're saying right now wouldn't cause me to write a scathing reply, and I hope you don't feel included in my generalization.

            "but I really wish they would have just left it alone and made it look like 'normal.' Zelda looks better the way it's 'always' looked..."

            Ehh... I don't see Wind Waker as being that drastic of difference from Ocarina. His head is shaped a little different, but I wouldn't say one is much more realistic than the other. What we saw in the GC SpaceWorld demo.. that was a new animal altogether.

            Maybe though, I'm just looking at it from a different perspective. I create 3D art for a living. So maybe I'm seeing it like "It wouldn't be much of a switch for me to go between the styles of Wind Waker and Ocarina, but it'd take significantly more time to represent the new style Nintendo has created Zelda with recently." (Sorry for my less-than-grammatically-correct writing style here.)

          • by jangobongo ( 812593 ) on Saturday January 22, 2005 @11:32PM (#11445898)
            The Zelda games that were for the Gameboy and GBA are cartoonish, and it works for those platforms. In fact, The Minish Cap, which is for the GBA and Gameboy SP, is more cartoonish than ever. I like the way it looks. Been playing it for over a week and its fun!

            For N64 and Gamecube, I think the 3D realism is a little better because, generally speaking, you're playing on a bigger screen (can't speak for the NES version 'cause I never played that one). But really, it doesn't matter as long as the story and the action/adventure/puzzles are good, because you tend to not think so much about how it looks if you're engrossed in the gameplay and having fun.
        • what killed Wind Waker wasn't the graphics, it was that damned endless fsking ocean that you have to sail around in for hours trying to find bits of triforce, and all the hours hacking bushes to get rupees to buy maps from tingle.
          I was fond of the graphics, but I think this was the weakest zelda game to have been released. (I think OoT was the strongest)
  • Erm..
    The new Zelda game was released on January 18th?
    If that's the case, then I'm guessing it was the Japanese release..
    Anyone got a date for the Euro and US releases?
  • Yea, I remember seeing stuff on Cthulu in a GameDevMag back in..what...'98? Is this Cthulu game a sequal or something?
    • To paraphrase a MST3K line: "Passed from developer to developer in a futile attempt to save it..."

      I still have hope this game with be fun (HL2 came out okay in the end), but I've given up holding my breath.

  • Interesting (Score:5, Insightful)

    by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Saturday January 22, 2005 @05:02PM (#11443902) Homepage Journal
    A new Zelda game is coming out for GC. But that's bad because it's bad when Nintendo uses their franchise characters. Oooo Gran Turismo 4!!
    • Re:Interesting (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Troed ( 102527 )
      The Gamecube has had an extremely strong autumn/winter games-wise. It's too bad a lot of teenagers are too unsure of their manhood to risk buying a cube and having fun. Who knows - someone with a PS2 or Xbox might actually laugh at them .. because .. umm .. not all games have lots of blood in them.

      Or something.

      *back to playing Resident Evil 4*

      • The first time Leon swore in RE4 (very early on at that), I actually gasped and thought "Is he allowed to say that?" This game is definitely awesome. I don't see how you can own a Cube and not play/own this game.
        • Not to just make a "me too" post, I have to agree that RE4 is simply an AMAZING game. If you have a game cube and you don't own this game, then get up and go buy it right now.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 22, 2005 @05:55PM (#11444226)
    Facing competition from a host of other role-playing game, our list of anticipated game wouldn't be complete without naming Final Fantasy XII...

    Agreed... ...as the most promising of them all.

    Urg. No. No more Final Fantasy. Square fooled me with IX, that was supposed to "return to the roots" but just sucked. (It's hard to explain, other than "lackluster plot and annoying gameplay.") Square tricked me with Final Fantasy X, offering a new gameplay style that wound up being yet another power-gamer uber-level fest system with an extremely linear and boring story.

    And then Square raped the franchise with Final Farming XI, a game so plagued with flaws and outright boredom that I vowed never to buy another Final Fantasy game ever again. They finished off that convinction to never buy another Square product with Final Fantasy X-2, The Search for More Money and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals, The Quest for More Gameboy Advance Sales.

    Final Fantasy XII is supposed to be "like Final Fantasy XI." If that's true, then NO. I am NEVER going to buy another game from Square EVER AGAIN regardless of content. Final Fantasy XI is without a doubt the WORST online game I've ever played. Combined with server issues to put World of Warcraft to shame (remember the time the servers were inaccessible for OVER A WEEK?) and a gameplay system that rewarded powergamers above all else (hey, why would someone want to only level up one class? Let's force 'em to level up two!), the game was a total stinker.

    Ultimately, I'm not looking forward to Final Fantasy anything any more. Square's fooled me enough in the past, I won't be tricked by Final Fantasy XII, We Won't Try Something New.
    • Good, that means there's one less person to snag a copy of XII when it comes out before I get a chance to. And personally, I loved IX. I actually believe it's my second favorite Final Fantasy after our III. And milking the GBA is fine by me. I love having I and II in a nice portable form.
    • Sounds like you'll buy Final Fantasy XII anyway, and then swear that you will NEVER BUY ANY FINAL FANTASY GAME, EVER. And then buy Final Fantasy XIII anyway when it comes out. Wash, rince, repeat.
    • I'm with you on that. I've been wishing ever since FFVII that Square would do the same thing with FF games that they do with so many of their others, and barely make enough US copies to cover the preorders (Can you say Valkyrie Profile?)
  • by PhotoBoy ( 684898 ) on Saturday January 22, 2005 @06:02PM (#11444263)
    ... is Metal Gear Acid, I've got the Japanese version on import and the story is just very weird and because it's a card game it gets very tedious. Why do I need to use cards to move across an empty room after killing all the enemies?
  • by Thag ( 8436 ) on Saturday January 22, 2005 @06:04PM (#11444283) Homepage
    Because that's what's really going to be the big news for this year.

    Wait for E3.

    Jon Acheson
  • Missing Option (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by AnamanFan ( 314677 )
    What about my game, Antidote [antidote-game.com], you insensitive clod!

    Sorry, had to say it. It is the most anticipated game at Emerson College [emerson.edu]. It may be the only game being produced at Emerson, but it is the most anticipated!

  • "Halo 2: The rest of the friggin game"

    Seriously, what kinda ending is it to stop in what seems, as far as the story is concerned, to be the MIDDLE! AARRRGHHH! Anyone else dissapointed in the story? The multiplayer is a blast, as expected.
  • Loved the previous 2 iterations, and this one looks to be getting a nice new engine to go along with the great gameplay.

    http://www.splintercell.com/us/splintercellchaosth eory/index.php [splintercell.com]
  • by GojiN ( 851698 ) on Saturday January 22, 2005 @10:08PM (#11445483)
    Where is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. [stalker-game.com]? This game allows you to explore the Chernobyl nuclear reactor area ~20 years after the blowout at the reactor. One playtester even found the office he used to work in while playing this! The animal AI decides whether to rest and hunt, and go on without you being in the area. There are over 100+ npc players for you to intereact with, form clans with, or destroy... It's going to release spring 2005. This may sound like some hyped up fanboy, but just read the about page and you'll see why one could be more excited about this than most any other game known so far slated for release this year.
  • ...wasn't Gran Turismo 4 one of the most anticipated games of 2004?
    • It should have been released Xmas 2003. That was the orginal expected date, instead Japan got GT: Prologue, a demo you could buy only in Japan. Then it was 1st half of 2004, and June came and went, then September, nope. Then they say they are having problems with Online play and are forced to remove it for this version, but we'll get it out to you November 15th, heck lets run some commericals, and have all the Mags run special GT4 covers. Hmm, nope special last minute delay, um how about Dec. 22nd. Nop
  • Gamespy has a far more comprehensive list of good games coming out this year, covering many genres and platforms and whatnot. While I don't necessarily agree with the order they put them in, my favorites all seem to be here.

    http://mostwanted.gamespy.com/2005/?ui=gstop1 (Working link) [gamespy.com]
  • In Europe, World of Warcraft is probably the most anticipated game of 2005. They still haven't released it here. I guess you guys will soon have finished Beta testing it for us so that we can play without the server issues you're experiencing though ;)
  • It may be out on Xbox already, but PC users are anticipating its release next month very much.
  • I am sad to see City of Villains did not make the list. Given how good City of Heroes was/is, it will be interesting to see what Cryptic Studios comes up with. I cannot wait to have evil minions and a base. Plus, Dave "Zeb" Cook is the lead designer. How cool is that?
  • What else?
    • But every fan should be aware that One Should Never Expect A Release. Nethack is beyond years! The Next Release is always the Most Anticipated Game - however, part of the thrill is that one never knows what year it's coming out. And of course, once the release is actually out, the next version immediately becomes the Most Anticipated Game...

  • The game I was most looking forward to was Resident Evil 4. It's incredible. It's all down hill from here. Zelda will be great, as will GTA:SA for the Xbox. But I can't imagine a better game than RE4 will come out in 2005.
  • "Unequivocally, the most realistic... ...driving simulation ever developed"

    I think not. Console games are not even close to the top driving simulations on the PC like GTR, LFS and Nascar 2003 for realism.
    • Heck, if they want to put driving sims on the list, you'd think they'd put Nascar Sim Racing on the list (Yeah, it's EA, but there's a lot of good people on the development team).

      Since when are console games considered simulations? /scoff

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