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PlayStation (Games)

Playstation 3 Pre-E3 Unveiling 46

Just as a reminder, the Playstation 3 is going to take it's bow before E3 proper as well. The Guardian has the story that the PS3 will debut four days after the Xbox360's introduction on MTV, at Sony Pictures Studio in LA. From the article: "Sony spokesfolks have hinted in the past that PS3 - or whatever it will be called - will be launched ahead of E3. Past product roadmaps have pointed to an early to mid-2005 launch. The company gave the PowerPC-derived 'Cell' processor on which the new console will be based its first public outing in February." Penny Arcade, as always, has the best grasp of the situation.
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Playstation 3 Pre-E3 Unveiling

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  • /.ing.. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by WhatAmIDoingHere ( 742870 ) * <> on Wednesday April 13, 2005 @03:41PM (#12227227) Homepage
    Remember when /. was covering PA's christmas series of comics? Why not do that here, instead of linking directly to them and beating the everliving fuck out of their servers?
    • Maybe because their servers can handle it? They're not some two-bit webcomic...
    • At the time, PA was also getting hammered by interest in their Child's Play charity. A few midafternoon hits from a Slashdot Games section-only post shouldn't be too much to handle.
    • Why not do that here, instead of linking directly to them and beating the everliving fuck out of their servers?

      And how are we supposed to Karma Whore if they beat us to the PA link?

      All that leaves us is Simpsons references. Sweet, sweet Simpsons references. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    • They seemed to handle it fine for the most part... and I'm sure they could use the ad revenue.
    • You know that there's a permanent front-page link to PA in the form of the Funnies slashbox, right?

      PA can handle it. They get an absurd amount of traffic. Besides, as other people have mentioned, traffic has its uses in the form of ad revenue/unique IP statistics.
  • Launch vs Release (Score:5, Insightful)

    by IMarvinTPA ( 104941 ) <IMarvinTPA AT IMarvinTPA DOT com> on Wednesday April 13, 2005 @03:45PM (#12227262) Homepage Journal
    My mind has issues realizing that Launch does not mean "I can buy now".

    I guess I'm just not good with the marketing speak. I would call this a "Preview" or a "Product Announcement." Launch means to me that there is product going to stores.

  • name (Score:5, Funny)

    by nb caffeine ( 448698 ) <nbcaffeine&gmail,com> on Wednesday April 13, 2005 @04:02PM (#12227451) Homepage Journal
    How about ps720?

    twice as many degrees as microsoft.
  • Penny Arcade (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Phu5ion ( 838043 ) on Wednesday April 13, 2005 @04:05PM (#12227488)
    I have to say, i've been a long-time reader of PA and that is one of the funnies comics i've seen in a while.

    In fact, anytime they include Jesus in a comic it's fscking funny.

  • PA (Score:2, Insightful)

    by hammurderer ( 819640 )
    Penny-Arcade is probably one of the best web comics i have seen in a long time. also judas is a dick.
  • It seems wrong for Sony to show up Microsoft by creating thier buzz just 3 hours before the new XBOX is unveiled, but that's buisness I suppose.

    Regardless, I wonder what it was that drove Microsoft to unveil thier new system on MTV? It isn't the teen magnet that it used to be, and even if it were, the user base thier targeting (ie. those who could actually afford the new console) are probably in the 20+ age frame and would not likely be watching MTV in the first place. You want to maximize the amount of pr
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Ask most people in the demographic that M$ is looking to hit if they know what channel MTV is on. Then ask them if they know where Spike TV is.

      Most of the Spike TV viewers are Star Trek or wrestling fans. I think MTV has a wider range of people watching it (though, there isnt much MUSIC on the channel anymore).

      Its simple to see that M$ is also looking for a channel that everyone with cable actually HAS. I highly doubt SpikeTV has the same amount of subscribers for it, or on the Basic cable listing as M
  • Sounds enticing, but I'm going to wait for the post-E3 launch. Really if you think about it that's probably the best time to check this out. If you're in the pre-launch there's just going to be so many crowds and so much hype it's going to ruin this, and the pandering won't be totally honed in. Wait a few weeks for the post-E3 launch and you can finally start seeing some of the more mature games and what developers will be involved and they'll have more information on the future of the PS3. Plus early a
  • by IntergalacticWalrus ( 720648 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @02:06AM (#12231342)
    the only thing we care about is: which one of those new systems will be capable of rendering Toy Story in real-time??

    • the only thing we care about is: which one of those new systems will be capable of rendering Toy Story in real-time??

      I've asked before and I'll ask again. Does anybody have links to interviews, press releases or briefing notes that contain this quote?

      I've looked all over for it, and can't find it anywhere.
  • The video has already been pulled (I guess due to traffic), but I'm getting pretty good speeds from hxxp:// There seemed to be plenty of mirros available, here []
  • PS3 and XBox 2 (I refuse to use '360') are having events separate from the E3 so that they can have the big news out of the way when it comes time to show off the new software at the show. How will 3 hours before or after make a difference? It would make a difference if the system was released 3 hours before the other, but that's not the case here. We will hear one. We will hear the other. We will wait 7-19 months for the systems to be released. The news items are different, therefore there is no "sco
  • Bet (Score:3, Interesting)

    by cybergrue ( 696844 ) on Thursday April 14, 2005 @09:51AM (#12233736)
    Want to bet on there being a "Leak" of PS3 pics and video happening a few hours before the Microsoft Show. I thought not.

    It took me a while to figure out Sony's strategy here, as I thought it would be best for them to wait till after MS shows what the XBox 2 can do in order to tweak their demo. I believe Sony's strategy here (and before when they scheduled their news confrence 3 hours before Microsofts) is to have a direct comparison between the two consoles, hence robbing MS of any advantage of launching early. More or less the same strategy they took with the Sega Dreamcast. IF (notice thats a big if) the PS3 is a 1Thz machine, then that would make it about an order of magnitude more powerful then the XBox2/next/360, meaning people would wait for it to be released and not buy the Xbox. Then again, Sony could just hype it that way and get the same result.

    The end result will be instead of the XBox2 getting a couple of dedicated pages in gaming mags and websites, and then showcasing the PS3 a month later, those mags and websites will instead print comparison pictures of each system side by side. This helps Sony much more then it helps Microsoft.

  • We don't need new systems! There's nothing wrong with the ones we have already!

    By the end of the NES's lifecycle, we needed something new, the games all started looking the same. SNES died out 3D games started coming out. N64 started getting to be pretty tired, so we got the GameCube.

    My point is that games are still coming out for these systems that look spectacular. Most notably, God of War on PS2, Resident Evil 4 on the Cube, and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory on Xbox. I can still pull out my Drea
    • We don't need new systems! There's nothing wrong with the ones we have already!

      Is someone holding a gun to your head, forcing you to buy the latest and greatest? Why keep coming out with new cars models? There's nothing wrong with the ones we have already, right?

      I spent around $200 for each of my consoles, I want some more god damn milage with them!

      I paid quite a bit more than that for my car, and I'll buy something newer when I feel like it. Quit acting like a putz.

We are not a clone.
