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XBox (Games)

Bill Gates Hints At Xbox 360 Features 41

mgbaron writes "Read the first part of Engadget's interview of Bill Gates where topics discussed range from the Xbox 360 to Media Center PCs to Windows Mobile and Microsoft's future involvement in portable devices. On an interesting note, Gates downplays the rumors that the Xbox 360 might itself be a media hub. He instead hints that it might share some of the same features. The second part of the interview will run tomorrow and cover such topics as Blu-Ray and the Tablet PC."
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Bill Gates Hints At Xbox 360 Features

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  • Xenon (Score:2, Interesting)

    by turtled ( 845180 )
    From the article, Bill is calling it Xenon. Is 360 still the public name?
  • xbox 180 (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Nate Andrion ( 880597 ) <`nate' `at' `ozaark.net'> on Tuesday May 03, 2005 @11:43AM (#12420792) Homepage
    I think the 360 might only be about half the hype that the community gives it. Lets think here, we are scrambling for info on a device that seems to evade us. The feature list, never found, the community of avid XBox-ers (including myself), are foaming at the mouth for info. Why can't the big M$ release some features officially, so we can brag about our system franchises leetness and not keep digging. I think the seclusion is because of the PS3's already known hardware benefits.
    • Seems like possible Trollage ...

      The features will become known on May 12, hence the unveiling. They are going to "unveil" (That is to say, remove the perverbial "veil") the features in good time my man.
    • Because the way they've been going about it generates FAR more marketing buzz than talking about a system's stats.
    • the PS3's already known hardware benefits

      The "already known" benefits you tout are themselves extremely speculative.

      (Not that I doubt that the cell processors are potentially quite powerful, but Sony has a well-established history of delivering bare minimum hardware, particularly in comparison to their competition.)
  • You will not get all the features of a Media Center PC and will be forced to get one to get the good features. Sorry storing music does not do that. I've got a small Linspire box that shares all my mp3's out to a number of devices out of the box. This Xenon will only work with what MS wants it to work with. I doubt they'll support UPNP devices.

    And my MythDVD box I'm building is far far more interesting I believe. With it I have all my videos up to view from any PC that can run the frontend.
    • I'm sure your "interesting" MythDVD box can play new generation, quality games, right?
    • That's all fine and good but I'm an IT tech and even I don't want to deal with more gadgets than I need to. I have built in cabinets in my house that can store a lot of equipment but I remember what it was like to have limited space for TV equipment. Right now I have a DVD player, DirectTivo (substitute your cable box or what have you), Stereo (patched in to my surround speakers) and a video game box. I'm at my limit. I'll take any consolidation I can get.

      Just thinking ahead, I hope my remote can fin

  • by FidelCatsro ( 861135 ) <fidelcatsro&gmail,com> on Tuesday May 03, 2005 @12:15PM (#12421182) Journal
    Microsoft already has bitten into the PC games market with the xbox(The xbox whilst some hardcore console gamers like it , is more popular with the PC gamers IMHO. I have heard many ardent pc gamers saying its the first/only console they like ).

    Most importantly though , they wouldnt want to take away sales from media center PCs , It would cause a major argument with the PC-companys who make Media center PCs if it did .This is quite possibly the reason why Gates is downplaying the media center functionality. Sony would have no such worrys however and may play on that , which could in the end force microsofts hand .. we shall need to wait and see(I doubt nintendo will go that route considering their previous stance on Games only).
    • You seem to think that Microsoft made a mistake in converting PC gamers over to the Xbox. I'd disagree. Remember that anyone publishing a game for Xbox has to pay Microsoft a royalty, which is not the case with PC games.

      To forestall the possible argument that converting PC gamers reduces the sales of Windows, just remember that most people need computers anyway. There's more to computers than just games. I still need one for work and whatnot, though I do not play games on it anymore.
      • ;) got me wrong there , as a unix systems admin i understand all to well that computers are for more than games(infact i dont think i play games too often on my various systems).

        Its not the converting of games or vice versa its the target audiance ,The Xbox apeals more to those who use the pc as a games device as opposed to those who use games on consoles.

        This takes out a major upgrade factor from the pc for those gamers.
        Why upgrade your system if all you need is this console that costs 150.
        This bites in
  • Xbox Media Center PC (Score:4, Interesting)

    by DeadBugs ( 546475 ) on Tuesday May 03, 2005 @12:17PM (#12421201) Homepage
    If you are running Windows Media Center 2005 you can already connect your Xbox to it and use it as a satellite media center\hub. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/mediacenter/eva luation/devices/xboxextenderkit.mspx [microsoft.com]
  • Check this article [geekcoffee.net] out -- it is saying that Gates called it an entertainment hub, and also provides a picture of the next XBox that I have never seen...
    • Check this article out -- it is saying that Gates called it an entertainment hub, and also provides a picture of the next XBox that I have never seen...

      Correction, he never called it an entertainment hub - the "news" sources doing the quoting put those words in his mouth. What he said is this:

      "If you're used to that menu, when you use this Xenon you'll see a menu a lot like that that lets you get photos, TV, music and all those different things."

      People in the press take that to mean it's a hub. But
  • by LoganEkz ( 552402 ) on Tuesday May 03, 2005 @02:13PM (#12422565) Journal
    It's now available [engadget.com], posted this afternoon on Engadget.

The only thing cheaper than hardware is talk.
