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Role Playing (Games) Classic Games (Games)

Mother 3 Finished After 11 Years 31

reidman writes "The unusual Japanese RPG Mother 2 (later released as "EarthBound" stateside) was a huge success in Japan. Hints about the development of the game's sequel were everywhere (even in the game itself). Originally developed for the ill-fated 64DD, the sequel was downgraded, delayed, and eventually cancelled. The fans, however, were too obsessed to let it be - and the game was quietly picked up again. Earlier this month an official announcement was finally made - the obsessive pursuit of the fans has made Mother 3 a reality (in Japan, at least) - it will be released on April 20, 2006 for the GBA! Now to get it translated..."
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Mother 3 Finished After 11 Years

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In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
