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Prostitutes Call for a Ban on GTA 478

d writes "Gamespot has an article about an association of prostitutes protesting the GTA games. Apparently, the sex workers of the Sex Workers Outreach Project aren't too happy about their ingame counterparts being treated violently in the GTA games. They note that the games are a bad influence on children, and might encourage rape and violent behavior towards prostitutes in real life."
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Prostitutes Call for a Ban on GTA

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  • by Dog Chapman ( 942321 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:46PM (#14726943) Homepage

    Fuck them!
    • by JoeLinux ( 20366 ) <joelinux@@@gmail...com> on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @04:27PM (#14727372)
      Naww....you might catch something...
  • by suso ( 153703 ) * on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:46PM (#14726945) Journal
    I would think that this kind of reasoning would justify murderers to call for a ban on CBS (Crime Broadcasting Station).
  • by sexyrexy ( 793497 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:47PM (#14726950)
    Sex workers definitely aren't a bad potential influence on children.

    Oh, wait.
  • by eldavojohn ( 898314 ) * <eldavojohn@Nospam.gmail.com> on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:47PM (#14726958) Journal
    So I've got a star on me and I'm just waiting for the heat to melt off me so I pull up alongside this "sex worker." She hops in and I am in serious need after that last shoot out. Do I do anything violent to her? No, I go out to a remote area of the park and when the car starts rocking, I exchange cash for life. Not a bad deal, people exchange money for their health at hospitals everyday.

    So now we're done ... what to do? I kind of have two choices:
    A. Kill her and take my monies back.
    B. Keep her around in the car to do more money exchange.

    The way I see it, the game is encouraging me not to harm her because if I do, I'm going to get my monies back but I have to drive all the way back into town and I do not want the po-po on me right now.

    Btw, I learned all this like five years ago from this game. Where was this "sex workers group" when the game came out? They're a bit late to stop it from being released.

    I like how from TFA:
    Though the organization admits to being "adamantly opposed to any and all forms of censorship,"
    So let me get this straight ... mammary glands and naked women shouldn't be censored (sales are up for the sex workers!) but violence should be (worker lifespan is down)?
    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @04:03PM (#14727105)
      ...mammary glands and naked women shouldn't be censored but violence should be?

      That sounds like the difference between European and American censorship. If think we (the EU) have it right on this one. In my ideal world we're all exposed to sex, rather than violence :-)
  • by luder ( 923306 ) * <slashdot@lb r a s . n et> on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:49PM (#14726970)
    "They note that the games are a bad influence on children"
    And from the article:
    "SWOP is calling "on all parents and all gamers to boycott Grand Theft Auto.""
    GTA is rated Mature +17, how are children supposed to be able to play the game? Yell at the parents who let them play violent games...
    • This is why I hate seeing videogames (and other media) in the news. Those who have no clue about the subject claim something is horrible and/or should be banned because of their flawed ideas about it.

      Regarding GTA specifically, have they looked at the game at all? It is a game named after a crime, in which you play a gangster. It carries prominent notices on all packaging (and all advertisements) that it is not for children. Any parents who allow their children to play this game are (in my opinion) gu

      • by jotok ( 728554 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @05:29PM (#14727923)
        Those who have no clue about the subject claim something is horrible and/or should be banned because of their flawed ideas about it.

        Isn't it a bunch of prostitutes doing the protests? Don't you think they would have some experience with exploitation and violence?
    • GTA is rated Mature +17, how are children supposed to be able to play the game? Yell at the parents who let them play violent games...

      But! but but.... we cannot POSSIBLY make parents take responsibility for choosing what they kids can and cannot watch - imagine if they have to listen to their kid whining about not being allowed to play GTA at age 11!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:50PM (#14726984)
    So we're getting calls to ban a form of entertainment... from the purveyors of a widely banned form of entertainment.

    Something about glass houses comes to mind here.
  • by merreborn ( 853723 ) * on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:50PM (#14726986) Journal
    There's at least as much cop killing in GTA as there is ho slaughtering.
    • by biocute ( 936687 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @04:17PM (#14727246)
      I think that's because cops in the game can fight back, and sometimes they win. If they don't win, they send out FBI, or even military to eventually kill the player.

      What can prostitutes in the game do besides maybe running away from the player? GTA should include prostitutes hitting the player violently with their handbags, or kicking the player in the nuts.
  • Pot, meet Kettle.
  • They seriously need to steal AT&Ts old slogan- reach out and touch someone.
  • So are they going to sue the movie industry next for all the films that portray violent crime towards prostitutes? What about churches that use prostitution as a classic example of evil and immoral behavior? Stupid.
  • by szembek ( 948327 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:53PM (#14727017) Homepage
    I think they're looking at this all wrong. In GTA a prostitute makes your health improve, while in real life I would say your chances of getting syphilis are much higher than of that bullet wound in your leg healing after a visit with a hooker. With this logic they should look forward to increased business!
  • by Godai ( 104143 ) * on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:53PM (#14727019)
    ...drug dealers, car thieves & other criminals are suing Hollywood because they claim movies encourage people to dress up like spiders and beat them up.

    In related news, the Plate Glass Association of America (PGAA) is contemplating class action suits of their own, citing numerous examples of films, games & other media where violence is perpetrated on -- or more commonly through -- their members.

  • by JoeLinux ( 20366 ) <joelinux@@@gmail...com> on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:57PM (#14727048)
    Disclaimer: I am a Christian. However, Jack Thompson is of the notorious southern-baptist style bible-thumping crowd. This places him on the same side as prostitutes. I can't WAIT for someone to point this out to him.

    We should have a slogan:

    "Jack Thompson: Working with the street-walkers to keep your kids safe"
    "No-body has their pulse on the average American cum-catcher like Jack"
  • by TheSkepticalOptimist ( 898384 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @03:58PM (#14727067)
    Whore: "I promise to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

    Attorney: "Are you a prostitute?"

    Whore: "Yes, I am" ...

    CNN's Anderson Cooper: "And in today's news, the 1000th prostitute was thrown in jail for admitting they were in the illegal sex trade. Thousands more are lining up around the block to give their testimony to the supreme court...."
  • What class, person or profession does GTA respect? Are prostitutes especially targetted? I'm sure running over lawyers would be more fun but they aren't street workers.
  • by tbone1 ( 309237 )
    Isn't this rather like lawyers complaining abour their media image?

  • by bigdavex ( 155746 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @04:06PM (#14727135)
    They aren't calling for a ban. They think the game is a bad thing and want to discourage parents from allowing their children to play.

    Ban means "to prohibit especially by legal means" (Merriam-Webster [m-w.com]).

    They're exercising a free speech right, not trying to infringe on others'.
  • by Jamil Karim ( 931849 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @04:06PM (#14727138)
    On the Sex Workers Outreach Project [swop-usa.org] homepage, I clicked on "Calendar", but all I got was a list of upcoming events... =(
  • If they had cable, they'd have been protesting just about every movie shown on the pay stations after 11pm for the past 20 years.
  • by rAiNsT0rm ( 877553 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @04:20PM (#14727286) Homepage
    This one makes the most sense. I've heard my share of B.S. "videogames made me do it" stories over the years, but this one has the most legitimate basis of them all. It stands to reason that some frat boy who is majorly into his GTA, either tries to treat a prostitute or a dancer in a similar manner because it is seen and portrayed as a given that you smack a ho. It really does promote the behavior and I could see the point.

    I know it all seems silly, prostitutes complaining and drawing parallels from a video game to real violence. But in reality prostitues are pretty much an accepted thing in America (even though many would have you believe otherwise) and after reading a book a while back about the Mustang Ranch in Vegas, I have a whole new outlook on them and their trade. The knee jerk reaction is to laugh it off, but I truly believe this compalint is the most valid yet.
  • "Children in Ms. Johnson's 2nd grade class from ABC elementary school took a field trip to the red light district to learn about the habits and lives of a different kind of public servent. Here's little Jacky Shultz, live from downtown"

    "Thanks, Ted. I've got little Suzy here who seems to be having a terrific time. So, Suzy, what's your favorite part of today's field trip.?"

    "I liked it when the man in the fuzzy clothes hit the lady and made them give and share. Because sharing is good!"

    "Right you are Suz

  • I have to say these prostitutes are pretty hypocritical...

    "They note that the games are a bad influence on children, and might encourage rape and violent behavior towards prostitutes in real life."

    What about the issue of kids being encouraged to PICK UP a prostitute in real life? Looks like that one managed to slip by them...wonder why...

    And for the record, I have no moral issue against prostitution, its the worlds oldest profession...but I only support the regulated kind, where they work in safe environ

  • Johns (Score:3, Insightful)

    by wk633 ( 442820 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @04:26PM (#14727355)
    Lots of comments on here about pot and kettle and prostitution being illegal and imoral.

    Personally, I can't stand people who put down sex trade workers, but don't save any derrision for the Johns. If you think prostitutes are low-lifes, then quit paying them.
    • Re:Johns (Score:3, Insightful)

      by DaveV1.0 ( 203135 )
      Do you think geeks will really give up their best chance to get laid?

      Personally, I say quit with the double standard and legalize it.
  • by hal2814 ( 725639 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @04:34PM (#14727433)
    Prostitutes and religious zealots are both against the GTA series. What stange bedfellows...
    • by British ( 51765 ) <british1500@gmail.com> on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @05:43PM (#14728057) Homepage Journal
      I'm just waiting for a group of drug dealers to protest GTA.

      Yes, we have everyone from all walks of life protesting GTA. All the good & bad people(depending on your perspective) are putting aside their differences to stop GTA. GTA is helping unite the world. Pimps will stop slapping their hoes, drug dealers will stop killing deadbeat buyers and Hatians will stop, um, whatever Hatians do for a moment to protest a freakin' video game.

      Before GTA, wow, we were so blind to the social problems in the world. We only needed a video game to finally reflect it!

  • show me (Score:3, Informative)

    by Darth_brooks ( 180756 ) <clipper377NO@SPAMgmail.com> on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @04:52PM (#14727603) Homepage
    Show me the mission in any of the GTA series that requires you to beat, kill, or otherwise be violent towards a prostitute. I've finished the storylines in all three of the PS2 versions, I wasted many an hour playing the PC version of the original, but never got a shot at GTA2.

    So where's the "Kill rape and murder all the hookers" mission?
  • by east coast ( 590680 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @06:13PM (#14728332)
    The heroin lobby is calling for a boycott of the latest SWAT video game claiming that it gives them a bad name and portrays them as little more than common thugs who exploit the addicted.
  • Own Goal (Score:4, Insightful)

    by sesshomaru ( 173381 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @07:14PM (#14728751) Journal
    To use a term from football or soccer as we call it in the states, this is an "own goal." To quote SWOP:

    Since the video game Grand Theft Auto accrues points to players for the depiction of the rape and murder of prostitutes, SWOP-USA calls on all parents and all gamers to boycott Grand Theft Auto.
    Now, I've only played Vice City but it seems to me that this does not resemble, at all, what happens in that game. If you want a health boost, you drive slowly around street walkers until one gets into your car. Then you drive to a secluded spot, and your health increases as your money goes down. Now, you can murder anyone, as far as I can tell, in Vice City. I can remember chaisawing cops and random people in a mall one night when I was bored. But rape? That doesn't happen, and most of the time randomly murdering anyone, including prostitutes, is a bad idea.

    The reason why so many people have a problem with GTA is because it treats sex with prostitutes as both no big deal and as generally beneficial. Which would tend to make people see it as something that shouldn't be illegal. Hence lies (about rape) and exaggerations (you get points for killing prostitutes, while killing a prostitute in GTA may be beneficial it also carries in game risks which may make it detrimental).

    But the goal of NIMF isn't, for example, to make prostitutes the one class of person in the game who are invulnerable, it is to remove them from the game completely. Removing the ability to portray prostitutes in a game removes the ability to portray them positively.

    This is actually very sad, because I imagine the guys at Rockstar North are in favor of decriminalization and also against the murder or maltreatment of prostitutes, so their opinion would be inline with SWOP-USA. (I come to this conclusion from the political content of the game, the hypocracy of right wing congressman Shrub and his mistress porn star Candy Suxxx for example.)

  • by blanks ( 108019 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @07:37PM (#14728893) Homepage Journal
    Gamespot has an article about an association of Criminals protesting the GTA games. Apparently, the Criminals of the Criminals Outreach Project aren't too happy about their ingame counterparts being treated violently in the GTA games. They note that the games are a bad influence on children, and might encourage rape and violent behavior towards Criminals in real life."
  • by realmolo ( 574068 ) on Wednesday February 15, 2006 @10:37PM (#14729787)
    You know, like "guns for toys"?

    Except it will be "GTA for BJs".
  • by WhiteWolf666 ( 145211 ) <sherwinNO@SPAMamiran.us> on Thursday February 16, 2006 @08:05AM (#14731679) Homepage Journal
    You go around, as the angle of death, wiping out communities of humans and vampires alike.

    An evil god raises you from the dead to wipe the earth clean. Does this teach children something they shouldn't be learning?

    Or in other news, movies about drug dealing often glorify (and rightly so) the lives of drug dealers, because they often have exciting lives. Does this teach children something they shouldn't be learning?

    Even worse, watching politicians on TV lie about corruption, sex, drugs, drinking and influence teaches children how to use a silver tongue. Does this teach them something they shouldn't be learning?

    Lack of information, lack of exposure, lack of knowledge never saved anyone. Ignorance is never bliss; and the only way you can confront hatred, violence, and deception is head on. "Saving" your children from these things only ensures that when they encounter them in 'the real world' they'll get hoodwinked, abused, or assaulted. Better to teach them, than to let them learn themselves.

    This doesn't necessarily mean you should hand your kids GTA and tell 'em to go at it. But perhaps you should sit down and play it with them(assuming they have reached the age of reason (determining this is left as an exercise to the reader)), and stress that its a fun game, but its _fantasy_, and _dark_ fantasy at that. Parenting 101.

    *shrug*. Or maybe your supposed to keep your kids in a pink room till they reached the age of 18, and then let them into the world, with no knowledge at all, with the sound assurance that all your prayer from 0-18 will encourage God to watch over them in their ignorance.....


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