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Gears To Be A Trilogy, Ousts Halo 2 52

Epic's Gears of War has finally ousted Halo 2 as the most-played game on the Xbox Live service. It's not too surprising, given the game's popularity. Epic was apparently expecting that; GameDaily spoke with Microsoft Corporate VP of Global Marketing Jeff Bell, who as much as says that Gears is the first chapter in a trilogy. From the article: "Gamers today demand an excellent story in their games; they need to know what's at stake, and why they should care. Excitement tops the list of desired emotions, but they want to be scared, too. They want the rush that comes from being scared by an enemy or trapped in a dark room and escaping with their lives. The goal of this ad is to establish Marcus Fenix as the hero of the Gears of War trilogy. The intention is to create emotional connection with him that is lacking in typical third-person action title marketing, by communicating a sense of desperation, loneliness, overwhelming odds, and the ultimate futility of the situation he faces."
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Gears To Be A Trilogy, Ousts Halo 2

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  • by Daetrin ( 576516 )
    Epic was apparently expecting that; GameDaily spoke with Microsoft Corporate VP of Global Marketing Jeff Bell, who as much as says that Gears is the first chapter in a trilogy.

    Not to be cynical, but after seeing the response and sales it's gotten they're certainly going to say it's the begining of a trilogy _now_, regardless of what they originally expected or had planed.

    • The game was clearly built with a sequel in mind, has an ending which will lead directly into another game, so it's not a tacked on response. Even if the game did have a solid ending, i'd have been shocked if they weren't making a sequel. But with the single player campaign so short, I really want a sequel anyways, great game.
      • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )
        EVERY game nowadays has an ending that leads straight into a sequel even though that sequel is rarely made because the game didn't sell.
  • Sequels (Score:3, Funny)

    by anjin-san 3 ( 983912 ) on Tuesday November 21, 2006 @05:48PM (#16939988)
    I, for one, am extremely surprised that developers are willing to make sequels to an extremely popular game. This has never happened before in the gaming industry.
  • Mad World (Score:3, Insightful)

    by C0rinthian ( 770164 ) on Tuesday November 21, 2006 @05:50PM (#16940036)
    I can't RTFA because of firewalling. From the quote, it sounds like he's talking about the 'Mad World' commercial they've been playing in theatres and on television. I've got to say that is one of the best game ads I've seen in a long time...
  • 1. Take a good sized game and cut the story/campaign mode into 3 smaller parts

    2. Sell 3x the games

    3. Profit!
    • by DingerX ( 847589 )
      hey, 15 years ago, I was given the metrics that the average buyer played a game for 5 hours. Yeah, many of us will play a 70+ hour game. But might it be more memorable if it were shorter? I mean, there's lots of crappy dialogue and "filler" out there. Would I have enjoyed GTA3:Vice City just as much if they left half of it out? By the end, I knew the city inside-out, twice....

      It's the Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings dilemma: do make it absolutely clear how you spend you money, or do you leave the world
      • All I know is that I want either a long game or one with a lot of replay value. for a game that I can't mod (like almost anything on a console) it had better be long, because the replay value will be low unless it's a racing or sports game. Not that I play sports games - the last one I enjoyed was NHL '98 and that only because you could check players (or the ref) through the glass. And I'm not counting racing games in with sports games, although racing is [arguably] a sport.

        I wouldn't mind a game with 5

    • Which just shows that, once again, game producers are taking their cue from the world of novel publication. Cutting bloated, oversized stories into thirds is a classic technique in books.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "Gamers today demand an excellent story in their games; they need to know what's at stake, and why they should care. Excitement tops the list of desired emotions, but they want to be scared, too. They want the rush that comes from being scared by an enemy or trapped in a dark room and escaping with their lives. The goal of this ad is to establish Marcus Fenix as the hero of the Gears of War trilogy. The intention is to create emotional connection with him that is lacking in typical third-person action title
    • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

      I have this deep feeling that you're full of shit.
    • by @madeus ( 24818 )
      Cinematic gaming never suceeded and it will never succeed because it's based on communications, not empowering the user to create their own world and play in it.

      That's not very concinving argument when it's a model that has already succeeded. Games like GRAW, the Call of Duty series and Max Payne were cinematic games and that was integral to their success. Gears of War falls certainly short of the gameplay in those titles, but that's got nothing to do with the fact it's a cinematic experience and is down to
    • by Pope ( 17780 )
      "Entrance a 13 year old." What are you, a pedo?

  • by ConfusedSelfHating ( 1000521 ) on Tuesday November 21, 2006 @06:54PM (#16941172)

    I was in a movie theatre waiting to see the new James Bond film. It was a Saturday night and it was packed. I had bought my ticket half an hour before the movie started because it was going to sell out. Everyone was talking and it was pretty noisy in the room and it was 60% full. There were ads playing on the screen while everyone was waiting, but it was pre-trailer time and the ads were ignored. When the Gears of War trailer came on the screen and the music started, everyone shutup and watched it. When it was over, people began speaking again.

    This holiday season is a best case scenario for Microsoft. They have solved all of the their production problems and have an ample supply. Both Sony and Nintendo are dealing with supply issues (Nintendo less than Sony) and quality control (Nintendo less than Sony). Using Gamespot's reviews, there are 4 games rated between 9.0 and 9.6 and 35 games between 8.0 and 8.9 on the Xbox 360. There are 6 games rated between 8.0 and 8.9 on the Playstation 3. There are 7 games rated between 8.0 and 8.9 on the Wii (don't yell at me, Gamespot rated Zelda 8.8, I've seen it rated higher on other sites). There will be other games released, but right now the Xbox 360 has the better selection of games for next gen consoles. If Microsoft can't dominate this holiday season, then they are going to rank third place this generation.

    Does anyone know if the Wii is having backward compatibility issues? I don't want to pick up a Gamecube, but I would like to play Resident Evil 4 (I don't have a PS2 either). If I remember correctly, the Wii is supposed to be backward compatible with the Gamecube.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      Does anyone know if the Wii is having backward compatibility issues? I don't want to pick up a Gamecube, but I would like to play Resident Evil 4 (I don't have a PS2 either). If I remember correctly, the Wii is supposed to be backward compatible with the Gamecube.

      Both the Wii and the Gamecube are powerPC chips. The Wii's backwards computability is enough that the GameCube distribution of Linux will run on the Wii in "Gamecube mode."

      I highly doubt that Resident Evil 4, one of the best games for the 'cube, w
      • The only thing I would add to that is you need a GC controller and a possibly GC memory card if the game requires one to play GC games on the Wii. Not a problem for folks that already have the older system but it sounds like grandparent post does not.
    • Mod points but I'll bite. How can you possibly compare the Xbox 360 and the amount of 'quality' games they have (oh wait, didn't I see a BK commercial w/ 4$ xbox games?) when they've been out for a freakin' year and the other consoles have been out roughly 2 weeks? Garbage.
      • So? (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Namarrgon ( 105036 )

        How can you possibly compare the Xbox 360 and the amount of 'quality' games they have [...] when they've been out for a freakin' year and the other consoles have been out roughly 2 weeks?

        Why should one not compare them? People are buying them right now - this is how things stand right now, and those 360 games are available today, to play today. What good are promises of future goodness, when you go to play a game today?

        This is the whole point of getting to market a year sooner - to get that head start

No spitting on the Bus! Thank you, The Mgt.
