Lord of the Rings Online Impressions 99
The Non-Disclosure Agreement for the Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) beta test has been lifted, and with the game set for release soon it may be useful to you to peruse some hands-on previews of the title. Hexus.net offers A Day in the Life of a Hobbit, and Tobold's MMORPG blog has similar hobbit-related impressions. Tobold also has a comparison between LORTRO and World of Warcraft for those who might be thinking about making the jump. More hands-on info is available from Warcry, Kill Ten Rats, and Gamers With Jobs. Van Hemlock offers up a high level overview of the title, mentioning recent releases and pointing out the realities of Massive gaming: "How the Great Fantasy Epic Saga will stand the ravages thousands of petty powerlevelling smacktalkers all loitering about Rivendell bank, level one hobbit girls - dancing as naked as the game will allow, shouting ridiculous three-letter-acronyms and generally not getting into the spirit of the thing, remains to be seen. I expect Our People can crush even The Lord of the Rings beneath our metagaming heel without feeling too guilty."
Wait a minute... (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Wait a minute... (Score:4, Insightful)
I normally refer to them as MMOG because apart from a few really great people in CoV I have seen remarkably little in the way of RP in games these days (and yes, I do make a point that if someone is RPing, I will attempt to RP back).
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If you don't care about the graphics, you can role-play in a Middle-earth sort of environment at MUME [pvv.org] (telnet link [pvv.org]). Level-related stuff happens there too, but at least it's free-as-in-beer to play.
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It boggles the mind why people would even bother to roleplay in a game with such limited abilities in terms of
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As to the criticism of the diversity of the mobs, well they are somewhat constrained by the lore. They cannot invent a bunch of monster types to inhabit the lands. On the other hand, I have yet o play a game until this that has such sumorous and thought provoking quests. Yes, there's lots of kill x quests, but there is at least as many that are part of longish chains involving various NPC's and situa
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I'd say that there's actually a pretty good variety of strange creatures in middle-earth. Look at Iron Crown's MERP (Middle-Earth Role Playing) - a pen&paper rpg based on Tolkien's world, sorta popular in the early 1990's. There was a fairly decent variety of creatures - most of them were some variety of orc or troll, but there was plenty
Seems a bit late... (Score:1)
I totally know what to name my character (Score:5, Funny)
Sorry, that name is taken.
Enter your character's name: Leggolas
Sorry, that name is taken.
Enter your character's name: Legolass
Sorry, that name is taken.
Enter your character's name: Llegolus
Sorry, that name is taken.
Enter your character's name: Legggollass
Sorry, that name is taken.
Enter your character's name: Legoooooolas
Sorry, that name is taken.
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I guess that there will be a huge raft of people all trying to find names similar to the originals...however, some of the original characters from the books actually appear in the game [quests, instances etc.]
So that should make it interesting. I really can't wait for this to come out; I think it'll be great.
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Re:I totally know what to name my character (Score:5, Funny)
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It'll be just like FFXI, everyone there has the same name as any of the given characters. I think I've seen 30 or 40 variations of how to spell Sephiroth, as well as all the XxxSephirothxxx clones. At least their living the storyline, Sephiroth can pop up anywhere, out any of his 'kin' that are still roaming.
Every 13 yr old's first attempt (Score:3, Funny)
Sorry, that name is not allowed.
Heh heh heh heh!
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Hmm, I wonder.,.. (Score:2)
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If the npcs focussed on players with similar names to the Big Names.
<Leggolas> *prance* Still the prettiest! */prance*
<Pack of Myopic Orcs> *squint* "Hey look fellas, it's Legolas! I've heard there's a bounty on his head!"
I beta tested, so I have a few things to say (Score:5, Informative)
The quest vs grind ratio is vastly in favor of questing opposed to WOW where grinding was generally better.
It has excellent graphics.
It's run by Turbine, so that means frequent updates to keep the content fresh.
Player vs Monster is fun. I played as a Warg and got over 100 kills and only finally died when lag froze me in place for 30 s
Money is more worthless in this game than any other MMORPG. Somehow no newer MMORPGS seem to care to make an economy.
If you get the best lewt in the game, your character will only be about 5-10% better than a storebought character even though you have lots of flashy stats.
Attributes mean about nothing. I won't even post an example of this. Lets just say your stat sheet is a total joke.
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You may have misunderstood monster play though. Some people play as monsters. Some people play as characters. Then they try and take over castles, quest, or fight each other.
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Of course, I would expect the power-players and people who do enjoy being 00ber to not like this particular aspe
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I mean, what's the point. I'm on the trailing end of content, but I know that there's somewhere thats up from here. If there's No up, then why bother?
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He considers this a plus because like unlike games with a recognizable end he can leave at any time without feeling like he left things unfinished. He's no closer to
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and if
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Interesting. I rarely 'grind' in WoW, I'm pretty much doing a quest 99% of the time when I'm killing monsters, more so now the X-pac is out. I would be interested to know how you're defining the term 'grind' in this case in the context of quests.
My definition of 'grind' vs 'questing' would be... quest: "Kill 30 specific mobs and return to quest giver to get a large XP bonus and some loot until you
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My definition of 'grind' vs 'questing' would be... quest: "Kill 30 specific mobs and return to quest giver to get a large XP bonus and some loot until you level up and move on". Grind: "Sit in the same area and kill anything you come across and hope for loot drops until you level up and move on".
I'd generally agree with this definition, and it has pretty much been proven that for most classes in WoW, questing is faster than grinding. Also, usually Bliz does a decent job of mixing up the kill X mobs quests with other quest types, with some notable exceptions (STV and Nagrand for example).
The only time I've really grinded in WoW is for reputation. In the xpac I'd say things have improved to a certain extent. For some reputation (e.g. Honor Hold, Cenarion Refuge) you don't have to do very much if
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I can agree with what you're aiming for, however, I think in WoW (and most MMO's these days) quests and 'grinding' are practically one and the same. You have to go and kill tons of birds, snakes, bees, and bulls. You just pickup a quest on the side to d
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In general, that's true of WoW, but I attribute that to the success of WoW more than the developers intention. It's not hard to see the 'left by the roadside' intentions of the developers to give each class their own 'class specific' quests for items and abilities.
Just look at the level 10-ish quests for some classes. The Druid has a cool quest series to gai
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Pretty much all the other quests were kind of boring.
IMHO, YMMV, yadda yadda yadda
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This was some time ago, and when rarely any Hunter had the Freeze trap talent (before the first round of talent improvements). Those did look like fun quests.
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So no Gil Farmers? No 'leetl players? Great! (Score:2)
I also have to agree that as someone who only plays a few hours a day, a few nights a week (Sorry, I have a job AND a life), that I don't want to see all these uber players (basically 13 yo's without a life) running around pretty much
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You never played FFXI, did you. That's the closest thing I have found to a real thriving player-run economy, and it was leaps and bounds above any of the paper-money economies other games put in. Unfortunately, that was also one of it's biggest flaws--it made the game far too much like actual work. 'Still amazing to see in practice, though.
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You mean like the updates that eventually brought Asheron's Call to being a worthless pile of shit, when it was one of the greatest MMORPG's ever made. They bent the PVP balance over and raped it, literally, in their attempts to balance it via spreadsheets. They made the game so outlandishly easy that a retarded 5 year old could play and not have a single problem. Those are the kinds of things you can expect out of Turbine
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If "best lewt" defines the game, the economy will be fucked anyway.
For a decent MMORPG economy, make player-crafted stuf
Just wait till someone (Score:3, Funny)
Different from WoW? (Score:3, Informative)
The blogger's argument simply seemed to consist of noting how everything in LotRO was new, while players of WoW would already be tiring of the Burning Crusade and seeking something new. Exactly what makes LotR different from WoW outside of the setting, the slightly different races and the classes?
The screenshots certainly didn't help. The user interface looked as though it was lifted straight out of WoW in almost every regard. I looked at some EQ screenshots just to be sure WoW hadn't done the same thing. Aside from possibly preferring Middle Earth to Azeroth, I'm having difficulty finding a good reason for someone to pick LotRO over WoW.
Is there something I'm missing?
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Is there something I'm missing?
You're only considering the setting! (Score:3, Interesting)
World of Warcraft UI [hld.ca] Lord of the Rings Online UI [hexus.net]
It's not just the UI. The quest-heavy gameplay (as opposed to the Everquest/FFXI grind), the way the classes are balanced, etc. All that stuff is lifted from WoW, and certainly
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MMORPGs need to do more. We have seen nothing but upgraded version of Everquest since... well, Everquest.
I sure hope they didn't use WOWs balancing! (Score:3, Interesting)
Balance was the one big thing WoW didn't understand.
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There are fights that are harder, but when I fight an opponent whose equipment matches mine, I only lose when I make mistakes or my foe is simply better than I am. There's the occaisional super lucky crit streak win, but those are abberations.
And honestly, the whole Shaman/Rogue supremecy thing died ages ago. Watching bluetracker, there isn't a single class that hasn't had numerous nerf threads in the past months.
Now, if LotRO
I suck too badly for it to matter (Score:1)
I find it interesting that you only refer to the terrain/graphics as 'not too bad'. I think this is the big thing that WoW got right. I've run the game effectively on systems as low as a Celeron 800, all the way up to At
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Seriously, though... Blizzard's idea of balance is to make a single class good against 4 classes, bad against 4 classes, and (by definition) even with itself.
The sad part is, they even fail at that.
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Money? (Score:1)
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$9.99 if you sign up early.
From the first article. [kotaku.com]
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Oh, no worries there.
For actual literate fans of the works of a great fantasy writer, neither this nor Peter Jackson nor even JRR's bastard(izing) offspring can spoil the original.
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Does that mean that all science fiction movie directors are hacks? No. The problem is the medium.
If you're not happy with the LOTR movies then there is absolutely no way that any movie could have ever been made of LOTR that would please you.
Listen! (Score:2)
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Skip if not a die-hard, skip it if you are. (Score:5, Informative)
Landscapes and landscape features are nicely done.
Water reflectivity encompasses all drawn items
Quest system. The idea is to flood you with them. Some are new variations of FED-EX others are same old stuff, but its an alternative
No Mages... uh
Traits. The idea was good..
ALL, and I mean ALL, indoor areas are INSTANCED. This means if you want to enter a building you instance to do so. Even if this means just going in to complete a quest with no more than a click of a dialog.
NPCs use a different animation engine from PCs, hence they are lifeless and dull. Eyes that don't blink, no facial movement, etc. Some do some animated scripts, but only with other NPCs.
Quest system. The idea is to flood you with them. Yet its really the same old stuff repackaged.
Traits, think Talents from WOW but more random. This is where the grind is. Some examples, trying to gain one trait required me to kill literally hundereds of slugs, yes slugs. It seemed all traits were gained this way.
Magic. They simply renamed it. Don't for a minute believe there are not mages and priests in this game. Loremasters are mages pure and simple. They throw fireballs.
Animation system, combat system is boring. Animations don't even take into account parries and dodges so even though the game said you parried its not drawn. Combats can also take place with a sizable distance between combatants making it look silly.
User Interface. Still Turbine's worst suit. They can't code a UI to save their lives. It looks like each part was done by a different team. Some look very "period" - meaning belonging to a fantasy game, while others look like a PDA from Half Life.
Remember first and foremost that this is Turbine. They love to make promises, they just take forever to deliver them or they don't. They also are on record as being the first game company to permit Automated Combat Macros, they also released a major expansion to a game only to announce shutdown 3 months later, and they still haven't delivered half of what they promised for DDO.
Oh, to top it off, those who pre-order get into beta. Nothing unusual there, except this time they can take their beta characters from that beta into release to get a jump on the rest of the people.
Pass. Its LOTR in name only, more like AC2 with hobbits
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I'll just add that grouping/socialization is not required except for some specific quests. You don't really build and keep friendships easily in this game as a result. Once a group is done with the task, it pretty much disappears. Also, if you like doing things with your guild, it's an annoyance when people are on different steps of a quest and you have to synchronize everybody to the same point.
I can't stand grinding, and I thought there wasn't any in this game. Then I got to level 4
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For those expecting flashy combat and spell graphics, forget it. Remember first and foremost that this is Middle-Earth and magic is not big here to begin with. Starting out I couldn't even be sure that a low level loremaster was actually doing anything when his fire spell shot out at the target.
I'm not saying graphics make the game, but the lack of nice animations definitely hurts it, es
mages (Score:2)
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This will be like SWG? (Score:2, Insightful)
Wouldn't KOTOR style have been much better, giving the developers free rein over what happens, while being able to use the vast story materials.
We already know what happens here, and we aren't going to change it. Too much like real life
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MEO (Score:1)
I don't see it working. (Score:2)
It may be a great game, but I'm not sure how it will work as "Lord of the Rings" material.
Turbine Games ... ugh (Score:2)
Asheron's Call was an awesome game, very inovative in a lot of ways
AC2 was a dog.
Online AD&D. See: AC2.
- Roach
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MEO (Score:1)
No, the cat does not "got my tongue." (Score:1)
"Ok, sir. Here's your wiffle bat."
WTF is this? WTF do you mean Frodo the thief outdamages Aragorn!??!?! Who the F*** DESIGNED THIS GOD D***** POS?!?!?
(wiff wiff)
"Oh, casters can outdamage you, too."
What casters? The two greatest casters in the entire world, Gandalf and Saruman, could barely whip up a fireball or induce a small local avalanch.
"And we won't even get into the bards."
WTF is a bard?!?!? There are
Some random observations (Score:2)
Bad (maybe I'm picking nits, but these thing
Sounds like a lot of people suffer from Wowitus (Score:2, Interesting)
This disease usually manifests itself in an inability to enjoy new MMOs - simply because you believe that its just a wow clone. No matter how new and unique the feature is, you'll throw it off as a simple variation of a mechanic in WoW - even if its a mechanic thats been in MOST mmos pre-wow. In fact, you'll start seeing wow in features that arent even part of wow!
The only cure to this soul-destroying disease
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Granted, the ruins traits were kind of interesting. But stats are fairly useless.
The traits that actually increase your abilities take a focused effort on your part to use the ability the trait is based on. Over and over again. Then bam, all of a sudden, you get a new one. Woo!
I think I got up to level 15 in the stress test and only got the exploration traits, and a couple of the mob-slaying traits (woo, okay, I'm a wolfslayer. awesome.)
The behemoth known as WoW (Score:1)
Why I'm not so interested (Score:2)
Here's my story, and it's a bit different.
I had always felt hostile to Everquest and other MMORPGs for some reason, but a close friend who I admire and respected was playing WOW and loving it, so I thought I'd give it a go. To be honest I was a little ashamed because of the cruel comments that I had made about doing other stuff like "talking to girls" and "going outside" to some of my gamer friends in the past, so I played by myself for a w
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another article (Score:1)