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Classic Games (Games)

NiGHTS Into Dreams Remake Now Official 25

The classic Sega Saturn title NiGHTS Into Dreams is finally, finally, getting a sequel. Joystiq reports on news at Famitsu, saying that a NiD sequel will be coming to the Wii this winter. "Takashi Izuka of Sonic Team USA is Producer of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. He leaves Famitsu, and the rest of the weeping-with-tears-of-joy world, with this comment: 'In 1996, we created the NiGHTS character to achieve a concept of being refreshed from being able to fly in the sky. 11 years later, at last, we have broken our silence. NiGHTS will now fly in a new dream world: new stages, new story, and on the new Wii platform.'"
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NiGHTS Into Dreams Remake Now Official

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  • Nights into Dreams was by far one of my favorite games on the Saturn. I've long awaited for a sequel, and all I have to say now is SWEET!
  • by 0racle ( 667029 ) on Monday April 02, 2007 @02:47PM (#18577371)
    But that's a cool title.
  • Is this a sequel or a remake? Knowing how long fans of this have been waiting for, well, anything related to the game, maybe they'd appreciate either one--I dunno.
    • by PeelBoy ( 34769 )
      Remake was probably not a good choice of words. It's a new NiGHTS game I can tell you that much.
  • Tricks are for magicians! Seriously though, this is a sequel. Not a remake. It says so right there. Right there in the article. Look! I'm not lying! Here's to hoping the original hits Virtual Console (if they can ever wrap their brains around Saturn emulation).
    • Illusions, Michael. Tricks are what a prostitute does for money.

      Or cocaine.
    • Considering there are still no good emulators for the PC, my guess is no. If you'd like to try one, the best of the bunch are Satourne and SSF, both of which will need a fairly beefy system to run well. I love my Wii as much as the next guy, but processing power isn't it's strong suit.

      If you want to play Saturn games, by all means buy one. There were a ton of great Japanese exclusives that never made it anywhere else, but certainly should have...

      Here's to hoping the original hits Virtual Console (if t

      • Two questions:

        1) Why is the Saturn so hard to emulate quickly? I've heard something about multiple cores that each did one specific kind of processing (CPU, graphics, sound) but ran on one board or something...
        2) Why can't the original NiGHTs game be compiled from Saturn ASM into Something-Else ASM, the hardware problems fixed, and the resulting program compiled and offered for Virtual Console?
  • I hope the keep the music substantially unaltered. It was wonderful stuff. I have it on my MP3 player, and occasionally annoy my passengers by playing it in the car.

    Favorite tracks: "Splash Garden: The Amazing Water," and "Soft Museum: Suburban Museum." And, of course, "Twin Seeds: Growing Wings."


  • NiGHTS into DreamS (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Gogo0 ( 877020 ) on Monday April 02, 2007 @04:12PM (#18578495)
    NiGHTS was an awesome idea and felt new because of the (analog) controller, it being on any other system would be cool, but definitely a cop-out in the control sense.
    The Wii will offer a potentially amazing new control method, and I'll buy it, but I think that NiGHTS would really shine on the DS. The stylus would work perfectly.

    Anyway, wonderful news. Hopefully it will live up to the original and sell well.
    • I disagree, I believe the Wii is an apropos choice. I do not know how the control scheme will end up, but I believe a simple version which could work rather well is to have movement tied to the nunchuck and have tricks based on wiimote (use it in a wand/baton fashion). I hope they maintain the rails system similar to what was used on the original NiD, and considering how Sonic for the Wii is on rails, I believe this is a real possibility. Another reason I'm glad they're choosing the Wii over the DS is be
  • ...other than my excitement and general well-wishes for the NiD team. NiGHTS is probably the most under-appreciated video game of all time. Its controls were effortless and the gameplay so immersing -- and though, when you get to the final stage, you would have sworn there was no plot -- then BANG! It hits you with a subtle gold-plated Mack truck of brilliant-ness that manages to kick the whole experience up to a level that few games have achieved since. The Christmas version was pretty clever, too. Anyway,
  • Hooray for NiGHTS! (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Back when I was a Sega-console-addict, NiGHTS were the only character that was right up there, next to Sonic. The game rocked, it was immersive, it was fun, it had an insane ingenuity for that time (2½D perspective, bob-sledding character, the roller-coaster-part for instance). It had the most psychedelic stage ever called Soft Museum (i think it was called) where everything was...soft...and bouncy, hard to explain but seriously weird and mindboggling, and that music almost made me want to take up bagp
  • What's the reason for linking to an out of date wikipedia article on the subject?
  • Nights is the one game I'm gauranteed to play when I pull out my Saturn for some retro gaming (Before anyone challenges my geek points over my definition of "retro" please note that the SNES and NES are perminantly connected to the television.) It's a crying shame that a Nights sequel didn't help launch the dreamcast, let alone that it never appeared on it period -- it was rumored to be in production at the time of the DC's demise. I'm glad to see a remake on the way, and I think the Wii will serve it well

"Only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core." -- Hannah Arendt.
