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PlayStation (Games) Christmas Cheer The Almighty Buck

Analysts See 80GB PS3 Dropping To $499 For Holidays 103

Gamsasutra reports on analyst predictions of another PS3 price drop in time for the holidays. This time, the 80GB sku would take the place of the now fully-cleared-out 60GB unit. "Jesse Divnich from fantasy video game prediction market simExchange has said much the same, adding that 'after examining more closely the hardware sales of the PS3 over the last 6 months we have come to the conclusion that the PS3 cannot remain competitive in the current North American environment at its current retail offering at $499 and $599 ... To remain competitive against the other consoles, the Sony PS3 would have to reduce its 80GB SKU by $100 down to $499. Other options, besides a price drop, could be the bundling of more free software titles, which has always been a popular option during the Holiday season.'"
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Analysts See 80GB PS3 Dropping To $499 For Holidays

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  • Like I care? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by nweaver ( 113078 )
    As a gamer who plays, I'm currently enjoying Metroid on a Wii..

    When I finally get an HDTV, My $$$ are going to the evil Borg empire (rather than the Evil sony empire) and getting an XBox 360 for Halo and GTA IV.

    So why should anyone care about the PS3? The zealots who got them got them already, and all the rest are just not gonna care, get a Wii (gameplay) or get an XBox (more games and similar "oohh, shiny" graphics)
    • Re:Like I care? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by dsyu ( 203328 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @04:44PM (#20469437) Homepage Journal
      So why should anyone care about the PS3? The zealots who got them got them already, and all the rest are just not gonna care, get a Wii (gameplay) or get an XBox (more games and similar "oohh, shiny" graphics)

      For some, it's a case where we're assuming (maybe foolishly) that the PS3 will eventually have some interesting and unique games that are otherwise unavailable on any of the other platforms. Examples of this for the PS2 for me would be Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Ratchet and Clank, etc.

      It's akin to asking why anyone bothered buying an original XBox, when there were so many more titles for the PS2? If you were a Halo fan, the answer was obvious.
      • Re: Like I care? (Score:2, Interesting)

        by trdrstv ( 986999 )

        For some, it's a case where we're assuming (maybe foolishly) that the PS3 will eventually have some interesting and unique games that are otherwise unavailable on any of the other platforms. Examples of this for the PS2 for me would be Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Ratchet and Clank, etc.

        It's akin to asking why anyone bothered buying an original XBox, when there were so many more titles for the PS2? If you were a Halo fan, the answer was obvious.

        The difference is Th X-Box launched with Halo. What "Syst

        • by Perseid ( 660451 )
          True, but if you only have the money for one system what happens if you buy what is eventually the orphaned one? You should definitely consider the 'maybe' or wait for the 'definite'.
          • I caved in a got an XBox (first one) not because of platform exclusives, but because all the multiplatform titles looked better on the XBox than they did on the PS2. Largely I believe that will be the case with the PS3. The 360 is scaring me away with their red-rings-of-death, and the Wii looks fun, and I may buy one, but everything I hear suggests that it really is catered more to multiplayer gaming. Since getting married and having a kid, I don't have people over to play video games anymore. I rarely
            • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

              by fotbr ( 855184 )
              Just pointing out the obvious.

              Use the Wii to make gaming a family activity, and get the kid and your wife to game with you. All the fun of "in-person" multiplayer, without needing to invite people over.
              • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

                by trdrstv ( 986999 )

                Just pointing out the obvious.

                Use the Wii to make gaming a family activity, and get the kid and your wife to game with you. All the fun of "in-person" multiplayer, without needing to invite people over.

                And even if the Wii gaming isn't your cup of tea... if your family likes it, the Wii may be the trojan horse that opens them up to the possibility of a 360 or PS3 for you... maybe even one for Christmas :)

              • I keep trying to get my wife into gaming, and she likes the occassional game (KOTOR) but it isn't her cup of tea. My daughter is only 2, and we're a ways off there.

                I bought the NES, SNES, GB, GBA, N64 and Gamecube, so I'm not a Nintendo hater. I've seen them focus more and more on party games, quirks, and non-gamers. The often resell their old games over and over again, and people seem happy to buy them over and over again. Most are excited about the virtual console, but I see an inferior replacement to
                • by fotbr ( 855184 )
                  Fair enough - without knowing your kid's age or your wifes disposition towards games, I just figured I'd throw out the obvious suggestion.

                  I actually agree with most of what you said about Nintendo, and if it weren't for the golf and bowling games I probably wouldn't have bought a Wii myself. Yes, the controller is sort of a gimick. But it works well with two types of games I like, so... meh, it was worth it for me. Its not for everyone though.
              • by fotbr ( 855184 )
                Wow. Modded "Troll" AFTER the GP and I had a few civil responses. Thats a whole new low for slashdot's moderation system.
        • by Reapman ( 740286 )
          Wait what? Are you comparing the XBox with the PS3? Um... in that case, PS2 has a bigger library then the 360, so it, er, pwnz it? Thats like saying the PS2 has Final Fantasy X and XII, so LOL at the 360?
          • Never mind the fact that he wasn't comparing them like that at all, but isn't the PS2 outselling the 360? This would suggest that this is exactly what is happening.
          • by rtb61 ( 674572 )
            So lateral thinking is the best option. It is not to late to throw in a remote keyboard and mouse and throw in sony open office, sony firefox and sony thunderbird, PS3 it is more than just a toy and of course M$ can never match it. Think of all those male juveniles trying to convince their parents that the PS3 will help them get better grades in school and the parents can use it to pay their bills and do email and stuff :D.
            • It is not to late to throw in a remote keyboard and mouse and throw in sony open office, sony firefox and sony thunderbird, PS3 it is more than just a toy and of course M$ can never match it.

              So basically you are advocating that Sony adopt the same marketing approach with the PS3 that was used for the Commodore 64 (successfully) and the Atari XEGS (not successfully). "Our gaming console has a keyboard, which makes it a computer and not a gaming console! The kids can do their homework on it! Mom can file h
        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        Yes, that's very foolish. Most of the PS2's appeal came from 3rd parties. Sony also doesn't have any of their 1st/2nd/3rd committed(Insomniac and Sucker punch would qualify for this particular little sub-categorization) major franchises out yet, and with their marketshare atm you'd be extremely foolish to count on the type of 3rd party committment that made the PS2 worth it.

        Or in other words, I'll buy a Nintendo console secure in the knowledge that they'll release enough stuff themselves over it's lifetim
      • by flitty ( 981864 )
        Yeah, So i'll buy a ps3 the same time I buy a ps2. One month before the PS4 comes out and the thing costs $129, with a full library of games i've not played yet. I still don't see a reason why it's worth $599, or $499 for that matter. When the Ico guys come out with their game, GOW3 and at least 10 other games hit, then the ps3 becomes worth something. Until then, a price drop means nothing to me, just like every generation.
        The 360 finally has about 10 games I want to play, so i'll end up buying one t
      • Some of us are already playing exclusives that are excellent and waiting for more like Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction which IMHO would be a system seller on its own, but I own all the previous editions as well.
        • by amuro98 ( 461673 )
          Excellent PS3 exclusives? Praytell, what would these be? Warhawk, perhaps, but every other exclusive on the PS3 has only managed to "mediocre" to "OK" reviews at best. Most of the PS3's best titles are also available on the 360, with many reviewers giving the 360 version the slightest of edges over the PS3 version. At least with the PS2 vs. Xbox, even the PS2 ports that made up a large chunk of the Xbox's total library at least had better graphics, and sometimes, additional content so there was an argum
          • Honestly, I stopped reading at the word "reviews".

            I actually own the games -- and have a number of friends who play them as well, despite not owning anything newer than a PS2 themselves, and they're excellent.

            Sure there aren't many out right now, but they exist, and some of them are excellent. It hasn't even been a year since release yet, I seem to recall all the 360 people decrying the lack of games for the 360 in the first year too; "sure, PGR is good, but I'm sick of it" type stuff.

            PS, if a game isn't w
    • Re:Like I care? (Score:4, Informative)

      by SwordsmanLuke ( 1083699 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @04:49PM (#20469515)
      As a long time gamer, I'm not entirely sold on the Xbox 360. It seems to me that Microsoft is tying their console so closely to their Games for Windows / DX10 effort that I am willing to bet that many games for the 360 will turn up on PC as well. Also, I think the PS3's hardware provides more potential for future development. (Whether or not game studios will be able to take advantage of that potential is another issue altogether.)

      I'm not a Sony fanboi, I waited in line for my Wii and ignored the PS3 launch completely. I want my games to be fun, not just pretty. (Which probably explains the old Atari 2600 in my living room) But I see interesting things in the PS3's future that I don't think the 360 will be able to match.

      Just my $.02
      • by trdrstv ( 986999 )

        I'm not a Sony fanboi, I waited in line for my Wii and ignored the PS3 launch completely. I want my games to be fun, not just pretty. (Which probably explains the old Atari 2600 in my living room) But I see interesting things in the PS3's future that I don't think the 360 will be able to match.

        Please, don't take this as a Bash, but I honestly would like to know what you feel the PS3 is capable of in the future that the 360 can't match.

        Off hand I can only think of one instance (aside from Multiple DVD'

        • The Cell processor definitely has a raw horsepower advantage over the rather standard PowerPC in the 360. 8 cores beats 2 any day.

          Now, whether the game developers are savvy enough to take advantage of the cell is a different question entirely.

          Don't discount the whole multiple-DVDs vs. 1 BlueRay, either. Or the fact that the PS3 comes standard with a hard drive, allowing game manufacturers to cache textures to disk before they are needed ("streaming textures"), making gameplay smoother, with richer visuals.

          • Re: Sheer power (Score:3, Interesting)

            by trdrstv ( 986999 )

            The Cell processor definitely has a raw horsepower advantage over the rather standard PowerPC in the 360. 8 cores beats 2 any day.

            Well, 7 active (useable) and 1 redundant core in the Cell vs. the 3 (Active) cores in the 360. Point understood about More cores being better. One of the issues I see is that the PS3 has half the system RAM (256 megs) of the 360 (512 megs) so a game like Gears of War that uses all that RAM wouldn't be playable in its current form on the PS3.

            Don't discount the whole multiple-D

            • by nuzak ( 959558 )
              > One of the issues I see is that the PS3 has half the system RAM (256 megs) of the 360 (512 megs) so a game like Gears of War that uses all that RAM wouldn't be playable in its current form on the PS3.

              I got corrected on this a while back, so I'll pass it on: The 360 has 512 megs that are fully shared with the video, whereas the PS3 has 256M for each of system RAM and video. It doesn't seem to make a lot of difference in the end. They're both nice consoles, and I could afford both ... but there's a def
              • by trdrstv ( 986999 )

                They're both nice consoles, and I could afford both ... but there's a definite Wife Acceptance Factor problem with getting more than one console in a year.

                Funny thing though, I spend more time playing original xbox games (Jade Empire, Halo 2, Psychonauts) on my 360 than 360 titles.

                I just went through that this summer! I went through a spell of old Xbox games, Both Max Paynes are good (and cheap) as is Panzer Dragoon Orta (all BC and under $10). Then a buddy loaned me Oblivion... That pretty much turne

          • You have a serious lack of understanding about the Cell. The SPEs aren't cores in the same sense as the CPU in the 360. Also, the 360 has a 3 core processor,

            Just some factual corrections. Your opinions don't really mean anything to me.
      • +1

        I have both. My main reason for getting the PS3, in addition to the "interesting things in the future" that you mention, is Blu-Ray.

        Turned out to be a good decision, since, when my 360 bricked with a "Red Ring of Death" yesterday morning, it didn't entirely ruin my Memorial Day. ;-)
  • or Even $450... The 60 gig version with the EE chip is simply a much better value at the same price, I can't see them selling many 80 gig units at such an inflated price. Also with a comparatively weak software line up (yes there are good games, just not as many of them) they need to get the price down below $400 ASAFP.
  • It's either:

    "Sony's 80GB PS3"


    "Sony's N82E16868110016 SKU"

    Except SKU [] is assigned at the merchant level, so there are approximately eleventy billion different SKUs for the 80GB PS3. The above is Newegg's SKU.

  • Prediction (Score:2, Insightful)

    Still too damn expensive for me. And most everyone else.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by andphi ( 899406 )
      Indeed. "Slightly less prohibitively expensive" still simplifies down to "prohibitively expensive"
    • ... but I already own a Wii and a new PC. And $500 would buy me 8-10 new games for my Wii or PC. 8-10 games is a whole lot of fun to miss out on to bet on an unknown quality like the PS3, which hasn't really come out with a game that grabbed me yet.

      I also find that with a new job and promotion that I'm not just gaming less than I used to, I'm gaming a HECK OF A LOT less than I used to, and its very hard to justify $500 for what might be a 6 hour a month hobby for me now. On the other hand, with disposabl
  • The PS3 still won't hit the value sweet spot for enough people to dig out of the market share hole it's in. There just aren't any exclusive titles comparable to what MS and Nintendo have for the holidays, $500 is still a lot of money, and quite frankly I don't see the HD media formats EVER really taking off enough for people to swarm to the PS3 en-masse because of it(I mean cult-classics like Rockula aren't even out on DVD yet), much less this holiday season being "the time".

    There's also no reason to go an
    • I believe there's still quite a lot of 60GB boxes out there in stores, and if things continue the way they have, there may still be at Christmas as well. They have all been shipped to stores as of last week though, apparently.
    • by trdrstv ( 986999 )

      The PS3 still won't hit the value sweet spot for enough people to dig out of the market share hole it's in. There just aren't any exclusive titles comparable to what MS and Nintendo have for the holidays, $500 is still a lot of money."


      There's also no reason to go and get the 80GB right now, like there is for the 60GB with the EE chip.

      I disagree on the latter. There is a reason to get the 60 gig now... They are no longer producing them. If you are someone who puts a lot of value in the EE chi

      • I disagree on the latter. There is a reason to get the 60 gig now... They are no longer producing them. If you are someone who puts a lot of value in the EE chip, then now may be the time to buy rather than taking your chances later with emulation.

        I thought it was pretty clear that there was a reason to pickup the 60GB while it was still available if you wanted to have an EE chip.

        I'm not personally in that camp, my PS2 still works.
    • by G Fab ( 1142219 )
      This whole damn thread is getting ridiculous.

      But no one claims that BMW sells a crappier car than
      gm just because they sell far fewer. The Sony PS3 is a great little toy. It's an interesting and useful device for some people.. people with lots of movies and media and blurays. It plays plenty of games, though not as many next gen titles as the 360, it still plays about 9000 games. It's not as good for gaming as the 360 (I prefer the online selection on XBOX live when I get bored). The PS3 is trying somet
      • A bad car analogy on slashdot!? Why I'd never thought I'd see the day.

        Welcome to Slashdot. Digg not treating you well? Poor guy, here, have a complimentary tinfoil hat.
        • by G Fab ( 1142219 )
          It's a great analogy!

          Compare the PS2 to the 360. Which is the better system, the one that is in the average house or the one that has the best performance?

          Anyway, this login is only new because I got tired of slashdot a few years ago and forgot my password. Never really got into But I do find tinfoil to be very useful, and appreciate the nice hat.
  • I think $500 would make more sense than $600.

    I also think a publicity stunt with a decapitated goat is very unlikely.

    I just don't think I trust attempts to predict Sony's future actions based on a rational evaluation of expected outcomes.
  • Not suprising (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Pojut ( 1027544 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @05:00PM (#20469709) Homepage
    Considering how well Nintendo and Microsoft have been doing with their 7th generation consoles, and with the PS3 losing exclusives left and right, Sony has to do SOMETHING to get them in more homes. I personally love my PS3, I'm just annoyed that there really isn't any must-have games for it (yes, I know it will take a couple years).

    That being said, I know that the numbers speak differently, but in all honesty in looking at the three 7th-gen consoles (which, btw, I own all three), I see every console as having a potential market of it's own...The Wii for it's "in-person multiplayer" appeal, the 360 for it's exclusives lineup and overall "feel", and the PS3 for the folks that want their gaming system to do something other than just play games.

    Really, this is a very VERY exciting time to be a gamer. It's a shame everyone is still so ass-backwords and fighting with each other. This is the first generation that I could honestly see the big three living in harmony with each other if they would simply stay in their respective niche's...which, we all know, they won't.

    Oh, and one more thing. Stop using 'SKU' in article summaries...not because it's used wrong, I'm just tired of hearing people argue about it's usage. That is all.

    Remember folks. Play as many games on as many different platforms as you possibly can.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Amen brother!. If i had the money i'd have all three consoles and an HDTV. I prioritized the wii because of price and games. My brother owns a PS3(along with a 46" 1080p LCD :D) and encourages me to visit him to share in the experience. Many of my friends (and soon my roommate) own 360s. So, i'm pretty set when it comes to the 7th gen, but i don't get why people feel the need to belong in a club of fanboy exclusivity. isn't gaming about having fun? Getting the next Shadow of the Colossus/ICO game is a must
  • Many reviews keep stating that the PS3 may still be the best Blu-Ray player on the market, and entry-level Blu-Ray players start at $500. Many people don't care about Blu-Ray right this second, but after seeing a movie in true 1080p, I'm ready to buy a new TV and a PS3. For $500 I'm getting a good Blu-Ray player, with the gaming console/media server/web appliance thrown in for free.

    Most gamers don't see it that way, and that's fine. But for me, it is actually quite a value.
    • Many reviews keep stating that the PS3 may still be the best Blu-Ray player on the market, and entry-level Blu-Ray players start at $500. Many people don't care about Blu-Ray right this second, but after seeing a movie in true 1080p, I'm ready to buy a new TV and a PS3. For $500 I'm getting a good Blu-Ray player, with the gaming console/media server/web appliance thrown in for free.

      Make sure you buy the Sony Remote. You CAN control the movie playback with the 6 Axis, but the interface is Ass-tastic. Als

      • What exactly is less than fantastic about the sixaxis as a remote?

        A) its wireless
        B) the left and right buttons move the movie back and forward
        C) the big X you use in games to mean 'okay' does the same in menus
        D) the big Dpad and analog stick thingies you use to move around in games does the same in BD menus
        E) the square button brings up the menu while playing the movie
        E) the triangle button brings up all those on-screen options to do other fancy setup stuff I've almost never done with a remote anyway
        • by trdrstv ( 986999 )

          What exactly is less than fantastic about the sixaxis as a remote?

          F) the triangle button brings up all those on-screen options to do other fancy setup stuff I've almost never done with a remote anyway.

          Perhaps I should have clarified. The triangle is largely the issue. Rather than organize functions in a logical maner, under the viewable area of the movie (like the BluRay menus do) they throw it up on the screen and overlay over 25% of your viewable area.

          If you only do the basic functions of pause, p

    • by abigor ( 540274 )
      I am in exactly the same boat as you. I want to buy a decent hdtv soon, mainly for watching movies, and it would be nice to be able to do some gaming as well. Exclusives and so forth mean nothing to me - I just want some fun games with detailed and absorbing graphics. And the price isn't super relevant either; as it stands, the PS3 is just over a day's work, not bad for something that will presumably give me years of enjoyment.
  • The PS3 can work with the PSP to allow remote play. You put your game into your PS3, put it in suspend or hibernate (or whatever the hell they call it), then you go somewhere with wi-fi, fire up your PSP and connect back to your PS3 and play the game. Check out this link which shows a video of the game in action and another description of it: t e-play/ []

    Personally I don't care too much for the PS3 as a whole, price and lack of games being the two biggest
  • by Andy_R ( 114137 ) on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @05:35PM (#20470279) Homepage Journal
    Over here in Britain, Sony are desperately trying to cling to a ridiculous £425 price point (that's $855 US at today's exchange rate). You could get BOTH a Wii + game AND an Xbox 360 + game for less!

    Stores are not being allowed to officially offer discounts, but judging by the 'unofficial' hand written cardboard signs outside every games shop, stores can't shift the boxes without offering a huge bundle of freebies. You'd be hard pushed to buy a PS3 without art least 2 free A-list games, 2 free blu-ray films and a free sixaxis controller in my local mall.

    Add in the way Sony UK are stubbornly pretending that 80Gb machines don't exist (all we get is 60Gb ones without the Emotion engine) and it seems they are hell-bent on crashing and burning over here.
    • by benzapp ( 464105 )
      Do you know anything about marketing? Exchange rates are meaningless for consumer goods, what matters is the ratio of said product to the average income of your target demographic. The british pound may be worth twice as much as the US dollar, but it doesn't mean people in the UK make half as much as Americans in actual numerical income.

      The average income in the UK is approximately the same as in the US, if the two country's currency's had equal value. For someone living in the UK, the PS3 costs the same
    • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )
      Actually the two free games and additional waggledualshock is the standard package for the PS3 in Europe now, only the movies are actual extra bundles.
  • I am the founder of the simExchange. Thanks for covering the story that was covering our report. Our original and complete report [] is available on our website for free.

    Just to add, our analysis examines the sales of both the Xbox 360 and PS3 for the next few months as forecasted on the simExchange prediction market []. The forecasts are those of thousands of gamers, developers, and investors trading on a virtual stock market and are not the forecasts of an individual analyst. Our findings show a widening
  • 60gb PS3: $499 []
    80gb SATA laptop hard drive: $90 []

    80gb PS3: $599 []

    So you have a choice between Motorstorm, or your entire library of PS/PS2 games (plus $10). They should have just stuck with the 60gb. Maybe they needed an excuse to raise the price, while lowering costs.
    • by G Fab ( 1142219 )
      60 gig drives cost more than 80 gig drives. Sony is doing wise marketing. Sure, you can change the HDD yourself, but the vast majority of consumers aren't taking that into account.
  • Oh really? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by MeanderingMind ( 884641 ) * on Tuesday September 04, 2007 @07:11PM (#20471699) Homepage Journal
    Personally, I don't care what analysts think. How many of them correctly foresaw the Wii's success? How many of them foresaw the PS3's failure?

    I'm not asking any and all analysts to be clairvoyant, but I don't recall any of them being at all accurate. The most dire prognostication was that Sony wouldn't absolutely dominate, but only lead.

    As far as I can tell, 90% of analysts are going to make predictions anyone who has a passing interest in the subject could make with about as much accuracy. Basically, they pick whatever follows the old trends irregardless of the fact that trends change.

    Sony might drop the price, that's always been a possibility. However, this is Sony we're talking about. I personally find it just as likely that they'll stick to their guns and keep the price as is; it wouldn't even be stupid. If they lower the price, they piss off a lot of hardcore people and potentially reduce their revenue. If they don't, they piss off a lot of hardcore people and potentially reduce their revenue.

    I won't be surprised either way, but I would believe random anonymous coward Sony fanboy trolls before I'd listen to analysts.
    • by amuro98 ( 461673 )
      Analyst is the only job I know of where you're literally paid to pull things out of your rear, with little or NO understanding of the field you're discussing. And if you're wrong 90% of the time - who cares!
    • Personally I can't believe that someone modded you up. Give the analysts a break. Did anyone predict Nintendo was going to be this successful before the Wii was released? That would be pretty hard because no one knew if the controller would work. The people at Nintendo certainly didn't predict this kind of demand and they saw it in action before anyone else.
  • Please, someone explain this to me. It would seem like the general consensus on /. is that the PS3 sucks, that Sony is the devil, that everyone is perfectly content with their XBoxes, that they don't need to make up for the size of their Wiis with a PS3 (pun intended). And yet, almost every day, there's an article about a possible price drop on the PS3. And people respond with the same tired reply every time.

    However, the fact that there's an article every day about this makes it seem like people actually
    • However, the fact that there's an article every day about this makes it seem like people actually do really want PS3s, and are just waiting for the price to come down, and they're just trying to validate it by saying what they have is "good enough for me."

      In theory, the PS3 is a neat toy that can run stuff like Folding@Home superfast on its exotic CPU.

      In reality, it needs to match or beat XBox 360 in price, and it would have too if Sony didn't get all Sony about Bluray.

      I think the offensive thing is just ho

Is it possible that software is not like anything else, that it is meant to be discarded: that the whole point is to always see it as a soap bubble?
