EU Release of Price Cut 40 GB PS3 Confirmed 173
sinister rouge writes "The BBC has a story confirming a cut price PlayStation 3 with a 40GB hard drive and no backwards compatibility with previous consoles. The console is set to go on sale later this month in Europe, the Middle East, Australia, and New Zealand. No word yet on that particular SKU for the North American market. '[Ray Maguire, head of PlayStation UK,] said: "The people who want to get into new technology early are prepared to pay a premium. We want to get the console to the next level; we have re-engineered the machine to bring the price down. We have invested a lot of money in reaching this price point." Sony is still losing money on each console sold, said Mr Maguire, but would lose less money on the 40GB machine. "We are in an investment phase," he said.'"
No back-compat? (Score:2, Interesting)
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The Forza 2 demo is decent, it lets you sample a few different car classes.
It's still over $600 here! (Score:4, Interesting)
Yes, these prices do include sales tax, but it's still way, waaaay too much for me or anyone I know to consider picking one up, especially as the only PS3 game that really interests me (Gran Turismo) slipped from being a launch title and has now vanished into development hell, with no sign of a firm believable release date.
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Would I buy a PS3 if it was $100 cheaper without backwards compatibility, keeping in mind that I've already got a PS2, new PS2s are expected to get a price cut to $99 (with full PS2 and most PSX compatibility), and that PS3 backwards compatibility was never that great to begin with?
IMHO, nah, it's still too expensive without enough unique and fun games on it. But the scales on "buy"/"don't buy" wouldn't be pegge
Or... (Score:2)
A common myth... (Score:2, Informative)
Import tax: 10% (right?) since the PS3 comes from outside the EU
Retailer margins higher than in USA
EU recycling fees.
Add the above together and you'll probably see that Sony is getting about the same money they get in any other territory... Maybe a bit more, but not nearly as much as just doing a currency conversion makes it seem like.
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FoxTrot: Gran Theft Turismo? (Score:2)
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(Disclaimer: I'm not an American, nor a Brit)
Too little, too late (Score:5, Insightful)
Of course, dropping the software-based PS2 emulation further shows how clueless they can still be.
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Also, this is suicidal for them as well. $400 is pretty hefty and honestly if I could get rid of my PS2 for $50 I would to help pay for it, but if that invalidates the majority of library, what's the point?
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Of course, dropping the software-based PS2 emulation further shows how clueless they can still be.
They won't get one till next year. It takes time to do AAA titles like Halo 3, MGS4, GOW etc..
The PS3 emu wasn't 100% software. Many complained that they wanted a game machine not a PS2 blue ray player. They obliged and got criticism the other way.
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The first posts are usually just that - fanboy comments - because it takes no time nor thinking to come up with something to say, just rehash previous fanboy comments.
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I don't know. I bet there's a significant group of people who already have a PS2 (like me) and want a PS3 (like me) and don't mind swapping them out (like me).
I don't understand the tiny hard drives... (Score:2)
Are the economics significantly different on the console side? If not, wouldn't it be a bit of a coup for Sony (or, conversely, MS) to trumpet a 300GB or 500GB drive? At least as an option? It's a very visible number - and making it 20 times as big as your competitor's "20G
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Retail prices for OEM laptop hard drives from Newegg:
250GB: $180
80GB: $55
40GB: $50
Even if you assume the manufacturers are able to get the drives for half of what we pay for them, that's still a difference of $65 between the production cost of a high-end model and a low-end model.
Thanks - that makes sense. (Score:2)
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You can also replace the drive for yourself. Unlike the 360, the drive is not housed in some proprieta
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Are the economics significantly different on the console side? If not, wouldn't it be a bit of a coup for Sony (or, conversely, MS) to trumpet a 300GB or 500GB drive? At least as an option? It's a very visible number - and making it 20 times as big as your competitor's "20GB" wo
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Sony keeps changing its mind (Score:4, Informative)
1: Sony: It sucks that the 360 doesn't have full BC
Now Sony releases this model
2: Sony: Rumble is last-gen
Rumble controllers will be launched soon in Japan, and in Spring 2008 in the rest of the world
3: Sony: 360 has too many models, it's ridiculous!
So far I count 4 Playstation models: 60 GB (discontinued in America but still being sold everywhere), 20 GB (discontinued), 80 GB, 40 GB. Also, notice that these models are not necessarily better as disc space increases. For example, the best one is the 60 GB (with full hardware PS2 compatibility)...
Maybe there are more, but at least these three show how unstable the Playstation brand is lately. I'm counting on a big flop (and it's already happening).
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At any rate, at least Sony evolves their har
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"Backwards compatibility, as you know from PlayStation One and PlayStation 2, is a core value of what we believe we should offer. And access to the library of content people have created, bought for themselves, and accumulated over the years is necessary to create a format. PlayStation is a format meaning that it transcends many devices -- PSOne, PS2, and now PS3" - Phil Harrison, Sony, December 2006.
Guess what, the Playstation brand just
Re: BC (Score:2)
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2. What did you expect them to say? It's called marketing. It's not like Microsoft (or any other corporation for that matter) has never tried to turn a negative into a positive). I don't think for a second that they once felt that rumble was last gen, but they had to say something other than "Microsoft is making it hard for Immersion to license us Rumble technology cheaply".
3. Th
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They just said the 60 GB model is discontinued in Europe, check it out at kotaku.
And remember this quote:
"Backwards compatibility, as you know from PlayStation One and PlayStation 2, is a core value of what we believe we should offer. And access to the library of content people have created, bought for themselves, and accumulated over the years is necessary to create a format. PlaySta
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2. Microsoft sued Immersion after they settled with Sony. Look it up. It wasn't a lie by the way, it's marketing speak for saying that it's not important. I don't see how that's a lie. I guess you don't know much about good business or marketing.
3. How are you sure it won't confuse anyone? Not everyone is a Microsoft fanboy. There will be only 2 units in production. The 60GB is being phased out. Did t
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2. Why didn't they say "legal problems" then? I'm sure all the fanboys would be sympathetic
3. How are you sure the Halo model is still in production? Again, I stress. This is not about about Microsoft, it's about Sony's sayings and de-sayings.
BTW I'm not a raving fanboy, I don't even have a next-gen console yet. And don't be patronizing, I am just looking at things and sayi
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#1: go over to the joystiq site and read up - Sony saves $27 by removing the BC feature. They must be in dire straits to need that $27 per console. Also, this 40Gb model can NEVER do BC while every 360 is capable when an HDD is present.
#2: Sony absolutely thought rumble was last Gen... because they said it specifically in those words multiple times. Also, what makes you think MS made it hard for Immersion to lice
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The original PS2 didn't have a network jack but you could buy one and add a hard drive. The ability to add a hard drive was removed later, with a top-loading slimmer model, but with a network jack, I think. There's an even slimmer, lighter model that was introduced later, now available in silver and black. Then there was the Japan-only one that was also a DVR.
I would
I've got a huge library of PS2 games. (Score:2)
Perhaps the real reason the PS3 is doing so misera
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Why bother developing for the PS3 is they'll sell on the PS2 still?
I was originally going to agree with you, pointing out that for a game company there are six platforms I would look at before choosing to invest in make a game for the PS3(PS2, DS, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PC). However, then I stopped and looked at this from another angle.
If you are Sony, the last thing you want is for game companys to be weighing making a game for the PS2 vs the PS3; its cheaper to make a game for the PS2, and prior to this announcement when you developed a game for the PS2, you had all PS3
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Complete removal of PS2 backwards compat (Score:2)
I saw a post on shacknews.com mentioning the PS2 60gb original had the full PS2 guts in it, including some kind of video scaler chip or some such, the PS3 80gb (and European 60gb) has the video scaler but no CPU / guts.
This third model has neither chip, without the 2 other chips it's apparently impossible, assuming of course that's true.
I do understand them needing to remove
idiots, (Score:2)
Not to mention that software seem to be the only element of that "business" which actually makes money.
Microsoft fanboys should cheer for the PS3 (Score:2)
I'm not sure why Microsoft fanboys are cheering for the XBox 360 to dominate. We all know full well what happens when Microsoft has a monopoly...
My thoughts on no BC (Score:3, Insightful)
Capcom, EA and others development shops came to Sony and told them (some out loud), that the price of the PS3 is too high and that because the sales are not picking up they will focus all tier one development on the Wii and then the 360, then the PS2 then the PS3. I know second hand that EA basically said this to Sony. The PS3 was dead last on their "New" development and they would do crappy ports of 360 games over to it.
So Sony probably had a gun held to their head and had to do whatever it took to get the cost down to below $400 this year in the U.S.A. (guessing on price), without pulling an Apple and pissing off all their early adopters. They knew that they would catch a bunch of heat over the backward compatibility but at the end of the day they could line up this new PS3 next to a 360 and show that you get more for your money with the PS3 on the hardware side and all the early adopters know they have backward compatibility on their older systems. Those early adopters are happy, new buyers can still get the 80GB version if they "demand" BC, and the vast majority of people that don't care don't have to pay for it.
"If" they would have left out the wireless and kept in the BC, then that would make them look bad on the spec sheet when compared to the 360 Elite ($450). Now it is painfully obvious that the PS3 is better and actually cheaper, thus probably forcing Microsoft to lower the price of the elite down to $400 as well. At the worst case it makes potential customers of the elite this year look long and hard at the PS3 without some EB guy saying "Yeah, it is nice, but it cost $600".
So, the only remaining large issues for Sony are:
1080i issue
Home Beta out ASAP.
Little Big Planet out ASAP.
Better development tools.
More exclusives if at all possible.
Pray that MGS4, HOME, GT5 and Ratchet and Clank are great games.
Lastly, Sony is definitely different than Microsoft and Nintendo in the gaming space. Nintendo focuses totally on the "kids" games and Microsoft appears stuck in the FPS teenager to 30 year old males demographic. There doesn't appear to be a "typical" Sony buyer. You will have some that say MGS, others GT, others Resistance, others Uncharted, others FF, and a bunch like games like Ratchet and Clank and Ape Escape and Kingdom Hearts. Then there are the dance dance revolution types and the puzzle game fans. Nintendo is trying hard to get in to a broader market but the way they treat 3rd party developers makes me and others wonder if Nintendo will ever be a company that really wants 3rd party support.
At the end of the day though, a $400 PS3 is better than a $600 PS3 if you are an average customer buying a console this Christmas.
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For your specific issues.
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I'm sorry. I don't care how good you think the hardware is or how good of a value it is...a console with few to no good games doesn't have a chance against the 360. That's the only thing that is painfully obvious to me.
It's a good idea (Score:2)
They need to get the price down however they can, and NO ONE CARES about backwards-compatibility. It's something that people whine about a lot on the Internet, but the unwashed masses really don't give a shit. They aren't going to be buying a new console to play old games. I'm not saying BC is *bad*, just that it's not as important as keeping to cost of the console down (or, conversely, u
FF7 (Score:2)
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Speaking of Blue Dragon, WTF were they thinking with that font? I almost bought a 360 until I borrowed my brother's and tried it on my SDTV. I can deal with clunky graphics, but you can't even read it.
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Anyway if you want BC, then the option is still there for the time being. Buy the 60Gb bundle. That has also had its price cut.
Or go for the cheaper version which is still a full PS3, blu-ray player and hang onto your PS2.
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Re:Why no backwards compatibility? (Score:5, Insightful)
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Anyway I don't think the problem is rendering stuff but rendering it in a timely fashion. Remember that any software emulation would have to be doing 30fps with next to no latency. It might just be impossible to do it in software. Or perhaps Sony have an ace up their sleeves and firmware 2.x will enable full software BC. But I'm not counting on it. It certainly seems a bit dumb for them to shut out the
Ports of games that use middleware (Score:2)
It certainly seems a bit dumb for them to shut out the possibility of selling PS2 downloadable content
It would be entirely possible that downloadable PS2 games are ports from PS2 to PS3, just as the Game Boy Color had plenty of NES ports and the Game Boy Advance had plenty of Super NES ports. A lot of PS2 games used generic code in C++, Lisp, etc. on top of a middleware [wikipedia.org] vendor's hardware-specific engine. The PS3 API is said to resemble the PC OpenGL/OpenAL stack, making it likely that if the engine is ported to PC, it can be ported to PS3. Then all the game publisher has to do is license the PS3 port of th
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Re:Why no backwards compatibility? (Score:4, Informative)
"As we come to our first Christmas with the PlayStation 3 there's going to be about 65 games in the marketplace, so we feel now that there's sufficient choice in the marketplace and that we're still better off using that money that we'd put into backwards compatibility in either investing in new games or using that money to help support bringing the price down so that people can get into the franchise." (From www.qj.net)
I don't know if I'm in the place to comment on how true this could possibly be, because I have no clue how difficult it is for backwards compatibility programming, because I don't program...at all.However, if you read the lines and in between them, they are taking engineers away from backwards compatibility, which means that people who still have the SOFTWARE versions of the still BC-enabled PS3's are going to be getting less and less updates for games that still struggle to work, because they are throwing less personnel at it. So, I can truly say that this is one of the first times in History, that the early adopters didn't get screwed (at least from the BC perspective, ignoring the original high price and lack of games for the first year part of that statement....) :)
Sony just jumped the shark with the PS3! (Score:2)
What the ......? Now they're telling their customers "Buy a PS3 now or lose backwards compatibility forever". And then they'll probably pull a 80 GB unit as they did in USA if things don't go well, I'd guess! Way to disrespect your customers, Sony...
I knew that Son
Business not technical decision (Score:3, Interesting)
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No Memory Cards required for BC. (Score:2)
If you have a bunch of save game files from the PS2, sure it's useful as hell, but must have? Nope. The PS2 Memory card a
Re:North American Market Apparently Dead? (Score:5, Insightful)
Also, Europe didn't really get a price cut like NA did, they got annoying bundles instead. This move will help them there, for sure.
I don't think they've given up on the NA market at all, but their strategy has been so poorly executed thus far that going back and focusing on easier markets for a while is probably a good idea. They can come back at NA later with a lower price, more games, and rumble included.
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Re:North American Market Apparently Dead? (Score:4, Insightful)
Sure...if there were any games worth buying for it. I've had my PS3 since four days after launch...you know how many PS3-exclusive games I have for it?
Why only two? BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY GAMES FOR IT. I don't care how much a "bargain" it is when there isn't shit out there for it. I (and many other PS3 owners, I would imagine) am quite pissed that stuff that was supposed to already be released now has a release date of mid-2008 or even simply TBA.
What a fuckin' waste.
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Remember the Ps2? Tell me how many quality titles there were in the first year.. now reflect on how inane your bitching sounds.
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I wasn't comparing any other console. I was talking about the PS3 and the 360. That's it. I was very happy with the exclusives that came out in the first year for the 360...within the first year, I already got my gaming money worth from the purchase price of my 360. The same can most definately not be said for my PS3.
Will good exclusives eventually come out for it? Sure, of course they will. That doesn't change the fact that I spent 600 dollars on a gaming console that in it's first yea
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And yeah you're still inane.
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Kameo - November 9th, 2005
PGR 3 - November 22nd, 2005
DOA 4 - December 29th, 2005
Rockstar Table Tennis - May 23rd, 2006
Over G - June 27th, 2006
You caught me. Over G came out 7 months and a few days after launch. I feel horrible.
Regardless, none of those are even remotely close to your October 2006 date.
PS3 will be good at some point in the future maybe (Score:2)
Ok, I didn't have my PS3
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Dead Rising, Saints Row, Tenchu Z, Halo 3, PGR 4, Blue Dragon, and Crackdown.
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Re:North American Market Apparently Dead? (Score:4, Interesting)
Most people don't actually find it that interesting. Most people just want to trash on whatever console they don't have. If you actually align the launches of the consoles from the data of a site like vgchartz then all you see is that the PS3 is selling on par with what the 360 did over the same time span (of course the wii is killing them both) http://vgchartz.com/hwcomps.php?cons1=Wii®1=All&cons2=PS3®2=All&cons3=X360®3=All&align=1 [vgchartz.com]. It will be interesting to see what the PS3s christmas upswing looks like compared to the 360s.
As far as games. Well you can look at metacritic and see how many games were rated in green and what year they came out. Unfortunately they don't have a handy flash graph to show it nice and pretty but if you sit down and count the titles from the first year of each launch the 360 had 19 in 2005 and the PS3 had 12 in 2006. Next year we can compare titles from the first full year of each console (the 360 had 48 in 2006, and the PS3 currently has 31 for 2007 and will most likely hit at least 40 by the end of the year, though that's very conservative, i see at least 16 games being released by the end of the year that i would be surprised and disappointed if they were below 70 on metacritic.)
So my point is if you align the launches there's not much difference in performance of the 360 and PS3, but that's not nearly as newsworthy as a zealous mob screaming about the demise of one or the other.
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Only if you look at total worldwide sales. But if you look at specifics, the PS3 is lagging behind every other console except in Japan. It's getting KILLED in American sales and is behind in the "All Other" category as well. And while both are still dominated by the Wii in Japan, since there are almost
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Wii - 69 Games
13 (18.8%) Green
44 (63.8%) Yellow
12 (17.4%) Red
XBox 360 - 209 Games
91 (43.5%) Green
108 (51.7%) Yellow
10 (4.8%) Red
PS3 - 54 Games
27 (50.0%) Green
23 (42.6%) Yellow
4 (7.4%) Red
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I've also got a 20gb PS3 with half the HD partitioned for Linux. The other 10gb is about half used with demos, downloadable games, and gave saves. I've got more than enough to last me forever with the saves, but I do expect
Re:Still not tempting.. (Score:4, Interesting)
It's about the same price as an XBox 360 Elite and in some ways still superior to it, such as having wifi, bluetooth, gigabit ethernet, HDMI 1.3, blu-ray etc. The HDD is less, and it might be missing an HDMI cable but otherwise what's to separate them. Of course too network play is free on the PS3 and things like the HDD, headsets etc. use industry standards so those are potential savings too. Lack of BC sucks but then you can always buy the 60Gb model if you want.
I'd say the PS3 is getting pretty close to the 360 price wise and has enough to easily justify it.
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That being said, I'm a 360 *owner*, not a 360 *proponent*. I could care
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I'm not wrong, am I? Sony's not killing this feature entirely, are they? Backwards compatibility has remained among the playstation's very finest features, and I can't understand this for the 40 gig, so surely the higher version off the ps3 will continue to have it, right?
How the hell much does the PS2 graphics, etc chips cost? 20$? 40$? Surely so little as to justify itself, right? Is there a single electron
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It's getting too confusing, I think. How many wives and moms are going to get a PS3 for a kid or hubby who immediately realizes it won't play Petal Gear 3 (or whatever PS2 game). Is that guy supposed to complain?
It's needlessly confusing. At least when MS has several editions, it's obvious which one sucks.
Re:Inaccurate title (Score:5, Informative)
Isn't it? Whereas the PS3 cost 599 at launch, you can now buy it for 399. If BC means so much to you, buy the 60Gb bundle or hang onto your PS2.
What is more, the compatibility was just a software emulator in the European consoles anyway!
No it wasn't. It was software assisted since it still contained a GS chip. And the BC was very good indeed.
but from a marketing point of view, Sony continues to baffle me.
I expect their reasoning is that for the sake of a few periphery features they can deliver a console at a price that makes it very attractive to a great number of people in time for Christmas. If lack of BC bothers you or any other consumer, then buy the 60Gb bundle which is also 100 cheaper.
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In any case, the title is still wrong. Upon RTFA, they are indeed cutting prices of existing consoles (still at a "good" premium over the US of course) and IN ADDITION they are releasing the crippled version. So there was a price cut AND a new lower priced model. The price cut part is great for consumers, but the 40GB version, like Chewbacca living on planet Endor, still does not make sens.
The point is that a 40GB HD right now does not r
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A 40 GB platter probably costs significantly less the newer 60GB platters. Not only that, but HD size isn't that important on a PS3 as you can buy any 2.5" HD and put it in the PS3.
Also, just because a product is old doesn't mean it gets cheaper. Electronics starts off expensive then gets cheaper and then get more expensive. The "7-year-old" graphics chip is probably getting more expensive now that fewer and fewer PS2s are being sold.
Sony probably d
PS3 40 gig... The Gimpy... (Score:2)
I have heard the core referred to as the "gimped 360", and maybe that's what really should be said of the 40 gig PS3. Perhaps "Crippled" IS too harsh a term, and "gimped" would be more appropriate. How would a HDD-less 360 be crippled? When referring to the 360 Core you can always buy a HDD a
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I knew I shouldn't get into fanboy territory, I guess my post is kind of a flamebait if biased people read it, even though it was accurate.
No, I am not an MS fanboy, or Nintendo fanboy etc. As I said I don't even play games anymore.
Anyway let's see. One year ago, according to isuppli, the 60GB disk cost $54 while the 40GB cost $43. Now, a year later the 60GB costs significantly less (for $54 you can actually buy 80GB RETAIL now), yet you are claiming that a 40GB wil
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For a 46" 1080p Bravia, you can pay anywhere from $2,500 to $3,900 MSRP.
$3,900 KDL-46XBR5
$3,600 KDL-46XBR4
$3,000 KDL-46W3000
$2,800 KDL-46V3000
$2,500 KDL-46V2500
They can be had for about 20-25% ) cheaper online.
Samsung has two 46" 1080p models. Here are Best buy prices (probably MSRP)
$2,700 LN-T4665F
$2,500 LN-T4661F
Probably just as discounted online.
The only spec (and it doesn't mean much) that you can really compare them with,
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1. My personal experience with Sony electronics has taught me to avoid them for other brands. It seems like we are still expected to pay high end pricing while receiving a lower quality product.
2. All of the other crap that they have participated in. RIAA member, 'root kits', exploding batteries, etc.
You may disagree, but it is my honest opinion.
PS3 40 gig = the Gimpy. BC is dead, Sony Says so. (Score:2)
Well, they're ahead of the curve since they are mixing in a zero BC unit now. Unless of course you refer to "down the line when PS2 bec
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