Wii 'Popularity Bubble' to Burst? 426
A combination of industry and developer observations has prompted Tech.co.uk to wonder if the Wii's overwhelming popularity is due to end sometime soon. This is based on a report from Japanese business newspaper The Nikkei, which published an article recently entitled 'Software Houses Miscalculate Audience, Demand For Wii'. "The report goes on to discuss the likelihood that many Wiis are gathering dust in owners' cupboards, citing one software house president as saying, 'People bought it out of curiosity, and it's likely a lot of them haven't used it.' Given that September saw Wii sales fall sharply in Japan for the second consecutive month, it seems reasonable to speculate that the bubble inflated by the novelty factor is starting to deflate, but writing Nintendo off at any stage is a perilous course to steer." Is this just worrying, or is there validity to this?
Nintendo's new motto: (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Nintendo's new motto: (Score:5, Interesting)
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Re:Nintendo's new motto: (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nintendo's new motto: (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nintendo's new motto: (Score:4, Informative)
So I guess to the purists Half Life 2 isn't a FPS because there are physics puzzles. And Doom wasn't a FPS because you needed to navigate "dungeons" and find and use keys. Halo isn't a FPS because of all the 3rd person cutscenes.
Now, I'm being a bit of a hypocrite because I don't personally feel like it's a REAL fps unless you have a keyboard and mouse (I never got into consoles), but logically, if it's mostly first person and mostly shooting, I think you pretty much have to put it in the FPS category, even if it does overlap with other genres a bit.
This is the problem with purists. (Score:4, Interesting)
I see this in music all the time. You get "purists" who believe that it's somehow helpful to have jazz fusion and Indo-jazz fusion and Indo-jazz Bollywood fusion and Indo-jazz Bollywood fusion fuzz-pop. The same with games. Is it a first person shooter? I don't know; is it in the first person, and do you spend a lot of time shooting? The answer to this question seems pretty straight-forward.
Of course now some purist purist is going to come along and tell me why it's important that purists constantly and consciously engage in follicle division, and why there are seven kinds of purists, and this is their genus, et cetera. You know what? We're not 19th century scientists any more. Not everything needs a rigorous classification system.
I say this as a nerd, a gamer, and a slashdotter (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Nintendo's new motto: (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Nintendo's new motto: (Score:4, Interesting)
That's really the only difference other then story between them. Weapon upgrades, new items to access new locations you couldn't get to before, beat a big boss to get new items/power ups. I know lots of anti-FPS people that love Metriod Prime because it's more of a platformer then a shooter.
And constantly shooting at things is a terrible argument, ever play Xevious? That wasn't first person
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Re:Nintendo's new motto: (Score:4, Insightful)
That said, it looks like some good ones are coming up; manhunt, tomb raider: aniv., RE: chronicals, etc. hopefully RE: 5 will appear on the wii as well.
Re:Nintendo's new motto: (Score:4, Insightful)
I believe that even after game producers remove their collective heads from their asses that the Wii is still destined to fail, for two reasons. First and foremost, we have well-established, risk-averse publishers. The big houses have found a niche that they know will sell sans innovation (think "pop-gaming"). Why experiment with the Wii's controller when the graphics fall far short of Advanced Console Theta? When we can co-brand games with other mass-media? When our development staff knows nothing beyond button mashing? Why experiment when we can repeat the mold with guaranteed profit?
Initially the WiiMote was hyped to break the mold. It could bring 1992's VR hype (see: the evil Sys Admin in hackers) to the masses! Look at the market, though. Developers approach the WiiMote superficially, grafting functionality onto their games instead of incorporating it into the experience. Face it: most games treat the Wiimote as a gimmick. What's worse, consumers are beginning to hold the same belief as developers--the only thing the WiiMote is good for is gimmick after gimmick. That's why this console, for all of its potential, is withering on the branch. It could be said that the market lacks an "entrepreneurial spirit"--the vision of change, and the inclination to do it.
So, where are the entrepreneurs? Written out of Nintendo's business strategy, it seems. Nintendo caters solely to the massive, stagnating atmosphere of the past 5 or so years. In a seemingly schizophrenic move, Nintendo priced the Wii development kit at $2000, but they refuse to license it to anyone without prior success in the market. WTF? Likewise, Nintendo built an innovate console, but they didn't innovate their market for content. Presenting a novel platform to a stagnant environment accomplishes nothing except stagnating the platform. That's why Wii games are, and will continue to be, the same, lifeless crap as on every other system.
If Nintendo wants their 'Revolution' to be successful, they must dedicate themselves to the cause. They should encourage variety and competition. Likewise, the developers who play the "Wii Game" should have an "innovate, or die" mentality.
Why? More innovation forces developers to investigate every nook and cranny of the system, to push it beyond what the console developers originally expected. Leave no feature unexamined, because that could give your competitor an edge.
How do you accomplish this? Invite new players--entrepreneurs-- with new projects and new ideas to the market. Entrepreneurs don't have the opportunity to rest on their laurels, because that bed of flowers hasn't been made. Their incentive is intrinsic to their goal. in addition they may force the big players to shift as well.
And if the big guys don't shift? So what? The new developers provide your content.
Companies like Microsoft encourage this form of development. They give away an XBox360 development kit (XNA Game Studio), and XBox Live gives indie game developers a market for their games. XBox Live flourishes (even if it flourishes with crap), while the Wii Shopping Channel rots. Furthermore, every developer tied to MS is one less available for Nintendo. Their "potential content network" dwindles daily.
As a budding entrepreneur who is highly interested in game development--particularly on the Wii--I'm pissed they're excluding me. But what really pisses me off is knowing that, when I finally make my case for the Wii, the market may have passed it by for Game Iteration X++ only on Advanced Console Theta.
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Plenty of Wiis are in homes, but no one is making any games for them. They all seem to have bet on the wrong company and are stuck in exclusivity contracts with Sony and their console that just won't sell.
Re:Nintendo's new motto: (Score:4, Insightful)
The projections of this generation are fascinating (Score:4, Insightful)
History has shown that once a console gains market dominance it's all but over bar the fat lady singing for the competition. Sure they may be able to eke out a borderline existence but no console has ever had a heartwarming come from behind Disney style win once a clear leader was established.
The NES bitch slapped all comers. The Playstation surprised everybody, destroyed Sega and did Japanese fetish like things to Nintendo. The PS2 laughed like a bad guy in an anime at the competition before crushing them all.
Despite all this the current crop of "games journalists" seem to be adamant about how Sony will execute an amazing come from behind win. "It's has the hardware that gives me wet dreams." "It's a Playstation and therefore is sent from heaven to save us from actual gameplay." "It's bigger than the first generation XBox controller." "Zero Punctuation owns one so they must be the shit."
I believe that Sony has fluffed this generation in a way that rivals the mistakes made by Osborne or Apple in the early 90s. They took a name that was the pretty much the definition of sex in the nerd world and turned it into the equivalent of COBOL for masses. Unless a Y2K event happens in the near future, Sony will be pan handling for change soon.
As for the 360, MS has never made hardware this complex before and it shows. It is less reliable than a business person who honestly believes that ties make you more professional and successful. Consoles are supposed to be something that gets about as much attention as a VCR. You plug in in under 2 feet of cables and the charming photos that Aunt May sent you last Christmas and it just works. Not something that requires raised floors and dedicated air conditioning to survive the harsh environment of the average consumer's home.
Redirect shipments... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Redirect shipments... (Score:4, Funny)
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_metropolitan_area [wikipedia.org]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee,_Wisconsin [wikipedia.org]
That is, according to wikipedia, so keep the NaCl handy. . .
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He was talking about Milwaukee being a major metro area of Chicago. =P
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So unless your chosen store has stock right now, it'll be a good couple of weeks before they see new inventory. Of course, there are tons on ebay.
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The other bit is that Wiis sitting in closets have nothing to do with new sales. People don't generally buy a second unit unless the previous one is lost, stolen or broken. Just having one sitting around idle.
At this point, I'd chalk it up to FUD. People may very well be waiting for the holiday season to buy them as well
The better question (Score:2, Informative)
Re:The better question (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:The better question (Score:4, Interesting)
This little box has a lot of broad appeal. Mine? No dust. Had it since January and still play it 4 or 5 hours a week, but only because I don't have more time. Beat Zelda, finished Paper Mario, almost done with RE4. Metroid is next. Also, I keep coming back to Tiger Woods. But my wife and I honestly get the most replay value out of bowling, billiards and tennis. I'll admit there aren't too many other titles out there I'm itching to play at the moment, but I've got such value out of the ones I've picked (with IGN's help) that I am happy to wait for the pipeline to get going.
Others have said it, I'll concur: graphics be damned. If the games make you smile, people will line up for them.
Re:The better question (Score:5, Interesting)
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No, but if the Wii becomes less popular, there might be fewer third-party games for it.
That's what I thought about the Dreamcast too (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, I'm proud to say, I was partially right there. My Dreamcast still works flawlessly. Hasn't had a new game made for it for a damn long time now, though.
Seriously, the prices of developping a new game are insane these days. Actually, make it: for a decade or so now, and it's only getting worse. So they need a certain market size just to recoup the costs.
And no matter what game you make for a console, not every single owner of that console will buy it. Doesn't matter what game it is. Even Hallo 3, not every XBox owner on the planet bought it. And that was a major success. You have to hedge your bets a bit for the case when it's a lot less of a success. I.e., you have to have a bit of a safety margin there.
So if a bubble bursts, it can be bad news. But, hey, your own console will keep working.
And before someone pipes up with "But Nintendo itself will keep making games for it"... well, so much good that did to the popularity of the N64, eh?
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Not strictly true. Hasn't had a US game made in a long time, but it's still possible to get new releases for it from Japan. At least as of a year ago, I think I heard somewhere that they finally stopped making Dreamcast games even in Japan recently.
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If you expect that to go uncovered... Welcome to Slashdot, you must be new here.
Re:Dude, Where's my games? (Score:4, Funny)
The much anticipated Adventure II [atariage.com] finally hit the market just a few months ago. Though I'll grant you that new games for the 5200 are nowhere near as common as the Atari 2600 [atariage.com] releases. The 2600 is just more popular, I'm afraid.
Poor timing (Score:4, Insightful)
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This statement is very poorly timed and thus most likely completely inaccurate. 1. Christmas season starts soon. Christmas = high sales period. 2. Wii has 3 extremely popular games being released between now and february.
Agreed! November is the shopping month and the new Mario comes out. Link's Crossbow training is also due out. December has a few good releases. Smash in February! Mario Kart in Spring! Mind you these are just the first party titles. We should be getting hit with the onslaught of games from developers that are just catching up(because no one expected wii to do so well) after a late start.
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Another issue is that if people can't get a Nintendo, they will eventually give up on wanting one. I was lucky (and crazy enough to sit in the freezing
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I'm perfectly happy with my PS3/360... Nintendo's lack of production/distribution made the Wii a non-impulse purchase... *shrug*
Re:Poor timing (Score:5, Informative)
Lets look at some games sales stats for October [vgchartz.com]...
DS 135,851
Xbox 360 129,986
Wii 95,800
PSP 91,966
PS3 29,718
And as for hardware sales: "Also worth noting - PS2 outsold PS3 2:1 this week, 360 outsold PS3 4:1, and Wii outsold PS3 3:1 this week."
Ah yes, surely victory for the PS3 is assured! The Wii is only outselling the PS3 3:1 in both hardware and games, Nintendo are doomed!
Re:Poor timing (Score:4, Insightful)
DS 135,851
Xbox 360 129,986
Wii 95,800
PSP 91,966
PS3 29,718
I'd be happier if you posted world wide game sales stat. Those numbers are just America, cover just one week, and its the 1st week following the launch of Halo 3 no less.
Moreover the Wii is still only moderately available, and once the christmas shopping picks up, most people predict its going to go back to 'seriously unavailable'.
Add in the numbers for Japan or World Wide, and the Wii is still right up there with the xbox. And this is at a time when the Xbox is riding the peak of popularity with Halo3 launch madness, possibly one of the most highly hyped and anticipated games ever.
If any console is in a 'bubble' right now, its the xbox 360.
Re:Poor timing (Score:4, Interesting)
Smash Bros wasn't the only anticipated game release this Q4 though
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_Galaxy [wikipedia.org]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil:_The_Umbrella_Chronicles [wikipedia.org]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guitar_Hero_III:_Legends_of_Rock [wikipedia.org]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LEGO_Star_Wars:_The_Complete_Saga [wikipedia.org]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_Emblem:_Radiant_Dawn [wikipedia.org]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Squad [wikipedia.org]
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I haven't seen many games for Wii that a casual gamer would die for..
I think part of the definition of "casual gamer" is that they wouldn't die for a game...
They all scream "rental" rather than buy.
Casual gamers don't rent, they buy one game and play it for months. Many casual gamers are still playing Wii Sports. Between Sports, Play, Mario Party, Super Monkey Ball, Wario Ware, and VC games like Dr Mario, casual gamers have more than enough games for the limited times they play.
Where's the DS/Wii interactive games?
After all the complaints about the Gamecube/GBA games and how horrible it is to require a console and a handheld or 4, I'm shocked
Sort of (Score:3, Interesting)
No dust. (Score:5, Insightful)
Games for -all- consoles tend to be a bit lacking this year, as far as I'm concerned, but the Wii has definitely kept up with the others in terms of game count. If anything, they should be asking if the PS3s are gathering dust. There's hardly any good games yet, and the ones that ARE out came out later than their 360 counterparts. Gamers aren't known for their patience at the time of a game's release... They buy what's available.
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Re:No dust. (Score:4, Insightful)
That doesn't seem to leave a lot. I lucked into finding a Wii last month, and I have Pirates of the Caribbean (only because I though my wife would like it after seeing a video of people playing) and Pokemon Revolution (for the kids).
I've always though those Pokemon games sucked, and still do, but they seem to like it enough. Pirates is OK, I suppose; but we still play bowling a LOT. Really, we could have gone without any other games and we'd still be enjoying it, but I want to see some interesting games soon.
So the only problem I see is that people still love their Wiis, there just doesn't seem to be a whole lot of quality games for them.
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Buying a Wii and then shelving it for an old GameCube is absurd. Just take the old GC controllers to use on t
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I have barely used by Wii since I got my PS3 in June. Why? Nothing good has come out for it, plain and simple.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm running home to play with the PS3 every night either, but there has been a fairly steady stream of PS3-specific downloadable tiles for the PS3, and all the Wii's got is more mini-games, and the virtual console stuff. Stuff on the shelves at the store isn't compelling at the listed pricepoint, Zelda doesn't have very much replay value, and do
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Re:No dust. (Score:4, Insightful)
Let's not forget, Christmas is just a couple of months away, and the Wii is the hot item once again.
Re:No dust. (Score:4, Informative)
Is your mom also buying new games? (Score:3, Insightful)
For a 3rd party publisher, the fact that your mom really likes Wii Sports does not do them much good. They did not make Wii Sports, and they sure as hell aren't getting a cut of the pr
The Wii needs more casual games. Seriously. (Score:2)
Re:The Wii needs more casual games. Seriously. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:No dust. (Score:4, Informative)
I stood outside TRU in Times Square for 6 hours the morning of launch day to get my Wii, so no-one can say I wasn't excited to get this thing. Played it a bunch the first month or so, but since my wife finished SPM we've basically never switched it on (except to install an update every so often). I honestly can't remember the last Wii game I bought, Metroid is something I'm interested in playing but to be honest it's at the end of a very long list. I just don't have enough time to play all the games on other systems I'm into, and nothing on the Wii appeals enough to beat them in the queue. Mario Kart is a probable buy, likewise Galaxy - but this just feels like the GC all over again.
Meanwhile I'm finishing Bioshock before starting Halo, finishing DiRT before starting Forza or PGR4 and at some point I'll make it back to R6 Vegas. Ratchet & Clank looks unmissable (first PS3 title to win that award in my book) and I still haven't really finished Crackdown. I will say that the PS3 isn't currently used much more than the Wii, but the 360 is miles ahead (at least for the games I enjoy).
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Must... resist... temptation to make joke... about people's "Wii"s gathering dust....
Anyway, we all knew when the latest video game wars started that the Wii was playing to a different demographic than Sony or MS. They were trying to move beyond the stereotypical gamer market and make games that other people would enjoy. And that worked, it has been a success by any definition of the word. Meanwhile the PS3 has been by most accounts a failure. And that still continues today, if you don't believe me, e
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strange premise... (Score:5, Insightful)
It also 'seems reasonable' to speculate that everyone who bought one still plays it every night...
They should have added "It 'seems reasonable' that the company the 'software house president' works for isn't selling as many games as they would like because their particular games suck balls."
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If I only had mod points for you.
Aside from big N's own first party titles, the Wii is suffering a lot of shovelware. After two generations of lackluster market performance, Studios practically ignored the newest Nintendo machine, only to be dumbfounded by its roaring success. Thus, when all the crappy, derivative "wagglemote" games were pushed quickly to market, the same
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That is an unreasonable speculation because we have no data denying or supporting that claim and it's not intuitively correct either. Many people buy things and do not use them. Most use them but not every night. So it does not seem reasonable that people who bought wii's use them every night.
Re:strange premise... (Score:5, Funny)
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I'm in!
I have no idea what kind of game I'd play with it, but
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Wii Bubble (Score:2, Informative)
Another explanation? (Score:2)
Isn't it also possible that, given the Wii's phenomenal sales 'till now, everyone who wants one has one?
No matter how much I decide to like the Wii, I highly doubt I'll be buying two any time soon.
Oh please. (Score:3, Interesting)
Really bad assumptions (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Really bad assumptions (Score:4, Interesting)
Second, Nintendo's "casual gamer" idea seems to really be happening, and the usage patterns of a "casual" hobbiest(is that a word?) are irregular and can leave a console sitting idle. My tennis racket has been sitting untouched in the garage for a couple years, but that doesn't mean that I don't like tennis or that tennis isn't popular. It means that I don't have time to play tennis anymore.
And third, sort of connected to the casual gamer deal, a good number of the games that are out are geared towards more casual and social play, so it's difficult for a hardcore gamer to sit down and spend entire days playing it.
From the point of view of a traditional hardcore gamer, those three things might look pretty discouraging for the Wii. But what Nintendo has discovered is that to have a successful console, it's not really necessary to give that sort of gamer everything they want. A couple months of sales fluctuations to not make a trend, and it seems silly to try and figure that sort of stuff out right now, when the big christmas season is right around the corner.
Who could've guessed!? (Score:2, Interesting)
Welcome to 4 months ago. That's the last time I bought a game for mine.
It was fun at first, and my dad still asks me to play a game of golf with him on it, but seriously, the novelty wears off very quickly.
I think most of the problem stems from the lack of original gameplay. The games that I bought were ones that just wouldn't work nearly as well with a different control scheme. Kororinpa is the best example. Using the wiimote to move the screen around is very intuitive and very fun.
But look at the ra
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The control scheme makes a world of difference in Metroid Prime 3.
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A similar case? (Score:4, Interesting)
In the months leading up to the release of [Super Mario Galaxy], [Wiis] dropped and dropped in monthly sales.
Not to say the Wii's popularity isn't dropping, I just think it's too early to draw a definitive conclusion here.
Not True (Score:3, Interesting)
Shoddy article (Score:3, Insightful)
needs more games (Score:2)
Where are all the 3rd party developers?
The DS had the same problem. Even now, most of the truly good DS games are Nintendo first-party titles (although I have a number of well-liked third-party titles on my DS).
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The DS had the same problem. Even now, most of the truly good DS games are Nintendo first-party titles (although I have a number of well-liked third-party titles on my DS). Hopefully the Wii just needs a little more time to build up a library, like the DS did.
The wii i agree but the DS? I have a library of about 30 games only 2 are Nintendo. Nintendogs (GF compelled purchase) and Super Mario. The ones I play most are either Atlus, Konami, or square. Each releasing tons of games on the DS.
current hardware sales are a weak indicator (Score:2)
I agree (Score:5, Insightful)
The first category are ok on occasions when you have friends over, but are no use at all the rest of the time. A brief glance at gamerankings will show just how badly Wii ports of cross-platform games tend to fare. And virtual console games... well... great... but I don't want to spend all my time on my new console playing games that came out a decade ago.
There are a tiny number of other titles which actually have some gameplay value. Zelda is ok... slightly above average for its genre. Metroid Prime 3 is pretty good, although I still have problems with the backtrackeriffic gameplay style of Metroid games. Resident Evil 4 remains one of the only two cross platform games to actually be enhanced through being on the Wii (the other being Rayman Raving Rabbids, which falls into the "insipid party games" category anyway).
I know what people are going to say at this point; the Wii isn't for me, it's for the casual crowd. Thing is, I suspect that over time, even the average Joe will realise that, cheap though the Wii is, the limited use it eventually gets still means its horrible value for money.
Right now, Nintendo have things pretty easy. They had an unprecedented hype-machine for the launch of the console and some excellent initial sales. However, it seems to me that for those of us in the UK, the comparison to Gordon Brown's political honeymoon as Prime Minister are most appropriate; there comes a point at which people realise there's no substance there and the wheels fall off spectacularly. Happily for Nintendo, Sony continue to shoot themselves in the foot at every opportunity. They have an excellent machine out there, which, despite the high price-tag, is significantly more future-proof than any of its competitors (especially with the Blu-Ray drive, which is looking like a better and better idea). However, because they've mismanaged their relationships with developers and insisted on pushing their horribly broken and unnecessary motion-sensing controller, they've yet to attract a significantly better range of games than the Wii (although at least the PS3 has slightly more in the way of "substantial" games).
My instinct still stays that when all the dust settles, the slow-but-steady pace set by the 360, with no gimmicks, few headline-grabbing features, but an increasingly solid and well-rounded games lineup will win the day.
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My instinct still stays that when all the dust settles, the slow-but-steady pace set by the 360, with no gimmicks, few headline-grabbing features, but an increasingly solid and well-rounded games lineup will win the day.
In the North America. Worldwide the 360 is moving like N-gages outside N.A.
Novelty, yes, burst no. (Score:2)
Granted, the long term of the Wii will ride on "anchor" games like the Metroid and Zelda franchises. I loved Zelda, and it looked fantastic on the Wii. Metroid P3 Is also a fantastic game. It looks grea
This same exact thing happened to... nobody... (Score:2)
Yeah, I don't remember any consoles like that either.
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For example:
N64 - killed by the Playstation. Not necessarily better graphics - but it was an easier platform for folks to develop on and perhaps as a result had a much better game library.
Dreamcast - Killed by the Playstation 2 which had much better graphics and connectivity.
I just don't see where those 2 threats are a problem for the Wii - e
... in Japan (Score:2)
In other words, the Wii may be at that point in its popularity curve in Japan, but it's far from it here in the US.
Sales Fluctuation (Score:2)
Everyone I've talked to that owns a Wii is still playing the Wii sports and some of the original games, but are fully prepared to lay down some hard cash for Nintendo's holiday releases.
I love how this gets rolled into a major fud story.
Does Netcraft confirm it? (Score:2)
Wii don't care (Score:2)
Two opinions here (Score:2)
1. You have not done a survey, you are just spouting out the same bullcrap PR produced by Sony and other companies, namely "our product is more expensive therefore better". You do NOT know what most serious gamers are doing, just what you personally are doing and from the fact that only about 50% of the posters here agree with you, I would assume that only about 50% of the 'serious gamers' a
Yeah, Right... (Score:2)
Article makes no sense (Score:2)
Since the Wii allows new ways to play, games of genres that users have never considered before now seem appealing. I never bought a golf game before, but I have my first for the Wii. I would never have considered it if it were on any other system. If the Wii is gathering dust on anyone's shelf, it is because games s
tfa vs vgchartz (Score:2)
The report goes on to discuss the likelihood that many Wiis are gathering dust in owners' cupboards, citing one software house president as saying, "People bought it out of curiosity, and it's likely a lot of them haven't used it."
Since the article wants to use Japan's sales numbers, let's look at Japan's sales numbers [vgchartz.com]. The total HW sold by the Wii was more than any other non-portable console. The total SW sold for the Wii was more than any other non-portable console other than the PS2.
This article, like many anti-wii opinions expressed on Slashdot, is just someone who doesn't like the Wii figuring that because he doesn't like it, because his is gathering dust, that everyone's must be.
seems like fud to me (Score:2)
Where are the network games!?? (Score:4, Informative)
Article couldn't be more wrong at my house. (Score:3, Informative)
I had a Nintendo 64 when it came out, and I played with it occasionally. I got one of the last "thick" PS2s, and a small handful of games for it. Every 6 to 9 months, I'd see some game that seemed interesting, and play it for a week or two. Between times the PS2 gathered dust.
I finally got my hands on a Wii last February. Since then, it's been used at least three times a week, sometimes daily. I played through Twilight Princess, then downloaded Ocarina and played farther through it than I ever had on the N64. The girlfriend and daughter enjoy the Everybody Votes Channel, and once the Wii is on to "check for questions" it usually winds up being used for some game or other. Games where the people watching can "help" are popular at my house: Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, GameCube titles like Wind Waker and Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. I play a lot of Virtual Console games from my childhood. Lately, I've not used the Wii quite as much... because I'm playing Phantom Hourglass on the DS. (The girlfriend has complained that Nintendo needs to provide some way of mirroring the DS screen to the TV via the Wii, so that she can watch me play.) We occasionally play Mario Party 8 or Wii Sports together as a family.
In short, the Wii has seen several orders of magnitude more play time than any other console I've owned since the Atari 2600.
It'll get a lot more use when Nintendo releases some form of Tetris for it. The girlfriend will shove me aside to get her mitts on the Wiimote when that happens.
I'm not a kid anymore, but I still like me some toys. The Wii is just plain fun. Nintendo understands how to make fun games, and that they don't have to be hi-def eye candy if they're actually enjoyable. The "shovelware" vendors don't get this. That's why they're scared -- their business model is based on pretty, not fun, and that business model doesn't work for Wii owners.
I'm a professional UNIX administrator. I use Macs at home because they just work. By the time I get home, I don't want to muck with the computer anymore, I just want to do things. The Wii, especially with Nintendo games, is just fun. I'm not a Nintendo fanboy -- I hated Nintendo when I was young and an Atari fanboy -- I just think that this product meets an untapped need really well.
In my opinion, the people pooh-poohing the Wii because of its graphics seem a lot like the folks who derided the Mac's "toy-like" graphic interface, or the iPod's "limited" interface compared to the Rio... such people completely miss the point that they aren't the mass market, and sometimes simpler is better. "The Wii is dying" is the "BSD is dying" for 2007, I guess.
Too much dependency on the motion controls alone (Score:3, Interesting)
Of course, a lot of the problem, is that Nintendo has yet to provide Wii users a true, wireless controller for more traditional games aside from that crappy classic controller you have to plug into the Wii remote. Sure, there's the wavebird, but a true, Wii-native controller would be better. (Perhaps Nintendo could take a page from Sony and create a Wavebird/Wii-remote hybrid that does both traditional controls and motion controls in a single unit.)
Re:Not surprising... (Score:4, Informative)
Japan didn't come with a bundled game.
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When just about every man woman and child in Japan has a DS, you're going to see sales fall off. Only so many people need two or more of them. A redesigned PSP means that people who could afford a second console may be buying a PSP, simmilar to how the GameCube got a reputation as a "second console" in America.
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Re:Not surprising... (Score:5, Informative)
I'm a game developer, and before that an administrator for a gaming website. I don't buy a new game every week. Studies I've read suggest that this "once a week" demographic only accounts for 3% of all gamers.
You're right, according to last week we should expect the 360 to win in Japan!
The Wii is also quite capable of dropping price. This is less of a big deal in Japan, mind you, and more of a big deal in North America where people continue to buy GBAs over DSs for being $30 cheaper.
My experience with siblings is the opposite--younger sisters tend to take interest in whatever the older brother is playing. People get into arguments like "I want to play the NES" "No *I* want to play the NES".
As for the 18-24 male have-moved-out-of-the-house range, why would they care what their relatives are playing? If playing a game can get them into girl's pants, they'll do it, but otherwise they'll play whatever they like, or their dorm-mates like.
In North America the Wii games are selling better than PS3 games, and worse than 360 games. More 360s have been sold than Wiis in North America, and more Wiis have been sold than PS3s in North America. It's almost like install base is important after all!
Now, yes, the 360 has a spectacular attach rate--the 360 probably having the most hardcore of the ownership bases, and having achievement points which seem to be an obsession for some people. For this reason, the Wii could pass the 360 in America and still not control the region. This doesn't mean that the clear #2 console will be ignored by developers, though (the original XBox wasn't ignored last-gen; only third place (GC) was).
Re:Third party developers (Score:5, Informative)