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Second Confirmed Death In Japan Involving Pokemon Go ( 153

An anonymous reader writes: The Japan Times reports another death. This time a 20 year old woman has died after being hit by a car while riding her bicycle. The man driving the car claimed he was distracted changing the battery because it was nearly flat from playing Pokemon Go. Police have already charged him with negligence resulting in injury. The penalty for causing death is a maximum 7 years jail. The Japanese National Police agency said there have been 79 bicycle and car accidents linked to the game. Another death was reported yesterday
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Second Confirmed Death In Japan Involving Pokemon Go

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  • by hij ( 552932 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @10:48AM (#52774681) Homepage
    This is far too common in the US, and many people are killed by cars. This has less to do with pokemon and more to do with understanding the responsibility of piloting a large moving object with people around.
    • Oh, no no NO.

      This has little to do with operating motor vehicles, so don't redirect it there.
      It also has little to do with Pokemon Go, either.
      What this has to do with is humans being stupid and irresponsible in general. Pokemon Go, like so many things that humans are stupid about, is just the enabler in this case.

      Alcohol. Recreational drugs. Food. Firearms. Political leadership. Hobby drones. Sex.Pokemon Go.

      That's just a (very!) partial list of things that humans are stupid about, but it's not the fault of the things, they're just enablers.
      Does that mean that Poklemon Go shouldn't be reined in? No, i

      • If the driver had been adjusting the radio station, would it have made it to Slashdot? Instead, he was hooking a charger to his phone, not even actually playing the game. Irresponsible, but not Pokemon's fault.

    • Standard bikes bashing here. Usually it triggers the standard cars bashing and at the end of the day, nobody wins.
      • No, the cars win because the little bikes and their riders are fragile and the cars and trucks are not.
        Being smug (like most bikers) and dead is pointless.

    • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @12:44PM (#52775577)
      It's also a tenuous link at that. If his battery had been low from shooting video of birds in a park we wouldn't blame this death on bird-watching. This sounds like distracted driving and linking this to one particular game reeks of fishing for a headline and horrible click bait.

      Can we attribute more deaths to Pokemon Go with further stretches; e.g., what if someone gets into an accident because they were tired due to staying up late to play Pokemon Go? Or better yet, they're a programmer working on some military software and their lack of sleep leads to the injection of a critical fault into the software which later makes it seem as though the country is under attack leading to global conflict. Pokemon Go is going to cause World War 3!
  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @10:48AM (#52774685)
    So, Pokémon Go has now killed more people than Tesla Autopilot has.
    • Let's not pretend that pokemon go is the dumb twit that wasn't paying attention to reality. Pokemon go doesn't kill people, people kill people.
      • When you release something into the world, you should really understand people. For example, I wouldn't leave a bottle of pills on the nightstand of someone who has committed suicide, or give an alcoholic a bottle of wine as a gift. Sometimes you don't know, but these are things that are easily predictable.
        • I'm sure that if someone committed suicide then it's pretty safe to leave the pills, a knife, a gun, alcohol, a toaster, and anything else dangerous on the nightstand. If they survived an attempt to commit suicide then you might want to be a bit more careful.

      • Right, this idiot wasn't even playing the game, he was just messing around with his phone while driving, which we already know gets people killed, but adding Pokemon to the story gets clicks.
      • Give it up, this logic does not work with people that want to blame inanimate objects instead of the real problem (e.g. PEOPLE).
    • But still fewer than light rail [] in Minnesota [].
  • by Anonymous Coward

    The phones have an accelerometer, right? Disable it when going over a certain speed?

    • So you can't play it on a train?
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      You are going to be sorely disappointed when you figure out the difference between acceleration and velocity. (Hint: Newton's second law and calculus...)
    • Pokemon Go does, apparently, warn you if you're playing and moving at a high speed. This wouldn't have helped, because the guy was distracted by charging his phone - it was flat because he'd been playing, but he wasn't playing at the time.

      I'm not sure how far they're allowed to take chaos theory into account when generating news stories.

      • High speed nothing. My family went to the Zoo this weekend and my wife decided to take advantage of the tons of Pokestops to refill on Pokeballs. We were walking, on foot, not on bikes or driving, and the game would periodically pop up the "speed warning" and requiring her to click the "I'm a passenger" button....

    • The app does detect when you are going over a certain speed and flashes up a warning that only allows you to continue if you are a passenger.

      However, as the game is designed for those on foot, it would be reasonable to disable interaction with the game whilst travelling above a certain speed.

      There is a legitimate reason to allow the game to function without interaction as pokemon 'appear' in certain areas and the app radar will identify them when in range. If you have to stop moving to interact this wo

    • They can tell how fast you're going from GPS data, you have to click a box saying "I'm a passenger" to play if moving above walking speed
      • Indeed, many people have pointed this out over the last couple of articles on this subject. So they could just as easily turn off the game altogether to prevent drivers pretending to be passengers.

        In reality, the deaths here are the drivers fault not the games, but if the death count racks up this will eventually result in a lawsuit and fines for the developer. The moral thing for them to do is disable the game when the phone is moving fast to prevent asshat drivers hitting people. It also might be the b

  • What they're not telling you is that, year-to-date, there have actually been 45% fewer Japanese deaths due to Pokemon than last year.

    Pokemon-related injuries, or, "pokuinju", have actually been declining for decades now in Japan. This is just propaganda promulgated by the Nanobotic Party and their cronies in the Infodrome distorting the data to demonize the Technomatic Party, to improve their chances in next cycle's electo-moto-go-go-votetime. Don't fall for it! The power level of the robo-collective is

  • Darwinism. There's an app for that.
    • It would only be Darwinism if the person playing PoGo died, such as if they walked or drove off of a cliff while playing.

  • by MitchDev ( 2526834 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @11:06AM (#52774777)

    Another misleading headline

    PokemonGo had nothing to do with this death. It was a DISTRACTED DRIVER!

    The battery he was changing was not at fault, nor was the fact that he had been playing PokemonGo and drained his battery.

    The only one at fault is the DRIVER! He made the choice to do something other than just drive while driving. Do NOT blame the game, or the phone manufacturer, or the phone battery....

    • Re:Wow (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Jeff Flanagan ( 2981883 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @11:25AM (#52774899)
      Sure, but are you going to click on a link that says yet another idiot driver killed someone while messing around with his phone? Add Pokemon Go, and you have the fans, the haters, and the dubunkers all clicking your link, viewing your ads, and driving traffic to you via their blogs and social media.
    • But if the driver had an iPhone and couldn't change the battery then the cyclist would be alive. /s

    • Another misleading headline

      PokemonGo had nothing to do with this death. It was a DISTRACTED DRIVER!

      The battery he was changing was not at fault, nor was the fact that he had been playing PokemonGo and drained his battery.

      The only one at fault is the DRIVER! He made the choice to do something other than just drive while driving. Do NOT blame the game, or the phone manufacturer, or the phone battery....

      Except that Pokemon Go was the cause of the distraction, and it's actually a serious issue. I remember when I started playing it I would be in the car at a stop light and I was tempted to turn on the app and see if there was a pokemon or pokestop within reach. I imagine a non-trivial number of people actually do carry through with that urge and there's probably been a lot of other accidents where the offending party was too embarrassed (or concerned about legal repercussions) to admit they were playing Poke

      • Semantics my ass!

        YOU as the driver decide whether or not to pay attention to driving. Your phone doesn't force you to play with it. Your makeup doesn't force you to apply it. Your food doesn't force you to eat it , etc while you are driving. YOU the driver make the choice, it is all YOUR fault and responsibility.

        People like you, looking to blame inanimate objects for this type of thing are the second most ridiculous part of the problem, right behind the drivers themselves...

        • Semantics my ass!

          YOU as the driver decide whether or not to pay attention to driving. Your phone doesn't force you to play with it. Your makeup doesn't force you to apply it. Your food doesn't force you to eat it , etc while you are driving. YOU the driver make the choice, it is all YOUR fault and responsibility.

          People like you, looking to blame inanimate objects for this type of thing are the second most ridiculous part of the problem, right behind the drivers themselves...

          The driver was negligent.

          Pokemon Go gave that negligent driver an unusually tempting opportunity to be distracted.

          Negligent drivers are not uncommon, and the arrival of Pokemon Go means that those negligent drivers will get distracted more often.

  • by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @11:08AM (#52774791) Homepage

    There are over 7 billion people in the world. Every day, over 150,000 people die.

    Two die playing Pokemon? That's sounds about right.

    You need a good comparison to make these kinds of claims. When the number of death per hour played exceeds that for other games, then call me.

    Otherwise, go take a class on statistics.

    • by Calydor ( 739835 )

      The problem is the people who died weren't the people playing Pokemon Go.

    • When the number of death per hour played exceeds that for other games, then call me.

      When the number of deaths caused by Pokemon exceeds the number of people playing Pokemon, call me; things might just be getting interesting at that point...

    • Actually that's just the number of confirmed Japanese deaths. I think there have been at least two in the US.
  • by linear a ( 584575 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @11:09AM (#52774795)
    Does *this* explain why alien races all die out before they contact us?
    • Indirectly... more likely they are living into theirs multiple VR's, inside a dyson sphere. Isolated from all the external universe
    • Does *this* explain why alien races all die out before they contact us?

      Either that or they've seen us and decided to not contact.

    • The aliens aren't dead, they are wisely avoiding the human race as a lost cause...

  • by SlaveToTheGrind ( 546262 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @11:12AM (#52774821)

    This has nothing to do with Pokemon Go -- the dude wasn't even playing at the time. This is about someone in the car focusing on something other than driving. We don't have big screaming headlines like "14,328th confirmed death involving food" after someone takes their eyes off the road while fishing for the last fry in the bottom of the bag. ObMarkTwain:

    “Well, ther’ ain’t no sense in it. A body might stump his toe, and take pison, and fall down the well, and break his neck, and bust his brains out, and somebody come along and ask what killed him, and some numskull up and say, ’Why, he stumped his TOE.’ Would ther’ be any sense in that? NO."

  • by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Friday August 26, 2016 @12:00PM (#52775171)

    Thousands of people are hurt or killed because car drivers are talking or texting their wives while operating their vehicle.
    We should outlaw wives altogether to fix that problem.

  • by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @12:40PM (#52775537)

    Just curious but how many people have been killed because a driver was masturbating? It's equally relevant but more amusing to hear about.

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday August 26, 2016 @01:03PM (#52775763)

    Newsworthy? Hardly.

    "But it's with Pokemon Go!"


  • Gotta splatter them all!
  • It's the use of smartphones while driving, not the app itself.

    Don't drive while using a cell. Don't drive while while fiddling with stuff like food, drinks, etc that distract you.

    It's in your driver's license test. Those are not legal things to do.

    How hard is that?

  • Humans have proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that they can't be trusted with these multi-ton vehicles. No matter how much you say about not drinking, texting, playing games etc while driving they keep doing it and it is OTHER people that pay for it. 7 years for at the very best criminal negligence leading to a death is just not ok and making harsher punishments won't help since the people that do this where not thinking in the first place.

    ALL cars on the road should have mandatory collision avoidance sys

"Probably the best operating system in the world is the [operating system] made for the PDP-11 by Bell Laboratories." - Ted Nelson, October 1977
