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PlayStation (Games) Sony

PlayStation Store for PS3, PS Vita Closes This Summer ( 10

Sony confirmed on Monday that PlayStation Store access for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation Portable will end this summer. From a report: The PS3 and PS Vita stores close Aug. 27, 2021; the PSP's remaining purchase functions will end on July 2, 2021. PS3, Vita, and PSP owners will still be able to re-download and play any games they've purchased through the PlayStation Store. Users can still redeem voucher codes for games and PlayStation Plus, too. Additionally, multi-platform cross-buy purchases are still possible, meaning users can still buy content made available to both PlayStation 4 and PS3, PS Vita, and/or PSP. Players can still access their content by way of the Download List, on their respective device. Sony also specified that these store closures will not affect any user's PlayStation Now subscription, or their access to PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Vita titles they claimed through their PlayStation Plus subscription.
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PlayStation Store for PS3, PS Vita Closes This Summer

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  • by lessSockMorePuppet ( 6778792 ) on Monday March 29, 2021 @06:50PM (#61215012) Homepage

    PS Vita is the best handheld out there. Shame.

    Sony needs to do a 3rd gen PSP and again include cell connectivity, but across the board.

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      PS Vita is the best handheld out there. Shame.

      Sony needs to do a 3rd gen PSP and again include cell connectivity, but across the board.

      What's so great about it? Memory cards that cost at least twice (much more now) than SD cards because they are so proprietary, they only work in a Vita? 32 and 64GB Vita cards are ridiculously expensive even when the Vita was current.

      A custom connnector used nowhere else (at least this got fixed)?

      And Sony's ability to just drop support is legendary. I mean, the Vita faded fr

    • Nintendo has the bulky battery hungry platform with expensive games that don't go down in price often. Sony could step in with a compact, pocketable, and efficient system with $30-$40 games, replacing the Gameboy/DS line's spot.

      • by tepples ( 727027 )

        People have a phone for playing those kinds of games, so long as they're touch-controlled. Is there really a use case for carrying both a phone and a handheld console other than that the latter has physical buttons?

    • by stikves ( 127823 )

      I still have my first gen Vita, but Sony did not do any favors to the platform.

      It had the best hardware (OLED screen, now coming to next gen Nintendo in 2021!), excellent possibility(*) of software, PS3 and later PS4 integration, and pretty good controls.

      What broke it?
      - Absolute lack of software. We only get either ports of terrible mobile, or watered down versions of PS3 franchises. The Uncharted games was not too bad, Killzone was okay, but it you were not into JRPGs and endless stream of rhythm games, th

  • That was the by-line at the end of the Sony email I got saying they were closing the playstation 3 store.

    Does anyone in customer communications have a brain ?

    We are closing the shop.
    Play has not limits.

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
