Quake3 Arena on Linux 92
Bill Lynch wrote in to
send us a quick quote from John Carmack's most recent .plan update:
"Q3test, and later the full commercial Quake3: Arena, will be simultaniously
released on windows, mac, and linux platforms." The plan also
has a pretty lengthy discussion on the new Apple boxes and
games. Comments about Code Warrior for Linux and the like.
Interesting stuff.
Because the company is a piece of shit. (Score:1)
For news about 3d on Linux, particularly 3dfx related, look at http://glide.xxedgexx.com/
Development Environments (Score:1)
Now if there was only a nice complete GPL'ed IDE as full featured as MS Visual Studio or Borlan.. er Inprise's offering.. maybe I can get some real work done
Development Environments (Score:1)
Project management provides a method of replacing Makefiles which is not only faster, but provides multidirectory dependancies easily.
Most debugging environments will open the correct source file to the exact line which was causing the problem at any breakpoint. This speeds things up quite considerably when you are working with a lot of breakpoints which happen to have functions in multiple files.
A single, unified editor for all code editing complete with multiple language syntax highlighting and function lookup/mispelling detection. Not many IDEs contain function lookup/mispelling detection, but it is quite nice when you do have it. Some will even warn you if you forgot a { when starting a function definition.
The end to the debate about how many spaces you should indent your code. When working in a GUI IDE, they almost all have tab-stop settings. Although this is true under a lot of editors, some IDEs will have ruler style tab-stop settings so the first tab is at 8 spaces, the second tab is at 4 spaces, the third.. etc etc.
Integrated compiling lookup. Similar to the debugging environment, open the file which caused the error to the correct line. Very handy.
included on cd? (Score:1)
Well... Kindof :) (Score:1)
I think whenever a new version of Quake2 comes out, Zoid just applys a "Linux patch" and compiles, but dont quote me on that.
In short, it dosnt compile out of the box (./configure;make;make install) but after some cutting-windows-crap-out and stuff it works nicely.
my $0.02
Development Environments (Score:1)
Yes, Carmack is the bomb.... (Score:1)
But, WebSite Pro is from Oreilly. Yeah, the book guys. That software is really good.
Development Environments (Score:1)
Like most Windows vs Unix apps, the Windows versions tend to be easier for new people to learn, but in this case, I don't think anything Unix-based will be any more powerful than what's already available for Windows. With the exception of my "vi lapses" (hitting escape all the time, etc.), Microsoft's IDE is extremely powerful and, quite frankly, speeds my coding time considerably over my (non-Emacs-based) Unix equivalents. Like I said, though, I haven't tried Emacs, so that might be just as easy... I'd recommend you try programming in VisualC++ or J++ on Windows and see what I mean.
Not to start another tab-stop war or anything, I really have to disagree about your argument against hard tab stops. Most all programs have the ability of adjusting the amount of space used by hard tab stops. I routinely set my tab stops in vi to 4 spaces. If someone else prefers a different number of spaces for indentation, it's a simple matter to set the tab stops to the value of their choice. Using 3 or 4 spaces when you're coding forces everyone to look at your source using your preferred "tab stop", and their coding habits may differ, causing the code to be a mish-mash of different spacing styles. If everyone uses hard tab stops and adjusts their editor appropriately, everyone is happy.
Where I work, there are three other coders that I routinely work with. One uses hard tabs, like me, and adjusts his tab stops to 3. The other two use spaces (2 and 4). Code that the "space people" have collaborated on tends to get very messy (especially when cutting/pasting and re-indenting so that the pasted block matches up with the code that already exists). Quite frequently, someone will miss a space or add an extra space, and things never quite line up. When I collaborate with the other "tab guy", our code is always very neat, indented precisely and generally very easy to work with. It's very easy to make code changes in simple editors like 'vi' without auto-indentation.
As you might expect, when a "tab person" and a "space person" end up collaborating, the results tend to be disasterous. The only thing worse than using spaces inconsistently is using tabs *and* spaces.
depends (Score:1)
As you code, the IDE will note the types of classes and objects you declare, and as you use them, it will give you pop-up menus (in a passive, background sort of way so as not to interfere with your coding) with all of the possible methods and properties, so if you're not totally familiar with a class, or forgot how you declared it, you can see and choose from the list (or just keep typing). I find this feature extremely useful.
Not sure, but... (Score:1)
Not sure if this is even in the right ballpark, but it might be a usable hack. For all I know there's an Emacs option specifically designed to do what you're trying to do.
Good question.
Development Environments (Score:1)
turn warnings off -- I go to the "C/C++ Warnings" panel in the Project Settings and click on
checkboxes. When adding a source file to a project, I can just click on the targets I want it added
to. To check in a modified file, I just select it in the project window and choose "Check In" from a
menu. I never have to touch or even think about a makefile, because the IDE does dependency
tracking for me.
I see. You don't want to learn anything extra?
BTW, autoconf and makedepend are both usefull tools.
Checking in and out can be done in just about any Unix editor. I use Nedit and have ClearCase integrated in where I can do just about any ClearCase command just from the menus.
In other words, it lets me focus almost completely on writing code.
Doesn't look like you are now
The only problem with it is that the project file format's not open. But to me, it's not a big
"In true sound..." -Agents of Good Root
Development Environments (Score:1)
The big benefit of an integrated development environment like CodeWarrior is that it maintains and manages your projects for you, not because of any sort of interface construction. (IDEs often include interface-construction tools, but they're not the reason for IDEs' existence.)
When develoing software with CodeWarrior, I don't have to remember the different -W flags to turn warnings off -- I go to the "C/C++ Warnings" panel in the Project Settings and click on checkboxes. When adding a source file to a project, I can just click on the targets I want it added to. To check in a modified file, I just select it in the project window and choose "Check In" from a menu. I never have to touch or even think about a makefile, because the IDE does dependency tracking for me.
In other words, it lets me focus almost completely on writing code.
And for the vast majority of Macintosh projects, the IDE is flexible enough that you don't have to worry about not having makefiles or anything like that.
The only problem with it is that the project file format's not open. But to me, it's not a big problem...
Also, at least CodeWarrior is not a monolithic tool. There's the project manager -- the IDE proper -- which hosts compilers, preference panels, linkers, etc. as plug-ins, and also has an excellent syntax-aware text editor and class browser. Then there's Constructor, the interface construction tool, and ResEdit or Resorceror for editing resources. So while it's a complete environment, and some pieces of it do run in the same memory space, it's not all that huge or monolithic.
Guard Pages (not) (Score:1)
If these memory bugs are in other peoples' software, email or call or write them and tell them to run their code through Spotlight. It can really help you clean up your code and make it rock solid.
Try Code Crusader... (Score:1)
How all-knowing is Carmack? (Score:1)
Anyway, I've always read Carmack's take on the Mac with interest. Since I know nothing about gaming (vanilla Angband is still my game of choice), I'm curious about how much credence to give his opinions. Should Apple drop everything and do what he says? Is he a lone crank? Or somewhere in the middle? I'm curious to hear what knowledgeable people think.
PPC is vastly overrated (Score:1)
Although I totally agree that the using a PPC on a mac is vastly overrated, I am very curious to find out how fast the PPC is compared to Intel's offerings, if the MacOS wasn't slowing down the PPC so much. Has anyone done any sort of benchmarking in comparable builds of Linux to test out how much faster the PPC would be than the PII, if the OS wasn't slowing it down so much?
...Or even an 1/8... (Score:1)
Guard Pages and Makido idiocy (Score:1)
Trut is, it *hasn't* been fixed yet; guard pages don't go into the os until spring.
FWIW MacOS does NOT crash like that under normal (and even stressed) operation anymore...Even Netscape has a hard time kiling it these days...
An honest, foaming-at-the-macmouth-free post.
Q3A is apparently hardware-only (Score:1)
"My current platform support for is clients on Linux x86 and SGI IRIX. For servers I'm supporting Linux Alpha, Solaris x86 and Solaris Sparc. LinuxPPC may be considered, but I couldn't get LinuxPPC to install on my Mac G3 machine.
Quake3 is a hardware _ONLY_ game for visuals. You must have OpenGL hardware support. Currently, that means MesaGL with VooDoo, but I have also got stuff working with XiGraphics Accelerated X11 as well. I have hardware Quake2 up and running with a Number Nine Revolution III card using OpenGL on it. I'll be testing Quake3 with it shortly.
So, the plan is hardware OpenGL support under Linux for MesaGL w/VooDoo, and XiGraphics Accelerated X with OpenGL (with serveral different cards supported). I'm also working with the Metrolink guys who are building accelerated OpenGL X servers as well.
Currently, there isn't any hardware OpenGL support for platforms such as Linux Alpha. Sun does have hardware OpenGL on their new UltraSparc Creator workstations and I'll be investgating support for that as well. I'd like to see Quake3 running on every platform that supports hardware accelerated OpenGL."
Since he's got it running under Mesa for Voodoo boards, I assume you might still be able to run it, albeit slowly, under Mesa in software mode (or is there a flag somewhere within Mesa that one can check to see if hardware support exists?).
Personally I don't have a Voodoo board and I'm not about to shell out $200 or more for a commercial X11 distribution so I guess I'll be playing Q3A on my Windows box...
Q2 also on Alpha and SPARC (Score:1)
Linux i386
Solaris SPARC
If you finger zoid@idsoftware.com, you should see links to those versions I think.
Development Environments (Score:1)
Guard Pages (not) (Score:1)
Quake3 Supported Platforms. (Score:1)
Quake3 is a hardware _ONLY_ game for visuals. You must have OpenGL hardware support. Currently, that means MesaGL with VooDoo, but I have also got stuff working with XiGraphics Accelerated X11 as well. I have hardware Quake2 up and running with a Number Nine Revolution III card using OpenGL on it. I'll be testing Quake3 with it shortly.
So, the plan is hardware OpenGL support under Linux for MesaGL w/VooDoo, and XiGraphics Accelerated X with OpenGL (with serveral different cards supported). I'm also working with the Metrolink guys who are building accelerated OpenGL X servers as well.
Currently, there isn't any hardware OpenGL support for platforms such as Linux Alpha. Sun does have hardware OpenGL on their new UltraSparc Creator workstations and I'll be investgating support for that as well. I'd like to see Quake3 running on every platform that supports hardware accelerated OpenGL.
/// Zoid.
Development Environments (Score:1)
How all-knowing is Carmack? (Score:1)
So basically, anything carmack says is probably correct. He is a very thorough coder. After listening to him speakign about some of the problems he had encountered during quake/quake2 development, he was certain that the way he had gone was the best way, because he had tried every other way and they just didn't work as well.
Another cool thing mentioned, i beleive in Adrian Carmacks book (no relation), is that John wrote the dynamic lighting code for Quake in an hour. I just thought that was amazingly cool
How all-knowing is Carmack? (Score:1)
For an example, he once came on efnet #quake and asked what the deltree command on linux was...
anyway, NT4 is easier for incompetant people, and that's the gist of it.
On a side note, telefragged.com runs apache i beleive. They run linux at least.
CodeWarrior?? Ugh... (Score:1)
I've never liked IDE's anyway... I think typing out all the structs and classes yourself will teach you to be a better programmer than using all the goofy wizards will.
Development Environments (Score:1)
As soon as nvidia releases a library or specs (Score:1)
"NVIDA has targeted its multimedia accelerators at the mainstream PC market. This market consists of the Windows 9x and Windows NT operating systems. NVIDIA has full resources dedicated to tuning performance and quality under these operating systems. NVIDIA does not offer register level programming guides for development of other operating systems or applications at this time."
What a stupid policy. Will these HW companies never learn...?
No Subject Given (Score:1)
3 weekends? (Score:1)
3 weekends? (Score:1)
3 weekends? (Score:1)
I only wish I could write such code...
How all-knowing is Carmack? (Score:1)
included on cd? (Score:1)
How all-knowing is Carmack? (Score:1)
Development Environments (Score:1)
Development Environments (Score:1)
>lot more powerful than a few xterms running vi and gdb.
Who on earth is doing that still? I don't know
anybody doing development with xterm/vi/gdb.
Everybody here is using XEmacs+ddd (or whatever
graphical debugger working well on the particular
platform), and that integrated environment is as
good as they get (I *did* use the MS and Borland
IDEs back when I touched those systems).
Linux & HW OpenGL support (Score:1)
What about Linux? checking out
Quake3 Supported Platforms. (Score:1)
Does this really mean that we will not be able to run Quake3 servers on x86 hardware with Linux?
X Window or console? (Score:1)