Linux Q3Atest Released 271
Gaza writes
"Heard the Q3A linux test was just released on Id
Software's site a few minutes ago. It is going to be a
long night... " We're gonna need some mirrors people!
"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
libc5 (Score:1)
Im still using good ol slackware...
cant get it to work..
Re:Performance (Score:1)
----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
Voodoo3 (Score:1)
I *really* want to play this, but don't want to waste my money on an obsolete 3d card.
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Re:DOH, now i got it... (Score:1)
----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
Argh. (Score:1)
----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
Re:Mirror (Score:1)
Re:Update: the tar.gz is now there (Score:1)
Sometimes you do need a
YAMS (Yet Another Mirror Site) (Score:1)
Re:*kicks himself* (Score:1)
justin was killed by a full nuclear modified mini imploding cluster smart missile from justin. How strange!
Hahahahahahah... I've been wondering about that sig and just got it. I've been playing xpilot recently :) So go play xpilot and tell everyone Q3A is for weenees :)
Re:Looks AMAZING... (Score:1)
Q3test/Linux on Pentium/MMX, very good (Score:1)
Spammed? Click here [sputum.com] for free slack on how to fight it!
q3test mirror list w/ auto-update (Score:1)
http://donut.tho.org/mirrors.html [tho.org]
Just get a 3Dfx Voodoo2 card! (Score:1)
Just get a 3Dfx Voodoo2 card.
3DNow! (Score:1)
Windows users can't read! (Score:1)
VooDoo 1 (Score:1)
Way to go id!
Re:Quake 3 Test (Score:1)
Make sure you have installed the Glide.rpm as per instructions. I've done all this and it works slicker than snot!
Works perfect in Red Hat 6.0 BTW for anyone curious.
Re:User-friendly Linux?!? (Score:1)
Note: this is not a game, it's a trial test of some game technology which happens to bear a strong resemblence to a game which will come out a LONG time from now. Sorry to respond to flamebait.
Re:Got it running... but has anyone used glx??? (Score:1)
After I configure everything according to readmes, when I try to run linuxquake3, I get the following error:
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Initializing Renderer ----
...loading libGL.so: Initializing OpenGL display
...setting mode 3: 640 480
Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 0.8
Couldn't get a visual
...WARNING: could not set the given mode (3)
Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem
Re:Got it running... but has anyone used glx??? (Score:1)
Now is there another way of finding out if X loaded the module? I don't want to download and compile all that stuff just to test it.
Re:Got it running... but has anyone used glx??? (Score:1)
The solution was that X was loading a different XF86Config file than I thought, so I just had to edit the new one.
Re: Voodoo 1 (Score:1)
The software doesn't support 3DNow!, unless you hunt down the Mesa patches. By Jeff Epler, that's all I can remember.
Matrox G200 (Score:1)
Maybe I should switch mirrors, this blasted quake download has been running all day... well, I'll keep you posted if I ever finish getting q3test
yes, there is. (but you wouldn't like it.) (Score:1)
It'll be SLOW, though; expect speeds in the seconds-per-frame range unless you have a fast Pentium II or Celeron A.
-lee...it CRAWLS on my K6-2 300. I hope the g200 drivers become usable soon...
Voodoo 2 vs. Voodoo 3 (Score:1)
The Voodoo 3 has about the same performance as the Voodoo 2 SLI, or in other words is about twice as fast as a single Voodoo 2 board.
Re:Performance (Score:1)
--Phil (Can't wait to try Q3 on my K6-2 400... >:)
Re:Performance (Score:1)
Re:There is not software mode (Score:1)
I already have (Score:1)
Zoid wrote me a nice letter back.
The email(s) to nVidia went unanswered despite the return receipts I got back.
nVidia seems to want me to buy that voodoo2.
Re:Dammit! (Score:1)
I am thinking of borrowing a v2 for the '2 weeks' while nVidia gets their butt into gear.
And a Voodoo Banshee I scored for $45 today isn't supported yet
Re:Dammit! (Score:1)
Re:Got it running... but has anyone used glx??? (Score:1)
Re:Buy a G400 MAX! (Score:1)
Re:Got it running... but has anyone used glx??? (Score:1)
As for setting it up, how far did you get? Are you having problems using cvs, getting it to compile, or getting it to work with Q3?
Re:Nvidiots (Score:1)
Re:...If you're so stubborn... (Score:1)
The primary thing I hate about the Pilots are that you can't just write on the screen normally..
Re:Looks AMAZING... (Score:1)
Re:Nvidiots (Score:1)
When I talked to NVIDIA, they said that most of their sales comes from OEM, which are all W9x sytems (though even THAT is changing now), so they don't care about the rest of their customers. That was the basic gist of what the guy said at GDC, but that was several weeks ago, seems they changed their mind, but not soon enough.
If I were a hardware vendor, I'd make linux drivers even if it WASN'T worth my time, just to be nice, because how much would it really cost for a company like nvidia....?
tich is absoFUCKINGlutely great. thanx.
Very good performance (Score:1)
Way to go id Software!
Re:How do i get a Matrox Millenium G200 to work? (Score:1)
Met Vriendelijke groet/Yours Sincerly
Stijn Jonker
How do i get a Matrox Millenium G200 to work? (Score:1)
Please give me a hint on how to configure this baby
Met Vriendelijke groet/Yours Sincerly
Stijn Jonker
Re:careful... (Score:1)
Re: Voodoo 1 (Score:1)
I managed to get it to run on a Celeron 450 Mhz with a Voodoo 1 just now, now I gotta try find some servers. Of course it ain't all that pretty on this graphics card but it's enough to tide me over.
What's with all the jumping pads heh.. felt like super mario for a sec
Would you like to restart the computer now?
It's not that simple... (Score:1)
What's the big deal, you say? The problem is, 3D acceleration is still CPU-dependent, to a degree. While you'll still get a boost, it might not be all that great. A P100, for example, can't keep a Voodoo2 saturated. You'll get great-looking graphics, but the animation still won't be very smooth (probably, in the case of a P100, it'll be just barely playable, but playable nonetheless).
Mesa-ggi ... slow :) (Score:1)
As soon as Mesa and XFree86 drivers are out
and stable for Riva TNT 2, I'm going for a
Viper 770.
Modular? Blast! (Score:1)
//"You can't prove anything about a program written in C or FORTRAN.
It's really just Peek and Poke with some syntactic sugar."
You're absolutely right (Score:1)
I'd actually like to comment on the poor performance people have been reporting on even good machines with Voodoo1's (my friend got lousy fps on a pII-300 w/V1). The V2 can do a big chunk of lighting setup in hardware (it can calculate the gradient along poly edges, whereas on the V1 Glide must do this on the CPU). Since Q3 is heavily lit, this may make a key difference.
I note that SLIing doesn't really improve performance except at very high resolutions -- the V2 alone has more than enough fill to do 640x480 or 800x600 without the fill rate of the card being the bottleneck at all. In most cases the limitation is CPU time for setting up polys (lots of FP). So on a similar system w/o SLI you should get the same 640x480 results as me...
I also note that the AMD machine that's as good as a pII at everything else is going to pay a _big_ penalty running Q3
Performance (Score:1)
73 fps at 640x480 (had to turn of sync to refresh first)
50 fps at 1024x768 (very respectable)
But the lighting is buggy -- some lights turn off and on as you move even though they're not being blocked by pillars.
Linux? Voodoo2 is the answer (Score:1)
I don't know when Linux will support the Voodoo3, but I hope it's soon -- the 2000 only costs about $100, has an excellent 2D card built in, and is (in our benchmarks) exactly as fast as 2 Voodoo2's SLI'd, but it can do slightly higher resolutions (1280x1024 and 1600x1200).
Sorry (Score:1)
Back up now, and not planning on running it any more for a while...
Sorry to everyone who just got rudely kicked off.
Re:Update: the tar.gz is now there (Score:1)
What's a Debian user to do? Use alien on the RPM or get the tarball?
Re:Looks AMAZING... (Score:1)
I guess my p200 with voodoo 1 won't be much good either. It would be nice to know what weighs more, the CPU performance or the 3D card. Will a p200 with a beefy card be ok?
Run w/left hand on kybd, shoot + aim w/mouse (Score:1)
Set the right mouse button to "strafe" and the left button to "fire".
Works for me!
Re:There is not software mode (Score:1)
Nvidiots (Score:1)
Now, pretend you're a 3D graphics card company, catering to the gaming market. Pretend also that you haven't had your head in the sand for the last 1.5 years with regards to Linux's booming popularity, especially among computer "gear heads" who tend to love games and hardware.
Now WHY ON EARTH would you not do EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER to release 3D support for your premier card under Linux before this initial Q3 release? It boggles the mind.
I know, I know.... they said they're working on it. They've been saying that for a long time. If they had just allowed people to see the programming specs, they'd have a driver by now.
I like Nvidia. I really do - nice hardware, seems to be a good company. But... Dammit. They sure are trying hard to make me go buy a Voodoo.
No demo recording capability in q3atest (Score:1)
3dfx (Score:1)
Is no one else bothered by the fact that 3dfx is the ONLY 3d accellerated card under linux. Most linux users foam at the mouth about the Microsoft monopoly but no one seems to mind that only 1 3d card supports 3d in Linux.
Besides 3dx cards have the lowest quality visually of any major 3d card.
Best Mirror out there (Score:1)
Its not the fastest ID mirror, but its rarely full and often updated quickly (I grabbed q3test for linux last night at midnight)
go slashdot cdrom.com!
The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
Re:Mirror (Score:1)
I'm not exactly sure where this version came from. I'm tempted to say that its offical RH, but I've been known to be wrong on many occasion
Re:Rage 3d pro? (Score:1)
The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
Re:How about Leadtek boards? (Score:1)
If you need 3D hardware rendering, please look into mlx/acl mesa drivers for pm2. SUSE is making them. They would be releasing a bunch of new drivers to CVS soon. (i just got an e-mail from the guy in charge of the pm2 stuff)
Re:How do i get a Matrox Millenium G200 to work? (Score:1)
ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/idstuff/quake3/ (Score:1)
Re:Buy a G400 MAX! (Score:1)
Re:NON 3dfx card and q3test (Score:1)
chipset.... very playable under Windoze. I'll give it a whirl under Linux.
Some questions / issues / observations (Score:1)
2. Why does top show that Q3A uses at most 80% of processor resources? Shouldn't it use nearly 100% for better performance?
3. I've got a measly P-233mmx with a Voodoo 1. So the game is far from fast or smooth. It is roughly playable on the *lowest* of every detail / graphics setting. Quake2 was fairly smooth on my Linux box. And it used 100% CPU.
4. It seems to play faster in 640x480 than the next step down (512xsomething).
5. Other than that, it was easy to set up and use.
another signal 8 (Score:1)
some more data for you (Score:1)
Ah, thanks. Very helpful in testing the program. I understand it's not 100% scientific. By the way, in the FPS I quote in the rest of this post, in all cases I am standing on the quad damage of map 1.
2. Because you have vsync on. Turn it off. Quake3 has renderered its pass and is waiting to for the vblank interval to switch buffers. You can turn off vsync by doing this in the shell:
Hmm. Well, that did seem to help with the FPS. But still, watching top at another console, there is never less than 10% CPU idle and more often it's about 15%. This isn't a super big deal to me, I'm just wondering why it doesn't use 100% like Quake2 did. Perhaps, methinks, Q3 is significantly more efficient in its processing.
3. Quake3 is a _lot_ more demanding than Q2. It pushes about five to ten times as many triangles as Q2 did. Use "fastest" in the video configuration along with r_lodbias 2 in the console.
It's understood that Q3 is a lot more demanding. Hell, my machine used to be quite a sweet platform for Q2 (and still is of course) but in Q3, it's barely meeting the minimum. That's really fine with me, because Q3 has such obvious graphics improvements. (Now gameplay improvements, that remains to be seen.)
5. Great! The only real problem people are having is that Q3 blows up if you don't have a 16bit depth on the desktop. I'm going to revise this in the next test relesae.
Luckily I always run in 16 bpp so I didn't have this problem.
Here are some random comments:
I found the cleaner interface (than Q2) to be nice and certainly more readable.
One time in the middle of a deathmatch it quit with a signal 8. I can't get it to repeat it so far, but it only just happened.
In general everything looks pretty nice, even on my low end system. I found a huge speedup switching from lightmap to vertex graphics. About 10 fps. The other settings only affected the fps by about 1 or 2, but all of the goodies on tends to add up. High geometry seems to cost me about 5 fps. The visual difference is not that striking on my (P233-Voodoo1) machine.
With all the graphics settings on the lowest possible, including texture quality slider, I sometimes get strange, tripping blending and morphing effects on textures, especially close to walls. It's actually kind of cool to look at but detracts from gameplay. The problem seems to go away when I bump the slider up to the next level. Maybe I can send a screenshot of what I'm talking about or something.
16 bit textures are noticably faster (about 3-4 fps) than compressed on my system. I didn't try 32 bit (ha ha I wish.)
Considering that this is a pre-alpha test, I found the general gameplay to be fairly smooth and involving for an experienced Quaker. I couldn't say how Joe Q. Public is going to react to an net only game like this. I'm sure most longtime quakers like me will buy Q3A and love it, especially the Linux box. It's just more incentive to go out there and get a couple of SLI Voodoo2's and a fast Celeron...
Actually, I've heard that the TNT2 is going to blow away the Voodoo3, and furthermore that Riva is going to release programming specs for Linux. Can anyone confirm this? Zoid, if TNT2 can be made to work on Linux, you think Q3A will support it?
Re:Dammit! (Score:1)
have ordinary yet high quality video cards.
It takes a stupid moron to design just for
one or two cards.
How do I FIND a damn g200? (Score:1)
PS-- I ended up with a voodoo banshee. I know, I know, wtf was I thinking? Well, at least there is an X server, and the newest release of it (3.3.3_3) is not nearly as torturously slow as the last one. Grumble grumble bitch whine... ;-)
Re:Problems with mouse. SUGGESTIONS? (Score:1)
Re:some more data for you (Score:1)
Q3A is not a completely multiplayer game. The single player game (not seen yet) can be compared to something like Mortal Kombat--progressive deathmatch against bots. We'll see how it turns out.
I have tested beta NVIDIA RIVA TNT/TNT2 drivers on a TNT. They work, but do not use direct rendering or support GL_ARB_multitexture or compiled vertex arrays--pretty much a triple whammy to hurt performance. It is difficult to get a playable game out those beta drivers. This is unforunate.
The Precision Insight guys are working on direct renderered OpenGL pipelines in the future (XFree86 4.0). Hopefully we'll see support for TNT/TNT2 soon.
Hardware 3D support under Linux is just really starting to heat up. I'm hoping that by the end of the year, Linux will be a leading contender in the realm of hardware accelerated OpenGL workstations.
Re:Dammit! (Score:1)
It's not looking pretty... I asked about spec releases, and he got back on the driver topic pretty quick. I dunno if that's because he thought I was more concerned about drivers or because specs just aren't going to happen.
Cross your fingers, fellow TNT users!
Q3Arena (Score:2)
Server Finder (Score:2)
Go here [idsoftware.com] to find quake3 servers for all your gaming needs.
Mirror (Score:2)
templestowe.res.cmu.edu [cmu.edu]
Got it running on my G200... (Score:2)
I ran it on my P2-350 w/ 128MB RAM.
Mirror (Score:2)
The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
Re:How do i get a Matrox Millenium G200 to work? (Score:2)
Re:Problems with mouse. SUGGESTIONS? (Score:2)
Do you have X setup to emulate a middle mouse button when you have both pressed? That would definitely be a likely cause of your problem if you do...
Rage 3d pro? (Score:2)
Oh, and when will they start making pcmcia voodoo cards, so we all can start enjoying quake on your laptops?
Is the cardbus tech fast enough?
Let's call nVidia! (408) 615-2500 (Score:2)
Let's call them and demand Linux drivers by the time Q3A is released!
Mirror sites are here (Score:2)
That's http://www.quake3arena.com/q3test/mirrors.html
A suggestion to those who get it (Score:2)
What I'm going to suggest is that if you want to test the game, try a server other than id's. The night that the Mac version of Q3Test came out, the test servers (which Tim Willits said were on the same machine as the FTP server, for some stupid reason) were severely lagged. I don't think anyone other than the id employees had under a 500 ping.
There's a good server list on the id page at:
http://underworld.idsoftwa re.com/cgi-win/q3aservers.exe/ [idsoftware.com]
Screenshots (Score:2)
My machine is a K6-266 with an 8mb V2, running RedHat 6.0...
Re:Problems with mouse. SUGGESTIONS? (Score:2)
If you have your mouse set to 'Microsoft' in your XF86Config, turn off both 'ChordMiddle' and 'Emulate3Buttons', and restart X.
No 3dcard, one frame per second sound crappy? Read (Score:2)
ftp.gmd.de/if-archive (main archive)
rec.games.int-fiction (talk)
interactfiction.tqn.com (resource)
www.textfire.com (competition!)
Using inform, a reversed engineered language that makes 100% infocom games, things are cool. That was a bad gramatical sentence.
Ok, enough envangilizing.
Dammit! (Score:2)
Tried to run it. Can't run it.
I have a Riva TNT and NVidia is still without a Linux driver (not even a binary driver), so my TNT is basically a fancy 2D card and I can't play any neato games in linux. I refuse to boot into windows (i don't even think it works any more now that i've been booting into windows w/ vmware), and i don't care.
Damn NVidia! Damn you to HELL!
Re:Dammit! (Score:2)
Here are my Two private T1 Mirrors (Score:3)
50 clients:
login: slash
pass: dot
ip: 21
20 clients:
login: slash
pass: dot
ip: 21
Anthony Fuentes
Re:Some questions / issues / observations (Score:3)
2. Because you have vsync on. Turn it off. Quake3 has renderered its pass and is waiting to for the vblank interval to switch buffers. You can turn off vsync by doing this in the shell:
3. Quake3 is a _lot_ more demanding than Q2. It pushes about five to ten times as many triangles as Q2 did. Use "fastest" in the video configuration along with r_lodbias 2 in the console.
4. This 'faster' you are seeing is vsync.
5. Great! The only real problem people are having is that Q3 blows up if you don't have a 16bit depth on the desktop. I'm going to revise this in the next test relesae.
contact info (Score:3)
phone: (905)882-2600 - Sales and Marketing
nVidia - email: info@nvidia.com [mailto]
phone: (408) 615-2500
Please add to this list. Personally, I'm amazed these companies don't have 800 numbers (they probably do and just don't list them). That does not speak well for their desire to hear feedback from customers.
Primitive Q3A Pinging tool (Score:3)
http://rebrane.k-r4d.com/~rebrane/lin uxspy.pl [k-r4d.com]
make sure to edit the constants in the top of the file (accepting command line arguments would be too nonkludgy).
Re:Ok so where's a mirror? (Score:3)
Re:Ok so where's a mirror? (Score:3)
NON 3dfx card and q3test (Score:4)
As you may all know q3test runs out of the box on voodoo. But there are two other cards you can use it on. That's the matrox g200 and 3dlabs permedia 2. I'm in the process of making a HOWTO for the pm2. If you have such a card please let me know. I heard the fps wasnt that good (~10fps) , but viewable.
Also, it runs fine on vanialla mesa. (No 3d) on my celery 450 (300a oced), i get about 0.5 FPS with software only mesa. But it looks cool. Though xdm wouldnt take a screenshot, due to the way colors were handeled. Download q3 just to check it out at 0.5 fps! Yah!
More to come.
Department of Non-3dfx Users
Re:contact info (Score:4)
Don't email. It doesn't take effort to email. SPEND the $ and make a call, or send it in via snail mail. Email has no real impact on the recipient, but taking the time to call and let them know in a friendly supportive way that you like their hardware but that you need the support or you'll have to go somewhere else really has a lot more impact. It's all about confrontation, you'll reach someone much more effectively by actually talking to them and appreciating their position, but holding firm on at least getting a binary driver module. It also takes up their time to have people answer the phones, email can be read and roundfiled in seconds.
Anyway, Dave was supportive (he offered the 2D X-Windows support which I explained was good but that I could do 2D with any old card, I had bought the TNT because it was the best 3D card (whether that's true is irrelevant - it helps to be supportive when we're asking for something)) and clearly unhappy at the prospect of telling me that there was no support for the 3D in Quake yet. He was really wanting to tell me what they had on their agenda but they have not made it public yet so he wasn't at liberty - I told him that I understood and that it was fine, I was willing to wait a little bit, but I wanted to know if the company even planned on addressing the issue. He then told me DEFINITELY and that in a couple of weeks he thought I would be very happy with what the company was doing.
You can
I'd like to see some coordinated
My $.03 (inflation)
some productive commentary (Score:5)
This means you should find 800 numbers and email addresses for that company and BUG THE HELL out of them. Whining on Slashdot about a lack of support will get you nowhere. Turn that energy to more productive efforts and start letter-writing campaigns to get get Linux drivers AND SPECS from nVidia, ATI, and others. Call their 800 numbers daily. Let them know that Linux users will not sit quietly and wait for the powers-that-be to acknowledge us.