Quake 3 Arena goes Gold 128
Geek Dash Boy writes "I noted on Stomped that Quake 3 Arena has gone gold. There's no official news item on the Q3A web site, but two of the folks working on the game updated their .plan files with the news. " Mmm...much fragging to be done.
already? (Score:3)
-mike kania
Re:Gone Gold? (Score:1)
-mike kania
The place to purchase q3....at the Shugashack! (Score:3)
Here's the link [shugashack.com]
Re:Gone Gold? (Score:1)
I would assume that the saying comes from recording studios making masters of records, but gold dosent seem like a paticulary good metal to use. Its both expensive and soft.
But then agian, some CDR's loog gold, but if one actualy goes to the effort of making a physcial master then one would cough up the money for a good CDR which are the same colour as real CD's.
Re:Gone Gold? (Score:1)
ag (Score:1)
If you think you know what the hell is really going on you're probably full of shit.
Re:Gone Gold? (Score:1)
Re:Gone Gold? (Score:1)
Quake 3 Arena -- Not! (Score:3)
http://www.bluesnews.com [bluesnews.com]
More info: (Score:3)
On Quake III Arena's Status [Blue-9:05 PM EST] In addition to the clarification from Activision (next story) on Quake III Arena having not been officially declared gold yet, we received the following response from id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead regarding the game's completeness:
Re:Gone Gold? (Score:1)
From Id CEO (Score:2)
On Quake III Arena's Status [Blue-9:05 PM EST]
In addition to the clarification from Activision (next story) on Quake III Arena having not been officially declared gold yet, we received the following response from id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead regarding the game's completeness:
NOOO!!!! (Score:4)
Dammit ID, don't do this to us again... when Quake2 was released the network code was so bad it was unplayable on anything less than a T1, and there were all kinds of bugs in the rendering (artifacts being left around), and let's not get into the you-can-shoot-me-but-i-can't-die class of bugs.
Comeon guys, take a hint from these cool guys [blizzard.com] and wait until it really is ready to be shipped. We're willing to wait for a bug free product. The question is - are you willing to live with another poor release?
Blue's News says it ain't (Score:1)
Why would I wait? (Score:2)
I mean, unless Linux is the only platform that you use or something. People have been waiting for this game forever, it's pretty silly to expect them to wait to buy it while all their other buddies are already playing it.
Re:already? (Score:1)
This pretty much is a demo, the bug fixing stage was q3test versions 1.05-1.08.
Blizzard? Diablo had tons of bugs. (Score:1)
And I'll readily wager that Diablo II will have its fair share, too. Not that it'll keep me from checking it out, but we are talking about the computer game industry here.
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
Re:NOOO!!!! (Score:3)
For one thing, q3test has been played like crazy for about the last 4 months. There's easily 10,000 people playing it 5 hours a day. When you play that much, the Linux approach of the "1,000,000 eyes" method shows its strength. That's why Q3 is going to completely obliterate Unreal Tournament (besides being optimized like hell).
Quake 3 is *not* buggy.
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
I remember the recent article about this, but what's the latest word on how long the delay's going to be? If it's an insignificant amount of time, and Id really wants people to hold off, then they should put their money where their mouths are and delay the Windows version for a concurrent release. If it's a long delay, though, they're never going to be able to make it work -- gamers are the biggest members of the Gotta-Have-It-First club.
related...UT linux client download (Score:1)
You mean Activision CEO (Score:1)
Re:already? (Score:1)
-mike kania
Re:ag (Score:2)
If you are on the linux platform I suggest download the 3dfx minigl driver from 3dfx.
If you are on Win2k go to #win2000 on efnet. They have bots running that will point you into the right direciton.
Re:Q3A and UT (Score:1)
Trinity (Score:1)
Donald Roeber
Wal-Mart Reveals All (Score:1)
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
Re:Quake3 +voodoo3 (Score:2)
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
Personally, if I hadn't preordered the game back in February, i'd gladly hold off, since my windows machine is in a state of disrepair right now anyway.
Donald Roeber
Should not be gold yet... (Score:1)
BUT, it's not ready yet. The Windoze version, perhaps. The linux version, nope.
Maybe it's the drivers for the vidcard that I've been using, but it's just not even close to the same quality of the Windoze version. Certain textures don't display correctly (The new 'features' that were added). Metalic surfaces and such don't work at all. Perhaps if they get those things worked out before they consider 'pressing' this one, I'd rant less.
What about Unreal Tournament? (Score:1)
IMHO, Unreal is a much cooler game than any version of Quake anyday. Especially the upcoming Tournament which I've been demo playing steadily for the past few weeks.
Unreal is the coolest.
Pressured Release? (Score:2)
The netcode is very good... much better then q2 when it was released... and better then any other game in existance.. perhaps even QW?
The balance is pretty good... I have my issues with the mac gun and the shotgun and the lightning gun (along with the rail, but thats cause I'm a QW junkie and the rail is heresy
But I digress... what I meant to talk about was the fact that Q3 was announced as gold because UT was announced last week and was going to hit shelves Monday(today) or Tuesday... so ID needed to announce gold to keep people hopefull in its release.
For me... knowing that Q3 will be in my hands within' a week is reason enuf not to buy UT yet... anyone else feel the same way? probably.
Also I'm gonna have more game then I know what to do with when I get Ultima IX tomorrow.. mmmm ultima.
-Ecc (the quakin' avatar
Re:NOOO!!!! (Score:1)
Being a recent convert to FPS gaming, I'm interested in what makes Slashdotters prefer Q3A over UT - or vice versa.
Personally, I'm partial to some UT double-pistol action (think John Woo), and the low gravity maps. However, I am in awe of the Q3A graphics engine - despite the demo/test's overuse of brown
Your machine must be one of the few exceptions. (Score:1)
Dammit (Score:1)
Id have always been the best at this historically. But having played the demo of UT, I guess that I'll just have to support both companies !
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
Hey, you're talking to a guy who goes to record stores late on Monday nights because the lazy staff puts out Tuesday's new releases out before they close. It's all right if I have to wait longer along with everyone else, but I'll be damned if it's actually released and other people are playing it before me! ;-)
Actually, I won't get QA3 right away, if ever, 'cause I'm not really into that type of game, but I'm sure that there are plenty of people like me who are passionate about the game and aren't willing to wait.
Since it's the game maker itself who is pushing people to do this (as opposed to the Linux community), they should just fudge their own sales figures to make it look good for Linux -- there are plenty of ways to do it. Or do it legitimately, like by putting a coupon in the shrinkwrapped box that people can send in to be sent the Linux version on CD for the cost of shipping.
Re:Q3A and UT (Score:1)
I am very happy with how Q3 turned out. Probably more than any game we have done before, it's final form was very close to its initial envisioning.
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
It does feel rather "pushed".
I need to get a new video card.
Re:Should not be gold yet... (Score:1)
The linux (and mac) version(s) will not be on the win9x disk, and they wont be on shelves at the same time. The debate rages, but id has a good reason for doing it this way (separate disk, and a delay on the non win9x versions).
Assumably in a month or so when the linux and mac versions will go gold, thell have a month or so or more work done on them.
Incedently, you will beable to download the linux (and mac(?)) bins for the full version whenever it hits the shelves, but if you want to help id convince the gamming world to pay attention to !win9x crowd then hold off on buying the game until the linux version is out.
use the libMesaVoodooGl.so.3.1 (Score:2)
Re:Can I play multiplayer? (Score:2)
Re:Should not be gold yet... (Score:1)
Some advance warning about something that is sure to stir up some argument:
We should be handing off the masters for all three platforms within a day or two of each other, but they aren't going to show up in stores at the same time. Publishers, distributers, and stores are willing to go out of their way to expedite the arrival of the pc version, but they just won't go to the same amount of trouble for mac and linux boxes.
THE EXECUTABLES FOR ALL PLATFORMS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS. This means that if you want to play on the mac or linux, don't pick up a copy of the pc version and expect to download the other executables.
I think I read it correctly the first time. It's not ID's decision to hold back the Linux, Mac. In their opinion, they're ALL ready to be shipped. Linux / Mac are not being held back because of completion issuses, it's the retailers that are doing it.
Anyway, this is more interesting:
I am going to spend more time on some Free Software projects. I have been stealing a few hours here and there to work on the matrox glx project for a while now, and it has been pretty rewarding. People with an interest in the guts of a 3D driver might want to look at the project archives at http://glx.on.openprojects.net/. The web pages aren't very up to date, but the mailing list covers some good techie information.
any bets... (Score:1)
Anyone else notice that Carmak had a worklog update after Antkow's "gold" announcement?
Whatever happened to it "being done when it's done"?
Why is the sky plaid?
yes, these are all probably rhetorical.
Re:already? (Score:1)
(the above was tounge in cheek)
Rule #1: (Score:1)
Rule #2:
Don't talk about Gotta-Have-It-First club.
Re:NOOO!!!! (Score:1)
Don't get me wrong, the id guys have always proclaimed they'll ship the game "when it's done" and they pretty much stick to that. And if I'm not mistaken, their games usually have less ship-time bugs than others (chalk that up to excellent quality code). But when you weigh the importance of "sell a million christmas copies" and "ship a 100% bug free game," I dont blame them, and I think anyone would do the same thing.
Your attention please everyone, if I could just say a few words... I would be a better public speaker.
Re:already? (Score:1)
Hate to abuse my karma, but... (Score:2)
2) If no such list exists, any idea whether or not a g400 will be able to support it? As I understand it, the matroxes have better accelerated X scores than anyone else, and since I use X a hell of a lot more than I'd ever play Quake, I'm probably going to buy one of them soon. Any thoughts?
Re:use the libMesaVoodooGl.so.3.1 (Score:1)
Should I compile Mesa and use some lib optimized for my system? Will I see a performance increase doing this?
Re:Q3A and UT (Score:1)
An Apology for the Devil: it must be remembered that we have only heard one side of the case. God has written all the books. -Samuel Butler
Why did they break the demo??? (Score:1)
This demo is horrible, in my opinion. I loved the Quake 3: Arena Test because it ran pretty well on my system, with little configuration at all. Great frame rate, no slowdowns (Voodoo2 on a 333Mhz P2) and I thought the graphics were better than good. But this Demo is horrible! To not get visual artifacting and texture map errors I have to run it with vertex lighting instead of lightmap, which is not only ugly as sin but seems to slow the game down! No shitting! The server list won't save the servers between sessions, so that I have to reload the whole list when I inevitably get onto a server that stinks the first couple of times! But frankly, the worst was the fact that they have support for so few cards. I know that Linux support of 3d video cards is minimal, but this is pathetic! Having to use my Voodoo2 instead of my TNT2 Ultra is not good, in my opinion, and I think they could have done a better job on that. And I know that someone got the TNT2 to work with acceptable framerates, but it requires a lower version X (3.3.1 as opposed to 3.3.5) and I am not willing to deal with that sort of hassle for a stupid game.
Now I'm back to playing GNU Chess all the time... though not as much asthetic fun as Quake3, at least it runs quite well. Great framerate too!
Re:already? (Score:2)
The demo was fairly stable on both platforms I played it. I must admit I was hoping they would work a little more on the AI (specifically: make the damn bots harder), but I don't think a bot will ever satisfy me.
Id have given up on the idea of releasing a patchless product anyways, from what JC wrote about the Linux/Mac releases, one can gather than he believes he will have to update it sometime after Christmas. Hopefully there won't be any really nasty bugs until then (security issues are the killer, but they can often be solved with server only patches).
Problems wih misplaced textures and stuff sounds like a bug with your graphics card. Perhaps you should look into making sure you have the lastest drivers/OpenGL for it.
We cannot reason ourselves out of our basic irrationality. All we can do is learn the art of being irrational in a reasonable way.
Trolls & Truffles (Score:1)
I wonder if you can use Trolls to find things? I suppose if I wanted to locate pig dung, a troll would be the right way to go. *nods*
Re:Better ways to click... (Score:1)
Re:NOOO!!!! (Score:1)
r_mode 2 r_colorbits 16
r_vertexlighting 1
r_subdivisions 999
r_lodbias 2
cg_gibs 0
cg_draw3dicons 0
cg_brassTime 0
cg_marks 0
cg_shadows 0
cg_simpleitems 1
cg_drawAttacker 0
com_maxfps 0
com_blood 0
Re:Hate to abuse my karma, but... (Score:2)
The Linux version requires a supported hardware 3D acceleration card. The
following have been tested:
o 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics based cards
o Maxtrox G200/G400
Other cards of similar make and model may work, but are not supported.
Re:The place to purchase q3....at the Shugashack! (Score:1)
Re:.plan files?! (Score:1)
Check out http://finger.planetquake.com/ [planetquake.com] for PlanetQuake's game designer
Chris Dunham
use the old libMesaVoodoo.so.3.1 (Score:1)
play with the old libMesaVoodoo.so.3.1 from q3test 1.08 and things will look MUCH nicer.
I was really impressed with how much better it looks compared to q3test
'course it does hang on me every once in a while, and q3test never did.
well, UT hangs on me every other game..... Q3Demo not nearly as often.
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
Re:use the libMesaVoodooGl.so.3.1 (Score:1)
Re:NOOO!!!! (Score:1)
Yeah, yeah...they apologized and promised never to do it again. The point is, nobody's perfect.
will q3a gold finally work for me??? (Score:1)
Voodoo X owners, read this! (Score:2)
[spong@deadzone ~] setenv MESA_GLX_FX fullscreen
(or in bash:)
[spong@deadzone ~] export MESA_GLX_FX=fullscreen
Ok, I'm pretty sure most of you know how to set environment variables (if not, you probably shouldn't be using Linux) but it seems that a lot more newbies seem to be in this discussion than usual.
BTW this doesn't work for anything besides Voodoo drivers, AFAIK, and not on the G200/G400 or TNT/TNT2. The demo works fine with those cards though (I have a TNT2 and it's very playable, although much more playable under NT... *grumble*)
"Software is like sex- the best is for free"
-Linus Torvalds
Re:already? (Score:1)
While agree that it is a bit behind 3d wise, once he dropped a few graphics options down he still got quite a good display.
However, he just HATES the Demo version. The graphics server was changed or something he is getting less than half the frame rates (40 fps to ~18 fps).
Plus some of the textures (railgun room in q3test1) are now displaying just ugly where before they
were just like mine (I use a Voodoo 2). We went through and compared everything under driver info and they were all the same.
We sent a bug report with screenshots to ID, no response yet.
The demo he finds crashes _much_ more often than the test, as do I. (Win32 and Linux platforms respectively).
Overall we both have found the Demo version to just be a lower quality game than the test (1.08) was.
Just our 2 cents...
Re:Why did they break the demo??? (Score:1)
Hello??!! ID is not in the business of writing videocard drivers, they write kick-ass games. Johnc IS helping us write the Matrox G200/G400 drivers but if you need to complain about lacking or inferior TNT2 support you should go knock on NVidia's door.
Yeah, Quake3TEST runs at a full 30fps on my G200 + PII 233, playable. It takes some work (installing agpgart module and such) but it is well worth the trouble.
Re:NOOO!!!! (Score:1)
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:2)
If you buy it in the Linux box you are supporting the Linux cause. 'nuff said.
John's newest .plan update seems interesting.. (Score:1)
I am going to spend more time on some Free Software projects. I have been stealing a few hours here and there to work on the matrox glx project for a while now, and it has been pretty rewarding. People with an interest in the guts of a 3D driver might want to look at the project archives at http://glx.on.openprojects.net/. The web pages aren't very up to date, but the mailing list covers some good techie information.
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
Re:Pressured Release? (Score:1)
I have been playing it since the first test, it has solid gameplay. Far better than the first Q2 release. Q3 has gone through a much longer "test" period, than Q2 did. Therefore Q3 will be in a better state than Q2 at release time.
All one needs to do is play the demo and see for themselves. Why would a person think the game will digress?
A 6 month beta test can't be considered a pressured release.
BTW, as for waiting for the Linux version. Just go get your self the win32 version, and then buy a Linux copy when it comes out. I payed $40 for Q2, and played it countless hours over the last 2 years. Thats a good investment for my entertainment dollars. I wouldn't have a problem shelling out $80 for a good cause, and to a company which has provided me with sooo much entertainment over the last 5 years.
Re:Quake3 no wont work :( (Score:1)
but the game running slowly like you say, and you have a voodoo 3, would leave me to believe you did not install the 3dfx device driver, available on the 3dfx page. try insmod 3dfx.so
Re:NOOO!!!! (Score:2)
Regardless of whether this is true or not (the lasest demo release had great network code and did not bug at all for me) I have to wonder a little about why you would really care so much?
I mean, you obviously have a good Internet connection (seeing as you can post to slashdot 84 times a day), and you won't miss the news, so downloading a couple of megabytes of patch won't be that big of a deal for you.
I know that this is not true for some people, but personally I would rather have buggy version of Q3 tomorrow, and then a bug-free patch in 2 months, than having to wait 2 months to play the game at all. I would think the same would go for you.
Obviously I would be careful before paying for a game I knew was buggy, but with id I know that they have a 100% clean sheet on always making patches to fix all the bugs. I have no doubt they will do the same this time.
We cannot reason ourselves out of our basic irrationality. All we can do is learn the art of being irrational in a reasonable way.
I agree (Score:1)
Ug, I'm sticking with 1.08 as long as I can...
Re:NOOO!!!! (Score:1)
This is a true statement. I was playing it at a lan party a few days ago, and it played nice, very very nice.
I cant wait to get my tin box.
Re:Why would I wait? (Score:1)
rschaar{at}pegasus.cc.ucf.edu if it's important.
WHOO-HOO!!!! (Score:1)
Re:Glide ??? (Score:1)
rschaar{at}pegasus.cc.ucf.edu if it's important.
Q3A vs UT (Score:1)
Is it better to buy the Unreal Tournament Windows version, download the Linux binaries, then tell them that you're using Linux (only)?
Or is it better to buy the Quake 3: Arena Linux edition instead, then get the Windows binaries at a later time, if you want them as well?
Personally, I wanted to buy both, but now I consider buying another Linux Q3A instead of a Windows UT - one more Linux customer, one less Windows customer, and more support for those who fully support Linux!
Re: (Score:1)
Getting Demo to work on Linux + TNT2 (Score:1)
My video card is a Viper 770 Ultra.
Anyhow, I got the RPM of Q3Demo and installed it with the -i --nodeps option (I have a script which automates this for me).
Next, I got the non-dyn GLX drivers from nVidia's FTP site, and untarred and installed them.
Then I ran XF86Setup (case counts, xset.tgz must be installed [on Slackware 7.0]), and picked all resoltions from 640x480 through 1152x870 (you can pick whatever you want, just make sure you have 1152x870 in there (don't ask), and I picked 16bit color as my default display color.
Then I loaded up X and ran Q3Demo with the option to use the GL.so driver that nVidia had installed for me (hehe).
And POW it worked just fine. I can't change between resolutions, I have to stay at 640x480,f if anyone knows why it is crashing, lemme know please. I also only get 10~15FPS (at settings where its normal to get 60+FPS in Windows) but I hear it is a common thing to be sluggish, but hey, XFree86 4.0 is coming, don't worry!
Anyhoo, that's how I did it, and it is at least playable to a certain extent. I'm sure going to be showing it off at the next LAN party!
BTW: sound works perfectly.
PS: It would be nice to see the 16-bit limit removed, wouldn't it? All in due time (XFree86 4.0!).
Da-Da-Da Datz it doc!
Re:Getting Demo to work on Linux + TNT2 (Score:1)
2) I will BUY the Windows version when it comes out
3) It's just so darned fun to see what Linux can do with enough effort, I coulnt't resist the urge