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Tribes 1 And Tribes 2 Free Downloads Available 96

James Cho writes "Starsiege: TRIBES (typically known as "Tribes 1") and Tribes 2 for the PC have been released for free download via FilePlanet by Vivendi Universal Games [also try the Tribes 2 BitTorrent link]. The two games stand as pioneers of the outdoor combat sub-genre of first person shooters and of all multiplayer games, influencing Halo and UT2004 among other games. Tribes 1 was the first multiplayer-only shooter, whereas Tribes 2 extended the core unique elements of its predecessor to a greater scale and depth. With this [previously mentioned on Slashdot] free release, VUG is stirring up anticipation for the release of the third Tribes game, Tribes: Vengeance." You'll need to enter a form to get a CD key to play Tribes 2 online.
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Tribes 1 And Tribes 2 Free Downloads Available

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  • Good (Score:5, Informative)

    by AstrumPreliator ( 708436 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @02:48PM (#9055324)
    You know it might not be cutting edge graphics or anything but these two games are good. I remember playing Tribes a long time ago and it was such a unique style of play that drew me in. I haven't found a game quite like it yet and I still don't mind playing the original Tribes every now and then.

    Tribes 2 of course had some problems at the beginning, but it's pretty solid now. The game is still fun, supports up to 64 players on a server, and if you like using a lot of vehicles this game is pretty awsome.

    I would definetely suggest downloading either or both of these games and try it out, very fun.
    • Can anyone verify if the download includes the Linux binaries for Tribes 2, or does some other entity control those ?
      • The guys from have talked with Vivendi Universal Games and recieved an offical response []: the Linux version will not be givien away. Note that you can still get the Linux dedicated server files [], so you can at least use the free Windows version of T2 in order to host a server on Linux.

        Apparently Tuxgames is sold out [] of the letfover Linux versions from Loki's firesale, and there's nothing on ebay []. Looks like T2 won't work [] in WineX as well.

        Sometimes you just don't get a break being a Linu

        • It is a huge shame that the linux T2 client isn't available for love or money at this point.

          Note that this release is advance hype for T3 (Tribes:Vengeance), which Sierra will not produce even a Linux server for.

          But the Winblows T2 client does work fairly well with WineX. (I'm using latest WineX from CVS.)

          It's not perfect. Particular maps either load and play fine, or they take so long to load that the server times out.

          Also, DefenseTurret (the anti-cheat equivalent of Punkbuster) won't work under Win

    • Just wondering -

      I never played Tribes 1 or 2. How/why was it better than other FPSs? Could you give me some ideas? My last final is this friday and I dont start working for the summer for a while, so I have a lot of gaming to catch up on. Just wondering if this is worth my time...
      • Well it's just unique. They both use very large maps and there are of course vehicles. You can choose many different roles but in the end you have to work together.

        You could be defense in a heavy armor and set up turrets, sensores, and defend the base with heavy weapons. Or you could be medium armor (which I never found useful). And of course you can be light armor. You can be a sniper, flag capper, or base infiltrator (to name a few).

        You can't just be a complete gung-ho team though. If you have no one
      • I played a lot of Tribes 2. It's unique as far as FPS games go and it's somewhat an aquired taste. Most FPS games, at this point, I can pick up and be successful in. They are either run fast and shoot accurately, or move carefully shoot accurately. Tribes, is about thinking tactically and moving fast by moving precisely - that's some weirdness introduced by everybody wearing a jet pack.

        Unless you're sniping, accurate shooting is less about putting the cursor on the other guy and pulling the trigger and mo
    • Ya, this is a very good game. The graphics are quite good, actually, if your computer is good enough.
  • I am truly stoked (Score:4, Interesting)

    by jguevin ( 453329 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @02:57PM (#9055449)
    Lost my Tribes 1 CD several years ago, and Tribes 2 was just never the same (even w/o considering bugs). Tribes 1 has such clean, refined gameplay, and I love the way you can drop into a game and instantly be a contributing member of the team. I'm sure other games must have that, too, but now that I can play Tribes again, I don't care!
    • Crappy crap, download from fileplanet failed its own CRC check. And I can't even get mad, because it's free!

      Ok, I can be a little mad.
    • I dunno what the fuss is all about the free downloads. Now that unreal 2004 is out in the market, it is definitely a superior game in all shape way or form than tribes 1 + 2.

      Gimme that troll -5 flamebait, but considering how much I used to play tribes... this publicity stunt is a little late.
      • Unreal may be better for you, but I have a 1Ghz Celeron and GeForce 2, so I think the choice is clear for me. And does Unreal 2004 have jetpacks? Jetpacks!!!

        Yeah, it's a publicity stunt, and it won't make me buy the next Tribes, but I will happily take advantage of the stunt nonetheless.
        • Just for the record, my younger brother's PC has a 900MHz celeron, and a GF2MX, and it runs UT2004 just fine. And it's one of those craptacular $400 Wal-Mart Special HP Pavilions, from about 3 years ago. The only adjustments that have been made for it are upgrading from WinME to XP Pro, moving up from 128 to 384MB PC133, and adding the aforementioned GF2MX. You didn't mention how much RAM yours had, but it sounds like the machine should be able to run UT2K4 without too many problems. I'd suggest getting the
      • This is a late post, but I'm curious what a former tribes player see in UT2K4. I tried the demo for a week, and I'd stick with T1 or even T2 any day.
  • by ChaseTec ( 447725 ) <> on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @02:58PM (#9055461) Homepage
    I know Loki made the Linux version of Tribes 2 and they are out of business now and a quick scan didn't show any free Linux client downloads. Since all the game data should be the same does anyone know of a free binary for Linux?
    • by Kleedrac2 ( 257408 ) <{moc.liamtoh} {ta} {cardeelk}> on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @03:07PM (#9055562) Homepage
      Also I'm curious if the free CDKey from will work with the Loki released Linux Tribes 2 CD if I can find it ... anyone know?

      • *IIRC*, I think the program itself didn't need the key. The key was used to create an online account with your name, a password, email addy, stats, etc.
      • chances are good that it will. i have both the windows and the linux version and i only ever used the account created with the windows version to playing in linux.

        the cd key is just a one time thing to create an account anyway, after that, you just log into the account.

        i dont even think the account or authentication server know whether you're using windows or linux. i vaguely remember loki having a user poll asking them to implement some code to figure out whether someone is using the linux version or not
      • Tribes 2's only serial number authorization system is online in their servers. Therefore, any CD key that works on the Windows version will work on the Linux version.
    • There is no way to install Tribes 2 on Linux with the Windows CD (like you can with Quake 3, UT, RTCW). You need the actual Tribes 2 Linux CD, which unfortunately the publisher has no plans on selling any more so you are out of luck.

      The only way to get Tribes 2 running in Linux if you don't have it already is to download the ISO off your favourite P2P network. It may not be legal, but depriving people access to your work after you've finished raking in the cash is against the original spirit of copyright,
    • I hadn't heard that Sierra had made any official statement releasing the Linux version for free distribution, but it's in Gentoo's packages [].
  • Stuff you need (Score:3, Informative)

    by BrookHarty ( 9119 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @03:13PM (#9055650) Journal
    For tribes2, I recommend getting some updated scripts to help things out. Panama Jack [] has some good scripts for T1/T2. I use Writers [] also.

    Also not sure if they removed the cd check, but I used the no-cd patch tfc_t2v24834. I would figure they would, but I actually bought 2 copies of tribes2 for lan parties back in the day. Bot play is still fun, and on 2ghz+ machines, large bot matches with AA/AF turned on is smooth.

    See you on a server soon!

    • The latest patch for Tribes 2 removed the CD check on Windows back when the Dynamix closure was just announced. Perhaps that was Dynamix's last and final gift to the community ?

      The Linux version never had a CD check. Neither did Tribes 1 on Windows which incidently ran rather well for me with Wine on Linux.
  • by terracon ( 70374 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @03:20PM (#9055778) Homepage
    For you new Tribes2 players out there that are just coming online. A great resource for information is at oad&name=phpBB_14&file=index&action=viewforum&foru m=15 . Please bookmark this page as it contains many many excellent strategies for playing on Houston of Miami Vehicles.
  • Tribes 2 was the first game where I saw vehicular combat combined with the regular 1st-person combat style. Anyone who's a fan of Unreal Tournament 2004 should enjoy this one, and why not? It's something you don't have to shell out 40 bucks for!
  • CD key? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by flibbidyfloo ( 451053 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @03:53PM (#9056287)
    Not to be dense, but is there a way to get an online key other than waiting in line at fileplanet? They usually don't give you a key unless you run their installer these days.

    I downloaded the stuff from one of the mirrors right away, but can't play online without a key I assume.

    I filled in the form on fileplanet, but didn't get an email within half an hour, so I don't know if they are emailing me one or if it will require the FP installer.
    • I'm also still waiting for the email.
      • I tried that link about 8 times with no luck. It tells me I have to login, I guess I have to login twice.
    • Re:CD key? (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      I filled in the form on fileplanet, but didn't get an email within half an hour, so I don't know if they are emailing me one or if it will require the FP installer.
      umm, it seems to be an IE only style page. I tried 3 times in the ol' firefox to no avail. Put your /. pride aside and launch IE and visit this page [] again.

      Sorry to AC, but've I modded this one a lot and don't want it to go to waste.
      • Correct, Firefox wouldn't work for me either. Went through in IE. I didn't take the time to figure out what the problem is.
      • I used firefox and it gave me a correct key, and I got the e-mail about 15 minutes later. So the standard Mozilla questions:

        1. What operating system are you working on?

        2. Are you using a standard build or a nightly?

        Standard build running on WinXP worked for me.
    • Yeah, the old fashioned way, buy Tribes2. Very recently (month or two) I saw it on sale at Best Buy in Atlanta for $9.99. I bought my own copy there about a year ago and it's the best $10 bucks I ever spent. I also got a copy of the linux version and play it on FreeBSD.

      Anyway, the website now says that downloads and CD-keys are "temporarily unavailable" due to high demand. Get yourself a key or used account fast. This game is beyond awesome.
  • by rmohr02 ( 208447 ) * <.ude.uso. .ta. .24.rhom.> on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @04:06PM (#9056488)
    I don't know about T1, but T2 definitely had a version for Linux that I've been trying to find for about a year now. I've looked through these links and can't find anything relating to a download of it--has anyone else seen if there's a Linux download?
  • Good! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by DeadboltX ( 751907 )
    I bought tribes2 back in the day and I loved it, unfortunately as time goes on the ammount of good servers goes down.

    Hopefully this will reintroduce a lot of players to the game and get those servers back up there!
  • by evil-osm ( 203438 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @04:20PM (#9056661)
    (@n s0me0ne p05t the|r tr|be5 key. | \/\/@nn@ p|@y. Woot!
  • CD Key Link (Score:5, Informative)

    by Borodimer ( 201221 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @05:02PM (#9057149) Homepage
    For some odd reason you have to use a seperate link to actually get your Tribes 2 CD Key.

    The link for generating the key is [].
    And yes, you do have to veryify your email address on your Fileplanet account BEFORE you go to that page.
  • by codexus ( 538087 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @05:11PM (#9057237)
    Maybe today is a good day to frag noobs ^_^
  • Remember this (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    This is Vivendi Universal here. The same people that shutdown OSS projects like bnetd by using bogus DMCA lawsuits. I won't touch any of their shit, even if they give it away. They are without honor.
  • Mac Version (Score:2, Informative)

    by feyhunde ( 700477 )
    Darn, it seems the mac version and 'nix versions aren't available to us. Either that or I am really wrong. Some one correct me please.
  • Wow, this is great, now all my friends can re-enjoy one of the best games ever. It will be just like before they fscked it up. Only if I could find the necessary stuff to run a tribes 2 linux server in classic mode. Anyone know where to get it from and what the newest version is???
  • y0!!111 (Score:1, Redundant)

    by Kizzle ( 555439 )
    H3y I n33d a S3rial f0r t3h tr1bes c@n someboody helllP me plz ok thx bye lol
  • Forgive the stupid question but, does BF:1942 run on a Tribes2 derived engine?

    I enjoyed Tribes2 but never had the computing muscle to enjoy a jitter-free game. So I went back to Q3A.
    • I run both T2 and BF servers, and can tell you that BF is a real pig in comparison. I have a dual-CPU setup and a single 24-man BF server uses up a CPU, while multiple T2 servers running up to 50 people (total) barely make it sweat. The BF server uses somewhat more bandwidth, but it's a real hog on CPU and memory. Click on the URL under my name to check out the servers.
  • Free releases (Score:3, Interesting)

    by RotJ ( 771744 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @08:25PM (#9059130) Journal
    The best free game I've played was Betrayal at Krondor when Sierra decided to give it away to promote Betrayal in Antara. I also would have never discovered Red Baron had Sierra not also given that away to promote, eh, Red Baron 2.
  • Tribes 2 and onward (Score:2, Interesting)

    by thebdj ( 768618 )
    Tribes 2 for some reason had a problem gaining a great following. Many of the old fanboys of Tribes complained they weren't the same game (*sings* Cry Me a River *sings*). But to be honest the game modes, maps, and graphics made Tribes 2 a great game at the time. It is one of the few games to appropriately combine normal combat with vehicle combat. (Battlefield and UT 2004 being the others)
    I still play Tribes 2 a lot and no matter how much they change the game I will buy Tribes: Vengeance. I think som
  • Hehe... (Score:3, Funny)

    by Brutus (moo) ( 661605 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @10:46PM (#9060111)
    I remember back in the day I bought Tribes II for 240 NIS (4.5NIS=$1) many years ago was months, yup that's right, I bought Tribes II two months ago and now they're deciding to release it for free, well atleast now I'll have people to play with :)
  • by Molochi ( 555357 ) on Wednesday May 05, 2004 @12:57AM (#9060779)

    I think it is funny that this is an "old game". I still go back and play on fully populated 32 player servers. guess there will be more now. The graphics don't look too dated for a DX7/OGL game, very nice textures. Infinite size levels are cool (I hate running into the invisible wall in UT2k4). I wish UTOnslaught had T2's bomber as well. Or the HAVOC. 5 Juggernaughts jumpjeting from a Havoc troop carrier amid a rain of Fusion Mortars is still a sublime pleasure for me...

    Tribes 2 was a "must upgrade" game for me and required a pretty cutting edge machine to run well at the time it was being patched into completion ('nuff said). It "made" me go from 128MB to 256MB (critical to get rid of the worst of the swapping) and finally to 512MB RAM ( the game + system uses about 350MB I estimated). It ran poorly on a GF2MX (32MB SDR), fair on a radeonVIVO (64MB DDR), good a GF2PRO (64MB), and great on anything faster. Processor speed wasn't as critical, any +800Mhz P3/Athlon seemed to work fine.

    Nowadays, a sub 2GHz AMD budget box with NForce2 integrated graphics (and 1/2Gig of 333DDR) should be enough for this game. All those P4Celeron w/ GF4MX420s should love this game. Got a laptop with radeon or nvidia graphics? Try T2.

    • Infinite size levels are cool (I hate running into the invisible wall in UT2k4).
      Tribes 2 levels are not infinitly sized: "You are leaving the mission area. Return or take damage."

      While you could in theory travel as far as you want to, there are penalties for doing so. The most major one is being told repeatedly by the team leader to get back in the battle, followed by being kicked by an admin for refusing to pull your weight.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Has anyone actually gotten a CD key out of these pricks? God I hate file planet. All this downloading and they're page constantly errors (says my validated Email need validation, blah blah blah) when I try to generate one.

    Pooh on you guys.
    • It took me several tries, but I eventually just got my key. (Using Konqueror.) I was also cheesed that the GameSpyID sign-up questionnaire didn't have a checkbox for Linux gamers :P Of course, I'm also mad about the Linux version not being up for download.

      Fileplanet reminds me of Real in that they are both internet companies with seemingly marginal business models that have to be really annoying in order to make any money.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
