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The Dreamcast 7 Years Old and Still Marching 44

Craig writes "The Dreamcast turned 7 only a few days ago but still the amateur developers and fans keep the Dream alive, only a week ago was the final of the DreamOn Coding Competition and today the announcement of a new Commercial Shootemup. The Scene centres around DCEmu with multinational support from French & Spanish sites with the majority of releases stored at Dreamcast Homebrew."
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The Dreamcast 7 Years Old and Still Marching

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  • Dreamcast Linux (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    This makes me wonder how ol' Dreamcast Linux [] is coming along...
    • NetBSD [] for Dreamcast is still around. Someone was able to get 3.0 BETA to boot. The only problem is that the ethernet adaptor (aka "broad-band adaptor") costs more than the game machine itself and can only be easily found on ebay.
  • Dreamcast was seriously wounded, but the soul still burns!
  • I just bought a new RF unit for my system last week. The dreamcast was the best all around console ever. It gave excellent graphics for the time at a fare price. The games were innovative and the online play was fun! With some great launch titles they easily had one of the best launches ever. If only they hadn't had such a hard time with the Saturn Sega would still be an industry leader instead of a digital pimp for a pachinko company!
  • This is coming to you from Aviation Radio Station. The year is 2045. Who thought of this? I don't know! But it's a crazy tournament of cool battles in the sky. Aviation Battle Championships begin! Proud warriors of the world's skies gather in hopes of winning the prize!

    All Dreamcast fanatics out there, check out my PROPELLER ARENA FAN SITE []. I've amassed quite a nice bit of info and media on this lost (but also found) Dreamcast masterpiece by Sega/AM2.

  • NES games (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Eightyford ( 893696 ) on Saturday December 03, 2005 @08:34PM (#14175801) Homepage
    The best thing about the dreamcast was the ability to run NesterDC on it. You could burn your own disc with 100 nintendo games on it and play them without a mod chip or even a boot disk. NesterDC even supports save states and game genie codes.

    Who needs the Nintendo Revolution for that?
    • Psst. You can do that on your Xbox without modding it, too. And you can have the entire NES library.
      • You can do that on your Xbox without modding it, too.

        Nope. The new version of MechAssault has had that buffer overflow fixed, and it's not always possible to tell the difference without opening the box. In addition, the Xbox 1.6's dashboard no longer has the soft-modding bug.

    • Anybody who wants to play N64 and GameCube games as well. Don't get me wrong, it's neat you can do that with a DC (may even dust mine off and tinker with that) but the Rev still has value in that arena.
      • Re:NES games (Score:3, Insightful)

        by miyako ( 632510 )
        Actually, this brings up one of the things that I think might hurt the Revolutions backwards compatibility. I have a pretty large collection of NES, SNES and N64 roms. The main reason I use emulators for these systems is that I simply do not have room to have all of them hooked up to my TV along with a Game Cube, PS2, DVD player, etc.
        The other thing though, is that a lot of these emulators offer a lot of additional features, cheat finders being a big one. Being able to use game genie or PAR replay codes
  • pffft! (Score:1, Funny)

    Uhg, you guys are SO behind the times. EVERYONE knows that the 360 is the new dreamcast, duh!
  • I miss my dreamcast. I bought one when it first came out and got all the neat toys. It looked so good with the VGA adapter. Soul Caliber II was awesome. I even liked Shenmue. Sold it to get a XBOX. Missed it ever since. Been seriously considering getting a used one though, ever since the 360 came out. Might just do it for christmas...
  • 7 years? Pah... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by LocalH ( 28506 ) on Saturday December 03, 2005 @11:40PM (#14176532) Homepage
    The Commodore 64 is over 20 years old and there is still a demoscene.
  • I bought a MIB Dreamcast on Ebay a couple of years ago for £22 (aprox. $38) and frankly it has been one of the best bargains I ever bought. There's tons of classic software available for very little money (REZ anyone) but best of all so much great homebrew stuff. Emulators, media players, orginal games, apps, loads of fun stuff. Instead of dropping some cash on a new PS2 or PC title buy a Dreamcast and some CDRs you wont regret it.
  • I currently own a Dreamcast, Gamecube, and and Xbox. I used to own a Playstation 2, but I got rid of it after I got sick of Sony strongarming game manufacturers away from making 2D games. Of all those systems, the Dreamcast is still the one I use the one most often. Even if a new game pulls me to my computers or another console for a while, I eventually go back to the Dreamcast for the original releases of Street Fighter Zero 3, Ikaruga, and Marvel vs. Capcom 2. It is definately my favorite system of the cu
  • by Man In Black ( 11263 ) <ze-ro&shaw,ca> on Sunday December 04, 2005 @01:00AM (#14176731) Homepage
    I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned, but the Goat Store is also releasing Cool Herders [] really soon, which would be the 4th title they've published for the system (The others being Feet of Fury [], Inhabitants [], and Maqiupai []). I have my copy on pre-order and am very much looking forward to it. These releases may not be as extravagant as "regular" commercial releases, but they're still plenty of fun.
  • Quake 3 has to be the best console port on the DC. The DC has to be the best console that man created.
  • Aside from my NES and SNES, the DC was the best system I ever owned. It was the first system I took a chance with buying used games for and never regretted it. From games like the addictive as hell Crazy Taxi to Ikaruga, KoF 99', Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2, Soul Calibur, Sonic, you name it this little beast had it. I logged more hours into playing it then I ever did my N64, or even my Sega Saturn (god what a mistake asking for it one christmas was, in hindsight).

    I've still got my DC but I think it's broken.

  • For a DC revival. I always thought consumers gave up to easy with Sega, they should have been more vocal and even if SEGA would still have bowed out of hardware there could have still been life.

    Now, however, is the perfect time for a comeback. people disillusioned with the 360 and PS3, high costs, complex controls, and unoriginal games are clamoring for something to fill the void. If people played their cards right, the DC could see a massive revival. News such as this keep my personal hope alive that the t
  • I fondly remember the days when my Gillmen used to put me down and make fun of me. The Dreamcast had some of the most innovative and engaging quality software. It definitely wasn't given enough time to reach its potential, I'm sure devlopers could have really wowed us with its capabilities. I remember DOA2 looked far better on the Dreamcast than the PS2 version. I just don't think peeople gave it a fair chance.

I have a very small mind and must live with it. -- E. Dijkstra
